网络出版日期: 2009-11-25
Optimal Models and Approaches for Village Renovation Based on Urban-rural Harmonious Development: A Case Study of Sanya City
Online published: 2009-11-25
张衍毓1, 2|刘彦随1|王业侨1 . 统筹城乡视角下村庄整治建设的模式与途径——以三亚市为例[J]. 地理科学进展, 2009 , 28(6) : 977 -983 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2009.06.020
Due to rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, cultivated land will be continually occupied by constructions for a long time in future China and efficient approaches for cultivated land supplements are urgently needed to ensure food security. And, affected by the current international financial crisis, China's rural economic development requires a strong stimulation of investment and migrant workers need to find new platform for their employments. More importantly, building a new socialist countryside needs more efficient breakthrough point. As one of the most important tasks in new rural construction, village renovation is an indispensable part of urban-rural harmonious development. By virtue of village renovation and subsequent land consolidation to build a comprehensive land use system with the concept of unifying urban-rural development is a practical way to achieve urban-rural harmonious development. Village renovation is favorable to efficient land resource allocation, to mitigating conflict between cultivated land protection and urban construction and to flow of land production factor between urban and rural system. So exploring and summarizing optimal models and approaches for village renovation is sufficiently significant to urban and rural harmonious development. Based on the pilot work in Sanya city, eight principles and four village renovation models, namely urban-expanding model, project-leading model, central village-concentrating model and village-pulling down model are put forward in this paper. Additionally, the sustainable mechanism for village renovation is discussed in order to make sure a smooth application of the above models, including agricultural industry cultivation and re-employment for peasants, financing channels and land use system renovation. All the works serve the objective to supply optimal models and approaches for village renovation in similar regions.
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