收稿日期: 2003-09-01
修回日期: 2003-10-01
网络出版日期: 2004-01-24
On Establishing The Great Canal Regional Ecological Infrastructure: Strategy and Approaches
Received date: 2003-09-01
Revised date: 2003-10-01
Online published: 2004-01-24
俞孔坚, 李迪华, 李伟 . 俞孔坚等:论大运河区域生态基础设施战略和实施途径[J]. 地理科学进展, 2004 , 23(1) : 1 -12 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2004.01.001
Ecological infrastructure (EI) is the critical natural systems that provide nature’s service to cities and their residents, which is composed of not only the traditionally recognized green systems, but also suburban forests, farm land and natural habitats that are connected as an integral infrastructure. Just like a civic infrastructure that is critical to the sustainable development of a city and a region,so is the ecological infrastructure to the sustainable environment of the region and the city. The construction of the EI must be built across administrative boundaries and must be strategically allocated for the next centuries to come. Therefore, the planning and construction must be taken as long-term strategy at the regional and national scales. The speedy urbanization process, and the enormous landscape change pro-jects such as the water diverting projects from the south to the north, offer great opportunities to the formation of the regional EI. This paper proposes the planning and establishment of a regional ecological infrastructure along the Great Canal to support the sustainability of the east China, meanwhile provides opportunities for local and regional recreation, and protects a historical heritage corridor. Step-by-step approaches are also suggested for the planning and design of the Great Canal ecological infrastructure.
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