Land quality indicators based on "press-state-response (PSR)" framework is one of the present hot-spots in land science. Fast economic growth and land degradation in China urge government and scientists to build up the indicators to monitor and evaluate land quality changes. This paper introduced the origin, concept, research plan and evaluation framework for land quality based on PSR framework, and it also summarized the new progresses in the field of international land quality indicators research. In land quality indicators project, 11 land quality indicators were proposed, which are nutrient balance, yield gap, agricultural land use intensity and land use diversity, land cover, soil quality, land degradation, agro-biodiversity, water quality, forest land quality, rangeland quality, and land contamination/pollution. Some research trends and suggestions in Chinain future were also proposed. As the national agency of land management, the Ministry of Land and Resources can make contributions to land science by the application of land quality project.