地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (5): 731-744 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.05.010



贺灿飞12, 胡绪千12, 罗芊12

1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 北京大学-林肯研究院城市发展与土地政策研究中心,北京 100871

Impact of export spillovers on the entry of new firms into the export market

HE Canfei12, HU Xuqian12, LUO Qian12

1. School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China

收稿日期: 2018-09-5

修回日期:  2019-02-3

网络出版日期:  2019-05-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家杰出青年科学基金项目(41425001);国家自然科学基金重点项目(41731278)


第一作者简介:贺灿飞(1972— ),男,江西永新人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事经济地理、产业与区域经济研究。E-mail: hecanfei@urban.pku.edu.cn



出口增长是驱动中国经济发展的关键力量,新出口企业进入是出口增长的微观体现。新贸易理论认为集聚外部性带来的知识溢出是影响企业出口决策的关键因素。出口地、目的国维度的知识溢出均有利于企业获取必要的出口知识,降低进入出口市场的难度。演化经济地理理论强调认知邻近是出口溢出发挥作用的前提,出口地、目的国维度的出口经验、产品关联是出口溢出的主要内容。论文利用2002—2011年中国海关贸易数据库,分析出口地、目的国溢出对新企业进入出口市场的作用。结果发现:① 出口溢出可以显著提升新出口企业进入概率,私营企业更倾向于进入出口溢出更强的出口地、目的国市场;② 出口溢出对跟随型企业,特别是本土跟随型企业进入的促进作用更强,国有集体企业更强调整体出口经验溢出,私营企业更强调产品知识溢出;③ 出口地溢出有利于新出口企业拓展到新目的国,目的国溢出有利于新出口企业拓展到新产品。论文完善了出口企业空间动态研究,拓展了出口溢出对出口决策作用的空间维度,也有助于深化对中国贸易空间的理解。

关键词: 出口溢出 ; 全球-地方互动 ; 新出口企业进入 ; 中国


Export growth is a key driver for China's economic development. The entry of new export firms is an important indicator of export growth. The New Trade Theory believes that knowledge spillover brought about by agglomeration externalities is a crucial factor affecting the exporting decision making of firms. Global and local knowledge spillovers encourage firms to acquire necessary export knowledge and thus reduce their difficulty of entering export markets. Theories of evolutionary economic geography emphasize that cognitive proximity is the prerequisite for the validity of export spillovers. Global and local export experience and product proximity are the main contents of export spillovers. This study used China Customs Trade Data from 2002 to 2011 to analyze the impact of export spillovers on the entry of new firms into the export market. The results show that export spillovers can significantly increase the probability of new exporters entering the export market. Private firms are more likely to enter markets with stronger spillovers. Besides, export spillovers have a stronger role in promoting the entry of follower firms, especially domestic firms. State-owned collective enterprises emphasize the overflow of overall export experience, and private companies place more emphasis on product knowledge spillovers. Local spillovers are beneficial for the expansion of new exporting firms to new destination countries, while global spillovers are useful for new exporters expanding into new product areas. This study improved the research on the spatial dynamics of export firms, expanded the spatial dimension in which export spillovers affect export decisions, and helped deepen the understanding of China's trade market.

Keywords: export spillovers ; global-local interaction ; entry of new export firms ; China


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贺灿飞, 胡绪千, 罗芊. 全球-地方出口溢出效应对新企业进入出口市场的影响[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(5): 731-744 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.05.010

HE Canfei, HU Xuqian, LUO Qian. Impact of export spillovers on the entry of new firms into the export market[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(5): 731-744 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.05.010


国际贸易理论为出口行为的产生机制及其空间分布规律提供了解释。新贸易理论强调在集聚外部性作用下,出口企业为获取本地知识溢出和技术扩散,进而实现规模报酬递增,有在空间上相互邻近的集聚动力(Krugman, 1979; Ottaviano et al, 2002)。新新贸易理论细化到微观的企业层面,指出企业必须支付固定的沉没成本,才能顺利进入出口市场,而且企业出口决策会由于各自属性特征的不同而存在差异(Melitz, 2003; Baldwin et al, 2007)。有关企业异质性的研究多将生产率作为区分企业异质性的关键指标。也有部分学者将产品质量、企业规模等因素纳入研究,但针对其他异质性的探讨相对较少(Baldwin et al, 2007)。

对于本身无出口经验的新出口企业来说,学习外界出口知识对其跨越出口市场进入门槛至关重要。在地方维度,出口企业之间空间邻近有利于出口信息的共享交流,使潜在出口企业更容易克服沉没成本,开始对外出口(Grabher, 2002; 郭琪, 2016)。较多学者这一视角出发,验证了出口集聚对出口决策的正向作用(Aitken et al, 1997; Malmberg et al, 2000; Koening, 2009)。除地方尺度外,区域与外界联系导入的知识和信息同样可以成为企业学习的来源。贸易活动将全球范围内的经济活动主体链接起来,并借助进出口关系推动知识流动(Rinallo et al, 2010)。因此,新出口企业不仅要关注集群内知识溢出强度,也要关注集群对外贸易联系是否可以带来更多为自己所用的外部知识。但是,目前有关知识溢出与企业出口决策的研究,或从出口地维度出发,或从目的国维度出发,较少将2个维度结合起来,分析新企业进入出口市场与全球-地方出口溢出的关系。

