

  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室|北京 100085

网络出版日期: 2009-11-25



Systematical Analysis on Agricultural Resources Utilization in Hailun County Based on Crop Potential Productivity

  • State Key Laboratory of Urban and Regional Ecology, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, CAS, Beijing 100085, China

Online published: 2009-11-25


采用机制法对作物生产潜力模型进行了光、温、水、土逐级订正,对海伦地区的主要粮食生产潜力进行估算;并选取产量衰减量、资源满足率和资源增产潜力三个指标评价了农业资源的利用效率。结果表明,光合生产潜力为16801.4kg/hm2,光温生产潜力为12483.9kg/hm2,气候生产潜力为9799.1kg/hm2,农业自然生产潜力为8248.4 kg/hm2。如果以光温生产潜力作为目标产量,海伦地区尚有74.01%的上升潜力,且玉米的资源增产潜力高于大豆。社会经济因素是影响生产潜力实现的重要因素,自然资源中温度对产量的限制作用最大,其次是水分和土壤。在此基础上结合实地考查,对当地的粮食生产资源进行了系统分析,寻找影响粮食产量持续增长的限制性因素。


马岩|陈利顶 . 海伦地区粮食生产资源利用系统分析[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(6) : 998 -1003 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.023


By using the mechanism methodology, the model for potential agricultural productivity was established. Effective coefficients for factors such as radiation, temperature, water and land were identified. This paper estimated the main crops potential productivity in Hailun County, and established agricultural resources utilization assessment which is composed of productivity loss value, contented index and yield potential index based on the productivity of different levels. The result showed that the photosynthetic potential productivity was 16801.4 kg/hm2, the temperature potential productivity was 12483.9 kg/hm2, climate potential productivity was 9799.1 kg/hm2, and agricultural potential productivity was 8248.4 kg/hm2. If the temperature potential productivity is regarded as the highest productivity that can be realized, there was still 74.01% of potential on main crops in Hailun County and yield potential of maize was higher than that of soybean. The social and economic conditions were the key restricting factors and in natural resources temperature played the most important role in restricting crop productivity, and then moisture and soil fertility condition. On this basis and site-investigation, we analysed systematically local crop productivity resources. By this way we can find the main restricting resource factors to achieve the purpose of appraising agricultural resources utilization efficiency comprehensively.


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