通过对陕北黄土高原可持续发展评价指标体系和方法的初步研究,设计出了包括 1个高级综合指标——可持续发展综合指数、人口状况等 5个基本指标和人口自然增长率等 30个元素指标的层次性指标体系结构框架,熵技术支持下确定可持续发展指标权重的层次分析法,以及由递阶多层次综合评价、主成份分析和回归分析等数学方法所集成的可持续发展全面综合评价模型,并依次对该地区可持续发展现状及趋势进行了全面分析评价。
Based on the pilot studies on the evaluation index system and method of sustainable development of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, this paper has designed the structure frame of the index system including three types of index such as one advance comprehensive index-the comprehensive index of sustainable development, five basic indexes and thirty element indexes, the Analytic Hierarchy Process which can be used to calculate the sustainable development index weight supported by entropy technology, and the model can be used to evaluate the sustainable development comprehensively integrated by mathematical method such as compositive appraisement method of hierarchy multilayer、main component analytical method、regression analytical method and so on. And then, based on the theory and methods, evaluating and analyzing the sustainable development of Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi was presented concretely.
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