演化经济地理理论为知识溢出的前提条件和具体内容给出了解释。在集聚外部性作用下,与所在集群存在适当“认知邻近性”(cognitive proximity)的新企业能够以更高的效率整合集群内知识,实现对外出口(Boschma et al, 2007)。因此,新出口企业在空间上出现的概率取决于与其具备特定认知邻近性的学习来源所在区位。另一方面,出口地与目的国维度溢出的出口经验是新出口企业需要的重要贸易“能力”,是新出口企业重要的学习来源。如果潜在出口企业计划出口的产品与出口地或目的国已出口产品集合的技术关联较高,那么2种产品在生产技术、生产设备、研发能力、劳动力和目标市场等方面可以分享的知识容量也越大。而遵循既有的产品出口经验,选择进入与潜在出口产品技术关联较大的区域作为出口地或目的国,同样可以利用关联产品间知识的相似性来降低新出口企业用于研发技术、改善产品的成本,使之进入出口市场的难度降低(Dosi, 1997)。综上,本文一方面基于现实背景,研究中国出口市场新企业进入的格局和机制,深化对中国出口空间的认知;另一方面,基于国际贸易、演化经济地理和知识溢出等理论前沿,研究全球、地方出口溢出对不同类型新出口企业的作用,以完善出口企业空间动态研究,拓展出口溢出对出口决策作用的空间维度,加深新新贸易理论对企业异质性的理解。

1 理论框架


1.1 集聚外部性与新出口企业进入

集聚经济是经济活动在空间上相互邻近带来的成本节约和效益提升(韦伯, 1997)。知识溢出是集聚和集群形成并能够通过自我强化实现规模扩张的驱动力。Marshall(1920)在早期曾经提出“产业氛围”(industrial atmosphere)的概念,用以形象化地描述集聚可能带来的外部性影响。对于出口企业而言,其获取知识溢出的途径不再局限于集群内部,集群与外界联系导入的知识和信息同样可以成为企业学习的来源。

1.1.1 城市出口经验

一方面,出口企业可以受益于地方集聚。Bathelt等(2004)提出“地方蜂鸣”(Local Buzz)的概念,形象地描述了这一作用,即企业选址于特定集群这一区位行为本身就会使其受益于集群内部的信息扩散、知识学习和交流共享(Gertler, 1995)。这种知识溢出的存在也令企业能够更容易地获取资源、评估风险、面对未知市场。同区域已有出口企业集聚可以激发出口经验溢出,从而赋予潜在出口企业巨大的信息优势,使之更方便地接触到成功的出口经验,降低搜寻出口信息的沉没成本,降低进入出口市场的难度。此外,区域出口经验越丰富,对外贸易传统越深厚,各区域主体越有动机主动调整制度,创造对出口行为更加友好包容的集群氛围,为新出口企业提供发展机会(Maskell et al, 2007; Martin, 2010)。

1.1.2 目的国出口经验

另一方面,出口企业也受到全球联系的影响。企业从某出口地到目的国的出口行为不仅仅与本身相关,更牵涉着政府、消费者、中间商等利益主体,它们共同构成了全球尺度的生产网络。贸易活动将全球范围内的区域和经济活动主体链接起来,并且借助进出口关系推动二者间的知识流动(Rinallo et al, 2010)。在这一过程中,地方企业可以获得本身不具备的外来知识,Bathelt等(2010)将这些外来知识称为“全球蜂鸣”(Global Buzz)。贸易行为在生产网络中的实现,推动产品技术、目的国制度、市场偏好等知识得以超越地理距离传递(Bathelt et al, 2010)。目的国出口经验溢出对潜在出口企业的出口决策具有指导作用(Rinallo et al, 2010)。如果潜在出口企业能够借助区域对外贸易联系获取到丰富的目的国出口经验,那么该企业就可以借助其中隐含的产品、市场、制度信息,掌握更多有助于向该目的国出口所需的知识技能,提升出口成功概率。

1.2 认知邻近性与新出口企业进入

集聚外部性强调了地理邻近性无论是地方尺度的集群内部,抑或是全球尺度的集群对外贸易网络都能为潜在的出口企业提供出口经验。而演化经济地理学则进一步提出,与所在集群存在适当“认知邻近性”的新企业能够以更高的效率地整合集群内的编码知识和隐性知识,从而有更大的概率发展出竞争优势实现出口额从无到有的突破(Marshall, 1920; Jacobs, 1969; Boschma et al, 2007)。对于潜在出口企业及其可获得的知识来说,认知距离太远不利于快速学习和转化,而认知距离太近又容易导致路径锁定,只有认知距离处于合适的水平,新出口企业才能实现有效学习(Nooteboom, 2001)。为了量化“认知距离”,Hidalgo等(2007)Boschma等 (2009)利用“技术关联”(technological relatedness)衡量“认知邻近性”,并证实了地区内部较强的技术关联对知识溢出发生的促进作用,指出技术关联是集聚效应产生的重要来源,也是新技术、新企业、新集群产生的重要推动力(Boschma, 2005; Timmermans et al, 2014)。

