

  • 1. 福建师范大学地理科学学院, 福州 350007;
    2. 华南师范大学地理科学学院, 广州 510631
张芸(1984-),女,山西长治人,硕士研究生。主要从事区域文化地理和人口迁移与文化景观研究。E-mail: zhangyun0922@126.com

收稿日期: 2010-10-01

  修回日期: 2011-04-01

  网络出版日期: 2011-08-25


国家自然科学基金项目(40801055, 40771067);福建省科技厅青年人才项目(2008F3034);福建师范大学“旗山学者”资助项目。

the Spatial Characteristics and the Diffusion of Foreign Religions in a Port City: A Case Study of the Protestant Churches in Fuzhou

  • 1. School of Geographical Science, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China;
    2. College of Geography Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China

Received date: 2010-10-01

  Revised date: 2011-04-01

  Online published: 2011-08-25


城市宗教景观是宗教文化地理研究的重要内容。教堂作为宗教文化景观研究的核心,其时空分布与变迁往往可以透露宗教地域播迁的重要内涵。本文通过提取历史时期福州基督教堂的空间数据,利用GIS及空间分析功能和历史文献分析法,探讨基督教在福州口岸城市的空间分布和扩散。研究结果表明:从时空分布看,1860 年以前,福州市基督教堂数量少且集中分布于闽江口和沿江两岸,即茶亭、仓前一带;1860 年之后,形成闽江沿岸和旧城区(鼓楼区)并存格局;民国之后,福州市区教堂开始沿着交通线路向外扩散;建国后,福州教堂整体上则呈收缩之势。从传播方式看,福州基督教传教方式总体上处于不断变化之中,突出地表现为从传统的牧师布道方式向现代媒体布道方式转变,辅之以宗教书籍、报刊的刊印和学校、医院等的创建立,客观上推动了福州近代医疗和教育事业的发展。


张芸, 王彬, 朱竑 . 外来宗教在口岸城市的空间分布及扩散特征——以福州市基督教教堂为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2011 , 30(8) : 1065 -1072 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.08.014


The religious landscape study in cities is an important part of religious and cultural geography. Church, as the core of religion cultural landscape studying, is also the focus of religious geography researches, and its time and space distribution and changes can often reveal the formation and diffusion mechanism of urban religious landscapes. The paper, by extracting geographical information on religious cultural landscape such as basic spatial data of different historical periods and churches from historical literature, establishes a historical GIS database for Fuzhou. Based on it, the paper takes the Protestant churches as a clue in the interpretation of important spatial meanings connoted in the temporal-spatial changes occurred in religious cultural landscape in a port city by the means of spatial analysis and historical analysis. The results show that, before 1860, there was a small number of Protestant churches in Fuzhou and they were mainly distributed in the Minjiang River estuary and along the river sides, that is, Chating and Cangqian areas; after 1860, the churches in Fuzhou was located in along the two sides of the Minjiang River and in the old town (Gulou District); after the period of the Republic of China, along with the improvement of traffic condition, the newly-built Protestant churches began to spread quickly outward; after the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC), the distribution of churches in Fuzhou showed a shrinking trend. The way of Protestant missions in Fuzhou was constantly changing from the traditional way of preaching to the way of using modern media, complemented by publishing religious books and newspapers and establishing schools and hospitals. These schools and hospitals promoted the development of modern health care and education in Fuzhou.


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