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    ZHANG Yifan, ZHU Shengjun, HE Canfei
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1471-1480.

    Current literature on regional industrial evolution has paid much attention to the impact of regional external linkages but strategic coupling, as an important variable in the global production network framework, has received little discussion. In view of this deficiency, this study employed the panel data of nine cities of Pearl River Delta from 2003 to 2016 to examine the impact of strategic coupling on the entry dynamics of regional industry, and empirically demonstrate the moderating effect of technological density of local industries on this process. The results show that: 1) Regional external linkages have a significant impact on industrial entry, and the strategic coupling with strong dependency has a negative effect on the formation of new paths of industrial development. 2) Technological relatedness has a positive moderating effect on the impact of strategic coupling on regional industrial entry, the role of strategic coupling impact on regional industrial dynamics changed after the 2008 financial crisis, and the importance of the local enterprises' technological innovation is further highlighted. This study quantitatively explored the strategic coupling patterns of nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, and empirically demonstrated the impact of strategic coupling on the dynamics of industrial entry, which is meaningful for promoting the fusion of relational economic geography and evolutionary economic geography.

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    NIU Qiang, HU Jinpeng, LIANG Xiaoqian, LIU Xiaoyang, WU Lei
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1481-1495.

    Accurately grasping the patterns of population dynamics within cities can help promote coordinated regional development and optimize the spatial structure of society. Most of the existing studies focus on the total population and distribution changes at the macro scale, but lack of attention to the process of population dynamics caused by intracity relocation, and its measurement methods and characteristics are yet to be explored. Based on cell phone signaling big data and taking Wuhan City as an example, this study carried out an empirical analysis by constructing a three-dimensional indicator system of scale-direction-movement for population dynamics, applying cluster analysis to analyze the characteristics of population dynamics at the neighborhood scale caused by intracity relocation, and exploring the comprehensive characteristics of population dynamics changes and differentiation patterns. The results show that: 1) Population dynamics from the central city to the suburban areas have the scale characteristics of highly active→moderately active→inactive, directional characteristics of roughly balanced in and out→seriously imbalanced, and dynamic/static characteristics of static-oriented→dynamic-oriented. 2) There are five comprehensive types of population dynamics in the Wuhan metropolitan area, of which the highly active-growth-dynamic type and the highly active-loss-weak dynamic type are mainly interspersed in the core areas of the central urban area and the suburban area clusters; the moderately active-slight loss-weak dynamic type is mainly distributed in the periphery of the above two types; and the inactive-slight growth-strong dynamic type and the inactive-balance-dynamic type are distributed at the edge of the central urban area and the suburban area clusters. 3) The comprehensive types of population dynamics within the Wuhan metropolitan area have a core-periphery nested structure: The spatial differentiation of population dynamics between the central urban area and the peri-urban areas is mainly related to location and the quality of the living environment; within the central urban area, the spatial differentiation of population dynamics between the central city and peri-urban areas is mainly related to location and the quality of the living environment; the spatial differentiation within the central city and peri-urban areas is mainly related to the development and type of industries. This study expanded the theory and methods of the study of population migration and population change, and provides a reference basis for optimizing the social and spatial structure of urban society, and for fine-tuning the policy of residential space supply.

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    SHEN Lifan, LONG Yu, XIA Jing, ZHANG Chun
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1496-1512.

    Residential segregation is the market-oriented manifestation of unbalanced urban resources allocation. Existing literature has not paid enough attention to the residential space differentiation of tenant groups. Renting as the main residential form of migrant population and young people in large cities, its spatial differentiation reflects problems such as spatial deprivation, spatial exclusion, and the disconnect between different socioeconomic classes, which may impede equal access to public services in large cities. Taking the 10 core administrative districts of Beijing as an empirical case, this study divided public service facilities into local level and district level according to the potential service catchment area, applying the spatial lag model to analyze the impact of public service provision at each level on the residential segregation of tenant groups. The findings are: 1) A significant portion of the subdistricts within the study area show significant residential segregation. 2) The spatial distribution of rent price levels and the residential segregation of rental groups are significantly different. The rent price levels are distributed in a stratified circle from the center outwards, while the residential dissimilarity index for tenants (RDIT) is distributed in a sandwich-like pattern of high in the inner city-low in the middle-high in the outer parts. 3) There are large differences in the impact of different levels of public service facilities on the residential segregation of renters. At the local level, negative correlations are observed between kindergarten density, accessibility to urban rail transit station and residential segregation among tenant groups. High school density exhibits a positive correlation with the residential segregation of tenant groups. In contrast, the relationship between the density of four public services (sports facility, park/urban square, medical facility, and top secondary school) at the district level and the residential segregation of the tenant groups is not significant. Drawing from the research results, this article proposed policy implications aimed at optimizing housing choices and addressing the supply and demand dynamics of public services for tenant groups, which provides a scientific basis for the rational distribution and spatial planning of urban public service facilities and rental housing.