1.2.1 城市产品技术关联

对于出口企业来说,出口产品所包含的技术是地方知识的重要承载。特定产品出口经验的溢出会直接影响到潜在出口企业在产品方面的沉没成本和创新风险。而且潜在出口企业计划出口的产品与区域内已出口产品之间的认知邻近性越高,新出口企业需要主动搜寻的产品技术和知识越少,在产品研发、市场拓展等方面付出的代价也越小,对应出口行为的成功率便会相应上升(Boschma et al, 2012)。Poncet(2013)利用技术关联作为解释变量,发现技术关联越大的产品对应的出口增长速度越快。贺灿飞等(2016)以中国对外出口产品为研究对象,得出同样的结论:在技术关联的作用下,中国出口产品演化呈现出路径依赖的特征。

1.2.2 目的国产品技术关联

目的国溢出的地理距离较远,而且与出口地在制度环境上差异较大。这使潜在出口企业在出口决策时面临更大的不确定性。为此,潜在出口企业在学习目的国知识溢出时会采取一定策略,吸取与自身在组织、关系、技术等方面存在认知邻近的目的国知识(Malecki, 2010)。因此,在全球尺度的出口溢出过程中,新出口企业学习目的国溢出的效果更强调出口地与目的国之间是否能够在组织管理、产品技术、消费者偏好等方面保有共识(Boschma, 2005; Torre, 2008)。本文认为新出口企业计划向特定目的国出口的产品与中国出口到该目的国已有出口产品空间之间的技术关联是刻画认知距离的变量之一。目的国出口产品关联越高,潜在出口企业计划出口的产品与中国出口到目的国的已有产品共享越多知识和信息,越有利于新出口企业通过解读目的国知识溢出提升向对应目的国出口对应产品的概率。

1.3 企业异质性与溢出效果差异


一方面,所有制是企业的固有属性。不同所有制企业的注册资本构成存在结构性差异,学习知识的能力也不同。外资企业有更先进的生产技术和管理经验,在对接国外市场方面也保有先天优势。国有集体企业受国家指令作用更大,其出口决策未必遵循城市既有出口路径。私营企业是市场化改革的产物,其出口活动受成本最低和利润最高驱动更明显,其出口决策更看重地方生产禀赋和成本优势(郭琪, 2016)。

除所有制外,进入类型不同的企业受出口溢出影响也不同。本文按照是否进入新目的国、是否出口新产品,将新出口企业划分为4种。对于未出口新产品也未进入新目的国的“跟随型企业”来说,出口地、目的国的成熟出口经验可能降低潜在出口企业面临的成本和风险,催生企业作出出口决策(Boschma et al, 2012)。而对于出口新产品或出口到新目的国或出口新产品到新目的国的“突破型企业”来说,出口地、目的国溢出的信息是其整合形成新资源,进而实现出口路径突破,向认知邻近的新产品和新出口节点跳跃的基础(Chaney, 2014)。此时,城市既有的产品关联、区域出口经验和出口目的地溢出都可能为新出口企业跳跃到认知邻近的新产品和新出口节点提供便利,使之更容易发展出向新目的国出口新产品的比较优势。


图1   研究框架

Fig.1   Research framework

2 数据与方法

2.1 数据来源与核心变量度量

核心变量包括新出口企业进入、出口地与目的国的出口经验、产品技术关联等指标。对应的原始数据来源均为中国海关贸易数据库。基于对数据可得性和完整性考虑,本文选取中国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)后的2002—2011年即时间跨度为10 a的数据作为样本(①由于企业的进入(退出)的识别,需要连续2 a的信息,因此本文最终以2002—2010年企业的进入(退出)情况作为样本分析。)。此外本文还对数据作了2个方面的处理。其一,贸易产品HS编码是国际贸易相关方面共用的商品分类体系。在本文的研究时段内,HS编码体系经历过2次修订,部分产品对应HS分类和编码发生变动。为保证产品前后分类一致,根据联合国官网提供的编码调整文件(② https://unstats.un.org/unsd/trade/classifications/correspondence-tables.asp。),将海关数据库中的产品HS编码统一调整为2007年版本。其二,中国海关库中包含很多贸易公司,而贸易公司本身并不进行生产,主要是作为帮助其他生产企业完成出口报关等工作,因此可能出现一家贸易公司出口上百种产品的情况。在衡量影响出口产品的决策时,这类企业的产品跟普通生产厂商存在较大差异,因此本文剔除了数据中的贸易公司。剔除标准主要是基于Ahn等(2011)Manova等(2012)的方法,剔除企业名称中含有“贸易”“进出口”“出口”“进口”等字眼的企业,此外,还剔除了一些企业名称中包含“外贸”“商贸”“边贸”“物流”等明显也不从事产品生产的企业。

2.1.1 新出口企业识别



式中: ERt为新出口企业进入率; Et为新出口企业进入数; Expt为出口企业总数。



式中: ERcsttc城市向s目的国新出口企业进入率; Ecsttc城市向s目的国新出口企业进入数; Expcsttc城市向s目的国出口企业总数。

2.1.2 城市、目的国出口经验

Koenig等(2010)认为出口溢出效应的强度与已有出口企业的规模无关,与集聚企业的数量有关。本文据此计算tc城市已有的出口企业数量 Expct表征出口地出口经验;计算ts目的国已有的中国出口企业数量 Expst表征目的国出口经验。

2.1.3 城市、目的国产品技术关联



式中:c代表城市; p1p2表2种4位HS编码产品;V代表出口额。 p1p2是2种产品同时被同一城市出口的条件概率最小值。 p1p2越大,说明2种产品共现概率越大,技术关联越高。

