

  • 1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871;
    2. 清华大学基建规划处,北京 100084
戴林琳(1981-),女,博士,讲师,主要研究方向为城市与区域规划,历史村镇及历史街区的保护与发展,节事及节事旅游。E-mail: dll97@urban.pku.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2010-12-01

  修回日期: 2011-03-01

  网络出版日期: 2011-08-25



Temporal and Spatial Variance of Event Tourism in Beijing Suburbs

  • 1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
    2. Planning Office, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

Received date: 2010-12-01

  Revised date: 2011-03-01

  Online published: 2011-08-25


伴随着节事及节事旅游在中国广大乡村地区的推广和应用,乡村节事逐渐由乡村地方经济发展策略转变为区县区域发展战略的一部分。在区域尺度下,由于各节事举办地在资源禀赋、社会经济、交通区位等方面的差异,以及宏观经济环境的不断变化,导致节事发展在时间分布及空间分布上均呈现出一定的非均衡性,演绎出嬗变与分异的基本特征。研究区域范围内节事时空分异现象,准确把握其时空变化特征及其影响因素,不仅有助于正确认识节事区域性时空布局的发展与演变规律,对于区域尺度下节事与节事旅游的布局优化与资源整合同样意义深远。本文以北京郊区作为区域样本,以1980-2009 年节事举办数据为时间样本,综合SPSS 回归分析、波士顿矩阵、GIS等研究方法,首先阐释了京郊区域10 个区县节事举办的年际、年内分布规律、发展的阶段分期及其阶段性特征;随后,在定量测度区域范围内10 个区县节事发展水平的空间差异的基础上,进一步总结了其空间分异特征;最后,通过SPSS相关性分析方法的引入,分别从城市化水平和空间可达性二个角度对其与乡村节事空间分异现象形成的关联程度进行了验证性分析,在此基础上,结合京郊乡村节事在区域层面的应用实践进一步解释了空间分异现象的若干成因及其影响因素。


戴林琳, 盖世杰 . 北京郊区节事旅游发展时空分异特征[J]. 地理科学进展, 2011 , 30(8) : 1056 -1064 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.08.013


With event and event tourism prevailing in rural areas of China, events no longer just belong to local economic development strategy, but part of regional development strategy. At a regional scale, different host regions vary in natural resources, social economy and traffic locations, along with changeable macroscopic economic policies, leading to an unbalanced development of events in both temporal distribution and spatial distribution which presents transitional and differentiation characteristics. Hence a comprehensive understanding of the space-time characteristics of events and corresponding influential factors will do a great help to the analysis of the evolution rule of spatiotemporal structure of events, as well as to the distribution optimization and resource integration of event and event tourism. Above all, this paper takes Beijing suburbs as a regional case and collects a database from 1980 to 2009 in the ten counties including Tongzhou, Shunyi and Daxing. Based on which, first it presents the inter-annual and intra-annual distribution rules of events through SPSS regression analysis, then divides the development of event and event tourism into three stages: nascent stage, promotion stage and generalization stage, and summarizes the features of the above three stages respectively. Secondly, to probe into the spatial variance of event and event tourism, the paper divides the ten counties into four quadrants by introducing Boston matrix method, and concludes their spatial differential features correspondingly. Further, using the altitude tinting method of GIS, it sums up the three spatial differential features throughout the region: heterogeneity of geographical distribution, non-positive relation between event development level and economic performance, and coordination between geographical distribution of event styles and urban tourism functional areas. Finally, from the perspectives of urbanization level and spatial accessibility, this paper estimates and evaluates the relationships between the above factors and the spatial differential phenomenon. The results indicate that urbanization level has not only a certain relationship with rural event development level, but also an apparent relationship with event frequency, while spatial accessibility is highly related to the rural event development level, and even directly affects the economic benefits of rural tourism. On this basis, combining the experience of rural events application at a regional scale in Beijing suburbs with the above results, it further explains and explores the causes and influential factors of the spatial differential phenomenon.


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