网络出版日期: 2009-09-25
Research Progress in Wine Industrial Clusters
1. School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
2. The Department of Horticulture and Landscape, Hebei Science and Technology Normal University, Changli 066600, China
Online published: 2009-09-25
关键词: 产业集群;葡萄酒;研究进展
李育华1,2|梁进社1|张芸1 . 国内外葡萄酒产业集群研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(5) : 683 -689 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.005
With the high-speed growth of wine industry in the “new world” countries, the investigations on wine industrial clusters are being paid more attention by foreign scholars. Up to now, the research on wine industrial clusters has involved many aspects, such as the formation, the components, the use of the Internet, the competitive strategy, the R&D and innovation, the network among the companies, the governance and upgrade, the market operation, the problems, the development advice and so on. The study contents are expanding deeply and widely, the study ways and means are changing from the qualitative methods to the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. But there are also less studies on wine cluster, the existing studies not only have different understandings in the formation, development and components of wine cluster, but also have many issue fields await to further research. Because of late beginning of wine industrial development in China, quite little work on wine cluster has been done, and the concerned literatures mainly use the descriptive method. In order to counterpunch the internationalization challenge of wine industry, some issues which waiting to be research were put forward in order to attract the national scholar’s recognition and to promote the sustainable and healthy development of China wine industry and advance the industrial international competitiveness.
Key words: industrial clusters; research progress; wine
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