地理科学进展  2016 , 35 (3): 295-303 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.004



何瀚林1, 蔡晓梅23, 苏晓波24*

1. 仲恺农业工程学院经贸学院,广州 510225
2. 华南师范大学旅游管理学院,广州 510631
3. 华南师范大学文化地理与文化产业研究中心,广州 510631
4. 美国俄勒冈大学地理系,美国 俄勒冈州 97403

On masculinity studies in Anglo-American human geography

HE Hanlin1, CAI Xiaomei23, SU Xiaobo24*

1. College of Economics and Trade, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering, Guangzhou 510225, China
2. School of Tourism Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
3. Cultural Industry and Cultural Geography Research Center, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
4. Department of Geography, University of Oregon, Oregon 97403, USA

通讯作者:  苏晓波(1976-),男,湖北荆州人,副教授,主要从事政治文化地理、旅游地理的研究,E-mail: xiaobo@uoregon.edu

收稿日期: 2014-12-25

接受日期:  2015-06-25

网络出版日期:  2016-03-25

版权声明:  2016 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41201137,41171125,41201140)国家旅游局旅游业青年专家培养计划研究课题(TYETP201442)


作者简介:何瀚林(1991-),男,安徽六安人,硕士研究生,研究方向为会展管理和旅游地理,E-mail: hehanlin@126.com



国外关于男性气质(Masculinity)的研究由来已久,地理学关于男性气质的探讨最早出现于女性主义的研究中,地理学者通过对其他学科相关理论的引用以及女性主义研究方法的借鉴,采用文本分析、个案研究等方法,对男性气质,特别是支配性男性气质(Hegemonic Masculinity)、乡村与城市男性气质等内容进行了深入的分析与探讨,并将男性气质的理论发展到了城市地理学、经济地理学、人口地理学、后殖民主义地理学等分支学科中。地理学者采用建构理论,综合社会、文化、性别和女性主义地理等多元视角,不仅分析了男性身份政治的形成过程,而且探索了不同男性身份政治形成的空间与环境,并尝试建构男性气质地理学。本文试图通过对国外人文地理学关于男性气质研究的回顾和梳理,为国内人文地理学中男性气质的研究提供指导与借鉴。

关键词: 国外 ; 人文地理学 ; 男性气质 ; 研究回顾 ; 启示


Western geographers started to analyze masculinity in the late 1970s. The analysis first appeared in feminist studies in order to demonstrate a parallel between women and men. The most popular concept is hegemonic masculinity. Influenced by the emerging notion of cultural politics, geographers deploy a constructionist approach to integrate multiple views of social geography, cultural studies, and gender studies into their analyses of masculinity in various contexts. In general, geographers focus on the process of masculine identity construction and how different social and spatial contexts shape this process. This article reviews human geographers' work on masculinity so as to provoke more research interest among geographers in mainland China in exploring this important topic.

Keywords: abroad ; human geography ; masculinity ; research review ; revelation


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何瀚林, 蔡晓梅, 苏晓波. 国外人文地理学男性气质研究回顾与启示[J]. , 2016, 35(3): 295-303 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.004

HE Hanlin, CAI Xiaomei, SU Xiaobo. On masculinity studies in Anglo-American human geography[J]. 地理科学进展, 2016, 35(3): 295-303 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.03.004

1 引言

性和性别问题一直以来都是社会科学研究的重要话题,由此引出的女性主义研究、男性研究、酷儿研究等都受到了心理学、社会学、人类学以及地理学等诸多学科的广泛关注。相比女性研究,有关男性的研究发展相对较晚,最早将“男性气质”(Masculinity(①国外有关“男性气质”概念有“Masculinity”、“Manhood”和“Manliness”等表述,其中“Masculinity”强调男性气质的多元化内涵而淡化极端的“大男子主义”含义,主要代表人物是Connell;“Manhood”和“Manliness”往往强调男性气概所蕴含的勇敢、坚强、刚毅等精神品质,强调坚定的男性主张。因此,基于本文的研究目的和内容,选择以“Masculinity”为主的研究作为参考文献。))的概念作为学术话题来分析是在1970s和1980s(Campbell et al, 2000),被认为是受女性主义思潮或女性主义研究及运动的影响而出现(Jackson, 1991)。当时的社会媒体充斥着对男性及“男性危机”的焦虑(Campbell et al, 2000),而这些焦虑最终导致了大量学术著作的产生,以寻求西方社会中社会科学所关注的“男性危机”的见解。因此,现行大多关于男性气质的研究都可看作为对女性主义挑战的一种回应(Campbell et al, 2000),或者至少是对同性恋意识日益政治化的回应(Jackson, 1991)。

1987-1990年间,关于“男性气质”的研究得到了长足的发展(Berg et al, 2003),并产生了大量的研究成果。在地理学方面,虽然地理学家关于男性和男性活动的研究已有一段历史,但直到Jackson(1991, 1994)提出有必要研究男性气质的文化政治时,关于男性气质的研究才真正成为地理学研究的一个主要议题(Longhurst, 2000; Berg et al, 2003)。在一系列开创性的工作中,Jackson(1991)首先探讨了性别认同建构的文化属性,强调了性别认同的历史和地理特殊性,使得“男性气质”逐步受到社会文化地理学者,特别是那些从女性主义视角进行研究的学者的普遍关注(Berg et al, 2003)。而Rose(1993)关于女权主义和地理的研究,更进一步明确地关注了大男子主义和男性气质。因此,男性气质一度成为那些聚焦于“性别—空间”关系研究的焦点。此后,男性、“男性气质”以及男性认同的研究逐渐深入到城市地理学、经济地理学、人口地理学、后殖民主义地理学等分支学科中(Berg et al, 2003)。

社会文化地理研究是“男性气质”研究成果最丰富的分支之一(Longhurst, 2000)。国外地理学有关男性气质的批判性研究在参考Connell(1987)以及Carrigan等(1985)研究工作的基础上,通过对杂志、海报等文本的分析以及对乡村、城市等区域乃至城市微空间场所中相关案例的解读,深入探讨了男性气质的概念发展、社会建构以及尺度划分等问题。而目前国内关于男性气质话题的研究主要集中在心理学、语言文学等领域,社会文化地理有关男性气质的研究尚未起步。因此,本文首先对国外人文地理学关于男性气质概念的解读进行了介绍,详细说明地理学中的男性气质概念,及其与社会学、心理学研究的区别;其次,通过对现行国外研究中主导的支配性男性气质概念及与空间尺度相关研究的梳理,进一步理清了男性气质研究的理论基础;最后通过对乡村与城市男性气质的实证研究介绍,梳理地理学对男性气质的实证研究成果,以期对国内的相关研究提供启示,促进男性气质地理学在国内的理论与实证研究。

2 人文地理学视角下的男性气质解读

关于“男性气质”学术界尚无一致的定义,且公认很难给男性气质一个确切的界定(舒奇志, 2011)。纵观西方学术研究,历史上曾有3种主导男性研究的模式,即生理学模式、人类学模式和社会学模式(Kimmel et al, 1995)。“生理学模式”将两性的生理差异作为被试变量,认为男性气质就是从男性身体内产生的,是和生理特征紧密结合在一起的一种性别气质(郑军等, 2005),是男性所具有的普遍的、本质的性别属性。“人类学模式”考察的是不同文化环境中男性气质的不同,认为不同男性气质之间的差异主要来源于对不同文化环境的适应(Kimmel et al, 2005),其强调的是男人在行为和特征上的变化,以适应特定的文化环境(李强, 2006);相对于前两种模式,“社会学模式”的研究相对更为成熟,开始将整体的社会环境纳入研究范畴,强调男性在社会化过程中是如何对自身的性别角色,尤其是生理上的性别角色进行调整和适应的。

综上可知,大量关于空间和性别的研究已经证实,由于社会关系、语境和实践等在男性气质的建构以及在理解过程中的重要作用,使得男性气质既具有时间维度又具有空间性(Berg et al, 2003)。它是多元化的、多样的、因空间而异的(Berg et al, 2003; Van Hoven et al, 2005),同时又是不稳定和矛盾的,而不是统一的和单一模式的男性气质(Jackson, 1991)。因此,对诸如性别、“种族”等这些看似可以自然分类的属性,地理学对其社会建构观点则有着更加深刻的认识(Fitzsimmons, 1989)。而较之于历史上的其他3种男性研究模式,地理学不仅将空间和话语权力等引入到了男性气质的分析中;同时,相对于人类学和社会学对社会化过程作用的强调,地理学者更加注重男性主体与社会空间、环境的互动关系和作用机制。而正是空间中所充斥的各种话语、权力关系,才造就了男性气质动态发展的属性,才使得男性气质成为一种不断被建构的社会文化现象(Campbell et al, 2000),成为存在于特定时空中的一种动态关系。基于此,本文将从空间的视角来阐述支配性男性气质的地理学研究内容,以及从时空的视角分析乡村与城市男性气质的研究成果。