表2   跟随型、突破型企业进入与出口溢出

Tab.2   Breakthrough and follower firms' entry and export spillover



之后,计算特定产品与城市出口产品空间的技术关联 Dencp,公式如下:


式中: xcpi代表城市c的出口产品 pi是否为优势产品,是则取值1,否则取值0。优势产品通过计算区位商衡量,如果城市c的出口产品 pi的区位商 LQcpi大于1,则将其看作优势产品, LQcpi计算公式如下:


采取同样的方法计算中国出口到特定目的国的产品技术关联 Densp

2.2 模型设定



式中: Entrycspt为被解释变量,代表t年从c城市向s目的国出口p产品的市场中是否有新企业进入。 City_ExpctCity_Dencpt分别为tc城市的出口经验和tc城市p产品的技术关联,代表出口地维度的知识溢出; Country_ExpstCountry_Denspt分别为ts目的国的出口经验和ts目的国p产品的技术关联,代表目的国维度的知识溢出。控制变量中, City_PGDPcttc城市的人均GDP,控制出口地社会经济发展水平对新企业进入的影响,数据来源为中国区域经济统计年鉴; Diss为中国与目的国最大城市间距离,控制中国与目的国间地理距离对出口溢出效果的影响,数据来源为CEPII数据库; Country_Popst为目的国人口数量,控制目的国市场规模的影响,数据来源为CEPII数据库; Country_Insst为目的国社会稳定程度,控制目的国制度环境对新企业进入的影响,数据来源为世界银行治理数据库(WGI Dataset)。

3 中国出口市场中新企业进入的空间格局


图2   2002—2010年出口地维度新出口企业进入空间格局

Fig.2   Spatial pattern of new export firms' entry in the export place dimension, 2002-2010

图3   2002—2010年出口地维度新出口企业中突破型企业和跟随型企业所占比重的空间格局

Fig.3   Spatial pattern of the proportion of breakthrough and follower firms in new exporters in the export place dimension, 2002-2010


图4   2002—2010年目的国维度新出口企业进入空间格
注:本图基于国家测绘地理信息局标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2016) 1663号的标准地图制作,底图无修改。下同。

Fig.4   Spatial pattern of new export firms' entry in the export destination dimension, 2002-2010

图5   2002—2010年目的国维度新出口企业中突破型企业和跟随型企业所占比重的空间格局

Fig.5   Spatial pattern of the proportion of breakthrough and follower firms in new exporters in the export destination dimension, 2002-2010


图6   新企业进入与出口地溢出

Fig.6   New export firms' entry and spillover of export place


图7   新企业进入与出口目的国溢出

Fig.7   New export firms' entry and spillover of export destination

4 实证分析

4.1 有无新出口企业进入与出口溢出


表1   有无新出口企业进入与出口溢出

Tab.1   New export firms' entry and export spillover







4.2 跟随型、突破型新企业进入与出口溢出





4.3 新企业是否突破到新目的国与出口溢出


表3   新出口企业是否突破到新目的国与出口溢出

Tab.3   New export destination entry of new firms and export spillover






4.4 稳健性检验


表4   稳健性检验结果

Tab.4   Results of the robustness tests



5 结论与讨论



(1) 从出口地维度看,新出口企业进入率由内陆向沿海递减。跟随型企业集中于东部沿海,突破型企业集中于中西部地区。从目的国维度看,新企业进入率较高的经济体中,部分与中国在地理上邻近,另一部分与中国有紧密的贸易联系。跟随型企业集中分布于中国的主要贸易伙伴国家;突破型企业则相反。

(2) 出口地、目的国维度出口溢出可以显著促进新出口企业进入,私营企业对出口溢出的需求程度最高,外资企业更可能出现在出口企业集聚的目的国。

(3) 在新企业内部,出口溢出对跟随型企业,特别是本土跟随型企业进入的促进作用更强。本土企业中,国有集体企业更强调整体出口经验溢出,私营企业更强调产品知识溢出。

(4) 城市层面的出口溢出更有利于新出口企业拓展到新目的国,目的国层面出口溢出更有利于新出口企业拓展到新产品。私营企业更需要凭借出口溢出实现出口路径突破。


The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0022-1996(96)01464-X      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Case studies of export behavior suggest that firms who penetrate foreign markets reduce entry costs for other potential exporters, either through learning by doing or through establishing buyer- supplier linkages. We pursue the idea that spillovers associated with one firm's export activity reduce the cost of foreign market access for other firms. We identify two potential sources of spillovers: export activity in general and the specific activities of multinational enterprises. We use a simple model of export behavior to derive a logit specification for the probability a firm exports. Using panel data on Mexican manufacturing plants, we find evidence consistent with spillovers from the export activity of multinational enterprises but not with general export activity.(This abstract was borrowed from another version of this item.)
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This paper empirically confronts one explanation of spreading regionalism with the European experience. The domino theory asserts that forming a preferential tr
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Clusters and knowledge: Local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation

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[8] Bathelt H, Schuldt N.2010.

