地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (8): 983-989 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.08.007

Orginal Article


王波1, 甄峰23**

1. 香港大学地理系,香港 999077
2. 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,南京 210093
3. 南京大学人文地理研究中心,南京 210093

The role of distance in online social networks: A case study of Sina micro-blog

WANG Bo1, ZHEN Feng23*

1. Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China
2. School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
3. Human Geography Research Center of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

通讯作者:  甄峰(1973-),男,陕西汉中人,教授,博导,从事城市地理与区域规划、智慧城市研究,E-mail:zhenfeng@nju.edu.cn

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41571146)






关键词: 空间距离 ; 关系距离 ; 网络社区 ; 信息通信技术 ; 新浪微博


The rapid development of information and communication technologies has brought numerous electronic communication modes ((mobile) phone, short message service, email, and recently the popular online social networking sites) that have been expected to influence the role of spatial and relational distances in interpersonal interactions. Based on online "traces" of Sina micro-blog users' interactions in the last two weeks, respondents in our questionnaire survey were required to record and answer questions of (1) who did you interact more often, locals or non-locals and (2) who did you interact more often, acquaintances or strangers in real life. Answers were used in our analysis of the role of spatial distance and relational distance in online social networks. Our findings show that (1) there is a clear tendency of respondents interacting with locals and acquaintances in their real life; (2) respondents' tendency to interact with locals and acquaintances is impacted by their socioeconomic traits, living environment, and information and communication technologies use; (3) theoretically online social networking sites enable users to overcome the distance decay effects and thereby to enlarge their social networks. However, spatial and relational distances sustained the social networks in real life in interpersonal interactions in online social networks.

Keywords: spatial distance ; relational distance ; online social network ; information and communication technology ; Sina micro-blog


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王波, 甄峰. 网络社区交流中距离的作用——以新浪微博为例[J]. , 2016, 35(8): 983-989 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.08.007

WANG Bo, ZHEN Feng. The role of distance in online social networks: A case study of Sina micro-blog[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(8): 983-989 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.08.007

1 引言

距离一直是地理学研究关注的核心概念与研究议题(Tobler, 1970; 胡兆量, 1991; 王波等, 2013, 2014)。特别是,随着以互联网为代表的信息通信技术在全球的快速发展及在人们日常生活中的渗透与影响,不断挑战着这一传统的规律,部分学者甚至发出“距离的死亡”“空间、城市与地理的终结”等惊叹(O'brien, 1992; Cairncross, 2001)。而与此相对应的是,人流、物流、资本流仍然集聚在全球范围内的重要节点城市,并且城市间流的强度随着距离的增加而逐渐衰减(Goetz, 1992; Mitchelson et al, 1994; Matsumoto, 2004)。在信息时代下,距离在实体空间和虚拟空间中的二重作用,不但没有削弱物质要素在空间上的分散,反而进一步强化空间的集聚效应,特别是在高等级城市以及这些城市中心地区的集聚(王波等, 2014)。但已有的研究大多聚焦于距离在实体空间中活动的作用,而较少关注到距离在虚拟空间中活动的作用。随着电话、短信、邮件、QQ、微博等一系列电子交流方式的普及,“全球本地化”(Glocalization)成为现代社会人们社会关系的新特征,表现为:在空间距离上不断延伸的社会关系网络与基于本地的社会关系网络并存;在关系距离[①关系距离指在社会关系中对方重要性的区别,例如熟人相对于陌生人关系距离更近。]上不断延伸的社会关系网络与基于熟人的社会关系网络并存(Wellman et al, 1979)。以新浪微博为代表的新型网络社区,已经成为人们网络交流的重要媒介之一。与面对面交流,电话、短信、邮件等传统交流方式不同,新型网络社区的开放性特征为人们提供了基于“弱关系”[②新型网络社区为人们提供了一个构建网络社会关系的媒介。从好友关系形成与联系的建立来看,这一网络社会关系并不需要依托于生活中的社会关系。]的交流媒介,进一步挑战传统的基于本地、熟人的社会关系网络。基于此,本文以新浪微博为例,探讨距离在网络社区中的作用。