3 空间尺度与支配性男性气质研究

“支配性男性气质”(Hegemonic Masculinity)的概念在1982年发表的一篇对澳大利亚高中的田野调查报告中被首次提出。随后,Carrigan等(1985)在《迈向男性气质的新社会学》(Towards a New Sociology of Masculinity)中系统地分析了支配性男性气质及其相关概念。而Connell在《男性气质》(Masculinity)一书中进一步将实践中建构起来的男性气质分为4种类型:支配性、从属性、共谋性和边缘性。同时,Connell指出:“这些类型都是男性气质的不同表达方式,它们共同建构着现代西方社会性别秩序中主流的男性气质模式,以及其相关的实践和关系等”(康奈尔, 2003);而“支配性男性气质这种性别实践的形构就是目前被广为接受的男权制合法化的具体表现,保证着(或用来保证)男性的统治地位和女性的从属地位”,其“更容易获得支配性的标志——权威性(虽然权威经常有暴力支撑或支持)”。

支配性男性气质提出至今,一直贯穿于大多数地理学的研究中(Campbell et al, 2000)。正因为如此,支配性男性气质也引起了诸多学者的批判,如支配性男性气质与男性气质多元化概念的矛盾性问题(Campbell et al, 2000),以及支配性男性气质的适用尺度问题等。然而,这些关于支配性男性气质的批判性争论使得其概念受到越来越多学者的注意,也促进了支配性男性气质研究的发展。特别是在全球化和跨国主义的背景下,支配性男性气质的实证研究更是成为学者关注的焦点(Connell, 2005)。在总结前人研究的基础上,Connell(2005)对支配性男性气质的缘起、发展、研究领域、研究分支、研究批判等内容作了详细的阐述和辨析,进一步将支配性男性气质的概念发展成熟。Connell辩证地指出,支配性男性气质并不是固定的、放之四海皆准的一种特点类型,而是一种在既定的性别关系模型中占据支配地位的男性气质。当然,这其中也涉及到地理学关于男性气质的研究。他认为地理学对支配性男性气质需要有准确的认识,应明晰并强调本地、区域以及全球层面支配性男性气质之间的相互作用关系。因此,基于全球化的研究背景以及“跨国舞台”对支配性男性气质的重要作用,Connell(2005)提出了全球—区域—地方的支配性男性气质研究框架:

(1) 全球尺度:在跨地区、全球政治、国际商业和传媒中建构,如男性气质与全球化关系的研究。地理学者有关国际移民的研究为这类全球尺度的男性气质建构提供了很好的实证。地理学者通过对移民工作生活与适应、职业生涯轨迹、社会交际实践等因素对男性身份影响作用的描述,来探讨移民在居住国的自我男性气质的重构过程(Walsh, 2011; Montes, 2013)。如Batnitzky等(2008)关于在英国从事服务性行业的印度中产阶级的研究中,通过对低地位、无技术以及高技术、高知识等不同类型的男性移民分析,描绘了移民男性气质的建构过程,最后提出了印度中产阶级移民男性气质形成的四大原因,展现出带有民族标签的印度中产阶级男性气质。同时,由于受到民族、区域、以及文化差异等诸多方面的影响,移民往往有意或无意呈现出异于他国男性的性别身份(McDowell, 2008),如Datta(2008)关于英国伦敦的波兰男性建筑工作者男性气质的研究指出,他们从事的建筑行业工作,对于其家庭以及自我身份建构来说,有着重要的意义,也是用以展示自己作为波兰人男性气质与英国人男性气质不同之处的最重要的一种表达方式。

目前,有关全球尺度的男性气质研究模型,虽然没法很好覆盖区域或地方尺度男性气质及其建构的研究内容,但其关于国际移民男性气质的探讨中,所展示出的诸如经济结构调整、长距离迁移以及男性自我“发展”选择困境等因素,都有力地论证了其对男性气质的重塑力量(Connell, 2005; Morrell et al, 2005)。

(2) 区域尺度:在文化和国家层次上的性别气质建构。人口研究、政治研究和话语研究是此类研究框架的代表。例如,Morin等(2001)关于新西兰地区登山运动的研究发现,登山运动所建构的男性英雄形象,支撑起了新西兰的民族认同,而有趣的是,库克山以及艾米达吉旅馆的存在,却质疑了这种支配性大男子主义民族认同的稳定性;与此同时,因为女性在登山运动中的成功参与,尽管她们未能像男性那样获得充分的男权主义立场,但是她们建构了与男性同样的民族主义形态,进而挑战了库克山那种危险的、充满男性气质等权力空间的地位和形象。而Liepins(2000)则通过对澳洲和新西兰两国各自建构的一系列关键的、与农耕相关的男性气质的研究,指出了男性气质建构的两个更广阔的领域,即区域农耕竞争层面和产业政治层面。这两个层面所表现出来的主导型男性气质均表明力量、斗争等在这些行业话语中是十分重要的概念;另外,男性通过户外劳动、果断决策,以及关键的行业地位等要素,建构起了一种权威性,进而通过一些正式的文本以及非正式的媒体文化和行业话语,塑造出了“严厉的男人”乃至“有权利的领导”等支配性男性气质。

(3) 地方尺度:在面对面互动的场景中建构,如家庭、组织以及最亲近的社区。人类学田野与生活史研究为此类研究框架的代表。因此,相对于全球和区域尺度的男性气质研究,地方尺度的研究更多的是聚焦于具体的空间之下,这类研究在城市地理学和乡村地理学中产生了大量的成果。本文将于下一部分重点介绍地理学者有关乡村与城市男性气质等地方尺度的男性气质研究概况。

Connell(2005)认为,这些层面之间不仅存在着联系,而且它们在性别政治中也将会起到很重要的作用。全球性机构影响着区域和地方尺度的性别秩序(Gender Order);而区域的性别秩序所提供的文化本底也会在全球性的舞台上被应用或改写;同时,区域层面的支配性男性气质也可以通过由演员、运动员以及政治家等建构的地方性男性气质来象征性地表征,而前者也提供了在当地性别形态中可能重要的男性气质模型。因此,区域的支配性男性气质塑造了一个具有全社会意义男性气质的事实。而这种事实也会通过在一定范围内不同的地方环境实践而改变(Connell et al, 2005)。例如:Light等(2000)关于澳洲一所精英高中橄榄球运动的研究发现,橄榄球运动项目展现了学校一个清晰的男性气质结构,同时,学校正是通过这种具体的运动会比赛,建构了一种特殊的学校层面支配性男性气质。虽然控球、进攻和残酷的争球等,都是普遍性的橄榄球运动规则,而不是仅限于这所学校,但是当这些规则和运动最终应用到学校运动时,就会对学校内参与其中的男性产生影响,进而体现出学校层面的男性气质。因此,重要的区域性男性气质也会影响着地方层面的性别关系和男性气质的建构等。


4 乡村与城市男性气质研究

随着国外有关男性气质地理研究的不断深入,西方学者更多倾向于对不同空间所建构的不同维度男性气质进行研究。在城市和农村研究中,性别气质的分析也开始日益丰富和多元化(Brandth, 2002),随之也出现了“城市男性气质(Urban Masculinity)”和“乡村男性气质(Rural Masculinity)”等新概念。

如同农村性别角色研究是从农业生产中劳动分工以及女性在农场中的体验开始一样,早期探索农村男性气质的研究在很大程度上也与农业生产相关(Little, 2002)。乡村男性气质的解读通常是关于男性对环境、生产工具和土地等的控制(Brandth, 1995)以及对女性的控制等,例如对生产机器的操控(Brandth, 1995; Saugeres, 2002),完成复杂难度的体力工作以提高农作物产量的能力(Brandth et al, 2005),荒野生存的能力(Woodward, 2000; Reed, 2003)等。男性形象建构也大多以牛仔、农民以及粗犷的战士等具有代表性的形象为主。而随着全球化、城市化以及乡村城镇化进程的深入,乡村男性气质也随着地方环境的改变而发生一系列变化。例如:Brandth等(2000)关于挪威森林管理员的研究,论证了在森林产业结构变化过程中男性气质意义的变化过程,揭示了在乡村产业中技术和结构的变化是如何动摇传统、老套的男性气质。而Brandth(1995)在其另一项研究中则指出:通常,乡村中的主流话语都会将一些地方建构成是乡村男性身份的标签或代表,但当城市顾客侵入到这些地方时,乡村男性就会选择离开此地,去寻找新的可以展示“真正乡村男性气质”的空间和地方。因此,在现代化的发展背景下,关于乡村与男性气质的研究中,有关“传统”和“新型”的乡村男性气质的对比分析也开始被提上议程(Brandth, 1995)。

