本文指出了数字地球时代“3S”与数字地球的关系以及 GIS、GPS、和 RS的本质,从其本质出发分析了“3S”两两结合的方式和关键技术,并指出了目前的发展现状。两两结合的缺陷和弱点导致了“3S”的完全集成,“3S”集成是当今空间科学领域的一个研究前沿,具有相当的难度,目前理论研究仍落后于实际应用。“3S”技术的迅猛发展,最终导致了地球信息科学的诞生。数字地球推动了“3S”技术向着更深更广的领域发展,“3S”技术成为数字地球的核心技术和基础技术之一。
The relationship between“3S”and digital earth as well as the essence of GIS,GPS and RS is discussed.Then we analyze the integrating between each of “3S” and the their key technique based on their essence respectively.What’s more,the actual situation of development is also analyzed.The defect of the integrating between each other results in the full integrating of “3S”.And the full integrating is one of the front of study on the area of spatial science.As a result,it is very difficult to the study.At the present,the study on the theory is dropped behind the practice.After our analyzing by their development at present and the key technique of integration of GIS,GPS and RS,the conclusions are drawn:(1)the integrating of “3S”is the essential result of development of GIS GPS and RS,and the most extensive application and the most perfect technique is the integrating of GIS and RS.(2) the rapid development of “3S” makes the content of earth system science extend and results in the birth of Geo informatics.(3) the birth of digital earth benefits from the rapid development of “3S”and the its extensive and successful application.“3S”technique is one of the basic and kernel technique of digital earth.Certainly,the birth of digital earth also pushes the development of “3S”more deeply and more extensively.The technique of “3S”is one of the key techinques of Digital Earth.And they are complemented each other.As a result,they must develop commonly.
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