In this paper the composite sediment disaster process is def ined as a compound of sediment disasters, which are formed under a given natural condit ion and by human activities in a certain space and time span and are with inhere ntly interrelated Generally speaking, it can be divided into two main types ba sed on its forming dynamics One is naturally carried out and the other is huma n induced From time series viewpoint, it is explained that the composite sedim ent disaster has complexity, periodicity, anatomists and administrative levels The regional characteristics of composite sediment disaster process have also been studied They are relatives, differences and dividing characters Based o n principle environmental features and basic composite processes the whole country can be divided into 4 main regions of composite sediment disasters They are ( Ⅰ) the eastern China plain and coast zone, (Ⅱ) the middle China plateau and lo wer mountainous area, (Ⅲ) the north~western China arid high and middle mountai nous and huge basin area, and (Ⅳ) the Qinghai Xizang Plateau and highest mount ainous area According to composite sediment similarities and differences the 1 1 sub regions has been divided as follows, Ⅰ1 Sub region of flood type of co mposite sediment disasters in the north eastern China,Ⅰ2 Sub region of floo d type of composite sediment disasters in the northern China and lower and middl e Yangtze River plain,Ⅰ3 Sub region of flood storm tide type of composite s ediment disasters along coast in the south eastern China;Ⅱ1 Sub region of a rid water soil lose type of composite sediment disasters on Loess Plateau, Ⅱ 2 Sub region of flood slide debris flow type of composite sediment disasters of Sichuan, Guizhou, west Hunan and Hubei, Ⅱ3 Sub region of slide debris fl ow type of composite sediment disasters of west Sichuan and Yunnan; Ⅲ1 Sub r egion of composite sediment disasters in Inner Mongolia, Ⅲ2 Sub region of wi ndy sand type of composite sediment disasters in Xinjiang and Gansu, Ⅲ3 Sub region of slide debris flow type of composite sediment disasters in Tianshan mountain;Ⅳ1 Sub region of slide debris flow type of composite sediment disa sters of the highest mountain in the south eastern Xizang, and Ⅳ2 Sub regi on of slide debris flow type of composite sediment disasters of high.