但是,也有很多学者对“乡村男性气质”概念的存在性提出了质疑。如Campbell等(2000)提出了这种“乡村男性气质”到底是一个明显的农村形式的男性气质(即农村环境下所特有的男性气质),还是仅仅为在农村这一空间下男性所表征的简单性别气质(即男性在农村中所表征的性别气质)的质疑。他们建议关注农村和男性气质两者是如何在“表征层面上”相交的。他们根据以上质疑同时提出了“乡村中的男性”(the Masculine in the Rural)和“男性中的乡村”(the Rural in the Masculine)两个不同的问题,其中“乡村中的男性”指示的是在乡村空间下,男性气质建构的各种方式(Brandth, 1995);而“男性中的乡村”则是指乡村的概念有利于男性气质概念的建构,因为乡村的主题经常用于“真正男人”的形象(Woodward, 1998)。


“城市男性气质”被认为是一个与“乡村男性气质”平行的概念(Campbell et al, 2000),学者关于城市男性气质的解读很多是基于对权力、地位以及对性的控制等内容,放荡不羁的和不受控制的行为往往会与城市男性气质相关联(Bye, 2003)。例如,Howell(2001)认为,伴随着越来越多性的商业化,以及其在商业企业和娱乐中的不断融入,性(或者更精确地说为乱交异性恋)逐渐成为城市男性气质的一个重要标志。但随着城市的发展和城市居民生活方式的改变,以及受女权运动的影响,城市地理学者有关男性气质的研究不再是强调对女性的控制和性交易上,而更多地关注其他形式的城市男性气质。例如,Courtenay(2000)指出,城市男性通过大无畏、高危险的行为来证明自己的男性气质:上层社会的男性进行跳伞运动,中层阶级参与爬山等运动,工薪阶层的男人则用改装的赛车进行比赛,而贫穷的男性则通过街头巷战来展现自己的男性气质。同时,随着旅游的发展,对于许多城市男人,狩猎也开始成为真正男性气质的一个象征(Brandth et al, 2005)。

随着国外城市地理对性别研究的深入,男性气质的研究也有了新的发展和走向。有关城市男性气质的研究见证了其从固有的性别气质研究向男性身份与认同解读的转变。研究不再将男性气质固封于某一种既定的特性和本质框架之下,而是聚焦于多元的男性气质内涵,论证不同的男性在不同的环境下如何建构具有历史和空间特色的男性气质(McDonald, 2013),以及这些男性气质或女性气质是如何与“作为一个男性”或“作为一个女性”的身份相联系(Paechter, 2006; Francis, 2010)。如Walsh(2011)关于迪拜移民的研究,就是从移民的工作、民族、年龄、收入、肤色等诸多因素来分析其对移民男性气质的影响,从而形成一种特殊的移民男性气质;而很多关于移民男性气质的研究也都强调工作和待遇在男性气质建构中的重要意义(方刚, 2007; Datta et al, 2009)。女权主义的发展和社会劳动分工的日益模糊带来了女性的男性化(Nguyen,2008; Dashper, 2012; Berggren, 2014)、男同性恋以及双性恋者男性气质等研究(Bell, 2000)的发展和成熟,这使得男性气质的研究对象也不再仅仅是局限于男性,而是扩展到整个具有“男性气息”的人群。而这对当前社会中“阴盛阳衰”、“女汉子”盛行等社会现象的研究和解释有着重要的指导意义。


5 结语

虽然生物学、心理学、人类学等对男性气质已经进行了深入的研究,并发展出了生理学模式、人类学模式和社会学模式等3种主导男性研究的模式,但随着地理学研究的引入和发展,男性气质的社会建构研究已成为现行男性研究的主导模式。虽然多学科的互动可以为男性气质提供更多细化的理解(Hopkins et al, 2009),但要理解这种交叉性,则需要更深入地去捕获不同层次主体和特定地区之间的多维关系。而人文地理学则为研究这种交叉互动的关系提供了可能性与可行性。在对相关学科研究批判性引用的基础上,地理学者也逐步完善“男性气质地理”(Masculinity Geography)的建构,地理学者反对性别研究中的男性/女性的二元分类模式,认为性别的生物性和社会性是相互建构的。男性气质的建构不仅与男性自身的社会实践和身体解读有关,而且与整个社会、文化和政治过程都是密切相关的,同时,也映射出空间结构,表明了日常生活的文化政治背景。


(1) 对地方层面乡村男性气质的完善和补充。结合中国历史及现代发展,一方面,中国长期以来都是一个农业大国,延续几千年的小农思想以及父权制度依然根植于农村社会形态中,男性仍然在农耕、农家以及农村社会中占据着支配性的地位;另一方面,随着城市化的冲击以及中国新农村改革的推进,男性被赋予更多的社会责任,同时女性也得到进一步的解放。而随着这种新农村建设的不断推进,地方乡村中这种支配性的父权体系也遭受一轮又一轮的冲击。因此,在社会转型的重要时期,中国乡村男性的身份和认同有着怎样的时代演变和表征,将具有重要的研究价值和意义,同时也可填补现行乡村男性研究关于乡村社区的社会文化与男性气质相互作用方面研究的不足(Little, 2002)。

(2) 对区域层面男性气质的关注。由上述综述可知,国外区域层面的支配性男性气质研究往往关注区域典型个体的代表作用,而忽略了对区域层面的文化描述以及区域文化与男性气质的相互建构作用。中国辽阔的幅员空间上涵盖了众多不同民族和区域划分,而不同民族、不同区域又呈现不同的文化景象和人物特征。诸如北方人热情豪爽、南方人温和内敛,以及网络中盛行的不同省份人的气质划分等,均为男性气质的区域地理研究提供了很好的素材和研究价值。同时,新时期中国城市化建设中所产生的打工潮和大规模劳动力的区域性流动,成为中国城市化进程中独具特色的社会现象。基于此,城市社会的体力工作者的阶层和身份研究本身就是男性研究的重要内容,值得进一步拓展;同时,农民工在不同区域间的大规模迁徙、工作以及返乡等反复的流动过程中,对不同区域文化的调和与适应过程中将对自我身份产生怎样的建构作用,以及这一过程中劳动者对家乡和城市两个不同区域空间(主要是家乡)有着怎样的反身影响作用,也将是区域男性气质研究的一个广阔空间。

(3) 对微空间下男性气质重构的关注。纵观国外男性气质研究,主要仍集中在宏观层面较大尺度空间上,而值得注意的是,微空间下复杂的权力、关系、他者,特别是女性他者,都对男性气质有着更加直接和深远的建构作用。特殊的历史背景使得中国女性得到了较为彻底的解放,中国女性在家庭、工作以及社会公共空间中取得越来越多的话语权,这无疑对男性带来了一定的冲击作用。女性在建构女性身份的同时,也解构了男性传统的身份以及男性的霸权空间。如在家的空间中,女性开始享有更多的支配和决策权力,男性也被动或主动地参与到更多的家庭实践中,男性传统的霸权地位逐渐瓦解;在工作空间中,女性更多地参与到众多被男性主导的行业中,并与男性平等竞争,这也进一步导致越来越多的男性开始从事传统被认为是女性主导的行业等。因此,面对日益增多的来自女性的竞争和冲击,男性与女性之间表现出怎样的协商作用,以及男性如何表达“作为一个男人”这种霸权意识形态与日常生活中的紧张和抵抗性等不匹配状况之间的关系,值得深思。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[1] 方刚. 2007.


[J]. 暨南学报: 哲学社会科学版, 29(6): 51-56.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-5072.2007.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

男性气概的性角色理论以生理性 别为依据,将男性气概和女性气质进行径渭分明的二元划分。男性气概的多样性理论认为,男性气概因为年龄、阶级、文化背景、受教育程度、性倾向、种族等等的 不同而不同,康奈尔提出了男性气概的四分法。本文作者提出了男性气概的十字轴分析法,认为男性气概是一种处于实践中的趋势,不存在稳定不变的男性气概,任 何男性气概的实践均是十字轴上的一个变化的过程,而不是一个稳定的位置。进一步,作者又描绘出男性气概实践的三维立体图,从生命史的纵向维度与情境及符号 的横向维度考察男性气概实践的丰富与多样性。

[Fang G.2007.

The multiplicity analysis of masculinity practice

[J]. Journal of Jinan University: Philosophy and Social Sciences, 29(6): 51-56.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-5072.2007.06.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

男性气概的性角色理论以生理性 别为依据,将男性气概和女性气质进行径渭分明的二元划分。男性气概的多样性理论认为,男性气概因为年龄、阶级、文化背景、受教育程度、性倾向、种族等等的 不同而不同,康奈尔提出了男性气概的四分法。本文作者提出了男性气概的十字轴分析法,认为男性气概是一种处于实践中的趋势,不存在稳定不变的男性气概,任 何男性气概的实践均是十字轴上的一个变化的过程,而不是一个稳定的位置。进一步,作者又描绘出男性气概实践的三维立体图,从生命史的纵向维度与情境及符号 的横向维度考察男性气概实践的丰富与多样性。
[2] 康奈尔. 2003. 男性气质[M]. 柳莉, 等, 译. 北京: 社会科学文献出版社.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Connell R W.2003. Masculinities[M]. Liu L, et al, Trans. Beijing, China: Social Science Literature Press.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[3] 李强. 2006.


