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    Chen Cai, Liu Shuguang
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    Regional Economic Geography (REG) appeared in the form of description on regional economic activities in ancient geography, and it formed an independent branch of modern geography. REG has been challenged by the problems of regional economic development, the competition of neighboring subjects (such as Regional Economics and Regional Science), the backwardness of traditional theory and methodology during the recent decades. At the turn of the century, the task of REG will change into solving the problems on regional economic sustainable development, and the construction of theory and methodology is urgently needed for the development of REG in the future.
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    Huang Chaoyong
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    This paper puts forward two advices: to construct investment geography, and to develop investment decision consultation industry. The former advice is based on the point that a new application science will appear accompanying the deep study of investment environment. In market economy, different investors need different investment environments, so the latter advice is based on the point that different investors need different kinds of evaluation of investment environment. Investment geography may be brought out by the combination of geography with investment science or by inner polarization of economic geography. Investment environment valuation and investment decision consultation industry can be developed by three ways: standardization management of industry, company oriented institute administration, and attestation supervision of qualification for those who are engaged in investment environment evaluation.
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    Yang Qinye, Li Shuangcheng
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    Knowledge based economy raises serious issues for geographer: What are tasks of new comprehensive study? What are new methods and techniques used in solving more complicated problems? In an attempt to answer these questions, we indicate that it is important to identify the effects caused by knowledge based economy on socioeconomic and natural environmental systems. The agricultural age was based on plows and animals that pulled them; the industrial age, on engines and the fuels that fed them. The knowledge based economy age we are now creating will be based on knowledge and men that master and apply it. Compared with capital, resource and labor, knowledge and scientific technology will play a more important role in economic growth and social development in knowledge based economy age. As a result, the shift of the object, scope and methods of geographical comprehensive study is inevitable. In this paper, we offer straightforward explanation of knowledge based economy and provide insight into its effects on geography. To fashion the present geographical comprehensive study into knowledge based economy, we recommend such modifications as integrating socio economic and environmental system, establishing virtual geographical space and internalizing external factors. Knowledge based economy is opening up new realms for geographer. By fusing traditional methods and technologies, geographer can create new comprehensive field that will profoundly reshape geography.
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    Wu Shaohong
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    This paper describes the innovation of concepts of resources and environment in the time of knowledge based economy. Regional characters, integrated regional evaluation and sustainable regional development are modified. The paper also describes two major tasks of regional resources and environment research for knowledge based economy age and national innovation systems. The first is the role of regional resources and environment research, which is the contribution of regional resources and environment research to the national innovation systems. The other is innovation of regional resources and environment research itself in the national innovation system.
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    Wang Jici
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    New industrial district is by now a well known concept for many geographers of the wolrd. Its literature has been embodied in critique and counter critique, reflecting concern about the theoretical and empirical status of the claims, as well as the significance of the districts. The new industrial district originally is defined as essentially a territorial system of small and medium sized firms with spatially concentrated networks, often using flexible production technology and characterized by extensive local inter firm linkages. This paper introduces the concept of new industrial district and the background of the issue of international study and discussion on the new industrial district.
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    Wu Kai, Xie Xianqun, Tang Dengyin
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    The annual irrigation benefit of water diverting from the Huanghe River is 49 1×10 8 kg for grain in the lower reaches of the river. The annual rate of yield increasing for grain is 6 5 per cent in the irrigation regions of water diverting from the river in Shandong Province. The annual amount of yield decreasing is at least 17 21×10 8 kg for grain by the absence of flow in Luokou Lijin reach, the frequency of which is 46 2 per cent. The daily direct economic lose by the absence of flow is 3930×10 4 RMB yuan. Therefore, researching and decreasing the absence of flow in the river, securing and developing the irrigation of water diverting from the river, are keys for the agricultural sustainable development in the area.
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    Chen Baiming, Li Shishun
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    This paper contrasts and analyses a dramatic loss of farmland in China during her post reform economic booming period of 1986-1995 from different data sources, and examines the formation of farmland losses. It is found that adjustment of agricultural structure, non agricultural constructions and natural hazards have played a main role in decreasing the gross quantity of farmland. The findings suggest the countermeasures of strengthening land use control, etc.
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    Sun Fenghua
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    The view of social sustainable devlopment has been accepted by every country in the world. Community development has been a problem with extensive concern for Chinese and foreign academic circles. This paper elaborates on the historical background of community development and its connotation, principles and moulds, probes into actions of community geography in researching community development.It is to be wished that this paper could advance community development and community geography development.
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    Jia Shaofeng
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    The economic regional difference of Japan reduced greatly in 60’s and 70’s. But it turned adversely to widen in 80’s. Mainly because of the influence of the breakage of foam economy of Japan in 1990 and the East Asian economic crisis in 1997, it turned to reduce again in 90’s. Now it is relatively small. On the level of province, the ratio of the highest national income distributed per person with the lowest is about 2 times while the ratio of the highest GDP per person with the lowest is about 3 times. Even so, the regional differences of population density and economy density are still very high.
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    Ren Jianlan
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    The paper analyses history background of two kinds of development ideas. Based on conclusions about traditional development idea, the paper analyses mainly the deep features and the surface features about sustainable development idea. The auther points out that people must persist in the standard of theory and practice in order to promote sustainable development of society.
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    Zhang Yan
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    Regional development has been focused on gradually in China. The level of management and decision of regional economic becomes the key factor of the sustainable development. So it is necessary and important to build the DSS as soon as possible. The manager and decision maker could use this system to get information from the model, data base and information products provided by system. With this system, it is facile to express the present situation and advantages of local economic development. This article expounds the design basis as well as functions of the system, and puts forward the basic opinion of how to assess the function of such a system.
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    Ren Guozhu
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    The middle reaches of Huanghe River is one of the regions with the worse natural condition, fragile ecological environment and weak rural economical foundation. In this paper, both the advantage including location, resource and restricted condition such as ecological condition, science and technology, culture were analyzed. Meantime, the current state and potential of rural economy development also were appraised and researched. Further more, the orientation and methods of rural economy development of this region in the future were put forward.
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    Fan Yezheng, Tao Wei, Liu Feng
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    The paper reviewed the progress and the newly development in foreign tourism planning. The foreign research progress of tourism planning was divided into four stages: preliminary, transitional, rapid developing and intensive stage. The main ideas and technique innovations were also summarized respectively in the paper.
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    Chen Jilin
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    This paper emphasized the importance of tourist environment protection for the tourism development in present and future from the angle of tourism sustainable development in Fujian. It discussed the conception of tourist environment and its relative elements. The position of tourist environment in the tourist value of tonristy landscape area was expounded. The author analysed the environmental problems and its seriousness in development tourism in Fujian. Finally, to direct the above problems the paper proposed the environmental counter measure to found the sustainable tourism.