信息时代下不断普及的电子交流方式,引起了学者对于电子交流与面对面交流间关系的关注。有研究表明,虚拟空间中的电子交流衍生于实体空间中面对面交流的需求,因此面对面交流的频次会促进电子交流的频次(Tillema et al, 2008; 魏宗财等, 2008)。但也有研究表明,电子交流会替代面对面交流,用户在网络社区中花费的时间越多,在实体空间中与他人面对面交流的时间与频次越少(Thulin et al, 2005; Veenhof et al, 2008)。同时,相较于以汽车、火车、飞机为代表的交通技术的进步,信息通信技术的进步更大程度降低了人们在网络社区中跨越距离交流的时间与金钱成本,引起了部分地理学者对于距离在电子交流中作用的关注。例如,Mok等(2010)基于2005年对86位美国北约克地区居民的调查发现,面对面交流主要集中在约8 km的范围内,电话交流主要集中在约160 km的范围内。与空间距离相比,部分研究开始关注关系距离的影响。对荷兰的研究表明,空间距离在不同社会关系下的作用表现不同(Tillema et al, 2008);对瑞典互联网年轻用户的研究发现,用户倾向在网络中与实际生活中的熟人交流(Thulin et al, 2005);对美国的研究也表明,与非亲属相比,人们倾向与亲属有更频繁的电话和邮件联系(Mok et al, 2010)。

中国的传统东方文化向来重视社会关系(孙立平, 1996; 陈爽英等, 2010)。改革开放前,在乡村熟人社会中,人们倾向与村落范围内的人交流,建立起以生产队范围为基础的社会关系网络(Fei, 1989);在城市单位大院中,人们倾向与单位院落内的人交流,建立起以单位大院为基础的社会关系网络(Hazelzet et al, 2012)。随着改革开放后的快速城市化进程,一方面农村人口涌向城市,来到城市工作与生活;另一方面城市内单位制改革,单位院落在城市空间中逐步瓦解(王桂新等, 2008)。因此,有必要进一步研究,传统的基于小尺度(生产队村落、单位大院)的本地、熟人的社会关系网络是如何影响到人们在以“弱关系”为基本特征的新型网络社区中的交流。

在现有对电子交流方式的研究中,几乎忽视了对Twitter、微博等新型网络社区的分析(Liben-Nowell, 2005; 魏宗财等, 2008; Takhteyev et al, 2012; 甄峰等, 2012; 王波等, 2013)。当前的研究方法主要分为:问卷访谈与网络数据挖掘2类。其中,网络数据挖掘是通过相关程序大规模获取网络用户在Twitter、微博等新型网络社区中遗留下的使用痕迹(即“好友关系与交流记录”),提供了相对更为可靠的关系与交流频次数据,从而使分析距离在网络社区交流中的根植性规律成为可能(Liben-Nowell, 2005)。但已有的分析大多是从关系的角度出发,忽视了实际的交流情况(Liben-Nowell, 2005; Takhteyev et al, 2012; 王波等, 2013)。值得注意的是,网络社区中的好友关系并不代表用户间的实际交流情况。同时,网络数据挖掘往往难以获取用户可靠的社会经济属性,从而导致分析大多基于网络数据的总体特征,而忽视了对用户社会经济属性等要素的控制。这些要素不仅影响人们在实际生活中的社会关系,也可能影响人们在网络虚拟社区中的交流。相对而言,问卷访谈虽然可以得到可靠的个人社会经济属性数据,但交流频次与空间距离数据却往往依赖于受访者的记忆与判断,从而导致数据的可靠性较低,难以满足系统性研究距离在各种电子交流方式的需求(Mok et al, 2010)。已有的问卷调查一般包括:对小规模样本(<100)与其他人的交流频次和空间距离的详尽调查(但交流频次仍然取决于受访者的记忆),以及对中等规模样本(500~700左右)与其他人的交流频次和空间距离区间范围的调查(Thulin et al, 2005; Tillema et al, 2008; Mok et al, 2010)。本文尝试结合2种研究方法,通过问卷访谈获得受访者的社会经济属性数据,同时借助受访者在新浪微博中交流记录的核实,获得他们与本地人/外地人、熟人/陌生人交流差异的可靠数据,分析空间距离与关系距离的作用。需要指出的是,以本地人/外地人区分空间距离,以熟人/陌生人区分关系距离,旨在探讨空间距离与社会距离在基于“弱关系”的新浪微博新型网络社区中的作用,从而回应传统的本地/熟人的社会关系网络是如何反映在以“弱关系”为基本特征的新型网络社区中的交流。同时,也期待通过对问卷调查与网络数据结合的尝试,扩展已有的研究方法。

