

  • 1. 河南大学黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心|开封 475001; |2. 河南财经学院城市与乡村发展研究所|郑州 450002;
    3. 河南省城乡规划设计研究院|郑州 450000; |4. 河南省清丰县建设委员会|清丰 457300
郭荣朝(1963-)|男|河南镇平人|博士|教授|所长|主要研究方向为城市与区域规划。E-mail: rongchao2003@163.com

网络出版日期: 2010-03-25



Research on the Model of Optimization and Reorganization of Eco-spatial Structure in Urban Agglomeration Region and Its Application: A Case Study of the Urban Agglomeration in Central Plains Region

  • 1. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development, Henan University,
    Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China|
    2. Research Institute of Urban and Rural Development, Henan University of Finance and Economics, Zhengzhou 450002, China|
    3. Research Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450000, China|
    4. Construction Committee of Qingfeng County in Henan Province, Qingfeng 457300, Henan, China

Online published: 2010-03-25




郭荣朝1,2|苗长虹1|夏保林3|李军甫4 . 城市群生态空间结构优化组合模式及对策——以中原城市群为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(3) : 363 -369 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.03.016


Eco-spatial structure optimization of urban agglomeration will promote economic and social environmental sustainable development in the urban agglomeration region. Based on an exhaustive analysis of the spatial interaction, mutualism, co-evolutionary mechanism and ecological links between the eco-spatial structure and economic-social development of the urban agglomeration, this paper establishes optimized modes of corridor group network in urban agglomeration region by optimizing and reorganizing eco-spatial structure; and analyses the reasons of the eco-spatial structure disorder, evolution trends and optimized model of spatial structure in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration Region. Finally, the authors bring forward suggestions of eco-spatial structure optimization in the Central Plains Urban Agglomeration, which are in line with local conditions, set up a perfectly efficient “plaque-corridor-matrix” urban agglomeration eco-network system, promote a reasonable division among cities of the urban agglomeration region and formation industrial cluster, and build a mechanism to guide the development of urban agglomeration, so that the urban and rural construction will change, providing more suitable environment in the urban agglomeration region for people to live.


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