利用安徽省70 个台站1961-2010 年逐日平均气温、风速和相对湿度,根据气候舒适度评价模型,计算得到安徽省气候舒适度时空分布特征,在此基础上通过GIS 空间插值对气候舒适度进行综合区划和评价。结果表明:安徽省气候舒适度有明显的季节变化和区域分布特征,季节上每年4-10 月气候总体舒适,而11 月-次年3 月气候相对不舒适;空间上南部地区气候较为舒适,而北部气候相对不舒适。在气候变暖的背景下,年气候舒适天数逐年增多,且在1986 年左右存在一次显著性增多的突变;年不舒适日数明显减少,并且在1997 年左右也发生一次显著性减少的突变。综合区划显示,全省气候最舒适区主要位于沿江地区和江南南部,而气候最不舒适区位于淮北东北部、大别山区和皖南山区。
Based on data of daily average temperature, average wind velocity and average relative humidity in 70 observatories in Anhui Province from 1961 to 2010, the spatial-temporal distribution of climate comfort degree was calculated by the model of climate comfort degree index. The comprehensive zoning and evaluation was done by using of spatial interpolation techniques of Geographic Information System. The results show that the temporal and spatial distribution of climate comfort degree is significantly different in Anhui. The climatic condition is relatively comfortable from April to October in general, yet uncomfortable in wintertime mainly from November to next March; the climate comfort degree in the southern part of the region is better than in the northern part. Since the 1960s, the annual climate comfortable days have obviously increased in general under global warming, and the linear increasing trend once mutated around 1986 at 95% level; however, the annual climate uncomfortable days have obviously decreased, and the linear decreasing trend mutated around 1997 at 95% level. Comprehensive zoning shows that the best comfortable climate regions are mainly located in the southern part of Jiangnan and areas along the Yangtze River; while the northeast of Huaibei Region, Dabie Mountains and mountainous areas of South Anhui are the most uncomfortable areas in terms climate.
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