地理科学进展  2019 , 38 (3): 320-331 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.003



孙伟1, 刘崇刚12, 闫东升3

1. 中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室,南京 210008
2. 安徽师范大学环境科学与工程学院,安徽 芜湖 241000
3. 南京大学经济学院,南京 210093

Rural smart growth: Origin and practice

SUN Wei1, LIU Chonggang12, YAN Dongsheng3

1. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geography Science, Nanjing Institute of Geography Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China
2. Collage of Environmental Science and Engineering, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, Anhui, China
3. School of Economics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China

收稿日期: 2018-05-2

修回日期:  2019-01-7

网络出版日期:  2019-03-28

版权声明:  2019 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所“一三五”重点培育方向自主部署项目(NIGLAS2017GH06, NIGLAS 2017GH07)


第一作者简介:孙伟(1980— ),男,辽宁彰武人,副研究员,研究领域为区域发展与规划。E-mail: wsun@niglas.ac.cn




关键词: 精明增长 ; 乡村重构 ; 乡村转型 ; 起源与实践


Smart growth theory advocates rational planning and adjustment of the structure and scale of economic development according to current conditions on the basis of prioritizing the ecological environment, so as to maximize the overall economic, social, and environmental benefits of urban and rural areas. At present, the smart growth concept is mainly applied in urban development practices. With the emergence of rural development problems and the rediscovery of the importance of rural areas, many regions have begun to apply smart growth to rural transformation and sustainable development. On the basis of reviewing the Chinese and international research on the theory and practice of smart growth, this article summarizes the connotation and principles of smart growth, and systematically analyzes the progress in research and practice with regard to the conceptual framework and implementation pathways of smart growth in rural areas. Combined with the practical needs of implementing the rural revitalization strategy in China, this article identifies several scientific issues that need to be paid attention to in future research on smart growth in rural areas. It is hoped that this study can provide some references for the related research of geography and for the scientific implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization.

Keywords: smart growth ; rural reconstruction ; rural transition ; origin and practice


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孙伟, 刘崇刚, 闫东升. 乡村精明增长——起源与实践[J]. 地理科学进展, 2019, 38(3): 320-331 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.003

SUN Wei, LIU Chonggang, YAN Dongsheng. Rural smart growth: Origin and practice[J]. Progress in Geography, 2019, 38(3): 320-331 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2019.03.003

乡村以农业生产、分散居住和大量开敞空间为特征,是农业生产与农民居住的空间(张小林, 1998)。现代研究认为,乡村具有生产、生活、生态多功能性,不仅是社会生活食物供给的保障地,也是传统文化、传统建筑、地方生活方式和民俗习惯的载体,更是维系城乡生态安全的重要开敞空间(王成等, 2017)。改革开放以来,城镇化和工业化进程的快速推进,城市元素不断侵袭和蚕食乡村空间,不仅带来乡村的大面积消亡,也导致多元化的乡村发展面临一系列危机,并突出表现为乡村空间的萎缩、生活空间破碎化、生产功能紊乱化和生态环境失衡化等方面。与此同时,相对单一的生产方式、较低的农民收入水平和显著的基础设施差异等,导致大量农村剩余劳动力流向城市,乡村空心化现象严重,发展活力逐渐丧失,乡村的发展空间受到极大的挑战(李伯华等, 2018)。

国内外发展研究都表明,良好的城乡关系是经济社会发展的基础,快速城镇化不等于也不会消灭乡村,而是推动乡村在生产、生活方式上向现代化转变(陈雯等, 2015)。如何在发展中保护乡村,实现乡村更高质量的发展,也成为新时代中国乡村发展的重要难题。党的十六届五中全会提出建设“社会主义新农村”,但地方实践基本上是大拆大建,以建城镇的方式建农村,忽视乡村原真性和自然演化规律。在这一过程中,新的集中居住区建起来了,但是老的没拆掉,导致乡村建设用地增加的同时,新农村建设呈现碎片化与低效化特征。“让城市融入大自然,让居民望得见山、看得见水、记得住乡愁”,2013年12月中央城镇化工作会议公报中这句充满诗意的表述引发了海内外的关注,也引发了社会各界对乡村发展与保护的重视(① 习近平贵州团抚今追昔“记得住乡愁”,http://news.xinhuanet.com/zgjx/2015-06/10/c_134314183.htm。)。2014年《国家新型城镇化规划(2014—2020年)》的颁布,社会各界对以往粗放的城镇化道路,尤其是城镇建设用地无序扩张与忽视乡村原真性的大拆大建等现象进行了深刻反思,如何更好地保护乡村、激发乡村活力和振兴乡村等也成为各界关注的焦点。2017年,党的十九大提出:实施乡村振兴战略,坚持农业农村优先发展,按照产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕的总要求,建立健全城乡融合发展体制机制和政策体系,加快推进农业农村现代化。

