河南省是我国第一人口大省。 80年代以来 ,经济迅速发展 ,总量水平在全国的位次不断上升 ,但区域经济差异也发生了显著变化。本文以计量统计分析为基础 ,探讨了河南省区域经济差异变化的时间特征、区域经济差异的空间格局及其变化过程 ,分析了区域经济发展与区域环境条件之间的关系 ,提出了调控河南省区域经济差异的政策建议。
Since the 1980s, regional inequality in China has been one of the most important topics attracting scholars’ attention both at home and abroad. However, most studies are based on macros regions and provinces, and have paid less attention to the trends and mechanisms of regional economic divergence within provinces. Henan is a large province of nearly 100 million population, which economy has grown very fast since the reforms. However, the divergence of regional economic development in this province became more and more obvious in 1980s and 1990s and should be paid necessary attention. According to the statistical analysis of regional economic development, especially in county level, in Henan province, this article discusses the spatial pattern of regional economy, the process of the divergence change and the relationship between regional economic development and its environment. This paper finds that absolute divergence is broadening and relative one fluctuating, and that regional economy and its growth rate affects its divergence change. Through the comparison with the change of per capita GDP in county level, we find that the divergence is becoming divided. The economic divergence changes in county level express more difference to a certain extent. Regional economic development is closely related to its environments, such as regional economic strength, income, consume etc.. Finally, the authors put forward some policy suggestions to adjust and control this economic divergence.
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