2 研究方法

在本文的问卷调查期间,新浪微博拥有很高的普及率,全国共计有2.7亿微博用户[③中国互联网络信息中心(CNNIC);《第30 次中国互联网络发展统计报告》,2012。]。其中,《新浪微博元年白皮书》(2010)的调查数据显示,新浪微博是国内市场知名度与用户使用率最高的主流微博产品。因此,本文选择新浪微博的研究具有一定的代表性。

研究数据来自于2012年9月份在南京开展的“网络信息时代居民行为调查问卷”。由于全城入户调查的困难性,本次调研选择在南京市11个区(包括市区内的白下区、鼓楼区、建邺区、秦淮区、栖霞区、下关区、玄武区、雨花区,以及郊区的江宁区、六合区、浦口区)的主要商业地区、大型公共场所以及居住区随机发放了1038份问卷。问卷发放对象为在南京工作与生活的成年居民;除去无效问卷后,共得到980份有效问卷。问卷的调查内容包括:①居民的社会经济属性;②居住地与工作地情况;③信息通信技术的使用;④交通出行;⑤网络购物、网络办公、网络社区等网络行为。本文的研究数据来自问卷中的网络社区部分;其中设置了针对新浪微博用户的一系列问题,共计269位访谈者完成该部分问题,作为本研究的样本。需要指出的是,本次样本并不能均衡代表整体南京的成年人微博用户,考虑到本文旨在分析本地/熟人的社会关系网络是如何反映和作用于新浪微博中(而不是描述南京成年人新浪微博用户的交流行为),样本的一定偏差并不会影响到对数据的多元变量分析(Babbie, 2007)。但需要注意的是,本文的结论与讨论均是针对本次调研中使用新浪微博并认真完成该部分问卷的成年受访者。


3 结果与分析


3.1 样本变量及统计资料描述性分析


在对样本的统计中,包括社会经济属性、居住地环境以及信息通信技术3个方面的变量。在社会经济属性方面,50.9%的样本为男性;65.4%的样本年龄在30岁以下;63.2%的样本拥有本科或本科以上学历,这与目前中国新浪微博在年轻人以及高教育水平群体中的高使用率有关,与发达国家情况类似(Thulin et al, 2005);90.3%的样本有工作,并且80.3%拥有南京户口。


在信息通信技术使用方面,87.0%的样本拥有智能手机,这也与当前中国快速的移动信息化发展有关,特别是在年轻人群体中智能手机普及率不断提升。54.3%的样本每天使用新浪微博的时间在0.5 h以内,28.3%和17.5%的样本每天使用新浪微博的时间分别达到0.5~1.0 h和>1 h。

表1   被调查样本的基本情况统计表

Tab.1   Summary statistics of the variable values of the respondents

每天新浪微博使用时间<0.5 h,赋值114654.31.630.764
0.5~1.0 h,赋值27628.3
>1 h,赋值34717.5


3.2 空间距离与社会距离的二项逻辑回归分析



式中: p=P(y|χ1,χ2,,χn)为系列自变量 χ1,χ2,,χn是“与本地人交流更多”或“与外地人交流更多”事件(或:“与熟人交流更多”或“与陌生人交流更多”事件)发生的概率; χi为包括社会经济属性、居住地环境以及信息通信技术3个方面的基本特征变量; α表示常量; βi为偏回归系数。回归分析的结果显示(表2),基于空间距离与关系距离的模型整体检验均十分显著。