[J]. 中国性科学, 15(3): 3-5.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-1993.2006.03.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

自20世纪70年代中期起,在 美国有关男性和男性气质研究(Masculinity Studies)的论著频频出现,男性研究的出现直接受到女权主义者对性别差异传统解释的批判的影响。大多数学者认为男性气质(Masculinity) 是指男性自治、男性支配和家庭中男性独立于女性的控制。它关注于两个方面,其一,男性为获得支配地位所产生的焦虑、紧张以及所获的经验;其二,男性在社会 和历史环境中如何应对这种焦虑和紧张。男性研究把男人看作一个社会群体。目前在美国男性研究趋向跨学科、跨文化。

[Li Q.2006.

Masculinity studies in America: Past, present, and future

[J]. The Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality, 15(3): 3-5.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1672-1993.2006.03.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

自20世纪70年代中期起,在 美国有关男性和男性气质研究(Masculinity Studies)的论著频频出现,男性研究的出现直接受到女权主义者对性别差异传统解释的批判的影响。大多数学者认为男性气质(Masculinity) 是指男性自治、男性支配和家庭中男性独立于女性的控制。它关注于两个方面,其一,男性为获得支配地位所产生的焦虑、紧张以及所获的经验;其二,男性在社会 和历史环境中如何应对这种焦虑和紧张。男性研究把男人看作一个社会群体。目前在美国男性研究趋向跨学科、跨文化。
[4] 林耿. 2009.


[J]. 地理学报, 65(4): 427-442.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201004005      URL      摘要

采用2000年第五次人口普查 的数据,以市辖区(县、市)为基本地理单元,对广东省的21个地级市133个样本进行性别与就业空间的实证研究。通过分别对男性和女性6类就业区的比较分 析发现,①广东省不同性别的就业整体同构与一定程度的性别隔离并存。整体同构来自互补性的就业角色,两性关系是平等的;性别隔离来自于隔离性的就业角色, 两性之间存在着控制与被控制的权力关系。女性就业在与男性总体平等的同时,也存在被边缘化的现象。②在经济全球化和世界制造业转移的大背景下,不同性别的 就业空间形成了中心—边缘结构。高度集聚的就业活动分布在环珠江口的珠江三角洲的经济中心区,与珠三角以外的其他就业区在空间上形成了核心—边缘结构。③ 不同性别的就业空间具有权力特征,具有生产性。中心—边缘结构构建了一种以广州和深圳为极点的就业空间秩序,这种结构制约着区域就业空间新秩序的出现,也 体现为区域就业秩序下一种社会经济关系的生成。④在地域文化的深刻影响下,除粤东部分传统地区之外,广东不同性别的就业差异并未构成整体的就业空间性别 化。

[Lin G.2009.

The gendered vocation space and the feature of power-space in Guangdong

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 65(4): 427-442.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201004005      URL      摘要

采用2000年第五次人口普查 的数据,以市辖区(县、市)为基本地理单元,对广东省的21个地级市133个样本进行性别与就业空间的实证研究。通过分别对男性和女性6类就业区的比较分 析发现,①广东省不同性别的就业整体同构与一定程度的性别隔离并存。整体同构来自互补性的就业角色,两性关系是平等的;性别隔离来自于隔离性的就业角色, 两性之间存在着控制与被控制的权力关系。女性就业在与男性总体平等的同时,也存在被边缘化的现象。②在经济全球化和世界制造业转移的大背景下,不同性别的 就业空间形成了中心—边缘结构。高度集聚的就业活动分布在环珠江口的珠江三角洲的经济中心区,与珠三角以外的其他就业区在空间上形成了核心—边缘结构。③ 不同性别的就业空间具有权力特征,具有生产性。中心—边缘结构构建了一种以广州和深圳为极点的就业空间秩序,这种结构制约着区域就业空间新秩序的出现,也 体现为区域就业秩序下一种社会经济关系的生成。④在地域文化的深刻影响下,除粤东部分传统地区之外,广东不同性别的就业差异并未构成整体的就业空间性别 化。
[5] 舒奇志. 2011.


[J]. 湘潭大学学报: 哲学社会科学版, 35(4): 119-122.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5981.2011.04.027      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

作为一门自20世纪后半叶开始逐渐形成的新兴的独立学科,男性气 质研究试图解构对社会性别和生理性别的单一理解.其研究理论在与女性主义的冲突、对话和结盟中经历了男性性角色,男性权威的表现,男性身份话语的生效方式 及其与权力和权力抵抗的关系三个发展阶段.男性气质研究的理论发展表明有关男性气质、男性和男性在性别秩序中的地位已成为世界性的研究问题,且更强调地方 特色.

[Shu Q Z.2011.

The theoretical development of masculinity studies in contemporary west

[J]. Journal of Xiangtan University: Philosophy and Social Sciences, 35(4): 119-122.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1001-5981.2011.04.027      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

作为一门自20世纪后半叶开始逐渐形成的新兴的独立学科,男性气 质研究试图解构对社会性别和生理性别的单一理解.其研究理论在与女性主义的冲突、对话和结盟中经历了男性性角色,男性权威的表现,男性身份话语的生效方式 及其与权力和权力抵抗的关系三个发展阶段.男性气质研究的理论发展表明有关男性气质、男性和男性在性别秩序中的地位已成为世界性的研究问题,且更强调地方 特色.
[6] 万蕙, 唐雪琼. 2013.


[J]. 人文地理, 28(1): 26-31.

URL      摘要

在文化地理学研究向新文化地理学转向、女性主义运动蓬勃发展、女性主义理论在跨学科过程中日 益完善的背景下,西方女性主义地理学从女性经验、性别权利、女性内部差异入手,提供了以女性主义视角分析地理学问题的新的发展领域,并发展出质疑与抵抗男 性权威话语的学科范式。本文依循女性主义地理学中对身体、工作、空间和国家/民族等主要议题的探讨,梳理西方学者的研究进展,以期对本土研究提供有益借 鉴。

[Wan H, Tang X Q.2013.

Review on feminist geography in the perspective of new cultural geography

[J]. Human Geography, 28(1): 26-31.]

URL      摘要

在文化地理学研究向新文化地理学转向、女性主义运动蓬勃发展、女性主义理论在跨学科过程中日 益完善的背景下,西方女性主义地理学从女性经验、性别权利、女性内部差异入手,提供了以女性主义视角分析地理学问题的新的发展领域,并发展出质疑与抵抗男 性权威话语的学科范式。本文依循女性主义地理学中对身体、工作、空间和国家/民族等主要议题的探讨,梳理西方学者的研究进展,以期对本土研究提供有益借 鉴。
[7] 郑军, 沈莉, 祝平燕. 2005.


[J]. 广西社会科学, (12): 177-179.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zheng J, Shen L, Zhu P Y.2005.

"Dushi meixingnan" fengchao xia de xingbie qizhi sikao

[J]. Guangxi Social Sciences, (12): 177-179.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[8] Atherton S.2009.

Domesticating military masculinities: Home, performance and the negotiation of identity

[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 10(8): 821-836.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14649360903305791      URL      摘要

Here, I explore the domestication of masculine identities that occurs within the British Army, and the transitions that take place upon re-entry into civilian life. Through oral accounts I highlight how men renegotiate their identity within the ‘home’ and within ‘society’ and seek to add to the debate on how we analyse a cultural repertoire of masculinities that are appropriate to particular places. In particular, I draw out: (1) how a domesticated body fit for purpose is created and maintained within the British Army; (2) how and with what effect an embodied routine and self-discipline is transferred into a home environment; and (3) the re-imaging of home life through the performance of these masculine identities.
[9] Batnitzky A, McDowell L, Dyer S.2008.

A middle-class global mobility: The working lives of Indian men in a west London hotel

[J]. Global Networks, 8(1): 51-70.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-0374.2008.00185.x      URL      摘要

Abstract In this article we examine the working lives of young, single, middle-class Indian men employed in the increasingly global hospitality sector in London, UK. Using a case study of a single hotel, we investigate a particular form of Indian middle-class global mobility that differs from both the well-documented ‘low status’, unskilled migrant as well as the highly-skilled, science oriented migrants. We explore how their jobs both reinforce and challenge middle-class Indian notions of masculinity, as well as how the recruitment process is both gendered and economically selective. We suggest that the transnational formation of Indian middle-class identity is drawn from four main categories: a middle-class lifestyle in India, class-based motivations, the gendered and class based recruitment process of the UK hospitality industry, and the performance of class-based gender identities.
[10] Bell L D.2000.

