

  • 中国科学院长春地理研究所湿地过程与环境开放实验室,长春130021
杨永兴(1956-),男,吉林长春人,研究员,博士生导师,美国杜克大学湿地中心博士后。主要从事湿地形成、发育、演化、生态过程、退化湿地恢复与重建和湿地区古环境演变研 究。获中国首届青年地理科技奖,已发表湿地研究论文70余篇,《中国沼泽志》第二副主编。E-mail:yangyongxing@mail.ccig.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2002-01-01

  修回日期: 2002-02-01

  网络出版日期: 2002-03-24



Main Characteristics, Progress and Prospect of International Wetland Science Research

  • Laboratory of Process and Environment, Changchun Institute of Geography, CAS, Changchun, 130021 China

Received date: 2002-01-01

  Revised date: 2002-02-01

  Online published: 2002-03-24


湿地科学是当前国际众多学科学者共同热切关注的重点学科和前沿领域。根据大量最新国际湿地科学研究文献资料中的信息 ,提出了湿地的科学定义和湿地科学的概念。归纳出国际湿地科学研究发展的主要特点 ,即湿地科学历史久远 ,过去发展缓慢而现代发展迅速 ;目前已成为 2 1世纪科学研究的重点学科和研究领域 ;研究内容增多 ,领域扩大 ;综合性增强 ,分化性加大 ;世界湿地科学发展不平衡 ,发展中国家与发达国家之间的湿地研究水平差距逐步缩小。总结了国际湿地科学研究前沿领域的最新进展和发展趋势 ,主要在湿地保护与管理 ,形成、发育与演化 ,古环境重建 ,生态过程与动态 ,生物多样性保护 ,温室气体排放、温室效应和全球环境变化 ,湿地退化机制、退化湿地恢复与重建和人工湿地构建 ,生态系统健康 ,泥炭地与泥炭开发利用、湿地生态工程模式与管理技术和新技术、新手段与新方法应用方面取得突出进展。

关键词: 进展; 湿地; 特点


杨永兴 . 国际湿地科学研究的主要特点、进展与展望[J]. 地理科学进展, 2002 , 21(2) : 111 -120 . DOI: 10.11820/dlkxjz.2002.02.003


This paper concludes the main characteristics of international wetland science research. It shows that the wetland science has a long history, slow progress of development in the past and rapid progress in modern time. It has become a key subject and research field in the science research in the world. Its content and field of the research have been enlarged. It has been strengthened in both synthesis and split research. The uneven development of international wetland science exists in the world, and developed countries occupy advanced places in the wetland science research of the world; but the gap of research level between developed and developing countries is gradually reduced. It makes a detail introduction to the hot point, forward position field, progress, prospect and development trend of international wetland research in the 21st century. The main hot points and forward position fields of wetland research in the world are as follows; conservation and management of wetland, formation, development and succession of wetland, paleoenvironment reconstruction, ecological process and dynamics of wetland, greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect and global change, biodiversity, health and assessment of wetland and constructed wetland, restoration and reconstruction of degradation wetland, wise utilization of wetland, peatland and peat, wetland ecological engineering and application of new techniques and instrument.


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