表2   新浪微博社区交流中距离作用的二项逻辑回归分析

Tab.2   Binary logistic regression of the role of spatial distance and relational distance in interpersonal interactions in Sina micro-blog

每天新浪微博使用时间 (参考指标:<0.5 h)
0.5~1.0 h-1.5920.401***0.203-2.4310.486***0.088
>1.0 h-1.8540.492***0.157-2.9460.547***0.053
拟合优度(Nagelkerke R2)0.5370.509



(1) 空间距离

从空间距离来看,模型1的解释度为80.7%。模型主要影响因素包括性别、受教育水平、就业情况、南京户口、居住地区位、每天使用新浪微博的时间。与女性样本相比,男性倾向于与南京本地人交流的概率是女性的3.531倍,表现出明显的性别差异。以往的研究表明,女性往往在网络社区中参与度更高(Tillema et al, 2008; 王波等, 2014)。本文进一步发现,女性更倾向于在这一开放社区中,建立与外地人的“弱关系”网络。此外,新浪微博使用时间越长,样本倾向与外地人交流的概率也越高。有意思的是,智能手机的拥有对与本地人或外地人的交流倾向并无显著影响,这可能与当前中国智能手机的高拥有率有关,也与智能手机在生活中扮演的具体角色有关。例如有研究指出,拥有一台智能手机有时并不是追求智能手机的功能,而是出于对身份或“面子”的考量(Chu, 2008),即:拥有但不一定使用或经常使用。



与18~19岁的样本相比,20~29岁的群体更倾向与本地人交流。这可能与青少年群体对网络社区更加开放的态度有关(Tillema et al, 2008)。在当前的新浪微博社区中,不少年轻人会就某个事件、某位人、某个共同的兴趣爱好进行交流,而并不一定关心对方与其在实际生活中的关系。这也反映在模型2中对“与实际生活中熟人交流更多”的分析结果中。与年轻人样本相比,随着年龄的增长,人们更加倾向与熟人交流。


(2) 关系距离


相对于拥有南京户口的样本,没有南京户口的群体倾向与熟人交流的概率低,这可能与这部分群体在南京熟人相对少有关,这也呼应了模型1的结论。同时,结合模型1中对他们与本地人交流倾向的分析,对于这部分群体,网络社区在一定程度上不仅维系着他们与家乡的社会关系纽带,同时也帮助他们在新环境下扩大社会关系网络、寻求更多社会支持的作用,这与已有的大城市农民工的社会关系研究一致(Liu et al, 2012)。从这点来看,新型网络社区给予这部分还没有“根”的群体一定的社会资本价值,在未来社会管理中值得关注。


4 结论与讨论

本文通过对南京成年人在新浪微博中与本地人/外地人、熟人/陌生人交流频率差异的分析,探讨了空间距离与社会距离在网络社区中的作用。研究发现,现实生活中传统社会关系网络影响着人们在新型网络社区中的社会关系网络,并体现在空间距离与关系距离的作用中。特别是,户口、单位社区等要素显著影响了人们在网络社区中的交流行为。同时,互联网的影响也不可忽视。新浪微博使用时间越长,开放社区中的“弱关系”网络越脱离现实社会中的传统社会关系网络,表现为样本与外地人、陌生人交流概率越大。本文的分析也呼应了对科技、社会关系、地理距离三者关系的讨论(Licoppe, 2004)。随着网络应用的不断深入,这一科技力量给包括社会关系在内的日常生活带来更大的影响,从而进一步挑战传统的地理规律和概念,值得跟踪研究。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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基于微博用户关系的网络信息地理研究: 以新浪微博为例

[J]. 地理研究, 32(2): 380-391.

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020018      URL      Magsci      摘要


[Wang B, Zhen F, Xi G L, et al.2013.

A study of cybergeography based on micro-blog users' relationship: With a case of Sina micro-blog

[J]. Geographical Research, 32(2): 380-391.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/yj2013020018      URL      Magsci      摘要

[6] 王桂新, 沈建法, 刘建波. 2008.

