收稿日期: 2006-02-01
修回日期: 2006-05-01
网络出版日期: 2006-07-25
国家社会科学基金重大项目( 05&ZD053) 、中国—欧盟科技合作资助项目(ICA4- CT- 2002- 10004)、国家自然科学基金项目( 70173022) 资助.
Review and Evaluation of Resear ches on Urban- Rur al Inter action Development in the Last Fifteen Year s
Received date: 2006-02-01
Revised date: 2006-05-01
Online published: 2006-07-25
城乡互动发展是通过资本、劳动力、物质、信息等社会经济要素在城乡空间的双向流动而 形成的一种空间关联的地域关系。在构建社会主义新农村与和谐社会的进程中, 开展城乡互动发 展的理论和实证研究, 有利于拓宽地理学的研究体系, 为新一轮的区域规划和城乡规划提供新的 研究架构; 有利于城市和乡村的共同发展和区域空间结构的整体优化。文章从内涵、内在机理和 驱动因素、模式、实现途径等方面总结了近十五年来国内外学者对城乡互动发展研究的主要成 果, 指出当前的研究大多倾向于定性化和静态层面的研究, 定量化研究和不同时空尺度的动态研 究还较为欠缺。因此, 加强城乡互动发展内在机理的系统解读、加强城乡互动发展时空演变机制 和规律的研究、深入开展我国不同类型区域城乡互动发展的模式和优化对策的研究将是该领域 亟待深入探讨的几大问题。
段娟,文余源,鲁奇 . 近十五年国内外城乡互动发展研究述评[J]. 地理科学进展, 2006 , 25(4) : 118 -128 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2006.04.013
Urban- rural interaction development refers to the two- way flowing and optimial allocation of capital, labor, material, information and other socio- economic factors in urban- rural space. Urban- rural interaction development has changed one- way flowing pattern of urban- rural socio- economic factors under urban- rural segregation system, promoting urban- rural common development and overall optimization of regional spatial structure. Meanwhile, in the cross- research field of urban geography and rural geography, urban- rural interaction development will also help to widen research system of geography and provide new research framework for constituting a new round of regional planning and urban- rural planning. Therefore, in the process of building new socialism rural areas and harmonious society, it is necessary to carry out theoretic and practical study on urban- rural interaction development. This article summarized the domestic and foreign research achievements on connotation, mechanism, pattern and way of urban- rural interaction development during the last 15 years, and pointed out that the current researches might mostly favor qualitative and static aspects, while lacking quantitative and dynamic analysis from perspective of the different spatio- temporal dimensions. Therefore, there are three principal issues urgently needed to be solved in the future: (1) Strengthening the research on basic principles of urban- rural interaction development. Spatial economics theory, system science theory and coordination symbiotic theory may be used to analyze the form, content, structure, function and mechanism of urban- rural interaction development. (2) Strengthening the research on mechanism and rule of spatio - temporal evolvement of urban - rural interaction development. Some mathematical methods may be used: firstly, the Two- stage Nested Theil Decomposition method and Exploring Spatial Data Analysis method may be used to reveal the spatial difference of urban- rural interaction development. Secondly, Wavelet Analysis method may be used to reveal temporal variation characteristic of urban- rural interaction development. Thirdly, Grey Association Analysis method and Granger Cause and Effect Analysis method may be used to reveal the relations between urban- rural interaction development and their driving factors. (3) Strengthening the research on the pattern and optimization countermeasure of urban- rural interaction development in different types of regions. Questionnaire and interview methods may be used.
Key words: association; regional planning; urban- rural interaction
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