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    LI Tingting, ZHU Yu, LIN Liyue, KE Wenqian
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1513-1524.

    Under the background of the new type urbanization, accurately grasping the changes in family migration patterns is of great significance for understanding the pattern of change of migration in China and promoting high-quality development of urbanization. Based on the data from the 2012 and 2018 China Migrant Dynamic Survey and related statistics of cities, this study analyzed the characteristics of family migration and influencing factors by using descriptive analysis and multi-level regression models. The results show that: 1) The average size of migrant population households is increasing, and family migration has been and will continue to be the dominant form of migration for a significant period of time. 2) Changes in the patterns of family migration have mainly manifested in the decline in semi-family migration and the emergence of complete family migration, demonstrating a trend of continuity. 3) Over time, the process of family migration has become more complex, and the reunion of the migrant population's family members requires more batches of migration; the larger the family size and the more complete the family migration is, the more batches of migration are required to achieve family reunion. The modeling results show that the characteristics of both the destination areas and the migrant population at the individual level affect family migration patterns. Individual and family characteristics of the migrant population and their mobility characteristics have always been important factors that influence family migration; at the city level, the influence of the level of urban socioeconomic development has undergone an important shift from insignificant to positively significant over time. In addition, complete family migration has always been affected by the conditions of the urban housing market and the level of public services, while semi-family migration has been mainly influenced by the rank of the city in the urban hierarchy.

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    TAO Hui, WANG Caiyuan, WANG Lei, ZHANG Congyao
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1525-1541.

    Rural industrial heritage, which integrates rural historical value, technological value, social value, and artistic value, serves as an important carrier of rural industrial culture, and has witnessed the significant development journey of rural industries. In recent years, various regions have actively promoted the integrated development of cultural and tourism industries, and the creative connection between cultural tourism and rural industrial heritage has provided new ideas for rural revitalization. Studies have found that the development model of "tourism+" centered on rural industrial heritage is the contemporary representation of spatial practice under the interaction of multiple subjects. This study proposed a "subject-space" approach to analyze the specific connotation of the new endogenous development model through exploratory case studies. The results indicate that: 1) The interaction of multiple subjects has broken through the stable structure of traditional acquaintance society and reconstructed the unique subject-space interaction relationship in rural industrial heritage sites through multi-dimensional practices of production-living-ecological spaces. 2) The spatial production of rural industrial heritage sites is a process of the joint efforts of external forces such as government power and cultural capital and the cultural subject value of local communities, which transform rural industrial heritage sites into cultural tourism consumption spaces and promote the overall renewal of rural industrial society. 3) The new endogenous development path endows rural society with a new connotation. The interactive connection between subjects and spaces transcends the dilemma of cycled interpretation of traditional local value, incorporating more peripheral elements, and realizing the renewal and reconstruction of rural society in new dimensions. The evolution of rural industrial heritage sites supported by tourism is not only a new paradigm for rural revitalization but also a scientific demonstration of the reactivation of industrial heritage in rural areas.

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    HUANG Jing, XUE Dongqian, WU Yiqun, ZHANG Haobo, WANG Chuansheng
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1542-1557.