中国城市农民工市民化研究: 以上海为例

[J]. 人口与发展, 14(1): 3-23.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-1668.2008.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要


[Wang G X, Shen J F, Liu J B.2008.

Citizenization of peasant migrants during urbanization in China: A case study of Shanghai

[J]. Population & Development, 14(1): 3-23.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-1668.2008.01.002      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

[7] 魏宗财, 甄峰, 张年国, . 2008.

信息化影响下经济发达地区个人联系网络演变: 以苏锡常地区为例

[J]. 地理科学进展, 27(4): 82-88.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.04.012      URL      Magsci      摘要

人是信息化的主体,信息化的迅速发展对个人联系网络产生了重要影 响.在对苏锡常地区12城镇2100余份调查问卷结果整理的基础上,借助SPSS软件和建模的方法从个人的信息来源、联系方式、联系频率等三个方面对信息 化影响下苏锡常地区个人联系网络的演变特征和规律进行分析,得出以下结论:电视、报纸等传统信息来源比重降低,而因特网、手机等新型信息来源的比重上升; 地理实空间的传统联系方式比重逐渐下降,而网络虚空间的远程通讯方式蓬勃发展,且处于强势主导地位等,地理实空间和网络虚空间是互补而非替代关系等.地区 城市间个人联系和交流变得频繁,且个体联系频率指数的增幅与城镇等级成显著的正相关关系.

[Wei Z C, Zhen F, Zhang N G, et al.2008.

The evolution characteristics of personal communication network of economically developed regions under the influence of infomationization: A case study of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area

[J]. Progress in Geography, 27(4): 82-88.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.04.012      URL      Magsci      摘要

人是信息化的主体,信息化的迅速发展对个人联系网络产生了重要影 响.在对苏锡常地区12城镇2100余份调查问卷结果整理的基础上,借助SPSS软件和建模的方法从个人的信息来源、联系方式、联系频率等三个方面对信息 化影响下苏锡常地区个人联系网络的演变特征和规律进行分析,得出以下结论:电视、报纸等传统信息来源比重降低,而因特网、手机等新型信息来源的比重上升; 地理实空间的传统联系方式比重逐渐下降,而网络虚空间的远程通讯方式蓬勃发展,且处于强势主导地位等,地理实空间和网络虚空间是互补而非替代关系等.地区 城市间个人联系和交流变得频繁,且个体联系频率指数的增幅与城镇等级成显著的正相关关系.
[8] 甄峰, 王波, 陈映雪. 2012.

基于网络社会空间的中国城市网络特征: 以新浪微博为例

[J]. 地理学报, 67(8): 1031-1043.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201208003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

信息技术影响下的城市区域空间结构变化得到了国内外学者的关注。本文以新浪微博为例, 从网络社会空间的角度入手, 对中国城市网络发展特征进行了研究。研究表明:微博社会空间视角下的中国城市网络存在着明显的等级关系与层级区分, 城市的网络连接度与城市等级表现出了相对一致性。根据城市网络层级与网络联系强度, 东部、中部、西部3 大区域板块的网络联系差异明显, 东部地区内部的联系, 以及东部与中部地区和西部地区的联系几乎构成当前网络体系中的全部。城市网络呈现出分层集聚现象, 具体表现为“三大四小”发展格局, 即京津冀区域、珠三角区域、长三角区域、成渝地区、海西地区、武汉地区、东北地区。高等级城市在整个城市网络中处于绝对支配地位, 北京以突出的优势成为全国性的网络联系中心, 而上海、广州、深圳则成为全国性的网络联系副中心。

[Zhen F, Wang B, Chen Y X.2012.

