信息技术应用的日益普及为中国历史地理学发展提供了可选择的途径。在社会需要、信息源、技术方法等因素的支持下 ,开展历史地理学信息化已具备了可行性 ,应结合具体实例在历史政区、气候、人口、土地等专题开展 GIS技术应用 ,以及推广数字地图、图像处理技术应用。在实践中不断解决历史文献的信息精度等问题 ,推动学科方法论的进步。
The popularity of information technology has presented a opportunity for the development of digitalization of Chinese Historical Geography. For the reason of abundant historical documents, several series data about ancient population, climate, farmland, and agricultural productions have been accumulated, in addition to the eight volume of Historical Atlas of China, as alternative techniques, there are geographical information system, digital map making, graphic and image digital process, hypertext and multi media methods, suitable to promote the digitalization of historical geography. With recent practice in historical urban study, regional population research, and thematic map making with modern topographic maps, there is an idea that the GIS application suits for macro population database construction such as that of Han Dynasties and the digital map making suit for micro urban map compilation and presentation. It is believed that the main basement for the development of digitalization is the data mining or knowledge digging from the original historical archives resources.
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