    Strengthening the research on the change in resilience and adaptation strategies of oasis rural regional system in arid areas under the impact of various factors is beneficial for the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas. In response to the shortcomings of existing research on rural resilience, which cannot fully reflect the dynamic change characteristics of rural regional systems, and pays little attention to the scale effects and spatial type differences, this study took Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, an oasis area in the middle reaches of the Heihe River as an example to construct the county adaptative resilience and township coping resilience measurement systems, analyze the resilience evolution characteristics and types differences, and propose adaptation countermeasures for improving resilience at different scales. The results show that: 1) Since 1990, the cumulative effects of county-level factors of rural areas showed a "S"-shaped process of change and an olive-shaped interannual change amplitude. The stability of social and economic systems is stronger than that of ecosystems. Rural development has gone through the stages of reorganization-early development (1990-2008), rapid development-protection (2009-2016), and protection-release (2017-2020 ). The adaptive resilience showed a change of slow rise-rapid growth-stagnant growth, and ecology is the main constraint dimension for resilience improvement. 2) Since 2011, the coping resilience of townships has fluctuated greatly and has shown a downward trend. Townships that mainly focused on large-scale grain production and animal husbandry have a higher ability to resist risks, while townships with a combination of richer water and soil resources have stronger adaptability and innovation and transformation capacity. Developing modern large-scale agriculture and multi-functional characteristic agriculture is conducive to the construction of resilient rural areas, and innovation and transformation ability is the main constraint dimension for resilience improvement. 3) Increasing ecological protection and restoration efforts in counties, strengthening ecological conservation functions, optimizing and adjusting the industrial structure of townships, exploring the diverse values of factors, innovating water rights allocation and management systems at multiple scales, and improving rural water use efficiency are the key adaptations for enhancing rural resilience at the current stage.

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    CHANG Enyu, ZHANG Min, XI Guangliang, HU Yuchen
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1558-1569.

    The improvement of well-being stands as one of the ultimate goals of transport policy. In recent years, exploration of the relationship between travel behavior and well-being has gained increasing attention in geography and transportation research. Numerous studies have demonstrated that travel has significant impact on well-being. However, the mediation effects of social networks in the relationship between travel and well-being remain unclear. To bridge this gap, this study focused on the mediating role of social networks in the relationship between travel and well-being. Using data from a household survey conducted in the urban area of Nanjing City in 2019, this study employed regression analysis and mediation effect analysis to comprehensively unravel the mechanism of impact between travel, social networks, and well-being. The findings show that the frequencies of both traveling by car and by public transport have significant positive influence on hedonic and eudaimonic well-being, with the frequency of traveling by car exhibiting a more pronounced effect. The results of mediation effect analysis reveal that social networks play an important mediation role in the relationship between travel and well-being, and the effects vary between different travel modes. Notably, the mediation effect of social networks is significant in the impact of the frequency of traveling by car and travel distance on well-being, yet appears inconsequential in the relationship between frequency of traveling by public transport and well-being. This study investigated different impact paths of three dimensions of travel characteristics on well-being. By examining the impact mechanisms of travel behavior on well-being through the lens of social networks, this study sought to comprehend how the societal value of travel influences residents' well-being. Travel not only enhances individual hedonic experiences and holistic development through the augmentation of social networks but also contributes to the long-term accumulation of social well-being, thereby fostering an overall improvement in the social environment. Consequently, this research offers valuable insights for urban transportation policies to enhance social inclusion and well-being. Given the distinctive characteristics of the relationship between residents' travel and well-being in the current urban development context and the sociocultural landscape of China, it becomes imperative to account for the social effects of travel behavior and residents' well-being in transportation policies. Hence, there is a pressing need for research on the nexus between travel, social network and well-being among urban residents in Chinese cities.

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    ZHANG Lin, ZHOU Suhong, ZHENG Zhong, DENG Yue
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1570-1584.

    Under the background of increasing population mobility, the environmental health problem has become an important issue, which is closely related to people's well-being, social justice, and sustainable development. Combining the environmental health disparity concept and the research paradigm of spatiotemporal behavior, this study empirically explored environmental exposure of daily activities and disparities in mental health effects between floating and registered populations in Guangzhou City, China. A linear regression model was employed to analyze and compare the impacts of multidimensional environmental exposures (natural, built, and social environments) derived from the daily activity context on the mental health of floating and registered populations, after controlling for individual characteristics. The research findings show that: 1) The mental health of the floating population is worse than that of the registered population. Compared with the registered population, the floating population spends more time on family and personal affairs and work, whereas takes less time on leisure and physical activities. For the floating population, "going out early and coming back at dusk" and "having activities close to the residential neighborhood" are common. Also, the spatiotemporal characteristics of the daily activities of the floating population (i.e., frequency, distance to home) are strongly correlated with their mental health. 2) The floating and registered populations have different levels of multidimensional environmental exposures. The influence of multidimensional environmental exposures on the mental health of the floating population is greater than that of the registered population. Specifically, some environmental variables (i.e., green space coverage, fitness facility density, and recreational facility density) are positively correlated with the mental health of floating population, but other environmental variables (i.e., noise, public transit station density) are negatively correlated with their mental health. Social interaction only plays a significant role in promoting the mental health of the floating population. To improve the mental health of floating and registered populations, this article provided population-specific and differentiated strategies and suggestions on urban planning, environmental optimization, and allocation of public service resources.

