
210Pb、137Cs 计年法在现代海岸带沉积速率 研究中的应用述评

  • 1. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 南京210095|
    2. 东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院, 长春130024|
    3. 国土资源部土地利用重点实验室, 北京100029
孙丽( 1984- )| 女, 黑龙江人,南京大学地理与海洋科学学院, 硕士研究生, 主要从事土地资源评价 研究。E- mail: sunl231@yahoo.com.cn

收稿日期: 2006-08-01

  修回日期: 2007-02-01

  网络出版日期: 2007-03-25


江苏省自然科学基金(BK2005080) 、国家自然科学基金( 40371106) 、教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养 计划”基金( 2003) 联合资助。

An Overview on the Application of 210Pb and 137Cs Dating in the Resear ch of Recent Sediment Accumulation Rate of Coastal Zone

  • 1. The Department of Urban and Resources Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210095|
    2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northeast normal University, Changchun 130024|
    3. Land Use Key Laboratory, Ministry of Land and Resource, Beijing 100029

Received date: 2006-08-01

  Revised date: 2007-02-01

  Online published: 2007-03-25


210Pb、137Cs 计年法已被国内外广泛用于湖泊、河流和海洋现代沉积速率的研究中。本文在 回顾了210Pb、137Cs 计年法应用于海岸带沉积速率研究的现状以及存在问题的基础上, 根据海岸带 沉积环境特征分析了210Pb、137Cs 计年法在应用中应当注意的问题, 包括采样精准性, 样品分离的 分辨率, 数据校正方法的选择及两种方法的相互印证等。从几个方面探讨了提高沉积速率测定精 度的可能性, 同时指出, 210Pb、137Cs 的扩散混合模型的建立, 137Cs 沉积滞后的问题, 以及137Cs、210Pb 计年法的应用范围等仍有待深入探讨。


孙丽, 介冬梅, 濮励杰 . 210Pb、137Cs 计年法在现代海岸带沉积速率 研究中的应用述评[J]. 地理科学进展, 2007 , 26(2) : 67 -76 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.02.008


210Pb and 137Cs techniques can be used to infer a geochronology with incomparable su-periority in accuracy and timescale, which were widely employed for dating recent sediments deposited in fluvial, lacustrine, marine and other sedimentary systems on a timescale of about 100 years. The achievements and current situation of 210Pb and 137Cs dating in the coastal zone of China were summarized, which were in the primary stage when compared with the same kind of achievements overseas. Based on the characters of the sedimentary environment in the coastal zone, the problems and limitations of 210Pb and 137Cs dating for sedimentary rate were revealed, indicating that undisturbed sampling, high- precision sampling and partition, moderate adjustment, accurate descriptions of the regional distribution patterns of 210Pb and 137Cs concentration and comparison of 210Pb method with 137Cs time- mark counting were very important for correcting results. Further analysis of the model establishment for diffusion and mixing of 210Pb and 137Cs techniques was required. Referring to foreign research, the needs of some further improvements and some additional intensive work, especially in the coastal zone of China, were also suggested.


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