土地整理在合理配置土地资源和增加土地效益、实现耕地总量动态平衡方面具有重要的作用 ,目前已成为社会关注的焦点。本文分析了土地整理的内涵和目标 ,结合我国的国家目标 ,根据我国东、中、西部地区的地域差异 ,阐明了目前我国土地整理的区域差异 ,并提出了相应的对策和建议 :1对于经济发达、土地利用率高和人地矛盾尖锐的东部地区 ,结合经济发展和农业结构调整时机 ,大力推进农地整理 ,提高耕地质量和耕地经营规模水平 ,努力提高耕地的经济效益 ;同时 ,逐步推进非农用地整理 ,减轻非农建设用地对农地的压力。 2对于土地利用率较高、社会经济发展中等的中部地区 ,在发展经济的同时注意保护耕地和环境 ,在保持耕地总量平衡的基础上变注重农地整理的数量向注重农地质量转变。3对于土地利用程度低、社会经济欠发达的西部地区 ,土地整理与退耕还林还草、治水、治沙相结合 ,改善生态环境 ;加大对现有耕地科技含量的投入 ,提高耕地的产出率。此外 ,土地整理应加紧制订、修订和完善相关土地政策 ,探索成立土地银行和公司参与等 ,实现土地整理资金的多元化。
Land consolidation plays an important role in rational re arrangement of land resources, increasing profit of land and keeping dynamic balance of amount of cultivated land. Therefore, it has become the focus of society attention. The denotation of land consolidation is discussed in this paper. According to the differences between eastern, middle and western regions of China, the suggestions of land consolidation are put forward combined with national target. (1)In eastern region with high economic level, high land use ratio, and serious human land contradiction, more attention should be paid to agricultural land consolidation, aiming at improvement of land quality, management and benefit associated with the adjustment of agricultural structure. At the same time, non agricultural land consolidation can be gradually performed in order to mitigate pressure of construction land against cultivate land.(2)In middle region with medium economic level and land use ratio, it is necessary to convert the objectives of land consolidation concentration from increasing quantity of cultivated land to promoting its quality, based on keeping dynamic balance of cultivated land amount.(3)For western region associated with low land use ratio and low economic level, land consolidation should not only combine with return of cultivate land to woodland and grassland as well as control of water and desert to improve environments, but promote scientific and technological input to existing cultivated land to increase its output ratio. In addition, it is urgent to constitute, revise and improve laws and regulations related to land consolidation. In order to achieve multiple collective methods of land consolidation funds, it is helpful to explore establishment of land bank and corporations’ participation in land consolidation process.
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