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    LIU Lingling, ZHANG Mingjun, WANG Zhilan, CHE Cunwei, TIAN Yuanyuan, LU Rui
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1585-1596.

    Based on the measured precipitation stable isotope data and related meteorological data in Lanzhou City from April 2019 to October 2022, this study used the HYSPLIT backward trajectory model to systematically examine the characteristics of variation of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes of precipitation and the difference of isotopes between day and night under different types of precipitation events (convective precipitation, stratiform precipitation), and trace the water vapor sources. The results show that: 1) Both δ2H and δ18O in precipitation presented a trend of enrichment and then depletion, while d-excess in convective precipitation showed a trend of depletion and then enrichment during the daytime and continuous depletion at night, and d-excess in stratiform precipitation all showed a trend of depletion and then enrichment. 2) The local atmospheric water line slope (8.01) and intercept (15.55) of convective precipitation at night were the largest and closer to the global atmospheric water line, while the local atmospheric water line slope (6.81) and intercept (4.08) of stratiform precipitation during the day were the smallest, indicating that stratiform precipitation was more susceptible to evaporative fractionation. 3) There was a positive correlation between air temperature and δ18O values, and the influence on the daytime stratiform precipitation isotope was most significant (r=0.59, P<0.01). There was a significant negative correlation between relative humidity and δ18O values, and the most significant effect was on the isotopic values of convective precipitation at night (r=-0.52, P<0.01). There was no significant correlation between precipitation and precipitation isotope during the day, but a negative correlation at night (r=-0.26, P<0.05). 4) In the summer half year (April to October) in Lanzhou, the precipitation-producing water vapor mainly comes from Central Asia, Mongolia, and other northern regions and is transported to Lanzhou through the control of the westerlies and continental air masses, and only a small part of it is affected by the southwest monsoon. The results of this study can provide a new perspective for exploring the key drivers of precipitation isotope change in arid areas, and have important significance for modern climate research and water resources management.

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    FANG Yunhao, GU Kangkang, MA Qing
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1597-1608.

    Urban ventilation corridors play a critical role in mitigating the heat island effect and air pollution and the construction of low-carbon cities. This research utilized a variety of data, including meteorological data, basic geographic information data, and satellite remote sensing data, to calculate urban ventilation indicators in the main urban area of Hefei City. Four scenario evaluation systems were established based on different combinations of indicators, including ventilation potential coefficient (VPC), VPC + high temperature (LST), VPC + haze (PM2.5), and VPC + high temperature (LST) + haze (PM2.5). Subsequently, we employed the least-cost path model to construct ventilation corridors and used Pearson correlation models to assess ventilation efficiency under various scenarios. The findings revealed that: 1) We proposed and validated a new paradigm for constructing ventilation corridors—constructing ventilation corridors based on a composite index evaluation system consisting of the VPC and climatic indicators (LST/PM2.5/LST+PM2.5). The VPC was determined by sky view factor and roughness length indicators, while the selection of climate environmental indicators was based on specific climate environmental issues faced by the city. 2) The main urban area of Hefei City experiences dominant southeast winds in the summer and northeast winds in the winter. Areas with high values of sky view factor and roughness length indicators are concentrated outside and inside the second ring road, respectively. High LST values are observed in Jingkai District and Baohe District, while high PM2.5 concentration values are found in the old urban area, Baohe District, Xinzhai District, and Yaohai District. 3) The paradigm proposed in this study for constructing the ventilation corridor demonstrated high efficiency. Specifically, under the VPC+LST+PM2.5 paradigm, the coefficients of correlation between wind speed level in the ventilation corridor and LST, as well as PM2.5 concentration, were -0.75 and -0.85, respectively. These absolute values were higher than the correlation coefficients of -0.68 and -0.82 obtained from the traditional paradigm based on building form indicators for the ventilation corridor. 4) The main urban area of Hefei City featured a two-tiered ventilation corridor management system, designated as "1+7". This structure permitted the implementation of tailored control strategies within the primary and secondary regulatory zones. This study aimed to provide strategic guidelines for improving urban climate resilience at the built environment level.

