收稿日期: 2005-07-01
修回日期: 2005-09-01
网络出版日期: 2005-11-25
Progress in China’s Energy Security Research
Received date: 2005-07-01
Revised date: 2005-09-01
Online published: 2005-11-25
蔡国田, 张 雷 . 中国能源安全研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2005 , 24(6) : 79 -87 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2005.06.009
As one of the largest energy consumers and producers in the world, China has faced great challenges of energy security on the way of modernizing itself. Energy security mainly concludes reliable energy provision and safe energy use. The paper reviews the progress in China’s energy security, energy strategy and law related energy problem. Though great progress has been made in energy security, there are many shortcomings, such as false energy prediction in some years, mainly because of the short industrialization history of China and weak researching on the complex energy system. It is the time to rethink energy security when China is turning from reliable energy provision to safe energy use. Based on researching, the paper points out that China should attach greater importance to energy security researching, including the phase of energy security, changing of energy consumption, energy management, energy price, law related energy problem and the development of renewable and new energy. The government should adapt its management to the market economy. Resource-price reform must be accelerated and prices should be decided by the market as much as possible. China must also develop its reproducible energy resources. In conclusion, solving energy security problem requires the participation of the entire nation.
Key words: energy security; reliable energy provision; safe energy use
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