China's city network characteristics based on social netwrok space: An empirical analysis of Sina micro-blog

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 67(8): 1031-1043.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201208003      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

信息技术影响下的城市区域空间结构变化得到了国内外学者的关注。本文以新浪微博为例, 从网络社会空间的角度入手, 对中国城市网络发展特征进行了研究。研究表明:微博社会空间视角下的中国城市网络存在着明显的等级关系与层级区分, 城市的网络连接度与城市等级表现出了相对一致性。根据城市网络层级与网络联系强度, 东部、中部、西部3 大区域板块的网络联系差异明显, 东部地区内部的联系, 以及东部与中部地区和西部地区的联系几乎构成当前网络体系中的全部。城市网络呈现出分层集聚现象, 具体表现为“三大四小”发展格局, 即京津冀区域、珠三角区域、长三角区域、成渝地区、海西地区、武汉地区、东北地区。高等级城市在整个城市网络中处于绝对支配地位, 北京以突出的优势成为全国性的网络联系中心, 而上海、广州、深圳则成为全国性的网络联系副中心。
[9] Cairncross F.2001. The death of distance: How the communications revolution is changing our lives[M]. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press.

[10] Chu W C R.2008.

The dynamics of cyber China: The characteristics of Chinese ICT use

[J]. Knowledge, Technology & Policy, 21(1): 29-35.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12130-008-9043-y      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[11] Davies H, Leung T K P, Luk S T K, et al.1995.

The benefits of "Guanxi": The value of relationships in developing the Chinese market

[J]. Industrial Marketing Management, 24(3): 207-214.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0019-8501(94)00079-C      URL      摘要

The early 1990s have seen a radical change in China's position as a market, giving a new urgency to the need to address that market effectively. It has long been recognized that doing business in China is particularly difficult and that a key difference between Chinese and Western business practices lies in the relative importance of personal relationships (“guanxi”) in the former, as opposed to the specification and enforcement of contracts in the latter. However, previous studies of this issue have tended to focus on the perceptions of Western executives, and they have not identified in any detail the nature of the benefits that accrue to the establishment of guanxi or their relative importance. This study uses data gathered from Hong Kong Chinese executives experienced in Chinese business practices in order to identify their perceptions of the nature of the benefits that arise from guanxi and their relative importance. The results provide a ranking of benefits and suggest that there is an underlying structure of four factors, which may be characterized as procurement, information, bureaucracy, and transaction-smoothing.
[12] Fei X T.1989. Rural development in China: Prospect and retrospect[M]. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

[本文引用: 2]     

[13] Goetz A R.1992.

Air passenger transportation and growth in the U.S. urban system, 1950-1987

[J]. Growth and Change, 23(2): 217-238.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2257.1992.tb00580.x      URL      摘要

[14] Hazelzet A, Wissink B.2012.

Neighborhoods, social networks, and trust in post-reform China: The case of Guangzhou

[J]. Urban Geography, 33(2): 204-220.

https://doi.org/10.2747/0272-3638.33.2.204      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban scholars in the West pay considerable attention to the neighborhood as a locus for social networks. Such an emphasis would be appropriate in China as well. Here work-units were the urban building blocks until the late 1970s, and social networks mainly developed within their boundaries. But economic reforms have generated a new urban structure, eroding the centrality of the work-unit as a site of social organization. There has been little empirical research on the impacts of this transition for social networks. This study takes up that task with an exploratory investigation into the role of the neighborhood for social networks in Guangzhou. Results from a survey and interviews indicate that people maintain strong ties with former neighbors and with contacts based on kinship, region, and work. However, due to high residential mobility, in post-reform China many of these contacts do not reside within the neighborhood any more. At the metropolitan scale, this causes new problems: neighborhoods consist of strangers who do not readily trust each other.
[15] Liben-Nowell D, Novak J, Kumar R, et al.2005.

Geographic routing in social networks

[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102(33): 11623-11628.

https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0503018102      URL      PMID: 16081538      摘要

We live in a "small world," where two arbitrary people are likely connected by a short chain of intermediate friends. With scant information about a target individual, people can successively forward a message along such a chain. Experimental studies have verified this property in real social networks, and theoretical models have been advanced to explain it. However, existing theoretical models have not been shown to capture behavior in real-world social networks. Here, we introduce a richer model relating geography and social-network friendship, in which the probability of befriending a particular person is inversely proportional to the number of closer people. In a large social network, we show that one-third of the friendships are independent of geography and the remainder exhibit the proposed relationship. Further, we prove analytically that short chains can be discovered in every network exhibiting the relationship.
[16] Licoppe C.2004.