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    YANG Xiao
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(8): 1609-1616.

    Ali Prefecture of Xizang, China is located in the middle and western sections of the China-India border, where the high altitude, continuous mountains, and crisscrossing valleys pose many restrictions on military activities. It was in this region that Chinese Xizang fought against Jammu's invasion from 1841 to 1842. The result of this war is closely related to the current border dispute between China and India. From the perspective of military geography, the military geographic pattern of Ali region underwent significant changes in the late Qing Dynasty. The three locations of Dongti, Chushule, and Shibuqi became the frontline of the military confrontation. At the beginning of the war, the Jammu army quickly passed through these three key locations and carried out a surprise attack. Xizang's army was forced to exchange space for time, and stroke a heavy blow to Jammu's army in Duoyu, recovering all lost territory. During the war, the main bases of operation of the Xizang army were located in the direction of Gorkha (Nepal). When they arrived in Leh, they were already over 2000 km away from their base. The Xizang army's attack was clearly unsustainable based on the analysis of time and distance factors. Thereby, the previous military structure of core-periphery was dramatically reversed, forming a new military geographic situation. When the Xizang army's attack exceeded its "peak", their situation shifted from advantaged to disadvantaged, forcing them to withdraw from Ladakh. This article aimed to reveal the relationships between wars and military geographic environments through military geographic analysis, and then identify key areas for war preparation and implementation, which is of great significance for the current national defense construction. Finally, the article put forward three recommendations for border security and national defense construction in the Ali region.

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    ZHAO Ziyu, YUAN Zexin, WANG Shijun, WEI Ye
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1261-1272.

    Based on the background of the formation of new quality productivity, this study took intelligent manufacturing, biomedicine, and green environmental protection industry in strategic emerging industries as examples, constructed new quality productive function networks by using enterprise foreign investment data up to 2023, and applied the social network analysis method to examine the spatial structure characteristics and influencing factors of urban new quality productive function networks in China. The findings are as follows: 1) Compared with previous urban network studies, the networks of new quality productive function do not show a "diamond structure", and the medium and high intensity network links are radiation-type spatial connections with Beijing at the core. 2) The results of influencing factor analysis show that provincial boundaries have a negative impact on all three kinds of networks, but the negative effect of spatial distance does not occur in the intelligent manufacturing network. Due to the construction of major regional high-speed transportation infrastructure in China, the impact of spatial distance on intercity investment in new quality productive function networks is relatively weak. However, administrative barriers and the hindrance effect of provincial boundaries still play a significant role. 3) The study distinguished the impact of socioeconomic-related variables on the spatial structure of urban networks in the cities where investments are sent and the cities where investments are received, and found that the impact of different variables in these networks are significantly different, reflecting the differences in the development of different industries, especially in the spatial choice behavior of foreign investment. This study revealed the changing characteristics of China's urban network spatial structure in the context of the formation of new quality productivity, which has academic significance for improving the scientific understanding of the general law of the evolution of spatial structure of China's urban system in the context of new development. Empirical cases enrich the research topics of new quality productivity. This study provides a research perspective for urban geography to actively respond to the major strategic needs of national development and the main battlefield of service economy.

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    ZHANG Xuebo, WU Jiangnan, WANG Zhenbo, HE Zhihao, LU Bingkun
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1273-1289.

    The resilience of medical services reflects a region's medical response ability in the face of risks. The study of the spatial-temporal differentiation and driving forces of the resilience level of urban medical services can provide a theoretical reference for the construction of healthy China. Taking 287 cities of the prefecture level and above in China as research samples and integrating the concept of resilience, this study constructed an evaluation indicator system of the resilience of urban medical services, and analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and driving forces of the resilience of urban medical services in China from 2011 to 2021. The study found that: 1) The resilience level of urban medical services in China continued to increase year by year and overall, the spatial distribution showed a pattern of high in the coastal regions and low inland. There has been a trend towards a weakening of the regional differences, and some cities showed a certain degree of local polarization. 2) The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly affected the resilience of urban medical services in China, which showed strong resistance and adaptability. 3) Based on the differences of dynamic factor combination, four medical service resilience driving models are identified: medical resource-oriented, fund-oriented, environment-dependent, and scientific research-dependent. 4) The resilience of medical services is influenced by many external factors. Population ageing is negatively associated with healthcare service resilience, while municipal sanitation capacity and the penetration rate of the Internet have a positive impact on the resilience of medical services. The paper analyzed the driving force model of the urban medical services resilience in China, which can provide practical reference for the construction and resilience improvement of medical services in different types of regions.

