环渤海地区滩涂资源不仅占全国的 1 /3以上 ,而且滩涂面积随着河流泥沙人海淤积不断增加 ,具有巨大的开发潜力。但滩涂生态环境脆弱 ,其开发利用必须遵循综合、立体、高效和持续利用的原则。因地制宜地采用保护性农业综合开发、鱼塘 -台田立体生态利用、农田生态林网建设、滨海草地综合改良、绿色环保产业与海水养殖、海侵防治保高产技术和生态旅游开发利用等模式进行滩涂资源的持续开发利用。
There are great potentials for exploiting beach resources in Bohai Rim which not only account for over 1/3 of those of the country’s total but expands constantly along with the accumulative increase of river sediment load entering into sea. However, as the eco environment of the beach is fragile, the exploitation and utilization of beach resources should follow the principle of integration, steoroscope, high efficiency, and sustainable use. Models suitable to local conditions should be adopted in the sustainable exploitation and utilization of beach resources. These models include the adoption of protective integrated exploitation of agriculture, vertical eco utilization of fish pond platform field, farmland eco forest network construction, integrated amelioration of beach grassland, green eco protective industry and seawater cultivation, sea intrusion prevention and control to guarantee high yield technique, eco tourism exploitation and utilization, etc..
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