空间插值从广义上讲包括点插值和面插值 ,本文从有无辅助数据的角度介绍了还不为多数人熟知的面插值 ,在无辅助数据的方法中介绍了基于点的面插值法、面域比重插值法、使用控制区的面域比重法、Pycnophylactic面插值法等的算法和特点 ,在有辅助数据的方法中介绍了 EM算法和遥感作为辅助数据的面插值法 ,并介绍了面插值中的特例 -统计数据的空间化方法。
In a broad sense, spatial interpolation includes point interpolation and areal interpolation. In this article these two types of interpolation methods were reviewed and the areal interpolation which was not very popular to major people was especially introduced according to whether the interpolation methods use ancillary data or not. In the areal interpolation methods without using ancillary data, the algorithm and its characteristic of the following methods were introduced: point-based areal interpolation, areal-weighted interpolation, areal-weighted interpolation using control zones and pycnophylactic method. In the areal interpolation methods using ancillary data, the EM algorithm and the method using remote sensing data as ancillary data were introduced. And the special case of areal interpolation - statistics variables spatialization-was also introduced. In the end, these two types of interpolation methods were compared and the main research trend of areal interpolation was foreseen.
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