

  • 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 南京210008
宋伟轩(1981-),男,汉族,吉林敦化人,博士,助理研究员,主要从事城市社会空间研究。E-mail: songweixuan@126.com

收稿日期: 2011-10-01

  修回日期: 2012-01-01

  网络出版日期: 2012-06-25



A Review on Gentrification in European and North American Countries

  • Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China

Received date: 2011-10-01

  Revised date: 2012-01-01

  Online published: 2012-06-25


欧洲和北美地区的绅士化研究代表着世界绅士化研究的主流与方向。在介绍绅士化的传统与衍生概念的基础上,对绅士化概念问世以来的主要理论解释派系进行分析总结,特别是从生产端和消费端进行解释的两大阵营。本文对欧美绅士化的三波发展浪潮进行介绍,并将半个世纪以来的绅士化研究划分为4 个发展阶段:绅士化现象描述阶段、两大阵营的激烈论战阶段、两种理论的相互融合阶段与绅士化政策应对研究阶段。在对绅士化作为全球城市发展战略和绅士化的主要社会空间效应做出简单评价以后,展望了世界范围内绅士化问题的研究前景;绅士化研究虽然已经走过了很长的一段路,但依然存在着巨大的研究空间。


宋伟轩 . 欧美国家绅士化问题的城市地理学研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2012 , 31(6) : 825 -834 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2012.06.020


The gentrification research of Europe and North America represents the mainstream and direction of the world's gentrification research. On the basis of an introduction to the tradition and derivational concepts of gentrification, this article analyzed and summarized the main theoretical explanation schools developed since the formation of concept of gentrification, especially on the two leading camps: explanation from production or supply and the explanation from consumption or demand. This article introduced three development tides of gentrification of Europe and America, and divided all gentrification research conducted since half a century ago into four development stages. They are stage of phenomenon description on gentrification, stage of fireworks between two camps, stage of theoretical integration and stage of political reply discussion on gentrification. After a simple evaluation of gentrification serving as a development strategy of the global cities and of main social-spatial effects of gentrification, this article made an investigation into the prospect of the worldwide gentrification research, and pointed out that there was still enormous space for the gentrification research even though much gentrification research has been conducted. This is because, firstly, in the aspect of theoretical research, gentrification has become an important topic in urban research, city planning and urban geography, and has always been a hot topic and academic frontier in other related social sciences. Secondly, in the aspect of empirical research, gentrification was found in almost all the big cities in the world, the process, causes, features and effects of gentrification in different countries or areas are significantly different, as a result of various social, political and economic backgrounds among countries. Therefore, there is plenty of work to do in empirical research in each country or area. Thirdly, in the aspect of expended gentrification research, the research scope and the definition of gentrification has changed remarkably since 1964, and even the concept of gentrification in the 21st century is different from the concept in the 1990s. The construction of“geography of gentrification”should be attributed to the temporaniess and variability of gentrification.


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