'Connected' presence: The emergence of a new repertoire for managing social relationships in a changing communication technoscape

[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 22(1): 135-156.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[17] Liu Y, Li Z G, Breitung W.2012.

The social networks of new-generation migrants in China's urbanized villages: A case study of Guangzhou

[J]. Habitat International, 36(1): 192-200.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2011.08.008      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The integration of rural migrants into China urban society has drawn extensive attention in recent years. There are, however, a growing number of new-generation migrants whose prospects of integration cannot be gleaned from the experience of their predecessors鈥攖he old-generation migrants . The reconstruction of migrant network is a lens through which one can examine the extent and pattern of their integration. In this paper, using quantitative data derived from a survey of eight urbanized villages in Guangzhou, we examine the socio-spatial pattern of migrant networks and the role of receiving neighborhoods in social interactions, with a focus on inter-generational differences. The findings show that new-generation migrants are more likely to draw on cross-class, non-kin, and non-territorial networks when seeking social support, but that hometown-based bonds and the urbanite-migrant divisions remain central to their social networks. For the role of receiving neighborhoods, although new-generation migrants have weak neighborly interactions, they construct numerous colleagues and friendship ties that transcend the boundaries of neighborhoods. Moreover, educational attainment, income level, and occupation structure are important determinants of the nature of new-generation migrant networks. The results suggest that generational factors should be highly considered when studying the integration of migrants into Chinese urban society. Accordingly, the integration of migrants into the urban society will be a conflictual and contradictory process.
[18] Matsumoto H.2004.

International urban systems and air passenger and cargo flows: Some calculations

[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(4): 239-247.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2004.02.003      URL      Magsci      摘要

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper examines international urban systems from the standpoint of international air traffic flows and analyzes the patterns of international air passenger and cargo flows within and among the Asian, European and American regions. After evaluating the international air network structures in 1982 and in 1998, the degree of &lsquo;hub-ness&rsquo; for prospective hub cities from 1982 to 1998 is clarified by a basic gravity model composed of GDP, population and distance introducing city-dummy variables. The results reveal that Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore in Asia, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam in Europe and New York and Miami in the US are strengthening their positions as international hubs.</p>
[19] Mitchelson R L, Wheeler J O.1994.

The flow of information in a global economy: The role of the American urban system in 1990

[J]. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 84(1): 87-107.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8306.1994.tb01730.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Information circulation and availability have always been fundamental to the development of cities even when their employment base depended on manufacturing. With the rise of the informational city, and the global economy, the creation and exchange of highly specialized information has become vital for a metropolitan center's success. This paper, accordingly, examines the contemporary production and exchange of higher-order information that occurs among and between American cities and reveals how ongoing globalization has affected the position of these cities in the system of information exchange. The paper introduces a conceptual framework combining processes of uncertainty, deregulation, globalization, demassification, and vertical disintegration and deploys that framework in an empirical analysis. An analysis of 1990 flow data provided by Federal Express Corporation measures flows among 47 major U.S. centers and selected foreign places and reveals a three-tiered hierarchical system, with New York at the top. Domestic information flows are modelled using a competing-destinations model. The role of population size is paramount and the distance parameter is relatively weak. Centers whose domestic information flows are underestimated by the competing-destinations model, e.g., New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta, and Dallas, had large absolute volumes of international exports, whereas centers that are overpredicted had lower volumes, e.g., Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Rochester. Using the expansion method, the distance exponent associated with domestic flows of information is found to vary with the level of international information movement in a positive and significant fashion. Command-and-control and related producer services have continued to concentrate in select cities throughout the 1980s and to strengthen the hierarchical structure based on information flows. The largest volume of international flows is destined for Europe (Brussels and London), Canada, and Asia (Hong Kong and Tokyo), with New York accounting for 36 percent of all international origins.
[20] Mok D, Wellman B, Carrasco J.2010.