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[J]. European Planning Studies, 18(12): 1957-1974.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2010.515815      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This paper investigates the importance of temporary face-to-face (F2F) contact and the physical co-presence of global communities in establishing a particular information and communication ecology during international trade fairs, referred to as lobal buzz . International trade fairs bring together agents from all over the world and create temporary spaces for presentation and interaction. Within a specific institutional setting, participants not only acquire knowledge through F2F communication with other agents, but also obtain information by observing and systematically monitoring other participants. The fact that firms do not necessarily have to be in direct contact with a specific source of information to get access to this knowledge makes participation in these events extremely valuable. International trade fairs have become important expressions of new geographies of circulation through which knowledge is created and exchanged at a distance. This paper analyses the constituting components of global buzz and aims to dismantle the complexity of this phenomenon in a multi-dimensional way. When applying this concept to Internet trade fairs, the question arises whether a similar information and communication ecology, or virtual buzz, can be established. We explore similarities and differences between both forms of buzz, using the same classification scheme.
[9] Bernard A B, Jensen J B.2004.

Entry, expansion, and intensity in the US export boom, 1987-1992

[J]. Review of International Economics, 12(4): 662-675.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9396.2004.00473.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

US exports grew at 10.3% per year from 1987 to 1992, far faster than the economy as a whole. This paper examines sources of the manufacturing export boom, inclu
[10] Boschma R A.2005.

Proximity and innovation: A critical assessment

[J]. Regional Studies, 39: 61-74.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0034340052000320887      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[11] Boschma R A, Iammarino S.2009.

Related variety, trade linkages, and regional growth in Italy

[J]. Economic Geography, 85(3): 289-311.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2009.01034.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article presents estimates of the impact of regional variety and trade linkages on regional economic growth by means of export and import data by Italian province (NUTS 3) and sector (three-digit) for the period 1995 2003. Our results show strong evidence that related variety contributes to regional economic growth. Thus, Italian regions that are well endowed with sectors that are complementary in terms of competences (i.e., that show related variety) perform better. The article also assesses the effects of the breadth and relatedness of international trade linkages on regional growth, since they may bring new and related variety to a region. Our analysis demonstrates that regional growth is not affected by simply being well connected to the outside world or having a high variety of knowledge flowing into the region. Rather, we found evidence of related extraregional knowledge sparking intersectoral learning across regions. When the cognitive proximity between the extraregional knowledge and the knowledge base of a region is neither too small nor too large, real learning opportunities are present, and the external knowledge contributes to growth in regional employment.
[12] Boschma R A, Minondo A, Navarro M.2012.

Related variety and regional growth in Spain

[J]. Papers in Regional Science, 91(2): 241-256.

[本文引用: 2]     

[13] Boschma R A, Wenting R.2007.

The spatial evolution of the British automobile industry: Does location matter?

[J]. Industrial and Corporate Change, 16(2): 213-238.

https://doi.org/10.1093/icc/dtm004      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This article aims to describe and explain the spatial evolution of the automobile sector in Great Britain from an evolutionary perspective. This analysis is based on a unique database of all entries and exits in this sector during the period 1895–1968, collected by the authors. Cox regressions show that spinoff dynamics, agglomeration economies and time of entry have had a significant effect on the survival rate of automobile firms during the period 1895–1968. Copyright 2007 , Oxford University Press.
[14] Chaney T.2014.

The network structure of international trade

[J]. American Economic Review, 104(11): 3600-3634.

https://doi.org/10.1257/aer.104.11      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

I build a simple dynamic model of the formation of an international social network of importers and exporters. Firms can only export into markets in which they have a contact. They acquire new contacts both at random, and via their network of existing contacts. This model explains (i) the cross-sectional distribution of the number of foreign markets accessed by individual exporters, (ii) the cross-sectional geographic distribution of foreign contacts, and (iii) the dynamics of firm level exports. I show that the firm level dynamics of trade can explain the observed cross section of firm level exports. All theoretical predictions are supported by the data.
[15] Dosi G.1997.

Opportunities, incentives and the collective patterns of technological change

[J]. The Economic Journal, 107: 1530-1547.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-0297.1997.tb00064.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Support to the research by the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria and the Italian National Research Council (CNR) is gratefully acknowledged.
[16] Gertler M S.1995.

"Being there": proximity, organization, and culture in the development and adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies

[J]. Economic Geography, 71(1): 1-26.

https://doi.org/10.2307/144433      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent work on innovation and technology implementation suggests the importance of closeness between collaborating parties for the successful development and adoption of new technologies. "Closeness" is used here both in the literal sense, as allowing more frequent, effective, often unplanned interaction, and more broadly, to encompass common language, modes of communication, customs, conventions, and social norms. Such relationships are said to be particularly important in the case of production process innovations. These theoretical ideas are subjected to empirical scrutiny through a postal survey and set of interviews with users of advanced manufacturing technologies in Southern Ontario. Given the premise that intensive interaction and collaboration between users and producers of advanced process technologies is necessary for successful technology implementation to occur, then the chronically underdeveloped state of the Ontario advanced machinery sector ought to create major difficulties for manufacturers there trying to implement leading-edge processes. The analysis indicates that "closeness" between user and producer, defined physically, organizationally, and "culturally," is important for the successful implementation of these advanced technologies. The paper suggests a set of circumstances in which proximity of the user to the producer is most important. In doing so, it offers an interpretation of "culture" that goes beyond common language, codes of communication, and norms to incorporate shared workplace practices and training regimes. The paper concludes that industrial policies based on free trade in industrial machinery will be inadequate, on their own, to ensure that firms in mature regions make effective use of advanced process technologies.
[17] Grabher G.2002.

