

  • 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101

收稿日期: 2001-12-01

  修回日期: 2002-01-01

  网络出版日期: 2002-01-24



Spatial Patterns and Dynamic Mechanisms of Urban Land Use Growth

  • Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS, Beijing 100101 China

Received date: 2001-12-01

  Revised date: 2002-01-01

  Online published: 2002-01-24


本文通过系统地评析国外不同学术派系对城市土地利用扩展的空间模式、动力机制及管理政策的研究进展 ,指出其研究重点已从归纳空间演替模式深化到探究城市土地开发过程中的决策过程与动力机制 ,从崇尚土地市场的自由运作转向对其进行精明管理。


刘盛和 . 城市土地利用扩展的空间模式与动力机制[J]. 地理科学进展, 2002 , 21(1) : 43 -50 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.01.005


Through carrying out a systematical review on the research progress of various Western academic schools on spatial patterns and dynamic mechanisms of urban land use growth, this paper highlights that its focus has shifted from summarizing spatial evolutionary models to exploring dynamic mechanisms during the decision making process of land development, from free land market to smart growth management. Historical experiences at home and aboard demonstrate that, while the monopoly administrative allocation system would force urban land use development to become an affiliated part of administrative powers and result in inefficiency and inequality, the free market mechanism would probably push urban land development to become an growth machine solely controlled by the motivation of profit making and deliberately destroy un renewable resources and amenable ecological environment. Therefore, in order to realize sustainable urban development and coordinate the conflicts among urban development, conservation of cultivated land, and construction of ecological environment, China should, on one side, continue to accelerate its reform on urban land use system to significantly increase the importance of the market mechanism on urban land development, and establish an equal and efficient supervising mechanism on the operation of urban land market, on the other side, strengthen the macro management function of the Governmental agencies and rationally control urban land use growth motivated by the market mechanism through various growth management policies.


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