收稿日期: 2006-04-01
修回日期: 2006-08-01
网络出版日期: 2006-09-25
国家自然科学基金重点项目《中国城市化进程的资源环境基础研究》(编号: 40535026).
Analysis Basic Situation of China's Energy Secur ity
Received date: 2006-04-01
Revised date: 2006-08-01
Online published: 2006-09-25
国家能源保障目标由两部分组成: 第一,能源供应的稳定性,指满足国家人口发展正常需 求的能源供应保障的稳定程度;第二,能源使用的安全性,指能源消费及使用不应对人类自身的 生存与发展环境构成任何威胁。本文从影响能源保障的能源资源基础、生产与消费、运输、生产与 消费对环境影响等方面分析了中国能源保障的基本形势, 总体来说中国目前能源保障重点集中 在能源供应保障层面上, 立足于自身的资源基础及生产与消费空间高度分离的特点建立起了庞 大的能源保障体系, 对能源使用安全尽管已经引起了高度的重视, 但是由于现实经济的压力和认 识上的不足实质性的措施还很少。未来我国应该立足能源保障基本形势, 从供应稳定性和使用安 全性出发构筑稳定、经济、清洁、安全的能源保障体系。
蔡国田,张雷 . 中国能源保障基本形势分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2006 , 25(5) : 57 -66 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.05.013
As one of the largest energy consumers and producers in the world, China has faced great challenge in energy security on the way of modernizing itself. Energy security mainly includes reliable energy provision and safe energy use. Reliable energy provision cares about whether a country's energy supply could meet its demand for population and economic development. Safe energy use tells us that we should reject the pattern of energy use at the cost of polluting environment. The paper analyzes the situation of China's energy security based on the analysis of energy resource base, balance between energy production and consumption, energy transportation and side effect of energy consumption. Owing to the pressure of economic development, China has placed much more emphasis on the security of energy provision than safe energy use, though it realized the importance of the latter in the past years. While it built its energy provision system, it polluted the environment greatly at the same time in such ways as lots of CO2 emissions, which contribute to the global warming, and the sinking of the earth's surface caused by coal mining. So it is time to rethink the goal of energy security. Energy security, as a determinant factor to the modern society, will become an increasingly sensitive issue in China when the country makes great strides in modernizing itself; and it could become even more sensitive in the next twenty to thirty years when China's population growth and economic development imposes more pressure on the national energy supply system continuingly. Based on the basic situation of China's energy security, this paper suggests that a new energy policy, including reliable energy provision and safe energy use, be needed for China's sustainable development in the future.
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