Cool projects, boring institutions: Temporary collaboration in social context

[J]. Regional Studies, 36(3): 205-214.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400220122025      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] Hidalgo C A, Klinger B, Barabasi A L, et al.2007.

The product space and its consequences for economic growth

[J]. Science, 317: 482-487.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1144581      URL      PMID: 17656717      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Economies grow by upgrading the products they produce and export. The technology, capital, institutions, and skills needed to make newer products are more easily adapted from some products than from others. Here, we study this network of relatedness between products, or "product space," finding that more-sophisticated products are located in a densely connected core whereas less-sophisticated products occupy a less-connected periphery. Empirically, countries move through the product space by developing goods close to those they currently produce. Most countries can reach the core only by traversing empirically infrequent distances, which may help explain why poor countries have trouble developing more competitive exports and fail to converge to the income levels of rich countries.
[19] Jacobs J.1969.

The economy of cities

[M]. New York, NY: Random House.

[本文引用: 1]     

[20] Koenig P.2009.

Agglomeration and the export decisions of French firms

[J]. Journal of Urban Economics, 66(3): 186-195.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jue.2009.07.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper asks whether export spillovers influence the export behavior of French manufacturers. I use a database containing export flows by firm and importing country between 1986 and 1992. The decision to start exporting to a particular country is estimated using a logit model, controlling for the specific characteristics of firms, locations, countries and years. The export spillovers identified are industry- and/or destination-specific, and are computed at a very disaggregated geographical level. The results indicate that the pool of local exporters positively affects the decision to start exporting to a country. These effects are clearly destination-specific, and are larger for firms that export to remote markets.
[21] Koenig P, Mayneris F, Poncet S.2010.

Local export spillovers in France

[J]. European Economic Review, 54(4): 622-641.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2009.12.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper investigates the presence of local export spillovers on both the extensive (the decision to start exporting) and the intensive (the export volume) margins of trade, using data on French individual export flows, at the product-level and by destination country, between 1998 and 2003. We investigate whether the individual decision to start exporting and exported volume are influenced by the presence of nearby product and/or destination specific exporters, using a gravity-type equation estimated at the firm-level. Spillovers are considered at a fine geographical level corresponding to employment areas (348 in France). We control for the new economic geography-type selection of firms into agglomerated areas, and for the local price effects of firms agglomeration. Results show evidence of the presence of export spillovers on the export decision but not on the exported volume. We interpret this as a first evidence of export spillovers acting through the fixed rather than the variable cost. Spillovers on the decision to start exporting are stronger when specific, by product and destination, and are not significant when considered on all products ll destinations. Moreover, export spillovers exhibit a spatial decay within France: the effect of other exporting firms on the export decision is stronger within employment areas and declines with distance.
[22] Krugman P.1979.

Increasing returns, monopolistic competition and international trade

[J]. Journal of International Economics, 9(4): 469-479.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-1996(79)90017-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[23] Malecki E J.2010.

Global knowledge and creativity: New challenges for firms and regions

[J]. Regional Studies, 44(8): 1033-1052.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400903108676      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Malecki E. J. Global knowledge and creativity: new challenges for firms and regions, Regional Studies. As companies locate research and development in more places, they seek to tap knowledge in new, open ways, to respond to diverse customer demand and short product life cycles. The globalization of research and development has added costs as firms communicate across national, cultural, and linguistic boundaries, using both information and communication technology networks and face-to-face interaction. Intermediaries in knowledge transfer, such as knowledge brokers and gatekeepers, have become more important as new nodes join the global system of knowledge. As firms respond to the knowledge-based global economy, each region must construct a ‘knowledge monopoly’ to stand out in the global landscape of capabilities. Malecki E. J. La connaissance et la créativité mondiales: de nouveaux défis pour les entreprises et les régions, Regional Studies. Au fur et à mesure que la localisation des activités de recherche et de développement des entreprises devient de plus en plus répandue, ces dernières cherchent à exploiter la connaissance de fa04ons nouvelles et ouvertes afin de répondre à la demande diverse du client et aux cycles de vie courts des produits. La mondialisation de la recherche et du développement a augmenté les frais vu que les entreprises communiquent à travers des limites nationales, culturelles et linguistiques, employant à la fois des réseaux TIC et de l'interaction face à face. Les intermédiaires dans le transfert de la connaissance, tels les courtiers et les gardiens, sont devenus plus importants en réponse à l'adhésion des nouveaux noyaux au système de connaissance mondiale. Au fur et à mesure que les entreprises répondent à une économie mondiale basée sur la connaissance, chaque région doit construire une ‘monopole de connaissance’ qui se détache dans le paysage mondial des capacités. Recherche et Développement69Intégration des systèmes69Mondialisation69Connaissance Malecki E. J. Globales Wissen und Kreativit01t: neue Herausforderungen für Firmen und Regionen, Regional Studies. Wenn Firmen ihre Forschung und Entwicklung an neuen Standorten ansiedeln, versuchen sie, auf neue und offene Weise Wissen zu nutzen, um auf die verschiedenartigen Bedürfnisse der Kunden und die kürzeren Lebenszyklen der Produkte zu reagieren. Durch die Globalisierung der Forschung und Entwicklung haben sich die Kosten erh02ht, da die Firmen nun über nationale, kulturelle und linguistische Grenzen hinweg kommunizieren, wofür sie sowohl Netzwerke der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie als auch pers02nliche Gespr01che nutzen. Die Bedeutung der Vermittler von Wissenstransfer, wie z.02B. Wissensbroker und Gatekeeper, ist gewachsen, da das weltweite Wissenssystem durch neue Knoten erg01nzt wird. W01hrend die Firmen auf die wissensbasierte globale Wirtschaft reagieren, muss sich jede Region ein ‘Wissensmonopol’ aufbauen, um in der globalen Landschaft der F01higkeiten hervorzustehen. Forschung und Entwicklung69Systemintegration69Globalisierung69Wissen Malecki E. J. Conocimiento global y creatividad: nuevos retos para empresas y regiones, Regional Studies. Cuando las empresas ubican los centros de investigación y desarrollo (I65+65D) en nuevos lugares, tratan de sacar el mejor provecho del conocimiento con un nuevo enfoque abierto para responder a las distintas demandas de los clientes y a los ciclos de vida más cortos de los productos. Con la globalización de I65+65D han aumentado los costes porque las empresas se comunican a través de fronteras nacionales, culturales y lingüísticas usando tanto redes de TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) como interacciones personales. Los intermediarios en la transferencia de conocimientos, tales como agentes y guardianes del conocimiento, han cobrado más importancia ya que se unen nuevos nodos al sistema global del conocimiento. Dado que las empresas responden a la economía global basada en el conocimiento, cada región debe construir un ‘monopolio del conocimiento’ para destacar en el panorama global de capacidades. Investigación y desarrollo69Integración de sistemas69Globalización69Conocimiento
[24] Malmberg A, Lundequist P.2000.