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    Gaoshaer WULAZI, YANG Tingzhang, SUN Wei
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1290-1306.

    Since 2014, the decentralization of Beijing's non-capital functions, with general manufacturing as the main focus, has become one of the important areas in which the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy has taken the lead in making breakthroughs, and has achieved remarkable results. However, there are still many problems in the collaborative development of industries in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and the economic gap within the region has increased rather than decreased. Using the 2017 inter-regional input-output table of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei and their panel data for 2003-2019, this study applied the inter-regional input-output analysis method and the simultaneous equations model to measure the inter-industry interaction of the manufacturing and producer service industries among the three regions of Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. The results of the study show that: 1) The manufacturing and producer service industries in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region have formed a significant two-way interactive relationship, moving from the supply-led stage to the interactive stage. However, in terms of the input-output linkage, the level of inter-industry interaction is low, which may be one of the main reasons for the current low level of industrial synergy in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. 2) In contrast, the role of Beijing's producer service industry in promoting the manufacturing industry in the Tianjin-Hebei region is stronger than that of the manufacturing industry. Therefore, strengthening the intra-regional mobility of Beijing's producer service industry will be an important way to promote the coordinated development of industries in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. 3) Advanced service factors play a weaker role in the industrial upgrading of labor- and capital-intensive manufacturing industries. In the future, Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei should continue to strengthen ties and cooperation in the field of high-tech industries, especially to increase the level of inputs from knowledge- and technology-intensive producer services to the manufacturing industry. The research can provide empirical evidence for promoting the structural upgrading and interactive development of the two major industries in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and provide ideas for narrowing the regional industrial development gap.

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    GE Ying'ao, YANG Shan, DU Haibo
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1307-1319.

    With the accelerated development of globalization and informatization, express logistics connection network has become an important part of the urban network. Based on the urban express logistics data of different months (June, August and November), this study used PageRank algorithm, node symmetry, link symmetry, and Quadratic Assignment Procedure (QAP) analysis to explore the urban express logistics connection network in the Yangtze River Delta from the aspects of hierarchical characteristics of urban connection and urban nodes, spatial balance pattern, and influencing factors of urban connection network, and drew the following conclusions: 1) The spatiotemporal difference of the urban express logistics connection network in the Yangtze River Delta is obvious, and the spatial distribution is hierarchical, showing a core-periphery pattern with Suzhou-Shanghai, Shanghai-Suzhou, Hangzhou-Shanghai, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Jinhua-Hangzhou, and Jinhua-Shanghai and other urban connections as the core; Temporally, the intensity of urban connection in November is stronger than that in June and August. 2) According to the average PageRank values of city nodes in the three periods, the cities in the Yangtze River Delta can be divided into three levels. The first-tier cities centered around Shanghai, including Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Hefei, Jinhua, and Ningbo, are distributed in a "bow" shape in space. 3) From the perspective of spatial balance pattern of urban nodes, those nodes in the Yangtze River Delta are mainly inflow type, and the proportions of inflow type cities in the three periods are more than 60%. 4) From the perspective of the spatial balance pattern of urban links, there are some differences in the spatial distribution of urban links under different balance levels. In the first-level balanced urban links, the degree of regional north-south balance is greater than that of east-west balance. In the fifth-level balanced urban links, a radiating center dominated by Jinhua has formed in the region, which radiates to various cities in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Anhui Provinces. 5) According to the results of the QAP analysis, permanent population at the end of the year, added value of the tertiary industry, and per capita disposable income of permanent urban residents have a positive impact on urban express logistics connections. This study can provide a reference for the directed and weighted urban network research and the integrated development of express logistics in the Yangtze River Delta.

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    DUAN Kaifeng, SHI Jiangang, WU Guangdong, ZHOU Jianing, LIU Cong
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1320-1336.

