Location-based service is one of the key developing areas in modern information society. Linking all kinds of information with their explicit or implicit location(s) greatly promotes the geographical concepts to be more and more accepted and popularized. This paper mainly focused on the discussion on the contents of location based service with location-based map. At first, the authors explained the concept and its contents of location awareness and location computation from the point of view of geographical location and place. Moving location, or the position of a moving object, will be widely adopted and used while positioning system based on GPS and wireless communication are developed. Then, the authors discussed the difference and commonness between location map and general digital map. The semantic location will play key roles in the location-based services. On the basis of state-of-the-art navigation maps widely used in car navigation and internet map service, panoramic location-based map (PLM) is proposed as a new concept and new type of location map. It is a kind of digital map which store all the related data and information about the location and its surrounding events, matter and environment. The user will be served with the information of interest when he or she steps into a certain geographical fence. As location based service is developing and getting popular, PLM will become the most welcome map in the near future.
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