Farm boys and wild men: Rurality, masculinity, and homosexuality

[J]. Rural Sociology, 65(4): 547-561.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2000.tb00043.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In this paper I explore cultural constructions of “rural gay masculinity,” focusing first on the stereotype of the “rustic sodomite” seen in a number of Hollywood movies; second, on the construction of an idyllic Eden in the gay imaginary; and third, on gendered and sexualized performances among members of the men's movement and the “radical fairies.” In doing so, I suggest how the rural/urban divide is meshed, in complex and distinct ways, with homosexual/heterosexual and masculine/feminine dichotomies in cultural texts and practices. Set against these representations, of course, are the lives of homosexual men born and raised in the country: I discuss accounts of the lives of “farm boys” as a way of contextualizing and complexifying the dominant modes of representation outlined. In all of these portrayals, “rural gay masculinity” is figured in distinct ways, especially in relation to urban effeminacy. I end by calling for further exploration of these issues in an effort to more fully theorize the cultural meanings and experiences of “rural gay masculinity.”
[11] Berg L D, Longhurst R.2003.

Placing masculinities and geography

[J]. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 10(4): 351-360.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369032000153322      URL      [本文引用: 6]      摘要

began publication. It is important to note that our review is far from exhaustive, but rather, more indicative. Our purpose here is to provide a context for our subsequent critique of a specific scaling of knowledge that constitutes much of the context for the way that work on masculinities is understood in Anglo-American geography.
[12] Berggren K.2014.

Hip hop feminism in Sweden: Intersectionality, feminist critique and female masculinity

[J]. European Journal of Women's Studies, 21(3): 233-250.

https://doi.org/10.1177/1350506813518761      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Hip hop has grown into a worldwide genre in recent decades, often being associated with issues of race and class. However, as research on ‘hip hop feminism’ in the US context demonstrates, the categories of gender and sexuality are no less fundamental. In the growing body of international hip hop research, though, questions about gender have been relatively absent, and relatively little is known about how gender norms are negotiated and challenged in hip hop in Europe. This article seeks to contribute to filling this gap in the literature by exploring how women negotiate the gender norms of hip hop in the case of Sweden. To this end, rap lyrics by 12 female rap artists are analysed through poststructuralist discourse analysis. The analysis focuses on intersectionality, feminism within and beyond hip hop, as well as the possibilities and limitations of female masculinity. It is shown how the masculine norms of the genre are simultaneously resisted and resignified as many female rappers incorporate some elements commonly associated with masculinity but mobilize them in their challenging of masculine norms. In this way, complying with the genre interestingly produces a hard and explicit feminism in which ‘all sexist pigs will be slaughtered”.
[13] Brandth B.1995.

Rural masculinity in transition: Gender images in tractor advertisements

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 11(2): 123-133.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0743-0167(95)00007-A      URL      [本文引用: 4]      摘要

The article investigates stability and change in images of masculinity in a technologically well-developed agriculture. By analysing tractor advertisements, it is shown how agricultural machinery is a male arena, and how tractors represent many qualities important to rural men and their masculine identity. The article also shows how technology and masculinity are mutually and simultaneously constructed. The users, the men farmers, give the tractor gender, and the tractor makes the farmers into real men. As the tractor is becoming computerized and more comfortable, new images of masculinity are in the process of evolving. The ideal of the farmer as a strong, dirty, manual mechanic is giving way to a more business-like masculinity. A question is whether the traditional, hegemonic type is being replaced, reconstructed or whether the two types will coexist peacefully, as variation in the meaning of gender is a general feature of late-modern culture.
[14] Brandth B.2002.

Gender identity in European family farming: A literature review

[J]. Sociologia Ruralis, 42(3): 181-200.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9523.00210      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article pinpoints the ways in which gender identities have been constructed in the literature on gender relations and farming published over the past twenty years. It identifies three significant discourses in the research literature, namely the discourse of the family farm, the discourse of masculinisation and the discourse of detraditionalisation and diversity. The discourse of the family farm is hegemonic in agricultural gender research. It positions men as head of the family farm enterprise; women in the subordinate position of ‘farm wives’ defined by their dependency, their marriage and family related responsibilities. The second discourse accounts for the masculinisation of agriculture. Gender positions are transformed and men and masculinity are loosing power and dominance, while women are pictured as taking action and adjusting themselves to late modern life. The “discourse of detraditionalisation and diversity” focuses on the various positions that contemporary women and men have in relation to the farm.
[15] Brandth B, Haugen M S.1998.

Breaking into a masculine discourse: Women and farm forestry

[J]. Sociologia Ruralis, 38(3): 427-442.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9523.00087      URL      摘要

This paper studies the gendering processes of farm forestry by means of discourse analysis. Forestry has traditionally been one of the most masculine rural activities. In spite of a relatively large number of women forest owners, women have only been active in this industry to a limited extent, and made little impact on the masculine culture of forestry. Looking at the main sites of discourse in the magazine of the forest owners, women are absent at the most influential site: organization and management. At the site of practical forestry work, women are sometimes represented, but as tokens in a man鈥檚 world. The only site in which women can be seen to obtain a position is that of expert work and knowledge, but this is not a change originating from forestry itself.
[16] Brandth B, Haugen M S.2000.

From lumberjack to business manager: Masculinity in the Norwegian Forestry Press

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 16(3): 343-355.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0743-0167(00)00002-4      URL      摘要

This article explores masculinity in an all-male discourse where gender is `taken-for-granted'. Through an examination of three volumes of a Norwegian forestry magazine, the article examines the ways in which masculinity is constructed at two of the main sites of forestry. These are the sites of practical forestry work and organisational management, which correspond to the `tough’ and the `powerful’ positions of masculinity in the industry. There are differences between the two positions of masculinity concerning structure, activity and display. Although quite coherently described in the magazine, there are noticeable signs of destabilisation. From being strongest in focus in the early volume, the old, sturdy working logger is replaced by the energetic, young man with efficient and powerful machinery. Most notable is the fact that the forestry worker seems to be giving way to the organisational man. After a macho-man flare up in the 1980s, the next decade marks a transition to greater hegemony of organisational masculinity.
[17] Brandth B, Haugen M S.2005.

Doing rural masculinity: From logging to outfield tourism

[J]. Journal of Gender Studies, 14(1): 13-22.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0958923042000331452      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article deals with the issue of stability and change in rural masculinity by studying how masculinity changes when work changes. Logging, which used to form a basis for the construction of masculinity in peripheral areas, is in the process of being replaced by new types of work brought about by the commodification of natural and cultural resources. Hunting, fishing and adventures in the wilderness as products are grounded in the traditional competences of rural men, but include elements of service work that go beyond masculine rural knowledge and networks, and introduce features of femininity and urbanity. When urban customers enter places and activities that used to be central for the identification of the rural masculine, rural men seek new places and challenges where 'real rural masculinity' may be expressed.
[18] Bye L M.2003.

Masculinity and rurality at play in stories about hunting

[J]. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 57(3): 145-153.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00291950310002125      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The hunting arena is beginning to captivate new groups of people, and the main focus of this article is rural men's gendered practices and actions in meeting the 'new' hunters. Important issues are how rural hunters construct themselves as men in relation to a modern hunting culture and which gendered and spatial opinions are incorporated into rural men's stories about hunting. Two processes that may challenge the current understanding of traditional rural masculinity are seen as particularly interesting: one is the local hunter's view on the development of commercial hunting, and the other is the local hunter's view on local 'girls' (women) entering the hunting arena. This article argues that gender and rurality must be understood as relational phenomena that are constructed through action and interaction, and that gendered practices are directly involved in social practices, at the same time as social practices both shape and change our understanding of gender. The storylines of hunting are highlighted by focusing on discursive practices of inclusion and exclusion. The article concludes that 'masculinity' and 'rurality' are tightly connected in the sense that they are both constructed in relation to 'urbanity'. In the face of urbanity, the traditional rural masculinity is reinforced in some respects, while in other respects it is opened to redefinition, such as in the meeting with the female hunters. The background material for the article includes interviews with young male hunters who have been raised in and are residents of a county in Mid-Norway.
[19] Campbell H, Bell M M.2000.

The question of rural masculinities

[J]. Rural Sociology, 65(4): 532-546.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2000.tb00042.x      URL      [本文引用: 7]      摘要

ABSTRACT Abstract By way of introduction to this special issue on rural masculinities, we provide an overview of masculinity studies, emphasizing the influential work of Robert W. Connell on hegemonic masculinity. We go on to distinguish between two main avenues of rural inquiry in masculinity studies: studies of the masculine in the rural and studies of the rural in the masculine, or what we also term the masculine rural and the rural masculine. We apply this distinction to the six contributions to this special issue, showing how most of the papers maintain a kind of dialogue between the two. We conclude by arguing that studies of rural masculinities are a contribution rather than an alternative to feminist scholarship in the rural social sciences, and that the topic of rural masculinities provides rural scholarship with opportunities for conducting research in other disciplines.
[20] Carrigan T, Connell B, Lee J.1985.

Toward a new sociology of masculinity

[J]. Theory and Society. 14(5): 551-604.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00160017      URL      摘要

This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )
[21] Connell R W.1987. Gender and power: Society, the person, and sexual politics[M]. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.