Agglomeration and firm performance: Economies of scale, localisation, and urbanisation among Swedish export firms

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 32(2): 305-322.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a31202      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[25] Manova K, Zhang Z.2012.

Export prices across firms and destinations

[J]. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(1): 379-436.

https://doi.org/10.2307/41337213      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article establishes six stylized facts about firms' export prices using detailed customs data on the universe of Chinese trade flows. First, across firms selling a given product, exporters that charge higher prices earn greater revenues in each destination, have bigger worldwide sales, and enter more markets. Second, firms that export more, enter more markets, and charge higher export prices import more expensive inputs. Third, across destinations within a firm-product, firms set higher prices in richer, larger, bilaterally more distant and overall less remote countries. Fourth, across destinations within a firm-product, firms earn bigger revenues in markets where they set higher prices. Fifth, across firms within a product, exporters with more destinations offer a wider range of export prices. Finally, firms that export more, enter more markets, and offer a wider range of export prices pay a wider range of input prices and source inputs from more origin countries. We propose that trade models should incorporate two features to rationalize these patterns in the data: more successful exporters use higher quality inputs to produce higher quality goods (stylized facts 1 and 2), and firms vary the quality of their products across destinations by using inputs of different quality levels (stylized facts 3, 4, 5, and 6).
[26] Marshall A.1920.

Principles of economics

[M]. London, UK: Macmillan.

[本文引用: 2]     

[27] Martin R.2010.

Roepke lecture in economic geography-rethinking regional path dependence: Beyond lock-in to evolution

[J]. Economic Geography, 86: 1-27.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2009.01056.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article argues that in its "canonical" form, the path dependence model, with its core concept of lock-in, affords a restrictive and narrowly applicable account of regional and local industrial evolution, an account moreover that is tied to problematic underpinnings based on equilibrist thinking. As such, the canonical path dependence model actually stresses continuity rather than change. The article explores recent developments in political science, in which there have been active attempts to rethink the application of path dependence to the evolution of institutions so as to emphasize change rather than continuity. These developments are used to argue for a rethinking of path dependence ideas in economic geography.
[28] Maskell P, Malmberg A.2007.

Myopia, knowledge development and cluster evolution

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(5): 603-618.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbm020      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[29] Melitz M J.2003.

The impact of trade on intra-industry reallocations and aggregate industry productivity

[J]. Econometrica, 71(6): 1695-1725.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0262.00467      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper develops a dynamic industry model with heterogeneous firms to analyze the intra-industry effects of international trade. The model shows how the exposure to trade will induce only the more productive firms to enter the export market (while some less productive firms continue to produce only for the domestic market) and will simultaneously force the least productive firms to exit. It then shows how further increases in the industry's exposure to trade lead to additional inter-firm reallocations towards more productive firms. The paper also shows how the aggregate industry productivity growth generated by the reallocations contributes to a welfare gain, thus highlighting a benefit from trade that has not been examined theoretically before. The paper adapts Hopenhayn's (1992a) dynamic industry model to monopolistic competition in a general equilibrium setting. In so doing, the paper provides an extension of Krugman's (1980) trade model that incorporates firm level productivity differences. Firms with different productivity levels coexist in an industry because each firm faces initial uncertainty concerning its productivity before making an irreversible investment to enter the industry. Entry into the export market is also costly, but the firm's decision to export occurs after it gains knowledge of its productivity.
[30] Nooteboom B.2001. Learning and innovation in organizations and economies [M]. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] Ottaviano G, Tabuchi T, Thisse J F.2002.

