利用1958-2008 年高低空气象观测资料以及山西省气象信息中心归档的109 站原始气象记录月报表及其信息化产品资料,分别以最高气温≥35℃、≥37℃、≥40℃为指标, 研究山西高温日的时空分布、变化趋势及环流特征,结果表明:①山西高温日最早出现在4 月中旬,最晚出现在9 月中旬,≥35℃、≥37℃和≥40℃的高温日均是6月下旬最多。②高温日数具有随纬度、随海拔的升高而减少,西部多于东部、南部多于北部、盆地多于山区的空间分布特征。≥40℃的高温区域主要集中在运城和临汾地区。③1984-2008 年,35℃以上的高温日数整体呈上升趋势;1979-2008 年,30a 间高温站次以153 站次/10a 的趋势增多;进入90 年代以后,不仅高温日数增多,而且高温持续时间、强度、范围都有增强趋势。④影响山西高温的500 hPa 环流形势主要有:副高纬向性、副高经向型以及大陆高压(脊)控制型3 类。在特定的流型配置下,T850≥25℃、T700≥13℃,T850≥26℃、T700≥14℃,T850≥28℃、T700≥15℃,T850≥32℃、T700≥16℃是山西省不同区域、不同风向影响时,≥35℃、≥37℃、≥40℃高温天气预报的临界值。
With the high-low air meteorological observational data, the original meteorological record, monthly report and meteorological information of 109 stations during 1958-2008 archived by Shanxi Meteorological Information Center, taking the highest temperatures of ≥35℃, ≥37℃ and ≥40℃ as indexes, this paper studies the temporal and spatial distributions, changing trend and circulation features of high temperature days in Shanxi. The results are shown as follows. (1) The earliest high temperature day appears in mid-April in Shanxi, and the latest appears in mid- September, the days with high temperatures of ≥35℃, ≥37℃ and ≥40℃ are in late June. (2) The high temperature days decrease with the increase of latitude and sea level elevation. The areas with high temperatures of ≥40℃ are mostly centralized in Yuncheng and Linfen. (3) The high temperature days of ≥35℃ show a rising trend during 1984-2008. During the 31-year period from 1979 to 2008, the high temperature station frequencies are increased 153 times per 10a. After entering the 1990s, not only the high temperature days, but also the duration, strength, range of the high temperature are increased. (4) There are three types of 500 hPa circulation patterns which can influence Shanxi high temperature: zonal type of the horse latitude high, meridional type of the horse latitude high, and controlling type of continental pressure ridge. Under some special flow pattern configurations, T850≥25℃, T700≥13℃, T850≥26℃, T700≥14℃, T850≥28℃, T700≥15℃, T850≥32℃ and T700≥16℃ are critical values for ≥35℃, ≥37℃ and ≥40℃ high temperature weather forecasts under the influence of wind directions in different regions in Shanxi.
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