收稿日期: 2006-08-01
修回日期: 2006-12-01
网络出版日期: 2007-02-20
Research Development on Driving Factors and Ecological Effects of Agriculture Landscape Pattern Change
Received date: 2006-08-01
Revised date: 2006-12-01
Online published: 2007-02-20
农业景观格局演变的驱动力及生态效应研究具有重要的意义, 目前研究主要集中在农业 景观格局及其组分的动态变化, 在驱动力和生态环境效应等方面的研究则是案例较多、归纳总结 和机制研究相对薄弱。分析了形成当前研究状况的原因并提出了今后研究的重点方向, 包括发展 能够反映生态过程的景观格局指数、归纳农业景观演变的驱动机制、农业景观格局变化的生态环 境效应机理研究、发展景观格局整体性指标和长期定位观测数据相结合研究方法、农业景观变化 所带来的生态恶化的恢复因子和恢复方法的研究、加强农业景观规划设计研究和实施、高效农田 景观结构设计机理研究。
张保华,谷艳芳,丁圣彦,梁国付 . 农业景观格局演变及其生态效应研究进展[J]. 地理科学进展, 2007 , 26(1) : 114 -122 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2007.01.012
It is very important to research driving factors and ecological effects of agriculture landscape pattern change. Studies at the present time focus on dynamic changes of agriculture landscape pattern and its components, while rarely on induction and mechanism of driving factors and ecological effects. The new development of researches on agriculture landscape pattern change, driving factors, and ecological effects was summarized briefly in this paper, and the study emphasis aftertime was also put forward as follows: developing landscape pattern indexes which can reflect ecological processes (inducing driving mechanism of agricultural landscape pattern change), researching on ecological effects mechanism of agricultural landscape pattern change, developing methods in combination with holistic landscape index and long located observation data, researching on restoration methods in ecological degradation brought by agricultural landscape changes, agricultural landscape planning and actualizing, and designing high efficient farmland landscape structure.
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