本文选择生态环境脆弱的艾比湖地区为研究对象,以2007 年Landsat TM影像资料为基础,采用SVM分类方法,进行土地利用类型分类和土壤盐渍化分类。在ArcGIS下计算不同土地利用类型的土壤盐渍化敏感性指数,通过盐渍化敏感性指数与各土地利用类型面积的比重建立了区域土壤盐渍化敏感度模型,利用克里格插值法得出区域土壤盐渍化敏感性程度的空间分布图,使研究区土壤盐渍化敏感性指数面状化、连续化、可视化。结果表明:①研究区不同土地利用类型的土壤盐渍化敏感性指数大小依次为:未利用地>城乡建设用地>水域>草地>林地>耕地。②极度敏感区域主要分布在艾比湖西北方向的沼泽地带及艾比湖湿地自然保护区部分区域;高度敏感区域主要分布在艾比湖湖周及东北方向的裸地和东南方向靠近湖的木特塔尔沙漠外围,这些区域大部分是未利用地,植被覆盖率极低;中度敏感区域主要分布在湖面、绿洲与荒漠的过度地带以及绿洲内部的未利用地,多以较低植被覆盖的草地和未利用地为主;轻度敏感区域主要分布于湖心外围、绿洲与湖滨过渡带,是土壤盐渍化敏感区域和不敏感区域的过渡地带;研究区其余地区均为不敏感区域,分布面积最广,主要分布在艾比湖西侧以耕地为主的绿洲内部。
王宏, 塔西甫拉提·特依拜, 谢霞, 樊亚辉, 张飞, 买买提·沙吾提
. 新疆艾比湖地区不同土地利用类型的土壤盐渍化敏感性评价[J]. 地理科学进展, 2011
, 30(5)
: 593
DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.05.011
This paper chose the Ebinur lake region as the study area, and used the Landsat TM remote sensing data in 2007 and support vector machine (SVM) to classify land use types and saline soils. Then, we used the ArcGIS to calculate sensitivity index of soil salinization and built the sensitivity model of regional soil salinization by using sensitivity index of soil salinization and proportion of different land use types. We also used the Ordinary Kriging to get a spatial distribution map of sensitivity degree of regional soil salinization. The following results are obtained. (1) The sensitivity index of soil salinization for different types of land use: unused land > urban and rural construction sites>water>grassland>forest land>farmland. (2) Extremely sensitive lands are mainly distributed in the northwest and the southeast of the Ebinur lake swampland and part of the Ebinur Lake Wetland Nature Reserve. Highly sensitive lands are distributed around the Ebinur Lake and the northeastern and southeastern parts of the desert near the edge of the Ebinur Lake, and most of these areas are unused with the extremely sparse vegetation cover. Moderately sensitive lands are mainly distributed in the Ebinur Lake surface, oasis - desert ecotone and unused areas land of the inner oasis with mostly sparse grasses and unused lands. Slightly sensitive lands are distributed near the lake center and the transitional zone between the oasis and the Ebinur Lake, which is a transitional zone between the soil salinization sensitive areas and non-sensitive areas. The rests of the study areas, which are mainly distributed on the west side of the inner oasis of the Ebinur Lake, are not sensitive in general.
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