

  • 福建师范大学地理科学学院/旅游研究所, 福州350007

收稿日期: 2012-01-01

  修回日期: 2012-04-01

  网络出版日期: 2012-10-25



Progress and Enlightenments of Foreign Leisure Constraints Research

  • School of Geography Sciences/Institute for Tourism, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China

Received date: 2012-01-01

  Revised date: 2012-04-01

  Online published: 2012-10-25


国外休闲研究是社会科学最古老研究领域之一, 至今已有100 多年历史, 涉及休闲动机、休闲态度、休闲行为、休闲体验、休闲满意度、休闲消费、休闲教育、休闲制约、休闲服务等, 其中休闲制约研究有20 多年历史, 已成为清晰明显的子领域。本文选取国外三大权威休闲期刊Journal of Leisure Research(1992-2010 年)、Leisure Scienc?es(1998-2010 年)和Journal of Park and Recreation Administration(2001-2010 年)中的文献109 篇, 利用文献统计和文献分析法, 评述20 世纪90 年代以来国外休闲制约研究方法及研究内容, 总结出国外休闲制约研究已经从研究表象跨越到研究机制和过程阶段;研究主体及研究主题具有广泛性, 且重视定量与定性、理论与实证研究方法相结合等研究特点;同时, 也展望国外休闲学者对未来休闲制约研究的反思。这些成果对于我国休闲制约理论及实践探讨都具有借鉴价值。


林岚, 施林颖 . 国外休闲制约研究进展及启示[J]. 地理科学进展, 2012 , 31(10) : 1377 -1389 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.10.016


Leisure research in the western countries is one of the oldest domains of social science research, which has a long history of more than 100 years. The research involves leisure motivation, leisure attitude, leisure behavior, leisure experiences, leisure satisfaction, leisure consumption, leisure education, leisure constraints, leisure service, and so on. Leisure constraint research can be dated back to more than 20 years ago, which has nowadays become a clear and unique sub-field. This paper summarizes the recent status of international leisure constraint studies, from 109 pieces of literatures published in Journal of Leisure Research (1992-2010), Leisure Sciences (1998-2010), and Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (2001-2010), and reveals some research features. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows. The focus of researches has been changed, from superficial phenomenon to mechanism. At present, many scholars conduct studies by combining the quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as theoretical and empirical analyses, and the subjects and topics of research are in a wide range. Besides, this paper proposes some suggestions on the future development of the leisure constraint research. These researches in the West are of great significance to the theoretical and practical studies of China's leisure constraints.


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