收稿日期: 2008-07-01
修回日期: 2008-08-01
网络出版日期: 2008-09-25
国家"十一五"科技支撑计划重点项目(2006BAJ14B03)、中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCXZ- YW- 321- 05).
Progr ess and Prospect of Study on Car rying Capacity of Resour ce and Environment of City Cluster s
Received date: 2008-07-01
Revised date: 2008-08-01
Online published: 2008-09-25
城市群资源环境承载力研究具有重要的理论和实践指导意义。城市群资源环境承载力研究是一种特殊类 型的区域资源环境承载力研究, 关于区域资源和环境单要素的承载力研究, 国内学者进行了较多的评述, 本文主要 对国内外区域资源环境综合要素承载力及城市群地区资源环境承载力研究进行综述。研究认为, 目前国内外对城 市群资源环境承载力进行系统分析的研究成果十分有限, 相关研究中存在的不足表现在: ①承载力研究不够深入, 尚未形成完善的理论体系; ②资源环境承载力研究集中于单要素研究, 综合要素承载力研究欠缺; ③资源环境承载 力的概念及量化方法有待深入探讨; ④城市群资源环境承载力研究没有充分考虑区域系统的开放性特征。针对这 些不足, 城市群资源环境承载力研究的主要趋势和方向为: ①从综合多要素角度加强城市群开放系统承载力研究; ②充分重视城市群区域空间结构的整体性特征; ③注重科技进步、制度管理等人类社会文化因素的影响; ④加强城 市群资源环境承载力综合测度与定量测算方法研究; ⑤充分发挥复杂系统方法、GIS、RS 等先进技术的作用。
刘晓丽, 方创琳 . 城市群资源环境承载力研究进展及展望[J]. 地理科学进展, 2008 , 27(5) : 35 -42 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2008.05.005
The study on carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters has important theoretic and practical meanings. The carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters is a special kind of regional carrying capacity of resource and environment. The scholars at home have discussed and appraised more about the study on carrying capacity for single factor of resource and environment. This paper mainly remarked on the progress of study on integrated carrying capacity of resource and environment of regions as well as in city clusters at home and abroad. It found that at present the research fruits about carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters are limited, and the shortages in the correlative studies mainly display as: (1) study on carrying capacity is still not deep and has not formed a perfect theoretic system; (2) study on carrying capacity of resource and environment mainly focuses on the single factor and but lacks that on the compositive factors; (3) the concept and research methods of carrying capacity of resource and environment awaits deep discussion; and (4) study on the carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters has not considered enough the characteristics of the exoteric system. Aiming at these shortages, the main study trends and orientations in the future can be summarized as: (1) to strengthen the study on the carrying capacity of exoteric system of city clusters from the synthetic and multi- factors angles; (2) to think much of the holistic character of regional spatial structure of city clusters; (3) to attach importance to the influences of social and cultural factors such as science and technology, management and so on; (4) to enhance the study on the methods of integrated measure and quantificational calculation of carrying capacity of resource and environment of city clusters; and (5) to pay attention to the utilization of advanced technique and methods like complex system methods, GIS, RS and so on.
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