[22] Connell R W.2005.

Globalization, imperialism, and masculinities

[M]//Kimmel M S, Hearn J, Connell R W. Handbook of studies on men & masculinities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications: 71-89.

[本文引用: 4]     

[23] Connell R W, Messerschmidt J W.2005.

Hegemonic masculinity: Rethinking the concept

[J]. Gender & Society, 19(6): 829-859.


[24] Courtenay W H.2000.

Constructions of masculinity and their influence on men's well-being: A theory of gender and health

[J]. Social Science & Medicine, 50(10): 1385-1401.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0277-9536(99)00390-1      URL      PMID: 10741575      摘要

Men in the United States suffer more severe chronic conditions, have higher death rates for all 15 leading causes of death, and die nearly 7 yr younger than women. Health-related beliefs and behaviours are important contributors to these differences. Men in the United States are more likely than women to adopt beliefs and behaviours that increase their risks, and are less likely to engage in behaviours that are linked with health and longevity. In an attempt to explain these differences, this paper proposes a relational theory of men's health from a social constructionist and feminist perspective. It suggests that health-related beliefs and behaviours, like other social practices that women and men engage in, are a means for demonstrating femininities and masculinities. In examining constructions of masculinity and health within a relational context, this theory proposes that health behaviours are used in daily interactions in the social structuring of gender and power. It further proposes that the social practices that undermine men's health are often signifiers of masculinity and instruments that men use in the negotiation of social power and status. This paper explores how factors such as ethnicity, economic status, educational level, sexual orientation and social context influence the kind of masculinity that men construct and contribute to differential health risks among men in the United States. It also examines how masculinity and health are constructed in relation to femininities and to institutional structures, such as the health care system. Finally, it explores how social and institutional structures help to sustain and reproduce men's health risks and the social construction of men as the stronger sex.
[25] Dashper K.2012.

'Dressage is full of queens!' Masculinity, sexuality and equestrian sport

[J]. Sociology, 46(6): 1109-1124.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038512437898      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Attitudes towards sexuality are changing and levels of cultural homophobia decreasing, yet there remain very few openly gay men within sport. As a proving ground for heteromasculinity, sport has traditionally been a hostile environment for gay men. This article is based on an ethnographic study within a sporting subworld in which gay men do appear to be accepted: equestrian sport. Drawing on in...
[26] Datta A.2008.

Building differences: Material geographies of home(s) among Polish builders in London

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 33(4): 518-531.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2008.00320.x      URL      摘要

This paper examines how embodied acts of building home(s) for others shape particular constructions of cultural difference and otherness. It presents a largely unexplored perspective of home – one that is uninhabited by its builders. This perspective becomes relevant through a study of Polish home-builders who have legally entered the building sector in London since EU expansion in 2004, who put together homes for others, temporarily inhabiting them during building, and moving out as soon as the work is completed. Using participant photo-diaries and semi-structured interviews, this paper suggests that the building act – putting together of homes for others as part of a political economy of labour and materials in different localised contexts, produces particular distinctions between the ‘socio-technical’ nature of homes across national territories. In doing so, it extends different perspectives on homes from cultural geography, anthropology and architecture to suggest a more nuanced material geography of home – as an assemblage of building elements under different contexts which, through the building acts of migrant men, allow scrutiny of cultural difference and otherness. Participants’ own homes left behind in Poland, homes they build for others in London and the future homes that they aspire to, suggest how differences in the ways that they are put together are ascribed cultural meanings of dwelling that are inherently corporal. Building homes is a deeply masculine act – a sexualised and embodied politics of home, which validates particular versions of gendered ethno-national identities as Polish men, and locates the future home within a Polish home/land. Although inhabiting the future home is uncertain, building this home is seen as an extension of their identity as Polish men who ensure the continuity of the Polish home and family.
[27] Datta K, McIlwaine C, Herbert J, et al.2009.

Men on the move: Narratives of migration and work among low-paid migrant men in London

[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 10(8): 853-873.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14649360903305809      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The impact of migration on gender identities, norms and conventions has been predominantly understood from the perspective of female migrants. Far less attention has been paid to the potential that migration entails for the negotiation and reconstruction of male identities. Drawing on sixty-seven in-depth interviews with male migrants employed in low-paid work in London, this paper explores the reworking of male identities at different stages of ‘the migration project’, focusing particularly upon the reasons extended for migration and how these are shaped by gender ideologies in home countries and negotiation of life and work in London. The paper also draws attention to ways in which these re-negotiations are themselves cross-cut by ethnic, racial and class differences, so constructing a more nuanced picture of mobile men and male identities.
[28] Donaldson M.1993.

What is hegemonic masculinity

[J]. Theory and Society, 22(5): 643-657.

https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00993540      URL      摘要

Hegemonic masculinity is a powerful idea that has been usefully employed for about twenty five years (by 2007) in a wide variety of contexts and has now been subject to much critical review. Its successful application to a wide range of different cultures suggests that there may well be no known human societies in which some form of masculinity has not emerged as dominant, more socially central, more associated with power, in which a pattern of practices embodying the "currently most honoured way" of being male legitimates the superordination of men over women. Hegemonic masculinity is normative in a social formation. Not all men attempt to live it, and some oppose it by developing alternative (and subordinate) masculinities, but all men position themselves, in relation to it in situations where their choices may be quite restricted.
[29] Fitzsimmons M.1989.

The matter of nature

[J]. Antipode, 21(2): 106-120.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8330.1989.tb00183.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

First page of article
[30] Francis B.2010.

Re/theorising gender: Female masculinity and male femininity in the classroom

[J]. Gender and Education, 22(5): 477-490.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09540250903341146      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent gender theorising has been enlivened by post‐structuralist accounts of gender as ‘disembodied’; the reading of gender performances as distinct from sexed bodies. However, there has been little application of such theoretical positions to empirical analysis in gender and education. This article employs two such positions – that of ‘female masculinity and male femininity’, and that of ‘gender monoglossia and heteroglossia’ – to data raised from a research project on high‐achieving pupils. It is argued that although cases of female masculinity and male femininity are identified, such labels can usefully be applied to only a very small number of pupils, and even here there are profound problems in the conceptual application. The concept of gender heteroglossia appeared applicable to a far larger number of pupils. It is argued that this latter concept offers a less rigid application, that can incorporate analysis both of continuing patterns of gender inequality (as reflective of gender monoglossia), and of individual, gender‐transgressive (heteroglossic) performances.
[31] Hopkins P, Noble G.2009.

Masculinities in place: Situated identities, relations and intersectionality

[J]. Social and Cultural Geography, 10(8): 811-819.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14649360903305817      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this article, I examine cultural narratives about the lives and places of women with mental illness in the commercial Hollywood film: Girl Interrupted (1999). In contrast to most of the disability studies literature concerned with cultural representation, this article explicitly examines how the spatiality of 'mad women's' lives is constructed through film. Drawing on post-structuralist, and feminist perspectives on disability, and on conceptual ideas from the limited social geographic literature concerned with the lives of persons with mental illness, I explore the contradictory cultural narratives about the lives and places of women with mental illness constructed through this film. This approach recognizes that representations of 'mad women' and their places in society and space involve contradictory, tension-laden relationships between spectator and cultural product, complex discursive negotiations of meaning, and gendered processes of meaning-making, in some ways affirming mad women's lives and in others perpetuating negative stereotypes about women with mental illness and where they belong.
[32] Howell P.2001.

Sex and the city of bachelors: Sporting guidebooks and urban knowledge in nineteenth-century Britain and America

[J]. Cultural Geographies, 8(1): 20-50.

https://doi.org/10.1177/096746080100800102      URL      摘要

Guidebooks to brothels and prostitutes flourished in mid-nineteenth century Britain and America, particularly in the great cities of London and New York. This paper treats such guides as a form of imaginative mapping, associated with a 070705sporting070705 male culture of sexually predatory men and an ideal city of male sexual opportunity. Such guidebooks offered to their readers a particular form of urban knowledge, primarily through the construction of the persona of the 070705man about town070705, holding out the promise of ordering the confusing realities of the sprawling nineteenth-century metropolis. However, the guidebook genre necessarily admits something of the anxieties, ignorance and vulnerability of the would-be men about town who made up its readers, and this paper concludes that this literature should be considered as an elaborate ideological fantasy, constraining as well as constructing masculine identities, rather than simply evidence for the confident male appropriation of public space.
[33] Jackson P.1991.

