本文以地学信息图谱理论、地球空间信息认知理论、地球系统科学与地理综合体理论、地理信息系统中的时空复合体模型为依据 ,提出了研究土地利用 /土地覆被变化的基本单元 ,即“图谱单元”,它是记录时空复合信息的基本单元 ,由“相对均质”的地理单元和“相对均质”的时序单元复合而成 ,并提出了研究土地利用 /土地覆被变化图谱的概念模型。
Since 1990, scientists at home and abroad have been paying attention to researches on land use and land cover change (LUCC), but research is not enough on "space and process" on LUCC. Spatial relationship between variables has not yet been established. So it is important for us to research LUCC in various temporal spatial scales. The Geo information Tupu is a kind of methodology that is brought up by academician Chen Shupeng, supported by such advanced technologies as Remote Sensing(RS), Geographical Information System(GIS), Internet Communication, Virtual Reality and Cartography by computer, etc. Tupu is combination of "carto" of spatial units and "graph" of the beginning and process of events. It can express spatial differences in temporal system and develop data mining methods in spatial differences. Tupu can also show its advantages to integrate various tempo spatial multi dimension features in geo scientific analysis. Based on the theories and methods on Geo information Tupu, the thesis discusses spatial and process integration on land use/land cover change by ERDAS and ARC/INFO software. According to theories on Geo information, spatial geo information cognition, systematic global sciences geographic integration, and tempo spatial integration on fire models, the thesis puts forward land use/land cover models based on Tupu unit, which is integrated by "Spatial·Attribute·Process", and composed by relatively homogeneous geographic unit and temporal unit. It is a piece of powerful tool in tempo spatial analysis.
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