    The driving mechanism of urban-rural integration development (URID) is a complex and organic operation system that continuously evolves and plays an orderly role. In order to expand the related theoretical system on the driving mechanism of URID and guide the URID in the Yangtze River Delta, this study constructed a system dynamics model of the driving mechanism of URID in the Yangtze River Delta. The dynamic evolution characteristics of different dimensions and the comprehensive level of URID in the Yangtze River Delta over time under four types of scenarios (including the benchmark scenario and scenarios of three different types of driving factors: Endogenous factor, exogenous factor, and basic factor) were simulated and analyzed. Key issues in the driving mechanism of URID were also discussed. The results show that: 1) The overall trend of the levels of different dimensions and the comprehensive level of URID in the Yangtze River Delta are positive under the benchmark scenario. 2) The three types of driving factors have different driving paths to URID, but they can make up for the lack of driving force in different dimensions of URID of others. 3) The driving effect of the exogenous factor and basic factor on URID in the Yangtze River Delta is obviously weaker than that of the endogenous factor.

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    CUI Shuqiang, ZHOU Guohua, LI Xiaoqing, WU Guohua
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1337-1354.

    Scientific knowledge of the evolution process of urban-rural integration system in urban agglomerations and the interaction relationship between system elements is of great significance for its optimization and regulation. On the basis of analyzing the dynamics of urban-rural integration and the operation mechanism of urban-rural integration system, the paper focuses on the main controlling factors of urban-rural population, land and industry, and integrates the use of system dynamics, genetic algorithm and other models to construct a system dynamics model of urban-rural integration system of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration with the coordination of "human-land-industry", and simulate and predict the development trend of urban-rural integration in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration. The study shows that: 1) The urban-rural territorial system in the urban agglomeration area towards integration is the result of the combined effect of multiple sources of power, the overall urban-rural spatial endogenous development dynamics and urban-rural spatial interaction and integration dynamics synergistically affect the free flow of urban-rural elements, coupled with the complex operation process and mechanism. 2) The urban-rural integration system in the urban agglomeration area contains multi-factor nonlinear relationship, multi-source power combination and multi-layer feedback structure, urban-rural integration system is a complex process and mechanism. The evolution of mutual feedback relationship between the elements of "human-land-industry" dynamically affects the operation status of urban-rural integration system and urban-rural spatial utilization pattern in the urban agglomeration area. 3) The results of multi-scenario simulation show that, in 2035, the total urban-rural population of Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration may exceed 18 million people, and the urban-rural GDP may increase to about 3.5 trillion to 4.3 trillion yuan. The integrated development scenario based on coordination can balance the efficiency and fairness of urban-rural development, and is the optimal direction for urban-rural integrated development in the future Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration. The results of this study can deepen the research on urban-rural integrated development in urban agglomerations, and provide decision-making references for the diagnosis and optimization of urban-rural integrated development in Changsha-Zhuzhou-Xiangtan urban agglomeration.

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    TIAN Jun, LI Xudong, CHEN Xuan, GUO Xing
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1355-1371.

    From the perspective of coordinated development of new urbanization and agricultural modernization (NU-AM), this study explored the relationship between the level of coordinated development of NU-AM and the urban-rural income gap, which is of great significance for balancing urban and rural development and promoting high-quality regional development. Taking the central Guizhou urban agglomeration as a case study region, this study applied the entropy-TOPSIS method, coupling and coordination degree model, and exploratory spatial analysis method to analyze the spatial and temporal patterns of the coordinated development level of NU-AM and the urban-rural income gap from 2010 to 2020, revealed the spatial and temporal correlation between the two, and compared and analyzed other factors that affected the urban-rural income gap. The results show that: 1) The level of coordinated development of NU-AM in the central Guizhou urban agglomeration has improved significantly, and the main coordination type changed from low coordination to moderate coordination. During this period, the urban-rural income gap showed a trend of narrowing, and the differentiation among counties tended to converge, but the differences were still obvious. 2) The low-value areas of the coordinated development level of NU-AM in the central Guizhou urban agglomeration were mainly located in Bijie, and the high-value areas were concentrated Guiyang; both the coordinated development of NU-AM and the urban-rural income gap showed significant positive spatial correlation, and there was a clear spatial overlap between the low- and high-value areas of the urban-rural income gap and the coordination level of NU-AM. 3) The level of coordinated development of NU-AM in the central Guizhou urban agglomeration had a significant impact on the urban-rural income gap and showed a strengthening trend; in addition, the levels of human capital, road infrastructure density, and education were also core driving factors that affected the urban-rural income gap. The combined effect of multiple factors has formed the spatial pattern of the urban-rural income gap in the central Guizhou urban agglomeration.