The cultural politics of masculinity: Towards a social geography

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 16(2): 199-213.

https://doi.org/10.2307/622614      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Drawing on the concept of cultural politics, this paper explores the cultural construction of gender identities among men and women, emphasizing their historical and geographical specificity. It examines the extent to which patriarchal gender relations lead to the oppression of some (gay and heterosexual) men as well as being inherently exploitative of women. Notwithstanding the powerful fit between 'dominant' (or hegemonic) masculinity and 'compliant' (subordinate) femininity, the paper recognizes a plurality of masculinities and femininities, accessed through a selection of representations of gender difference. While new forms of masculinity may have emerged from the challenge of feminism and gay political activism, the weight of evidence points to the resilience of patriarchal structures rather than to any dramatic shift in the balance of power between men and women. The paper provides new evidence from current research in Bradford. It concludes with an agenda for future research on the spatial structures that underpin dominant forms of masculinity and indicate the lines of possible resistance.
[34] Jackson P.1994.

Black male: Advertising and the cultural politics of masculinity

[J]. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 1(1): 49-59.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09663699408721200      URL      摘要

During the 1980s, men's bodies began to appear with increasing frequency in television, cinema and billboard advertising. The advertisers’ preferred image of masculinity has generally been young, white, able‐bodied and staunchly heterosexual. This paper explores a partial exception to these generalisations: Ogilvy & Mather's highly successful relaunch of the soft drink, Lucozade. By using selected images of black male bodies and their popular associations with sporting and sexual prowess, Lucozade was able to shake off its long‐established associations with sickness and convalescence, becoming a popular ‘in‐health’ drink with a revitalised and revitalising image. The paper places contemporary representations of black men in British advertising in relation to wider changes in attitudes towards gender, sexuality and ‘race’, arguing that the success of the Lucozade campaign depended not so much on general associations between sport and ‘race’, manliness and muscularity, as on the reader's (socially constructed) knowledge of the particular personalities represented. This assumed knowledge effectively suppresses the more threatening aspects of a stereotypically anonymous and rapacious black male sexuality, provoking desire without evoking dread.
[35] Kimmel M S, Messner M A.1995.

Men's lives

[M]. 3rd ed. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Kofman E, Phizacklea A, Raghuram P, et al.2000.

Gender and international migration in Europe: Employment, welfare and politics

[M]. London, UK: Routledge.

[37] Kofman E, Raghuram P.2005.

Gender and skilled migrants: Into and beyond the work place

[J]. Geoforum, 36(2): 149-154.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2004.06.001      URL      摘要

Geography is fundamentally a non-reductionist and holistic discipline. While we tend to focus on particular areas (Physical, Human. etc.), or we focus on specific successes (Quaternary studies for example) this paper argues that selling Geography though emphasizing these specific areas or strengths misses a major potential contribution our discipline can make. While most sciences have become reductionist over the last two centuries, they have recently discovered that the Earth is a "complex system" with "emergent" properties that cannot be explained through understanding the components parts individually. Many of these sciences are now contributing to a major effort called Earth System Science, an integrative super-discipline that accepts that biophysical sciences and social sciences are equally important in any attempts to understand the state, and future of the Earth System. This paper argues that the development of Earth System Sciences is a risk for Geography since it is, in effect, Geography with few Geographers. While representing a threat, the development of Earth System Science is also an opportunity. I argue that Geography could be a lead discipline among the other biophysical and social sciences that are now building Earth System Science to address key problems within the Earth System. While I am optimistic about the potential of Geography to take this leadership role, I am pessimistic about the likelihood that we will. I provide suggestions on how we might take on the leadership of Earth System Science including individual engagement and a refinement of tertiary training of some Geography students. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[38] Liepins R.2000.

Making men: The construction and representation of agriculture-based masculinities in Australia and New Zealand

[J]. Rural Sociology, 65(4): 605-620.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2000.tb00046.x      URL      摘要

Abstract Gender analyses of farming have become well established in rural sociological literature. In recent years, however, increasing attention has been given to the discursive processes influencing gender relations and identities. In the current paper I continue this trend by exploring how a range of key agriculture-related masculinities are constructed and articulated in Australia and New Zealand. First, a conceptual discussion identifies the need to consider discourse and creation of knowledge and truths about masculinity. An outline of the research is provided. Then I report on two broad fields in which masculinity is constructed, namely the farm arena and industry politics. Finally, I make closing comments in relation to the possibility of alternative genderings of agriculture.
[39] Light R, Kirk D.2000.

High school rugby, the body and the reproduction of hegemonic masculinity

[J]. Sport, Education and Society, 5(2): 163-176.

https://doi.org/10.1080/713696032      URL      摘要

Wacquant (1995) argues that the irony of the body's increasing visibility in the social science literature is the absence of studies that deal with actual flesh and blood bodies. Focused on an elite, independent high school in Australia this paper examines the relationship between young men's experiences of rugby training and the embodiment of a 'traditional', hegemonic form of masculinity. Drawing on the work of Bourdieu, Foucault and Connell it examines the corporeal and discursive practices that constituted rugby training for a small group of boys in the school's 1st XV. In doing so it identifies the ways in which this acted to reproduce a hegemonic form of masculinity increasingly under threat in rapidly changing social, cultural and economic conditions.
[40] Little J.2002.

Rural geography: Rural gender identity and the performance of masculinity and femininity in the countryside

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 26(5): 665-670.

https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132502ph394pr      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Reviews the progress that has been made in the examination of rural gender identities and, in particular, in debates on the relationship between masculinity and the rural environment and community. Masculinity, nature and rural landscape; Gender identity and rural social spaces; Men's ability to survive in harsh environments; Heterosexuality as an important characteristic of hegemonic rural masculinities.
[41] Longhurst R.2000.

Geography and gender: Masculinities, male identity and men

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 24(3): 439-444.

https://doi.org/10.1191/030913200701540519      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

ABSTRACT The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
[42] McDonald J.2013.

Conforming to and resisting dominant gender norms: How male and female nursing students do and undo gender

[J]. Gender, Work & Organization, 20(5): 561-579.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0432.2012.00604.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Much existing research has shown that men are able to construct and enact masculine identities in female-dominated occupational contexts. However, few studies have examined the experiences of both men and women in these occupations. Furthermore, few studies attend to how men and women in these occupations both conform to and resist gender norms. In this study, I draw on the undoing gender frameworks developed by Deutsch and Butler to address the limitations mentioned above. Most notably, this study attends to the ways in which male and female nursing students do gender by conforming to dominant gender norms, as well as undo gender by resisting these norms. The main contribution of this study is thus to show the multiple ways through which gender can be done and undone in the professional training of both male and female nurses. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of attending to both women and men in research on female-dominated occupations and of examining both similarities and differences in the gender performances of men and women.
[43] McDowell L.2008.

Thinking through work: Complex inequalities, constructions of difference and trans-national migrants

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 32(4): 491-507.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[44] McDowell J.2015.

Masculinity and non-traditional occupations: Men's talk in women's work

[J]. Gender, Work & Organization, 22(3): 273-291.

https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12078      URL     

[45] Montes V.2013.

The role of emotions in the construction of masculinity Guatemalan migrant men, transnational migration, and family relations

[J]. Gender & Society, 27(4): 469-490.

https://doi.org/10.2307/23486646      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article examines how migration contributes to the plurality of masculinities among Guatemalan men, particularly among migrant men and their families. I argue that migration offers an opportunity to men, both migrant and nonmigrant, to reflect on their emotional relations with distinct family members, and show how, by engaging in this reflexivity, these men also have the opportunity to vent those emotions in a way that offsets some of the negative traits associated to a hegemonic masculinity, such as being unemotional, nonnurturing, aggressive, and dispassionate. This study contributes to transnational migration studies in three ways: (1) by examining the more personal and emotional side of transnational life, (2) by examining ways in which men step away from culturally expected hegemonic masculine identity, and (3) by providing an empirical study of subaltern masculinities, particularly among transnational immigrant men. Drawing on multi-sited, in-depth interviews conducted in Guatemala and California, my research contributes to our understanding of the emotional costs of transnational migration for migrants and their families, particularly for men, by examining the interplay among gender, family, and transnational migration.
[46] Morin K M, Longhurst R, Johnston L. 2001.

(Troubling) spaces of mountains and men: New Zealand's Mount Cook and Hermitage Lodge

[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 2(2): 117-139.

https://doi.org/10.1080/14649360120047779      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper we trace one pervasive expression of hegemonic New Zealand national identity that developed around the sport of mountaineering from the 1880s, culminating in Sir Edmund Hillary's historic first climb of Mount Everest in 1953. The image of the masculine mountaineering hero, developed on and around New Zealand's highest peak, Mount Cook, is, however, inherently unstable, and we focus on two sites of potential disruption. First, we examine the experiences of white mountaineering women on Mount Cook. These women both embraced the masculinist identity of hero and destabilized it. Women's mountaineering points to the active and complex construction (rather than simple reproduction) of imperialisms, nationalisms and masculinities. Second, we examine the role played by the Hermitage Lodge situated at the base of Mount Cook. Narratives about mountaineering too often ignore the huts, lodges, the places of staying behind. The roles performed by women (and some men) who never had the opportunity and/or the desire to climb but instead 'kept the home fires burning' and supported the efforts of others can be examined as a way of productively challenging the entrenchment of national identity around the masculine mountaineering hero.
[47] Morrell R, Swart S.2005.