Agglomeration and trade revisited

[J]. International Economic Review, 43(2): 409-435.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-2354.t01-1-00021      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this article is twofold. First, we present an alternative model of agglomeration and trade that displays the main features of the recent economic geography literature while allowing for the derivation of analytical results by means of simple algebra. Second, we show how this framework can be used to permit (i) a welfare analysis of the agglomeration process, (ii) a full-fledged forward-looking analysis of the role of history and expectations in the emergence of economic clusters, and (iii) a simple analysis of the impact of urban costs on the spatial distribution of economic activities.
[32] Poncet S.2013.

Export upgrading and growth: The prerequisite of domestic embeddedness

[J]. World Development, 51(5): 104-118.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.05.010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Our work contributes to the literature relating output structure and economic development by showing that growth gains from upgrading are not unconditional. Relying on data from a panel of Chinese cities, we show that the level of capabilities available to domestic firms operating in ordinary trade is an important driver of economic growth. However, no direct gains emanate from the complexity of goods produced by either processing-trade activities or foreign firms. This suggests that the sources of product upgrading matter, and that domestic embeddedness is key in order for capacity building and technology adoption to be growth enhancing.
[33] Rinallo D, Borghini S, Golfetto F.2010.

Exploring visitor experiences at trade shows

[J]. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(4): 249-258.

https://doi.org/10.1108/08858621011038207      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate business visitor behaviour at trade shows and to propose a complementary view based on the experiential perspective in marketing. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reports an ethnographic study conducted in the context of ten international trade shows in the textile-apparel industry in Europe. Findings – The study sheds light on the nature of the experience provided by trade show exhibitors and organisers and on visitors' lived experiences. Trade shows immerse industrial buyers in a physical and cognitive experience that requires their active participation. Under such circumstances, industrial marketers who employ experiential marketing techniques are likely to increase their trade show performances. Originality/value – The paper adopts a new perspective that sees business visitor behaviour from an experiential standpoint and discusses the managerial implications that highlight the interplay of exhibitors and trade show organisers in designing and setting valuable experiences for visitors.
[34] Timmermans B, Boschma R.2014.

The effect of intra-and inter-regional labour mobility on plant performance in Denmark: The significance of related labour inflows

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2): 289-311.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbs059      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[35] Torre A.2008.

On the role played by temporary geographical proximity in knowledge transmission

[J]. Regional Studies, 42(6): 869-889.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400801922814      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Torre A. On the role played by temporary geographical proximity in knowledge transmission, Regional Studies. This paper defends the thesis that geographical proximity remains essential for knowledge transfer, but not often implies the co-location of innovation and research activities. The need for geographical proximity now mostly affects certain stages of the process of production, research or development. Short- or medium-term visits are often sufficient for the partners to exchange the information needed for cooperation. The mobility of individuals makes it possible to implement this mechanism. Temporary geographical proximity implies a strong relation to space, but one that differs in nature from that described by the traditional approaches. Torre A. R00le de la proximité géographique temporaire dans la transmission de la connaissance, Regional Studies. Dans cet article, nous défendons la thèse selon laquelle la proximité géographique demeure essentielle au transfert des connaissances mais qu'elle n'implique pas souvent la co-localisation d'activités d'innovation et de recherche. La nécessité de la proximité géographique affecte surtout, aujourd'hui, certaines étapes des processus de production, de recherche et de développement. Les visites à court ou moyen terme suffisent souvent aux partenaires pour échanger des informations nécessaires à leur coopération. La mobilité des individus permet de mettre en 04uvre ce mécanisme. La proximité géographique temporaire induit une forte relation à l'espace mais une relation qui diffère en nature de celle qui est décrite par les approches classiques. Proximité géographique69Proximité organisée69Ubiquité69Agrégats Torre A. Die Rolle der vorübergehenden geografischen N01he zur Wissensübertragung, Regional Studies. In diesem Artikel verteidigen wir die These, dass eine geografische N01he zur Wissensübertragung nach wie vor unverzichtbar ist, aber oft keinen gemeinsamen Standort der Innovations- und Forschungsarbeit voraussetzt. Die Notwendigkeit einer geografischen N01he betrifft heute meistens bestimmte Phasen im Produktions-, Forschungs- oder Entwicklungsprozess. Oft sind kurze oder mittellange Besuche für die Partner ausreichend, um die für eine Zusammenarbeit ben02tigten Informationen auszutauschen. Die Mobilit01t der einzelnen Personen macht eine Umsetzung dieses Mechanismus m02glich. Eine vorübergehende geografische N01he setzt eine enge Verbindung zum Raum voraus, deren Beschaffenheit jedoch von den Beschreibungen der traditionellen Ans01tze abweicht. Geografische N01he69Organisierte N01he69Ubiquit01t69Cluster Torre A. El papel desempe09ado por la proximidad geográfica temporal en la transmisión de conocimiento, Regional Studies. En este artículo defendemos la tesis de que la proximidad geográfica sigue siendo un factor fundamental para la transferencia de conocimientos aunque esto no suele implicar la ubicación conjunta de las actividades de innovación y las de investigación. La necesidad de proximidad geográfica ahora afecta sobre todo a ciertas fases del proceso de producción, investigación y desarrollo. Las visitas a corto o medio plazo son con frecuencia suficientes para que los socios intercambien la información que necesitan para cooperar. La movilidad de los individuos facilita la aplicación de este mecanismo. La proximidad geográfica temporal entra09a una estrecha relación en el espacio pero que difiere en naturaleza de la que se describe en enfoques tradicionales. Proximidad geográfica69Proximidad organizada69Ubicuidad69Agrupaciones
