Water security problems are very serious. The water resource use rate is now 135% in Beijing. Water use management in industry plays a key role in addressing Beijing water security challenge. Enactment and management on industrial water quota is of great importance for scientific research and application. The paper defines the quota of industrial water at first, then expounds some fundamental methods and draws some conclusions as follows: (1) industrial water quota includes primary quota and assistant quota. Primary quota is the water quantity which is used to yield unit product, and it includes two parts: the water for product process and that for assistant production process. Assistant quota includes affiliated life water quota and enterprise’s water consumption per unit production value; (2) the technical process of production is the main factor to define industrial water quota. Once the technical process of production is determined, the unit production’s water consumption quota is a fixed value. While the same production is manufactured, different water quota can be used if different material and techniques are used in the course of manufacture; (3) the method on management of quota is discussed. It is considered that the kernel of the management of water quota is to convert water quota into water withdrawal criterion which can be of easy operation in respective industries and enterprises. The water withdrawal criterion is decided on the basis of water quota and also such factors as affiliated life water, the scale of enterprise, the rate of working time of enterprise, the management level of water saving of enterprise and seasonal fluctuation.
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