The Interregional Difference Analysis on the New Countryside Construction in Guangdong
Online published: 2009-09-25
关键词: 新农村建设;评价指标体系;区域差异;广东
张效军|汤惠君|欧阳孔仁 . 广东新农村建设的区域差异[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(5) : 751 -758 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.013
Building a socialist new countryside in China is a new idea that is put forward under the guidance of the strategic thinking of emancipation the mind, implementing the scientific concept of development and construction of harmonious society for rural development in the new era. The new countryside construction in Guangdong Province has gained great achievements, however, at the regional level, there are big differences,which not only affect Guangdong on quickening the pace of new countryside construction, but also will affect it to realize the strategic goals of the economic and social sustainable development, a well-off society as well as taking the lead in realizing socialist modernization. On the basis of building the index system of the socialist new countryside construcion for appraising the effectiveness from the five aspects of the production development, the well-off life, the civil local custom, the neat village and democratic management, this paper analyses the realization extent and the existing constraint factors of the new countryside construction from the four major economic regions in Guangdong Province. The study reaches some conclusion as follows: (1) The current extent of implementation is up to 75.5%. (2) There are significant differences in interregions, where the current extents of implementation are 85.3%, 71.1%, 69.5% and 67.0%respectively in the Pearl River Delta, East Wing, West Wing and Northern Mountainous Areas. (3) The main constraint factors are the degree of organization of agricultural production, agricultural infrastructure and the income gap between the urban and rural areas in the Pearl River Delta; the economic strength, the degree of organization of agricultural production and the rate of the clean energy utilization and so on in the East Wing; agricultural infrastructure, Engel's Coefficient, the clean energy utilization, the quality of drinking water and the waste disposal in the West Wing, and the village profile, the lower standard of living of farmers and economic backwardness in the Northern Mountainous Areas.
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