Men in the Third World: Postcolonial perspectives on masculinity

[M]//Kimmel M S, Hearn J, Connell R W. Handbook of studies on men & masculinities. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications: 90-113.

[本文引用: 1]     

[48] Nguyen A.2008.

Patriarchy, power, and female masculinity

[J]. Journal of Homosexuality, 55(4): 665-683.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00918360802498625      URL      PMID: 19064484      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article examines the place of "butch" within the women's movement. The political potentials of butch in both her refusal of patriarchal constructs of femininity and her transmutation of masculinity will be explored. It will be argued that the butch lesbian threatens male power by severing the naturalized connection between masculinity and male bodies, by causing masculinity to appear "queer," and by usurping men's roles. However, for "butch" to truly have feminist potential, it also needs to be accompanied by a feminist awareness and a rejection of aspects of masculinity that are oppressive to women. Hence, "butch feminist" need not be an oxymoron, but a strategy for challenging male domination and power.
[49] Nihill M.1994.

New women and wild men: 'Development', changing sexual practice and gender in Highland Papua New Guinea

[J]. Canberra Anthropology, 17(2): 48-72.

[50] Paechter C.2006.

Masculine femininities/feminine masculinities: Power, identities and gender

[J]. Gender and Education, 18(3): 253-263.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09540250600667785      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper is basically about terminology. In it I discuss the terms ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ and how they relate to being male and being female. My theme arises from an increasing difficulty that I am finding in understanding how individual identities relate to dominant constructions of masculinity and femininity. Christine Skelton and Becky Francis argue that we should not be afraid to name certain behaviours as masculine even when they are performed by girls. After a discussion of the problems of defining both ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’, and a consideration of the power relations between these terms, I go on to consider the concept of ‘female masculinity’ (Halberstam). I argue that this formulation is problematic, due to its dependence on a main term whose definition is unclear. Finally, I argue that we need to distinguish ‘masculinity’ and ‘femininity’ from ‘masculinities’ and ‘femininities’.
[51] Reed M G.2003.

Marginality and gender at work in forestry communities of British Columbia, Canada

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 19(3): 373-389.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0743-0167(03)00021-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines the practices and discourses of forestry work in a Canadian context. I argue that forestry-town women contribute to a paradox. From the outside, women's experiences of forestry employment are rendered marginal by academics, government agencies and policy makers. Women's representations in forestry work are limited, in part, because those who count forestry have historically overlooked types of employment where women are most likely to be found. Paradoxically, I argue that women contribute to their own marginality by their adherence to discourses and practices that reinforce stereotypes about the industry. I explain this paradox developing the concept of social embeddedness to explore women's direct involvement in the paid work of forestry and to examine the meanings women give to forestry occupations. My empirical analysis traces government and academic definitions of forestry work and contrast these to interpretations of forestry work given in interviews by women living in forestry communities on Vancouver Island, Canada. I observe women both protested their marginal positions within forestry while they reinforced dominant stereotypes that exclude them from participating more fully in forestry occupations. I consider the implications of these findings from a theoretical and a policy perspective.
[52] Rose G.1993. Feminism & geography: The limits of geographical knowledge[M]. Minnesota, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

[53] Saugeres L.2002.

Of tractors and men: Masculinity, technology and power in a French farming community

[J]. Sociologia Ruralis, 42(2): 143-159.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9523.00207      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper explores cultural constructions of masculinities and femininities among farming families in a French community. In particular, it shows how, with the development of agricultural technology, the tractor has become a symbol of male power and spatial domination over women. Drawing on life–history interviews and ethnographic observations, it is argued that farmers have appropriated agricultural technology and used it to construct and reaffirm their masculine identities. As a result of this appropriation,women’s work in agricultural production has become limited to carrying out menial tasks which are seen as secondary to farming.Focusing on narratives revolving around men, women and tractors, the paper shows that the tractor,as a symbol of male domination,is directly opposed to images of femininity. However, it is argued that the tractor can also become the expression of struggle and contention over masculine power and patriarchal gender relations on the farm.
[54] Sobiraj S, Rigotti T, Weseler D, et al.2015.

Masculinity ideology and psychological strain: Considering men's social stressors in female-dominated occupations

[J]. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 16(1): 54.

https://doi.org/10.1037/a0035706      URL      摘要

ABSTRACT According to the gender role strain paradigm (GRSP), men’s adherence to masculinity ideology could result in dysfunction strain when it becomes incompatible with other role demands. To support the relevance of GRSP in the work context, we explored the relationship between masculinity ideology and strain for men in female-dominated occupations by introducing social stressors as an intervening variable. Within female-dominated occupations, the feminine gender role can be seen as a crucial job requirement and contradictory to masculinity ideology. We proposed that men adherent to masculinity ideology would experience more social stressors with colleagues and superiors, which would lead to an indirect effect on men’s psychological strain. A sample of 175 German men in female-dominated occupations and 88 men in male-dominated occupations completed questionnaires. Men rated their level of adherence to masculinity ideology (toughness, status, and antifemininity), perceived social stressors, and strains (emotional irritation, depressive mood). The results of multigroup structural equation modeling (SEM) provided the best fit for a partial mediation model, showing a stronger relationship between masculinity ideology and social stressors for men in female-dominated occupations than for men in male-dominated occupations. Our data therefore supported ideas of dysfunction strain in specific work settings when considering men’s perception of social stressors as a mediating mechanism.
[55] Van Hoven B, Hörschelmann K.2005. Spaces of masculinities[M]. Abingdon, UK: Psychology Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Walsh K.2011.

Migrant masculinities and domestic space: British home-making practices in Dubai

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 36(4): 516-529.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2011.00442.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Existing research has tended to highlight the working lives, career trajectories and networking practices of skilled migrant men. In contrast, this article asserts the significance of domestic space in the constitution and narration of migrant masculinities, examining the role of domestic practices, objects, and relations. To do so, I explore the practices and narratives of British migrants in Dubai, drawing on ethnographic research, including interviews surrounding international relocation and domestic material culture, as well as participant-observation within homes. Migrants with a range of occupations, migration trajectories, residence biographies, and living arrangements are included in the discussion. Through the analysis it is demonstrated that the co-constitution of domesticity and masculinity in migrants' lives is complex, involving geographies of absence and presence, mobility and emplacement, international careering and settlement. The heterogeneity of British men in Dubai challenges any singular representation of masculinity in this migration context and generates alternative meanings of home and belonging. The article concludes that further analysis of domestic material culture and home-making is necessary to complicate our understanding of the relationship between masculinities and home, for those who stay put as well as those who move.
[57] Walton-Roberts M, Pratt G.2005.

Mobile modernities: A South Asian family negotiates immigration, gender and class in Canada

[J]. Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 12(2): 173-195.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09663690500094823      URL      摘要

For the modern Indian immigrant family ‘modernity’ is not necessarily found in the west. Using qualitative data drawn from in-depth interviews with one immigrant Sikh family, conducted in both Vancouver and the Punjab, we draw attention to the mobile and contradictory modernities family members have faced in their migration, settlement and subsequent transnational activities. We explore how class, gender and sexuality have framed the experiences of the members of this family in differential, partial and sometimes ironic ways. In so doing we construct a theoretical argument about the nature and geography of modernity, and how it relates to immigrant settlement in Canada.
[58] West C, Zimmerman D H.1987.

Doing gender

[J]. Gender & Society, 1(2): 125-151.


[59] Woodward R.1998.

"It's a man's life!": Soldiers, masculinity and the countryside

[J]. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography, 5(3): 277-300.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09663699825214      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article explores the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside. It draws on a variety of published materials ranging from army recruitment literature to military autobiography. It is located primarily in conceptual frameworks suggested by feminist and rural studies literatures. Following a brief discussion of the historical contribution of the military to ideas of rurality, the relationships between soldiers, masculinity and the countryside are explored. First, the ways in which the army constructs a particular view of the countryside are discussed. This view accords the army rights of control over space, dictates a particular way of seeing rural space, and develops a quasi-environmentalist interpretation of the impact of army activity on the landscape. Second, it is suggested that this conceptualisation of the countryside contributes specifically to the construction of particular (hegemonic) notions of masculinity. The ideas of adventure and danger are particularly important in this respect. Third, the role of the body of the soldier in this process is examined. The construction of a specific gendered identity through a process of transformation from civilian to soldier is discussed. The article concludes by suggesting how the body of the soldier is used to signify particular senses of place.
[60] Woodward R.2000.

Warrior heroes and little green men: Soldiers, military training and the construction of rural masculinities

[J]. Rural Sociology, 65(4): 640-657.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.2000.tb00048.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Examines military training in the United Kingdom; the construction of military masculinities, particularly the ideal type of the warrior hero; and the role of the countryside (as the training location) and rurality (as a social construction) in that process. Argues that becoming an infantry soldier means being molded to this hegemonic model of masculinity. (Contains 60 references.) (Author/SV)
