建立完善的城市生态环境监测及评价体系是目前城市环境工作一项重要内容 ,在对高分辨率遥感卫星数据特点分析的基础上 ,进行了高分辨率遥感卫星数据应用的可行性分析 ,提出了高分辨率遥感卫星数据在城市生态环境评价中的应用模型 ,并从城市生态环境评价指标体系、元数据管理体系、环境评价因子的提取和分析三个方面对该应用模型做了进一步的阐述 ,最后对该模型在厦门市环保局进行了实验研究。
Perfect monitoring and evaluating system of urban environment is very important. Traditional monitor and evaluation system should be revised with the support of high resolution remote sensing technology. High resolution remote sensing satellites and their data, especially IKNOS satellite of Space Imaging Company, are introduced. Then the application feasibility research is done based on it. In addition, the environmental evaluation application model based on the high resolution remote sensing satellite data is given. This model has four main characters, and contents of this model are further explained in three parts. The first part is the urban environmental evaluation system. With the support of high resolution remote sensing satellite data and other environmental information, environmental evaluation system can be constructed, which is not only the basis of urban environmental evaluation, but also the basis of application of high resolution remote sensing data. The second part is Metadata management. Constructing the Metadata management system and adding environmental Metadata database to the origin database system are needed, and Metadata management benefits the data share and data efficiency acquiring. The third part is environmental evaluation factor getting and analyzing. Getting the evaluation factors from high resolution image should use the method of texture instead of the traditional method based on multiple spectrum. Based on these factors, special environmental models and GIS should be combined to do the urban environmental evaluation work. In the end, typical initial research is done in Xiammen Environmental Bureau.