收稿日期: 2006-04-01
修回日期: 2006-06-01
网络出版日期: 2006-07-25
Progr ess on Climate- Vegetation Modeling in the Tibetan Plateau
Received date: 2006-04-01
Revised date: 2006-06-01
Online published: 2006-07-25
气候植被研究是全球变化研究的重要内容, 而模型研究是气候植被研究的重要手段。青藏 高原以其特殊的自然环境特点, 形成了气候与植被独特的适应机制, 为许多通用气候植被模型所 不能反映, 加之所受到人类活动的干扰相对较少, 决定其为植被气候研究的重要实验场地。本文 回顾了气候植被模型发展的相关历程, 评述了每类模型的特点及其不足。从植被格局研究和植被 生产力研究两个方面, 对青藏高原的气候植被研究进行了总结和分析, 认为模型研究是气候植被 研究的重要手段, 而青藏高原的研究在这方面还比较落后, 同时对青藏高原气候植被模型研究中 存在的一些问题, 如数据精度、模型的适宜性和结果验证等进行了讨论。认为今后青藏高原气候 植被模型研究的重点应是进一步明晰气候植被的关键过程, 立足高原环境特点开发有高原特色 的气候植被模型。
赵东升,李双成,吴绍洪 . 青藏高原的气候植被模型研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2006 , 25(4) : 68 -78 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.04.008
Modeling is a key method in the study of climate- vegetation, which is an important content in the field of global change researches. As a huge geographical unit, the Tibetan Plateau has strong effects on Chinese and East Asian climate because of its unique location and higher elevation. Because of special environment, the biomes on the Tibetan Plateau have many distinguishing characteristics that are not shown by some global models. The above- mentioned characteristics and less human disturbance make it an important area for study on climate- vegetation. This paper reviews five major types of climate- vegetation models that have been widely used to simulate response of vegetation to climate change and points out its advantage and disadvantage. Combining some related researches on the Tibetan Plateau, the paper summarizes the progress of climate- vegetation modeling from two aspects of vegetation distribution and vegetation net primary productivity, and finds modeling is a very important way for climate- vegetation researches. Nevertheless, in fact, climate- vegetation modeling is lagged behind other areas. So the crux of works in future is to master the crucial theories of climate- vegetation mutual reaction, then develop pertinent models with characteristics of the Tibetan Plateau.
Key words: climate- vegetation; modeling; the Tibetan Plateau
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