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    CHEN Bo, LIU Ruiyu, HE Zhaoxiong, JIANG Hou
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1372-1388.

    In order to explore the development pathways of achieving carbon emission reduction and carbon sink enhancement and safeguarding food security in the process of utilizing cropland in mountainous areas, this study established a methodological system for the comprehensive assessment of carbon emissions from cropland in mountainous areas and carbon uptake by crops, taking Guizhou Province, where the typical karst landscapes are distributed, as the study area. This study used carbon emission coefficients to measure carbon emissions from cropland in Guizhou Province and its cities and prefectures, and parameter estimation method to measure crop carbon sequestration. It also analyzed the influencing factors of carbon emissions from cropland use in Guizhou Province in different periods between 2010 and 2021 based on the logarithmic mean Divisa index (LMDI) factor decomposition model. The study revealed the pathways to reduce emissions and increase sinks in the process of cropland utilization and ensure food security with the unique resource endowments of mountainous cropland, and explored the sustainable development of cropland use in mountainous areas in the new period. The results of the study show that: 1) Carbon emissions from cropland in Guizhou Province have been on the rise for the past 12 years, and the amount of fertilizer use was the main regulating factor of carbon emissions, which is the key to carbon emission reduction from cropland in the area. 2) The carbon sequestration capacity of crops in Guizhou Province has a large potential. Although there are differences in the crop planting structure of each city and prefecture, rice and corn are still the main food crops in the province and most of the cities and prefectures, and play an important role in cropland as a carbon sink. 3) The planting structure of crops has a significant inhibitory effect on carbon emissions from cropland, while the level of development of the agricultural economy is positively correlated with carbon emissions from the cropland. It is necessary to reduce the inefficient input of chemical fertilizers, and accelerate and deepen the structural adjustment of the agricultural industry on the basis of the construction of high-standard farmland, which is of great significance for the green and low-carbon development of agriculture in Guizhou Province, and for facilitating the realization of the "dual-carbon" goals nationwide.

  • Articles
    YIN Junfeng, SONG Changqing, SHI Jing, ZHANG Xuebin, GAO Peichao
    PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. 2024, 43(7): 1389-1402.

    Beautiful and harmonious villages (BHVs) are the inevitable direction of rural revitalization and development at a new development stage, and clarifying the spatial differentiation characteristics and driving factors of the development of BHVs is helpful for exploring a new route for sustainable rural development. This study analyzed the concept of BHVs in multiple dimensions, explored the internal logic of BHVs and rural revitalization, and built an analytical framework of "element-process-goal-mechanism" for BHVs. Using the 1230 township units in Gansu Province as an example, this study built a comprehensive evaluation indicator system based on the connotation of the construction of BHVs, calculated and analyzed the development level of BHVs at the township scale, and used geo-detector with optimal parameters to explore the key factors of the development of BHVs. The results show that: 1) In 2020, the development level of BHVs was relatively low, and the development level gap between towns was large. There were also differences in the development level of different sub-dimensions, among which the industrial development index was the highest, followed by the beautiful environment index, and the rich village development level was the lowest. The development level of BHVs in different regions also showed large spatial differences. 2) There was a relatively obvious spatial agglomeration in the development level of BHVs at the township level, and areas with higher development level had a positive impact on the improvement of the development level of BHVs in neighboring areas. The hotspot areas of BHV development were concentrated in Zhangye, Jiuquan, and some counties in Gannan, while the cold spots were concentrated in Tianshui, Pingliang, Dingxi, Baiyin, and Longnan. 3) The development level of BHVs is the result of the comprehensive effect of multiple factors. The development conditions of rural transportation plays an obvious role in promoting the construction of BHVs, and the construction of rural infrastructure has an important effect on advancing the construction of BHVs. The economic and social conditions rooted in the natural geographical background are the "driving key conditions" for the development of BHVs, and the traffic location conditions constrained by the natural geographical conditions are the "guiding basic conditions" for the development of BHVs.