收稿日期: 2009-09-01
修回日期: 2010-01-01
网络出版日期: 2010-04-24
Flood Processes and Channel Responses in Typical Years of the Different Channel Patterns in Neimenggu Reaches of the Upper Yellow River
Received date: 2009-09-01
Revised date: 2010-01-01
Online published: 2010-04-24
王随继,范小黎 . 黄河内蒙古不同河型段对洪水过程的响应特征[J]. 地理科学进展, 2010 , 29(4) : 501 -506 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.04.017
The sedimentation on channel bed in the Neimenggu (Inner Mongolia) reach of the upper Yellow River has been relative severe since the last two decades. Some of researchers expect that artificial flood can erode the channel bed and lower the channel bed. In this work, the discharge-water level hydrographs of the maximal floods that occurred in the typical years have been revealed, and the shapes of the hydrographs include single line, clockwise loop, anticlockwise loop, and complex line plus anticlockwise loop, anticlockwise loop plus line, “8”-shape plus line, nested anticlockwise loop and cross lines. These relations can reflect whether the channel bed is eroded or deposited, when eroded or deposited, and whether the erosion and deposition are iterative. The responses of the Neimenggu channel of the upper Yellow River are different from those at the downstreams. The downward erosion and the depressed channel bed have a braiding channel pattern, the evident upward aggradation has a meandering pattern, and the slight upward aggradation or the balanced erosion-deposition has a straight pattern. This trend is adaptive to the stream power decrease downstreams. The decrease of concentration of suspended sediment downstream is the evidence. Artificial flood can not change the sedimentation trend on the meandering channel bed and can not help people to inhabit in the Hetao plain to avoid the flood hazard.
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