

  • 陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院| 西安 |710062
马丽君(1981-)|男|山东临沂人|博士研究生|研究方向为生态旅游。 E-mail: malijun@stu.snnu.edu.cn

网络出版日期: 2009-09-25



Evaluation of Tourism Climate Comfortableness of Coastal Cities in the Eastern China

  • College of Tourism and Environment Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an 710062, China

Online published: 2009-09-25




马丽君,孙根年,王洁洁 . 中国东部沿海沿边城市旅游气候舒适度评价[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(5) : 713 -722 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.05.009


A new comprehensive comfort index is founded based on assignment of THI, WCI and ICL. This new index has some peculiarity like comparable, plus able and so on. The climate comfortable degree of 26 cities in eastern China is analyzed by the new index; the grades of fitness and its timely distribution are divided. The North-South variation of climate comfortable degree is analyzed. The 26 cities are divided into three types based on the distribution of comfortable period of a year. The annual comprehensive comfort index in 25°N is the highest, the annual comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude reduces in the north of 25°N, the annual comprehensive comfort index goes down as the latitude reduces in the south of 25°N. In summer the comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude increases. This shows that the north has a more comfort climate. In winter the comprehensive comfort index goes up as the latitude reduces. This shows that the south has a more comfort climate. Monthly variation of inbound tourists in the four typical cities are surveyed, the monthly variation of inbound tourists and its differences between North and South are revealed, and the dull season and busy season for tourism are divided. Monthly variation of inbound tourists in Harbin presents a “W-shaped” pattern, monthly variation of inbound tourists in Beijing and Nanjing a “M-shaped” pattern, and Haikou’s monthly variation of inbound tourists a wide “U-shaped” pattern. Based on the comparison of monthly index of tourists and climate comfort degree and numerical valued special factors, the simulated model of the monthly index of inbound tourists is founded by the way of OLS.


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