网络出版日期: 2009-05-25
Grey Associative Analysis of Infrastructure System and Economic Development Coupling in Xinjiang
Online published: 2009-05-25
杨莉1,2|杨德刚1|张豫芳1,2|乔旭宁1,2|唐宏1,2|王国刚1,2 . 新疆区域基础设施与经济耦合的关联分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(3) : 345 -352 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.03.004
Taking Xinjiang as a case analysis, based on the panel and serial statistical data, the main factors of infrastructure system and economic development coupling, temporal-spatial distribution of the coupling degrees have been researched. The results show: (1) Through grey associative degree analysis, it can be seen that the transport infrastructure and post﹠telecommunication services are the main momentums for infrastructure system to affect economic development. Furthermore, the paper selects ten items of infrastructure system and six items of economic development to reveal the coupling mechanism of infrastructure system and economic development. (2) The infrastructure system is very important for economic growth. Deducting an effects-relationship model and the elasticity of transport infrastructure and post﹠telecommunication services to economic growth is 0.264. (3) There exist significant phases and undulatory characteristics for the temporal evolvement of infrastructure system and economic development coupling, and its spatial distribution is different. According to the coupling degree distributions and the level of infrastructure system and regional economic development, the 15 prefectures, autonomous prefectures and cities in Xinjiang can be divided into four types, i.e., the economic development surpassing infrastructure, tending to be harmony, harmony and low-level coupling. The harmony type is dominant, reaching 50%.
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