Does distance matter in the age of the Internet

[J]. Urban Studies, 47(13): 2747-2783.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098010377363      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study is part of the broad debate about the role of distance and technology for interpersonal contact. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first study that systematically and explicitly compares the role of distance in social networks pre- and post-Internet. An analysis is made of the effect of distance on the frequency of e-mail, phone, face-to-face and overall contact in personal networks, and the findings are compared with their pre-Internet counterpart whose data were collected in 1978 in the same East York, Toronto locality. Multilevel models with a spline specification are used to examine the non-linear effects of distance on the frequency of contact. These effects are compared for both very close and somewhat close ties, and for different role relationships: immediate kin, extended kin, friends and neighbours. The results show that e-mail contact is generally insensitive to distance, but tends to increase for transoceanic relationships greater than 3000 miles apart. Face-to-face contact remains strongly related to short distances (within five miles), while distance has little impact on how often people phone each other at the regional level (within 100 miles). The study concludes that e-mail has only somewhat altered the way people maintain their relationships. The frequency of face-to-face contact among socially close friends and relatives has hardly changed between the 1970s and the 2000s, although the frequency of phone contact has slightly increased. Moreover, the sensitivity of these relationships to distance has remained similar, despite the communication opportunities of the Internet and low-cost telephony.
[21] O'brien R. 1992. Global financial integration: The end of geography[M]. New York: Council on Foreign Relationship Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Takhteyev Y, Gruzd A, Wellman B.2012.

Geography of twitter networks

[J]. Social Networks, 34(1): 73-81.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socnet.2011.05.006      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The paper examines the influence of geographic distance, national boundaries, language, and frequency of air travel on the formation of social ties on Twitter, a popular micro-blogging website. Based on a large sample of publicly available Twitter data, our study shows that a substantial share of ties lies within the same metropolitan region, and that between regional clusters, distance, national borders and language differences all predict Twitter ties. We find that the frequency of airline flights between the two parties is the best predictor of Twitter ties. This highlights the importance of looking at pre-existing ties between places and people.
[23] Thulin E, Vilhelmson B.2005.

Virtual mobility of urban youth: ICT-based communication in Sweden

[J]. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 96(5): 477-487.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9663.2005.00480.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This study explores how urban youth fit the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) into their everyday lives. Their virtual mobility may be lasting and have long-term effects on activity patterns and socio-spatial structures. We focus on the types of activities that become ICT based, and whether the extended networks fostered by virtual mobility affect local interaction, physical mobility, and face-to-face meetings. The study is based on an indepth, two-wave panel study of young people living in Gothenburg, Sweden, supplemented by national ICT-use survey data. Results show that young people use computers for one and a half hours per day, and half of this time is spent online. Time spent on ICT use is increasing, and ICT now encompasses a broader range of activities. The Internet is mainly used to communicate with people already known in ‘real life’. Contacts are both geographically far-flung and very local. ICT use is found to generate additional contacts and communication rather than replace telephone calls and travel.
[24] Tillema T, Dijst M J, Schwanen T.2008.

Electronic and face-to-face communication in maintaining social relationships

[C]//Colloquium Vervoersplanologisch Speurwerk. Utrecht, Netherlands: Utrecht University.

[本文引用: 1]     

[25] Tobler W R.1970.

A computer movie simulating urban growth in the Detroit region

[J]. Economic Geography, 46: 234-240.

https://doi.org/10.2307/143141      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[26] Veenhof B, Wellman B, Quell C, et al.2008.

Isolation, cohesion or transformation? How Canadians' use of the Internet is shaping society[R]. Ottawa, Canada:

Statistics Canada.

[本文引用: 1]     

[27] Wellman B, Leighton B.1979.

Networks, neighborhoods, and communities approaches to the study of the community question

[J]. Urban Affairs Review, 14(3): 363-390.

https://doi.org/10.1177/107808747901400305      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

ABSTRACT A network analytic approach to the community question is proposed in order to separate concepts which may or may not be closely associated. (Author/RLV)