乡村衰败是全球性难题,而乡村管治模式也是千差万别。近年来,随着农业经济地位下降、乡村服务部门兴起及乡村多功能化转变等,乡村的转型发展相关研究受到越来越多的关注(Liu et al, 2016)。在经济社会发展进入新时代、城乡关系发生转变和乡村振兴成为各界普遍关注焦点的时期,乡村发展也亟需新的治理模式和思路。在面临城镇化和工业化冲击下,针对城乡发展过程中土地利用、环境和发展空间等问题,国内外学者提出乡村转型、乡村可持续发展、新型城乡关系、乡村重构等,强调伴随着城镇发展而动态审视城乡关系,推动乡村的转型和动力再造(Nelson, 1990; Cloke et al, 1997; Halfacree et al, 2004; Woods, 2011; 龙花楼等, 2018a)。这些理论在实践上存在一定差异:乡村转型关注乡村的空间结构、产业发展模式、就业结构、城乡关系与城乡差别等方面转变,特别是乡村经济发展和城乡关系等(Younus et al, 2001; 龙花楼, 2012)。乡村重构指在农业经济地位下降与农村经济调整、农村服务部门兴起和地方服务合理化、城乡人口流动和社会发展要素重组等不同因素的交互影响下,农村社会经济结构重新塑造的过程,这也成为实现乡村转型发展和再造乡村发展动力的重要手段(Woods, 2011; 龙花楼等, 2018b)。国内外学者对此进行了诸多研究,如龙花楼等(2017)将乡村重构分为空间重构、经济重构和社会重构3个维度,部分学者提出从新型乡村管理模式、创新和可持续的治理模式及乡村文化管理模式等方面推动乡村重构,并重点从乡村土地转型的角度研究乡村发展与复兴(Mcmanus et al, 2012; Kasim et al, 2013; Andrew, 2014; Romeo et al, 2014)。

长期以来,国内外开展的关于乡村转型发展、乡村重构、乡村可持续发展等相关研究,在实质上与乡村精明增长有着相似的目的和内涵,即在受到快速城镇化和工业化挤压的背景下,通过对外部环境把控和对内部要素的整合,实现乡村由衰退转向复兴、由非良性转向良性,充实乡村地域的功能内涵,进而实现城乡之间的结构协调和功能互补 (Halfacree et al, 2004; 龙花楼, 2012; Kasim et al, 2013; 杨忍等, 2015; 龙花楼等, 2018b)。乡村精明增长更注重适应生态约束下的乡村经济发展和全方位复兴,也成为当前国内外推动乡村振兴的重要理论指导。作为源于美欧等发达国家为应对城市人口增长过程中经济和社会低效发展问题而提出的“规划增长”理论,“精明增长”的逻辑本质不是反对增长,而是主张优先生态发展,即城镇化过程应在生态均衡前提下实现最大化的经济增长,并提出合理规划道路、严格控制经济增长规模,实现生态资源保护与居民生活品质的双重提升(Miller et al, 2002; Handy, 2005; Wey et al, 2014)。但问题的关键是如何增长,如何使社区、中心城区、郊区从发展中都有投资机会,得到良好的发展,取得经济、社会、环境效益的统一(李王鸣等, 2006; Krueger et al, 2008; Arku, 2009)。此后,随着城镇空间的拓展、乡村发展空间的缩小及新型城乡关系的兴起等,“精明增长”理论也被引入乡村治理中并被世界各地普遍接受,国际研究和实践主要集中在2个维度:一是不同地理条件、发展水平、功能类型的乡村如何制定符合地域实际的管理政策和精明增长方案;二是如何有效推动公众和民间社会团体等利益相关者参与到乡村精明增长决策中(Elmenofi et al, 2014)。

改革开放以来,中国经历的快速城镇化和工业化进程,有力地支撑了中国经济社会的高速发展,但与此同时也伴随着乡村的快速消亡与衰败,不合理的城乡关系也阻碍了经济社会的进一步发展。在此过程中,国内学者也积极借鉴发达国家的发展进程,重新审视经济发展中的城乡关系。自21世纪初期“精明增长”理念被引入国内后,学术界尝试从精明增长的视角审视城乡发展,各地在城市精明增长管理的基础上衍生出大量乡村精明增长的创新实践,这些都对推动中国乡村可持续发展具有重要的借鉴意义(张雯, 2001)。在此背景下,本文基于国内外相关研究成果,尝试总结精明增长的内涵,并结合相关实践梳理解析乡村精明增长的评价标准,多角度探究当前国内外乡村精明增长的理论与实践进展,并对未来乡村精明增长可能的研究趋势进行展望,以期为相关研究提供参考,为乡村振兴战略的实施及乡村可持续发展提供借鉴。

1 乡村精明增长的内涵

精明增长理论最初是针对城市问题提出的,特别是二战之后美国等发达国家出现的以“低密度扩张”为主要特征的城市蔓延,这带来了对土地的大量消耗(Daniels, 2001; Costa, 2005; Daniels et al, 2005)。如部分学者提出,伴随着“城市-郊区-农村”交界面发展与土地利用模式变化,美国联邦政府、州和地方政府等都通过立法与规划,以解决城镇化过程中的土地低效率蔓延问题(Haeuber, 1999; Platt, 2014)。在此背景下,作为一种紧凑、集约、高效的城市增长模式,精明增长的理念应运而生,以期通过集约发展的方式抑制城市低密度蔓延带来的环境污染、交通拥挤、土地浪费及中心城区人口减少等城市问题,实现经济、社会、环境协调发展(Daniels, 2001; 曹伟等, 2013)。美国“佛罗里达州增长管理之父”Grove将城市精明增长的演变过程分为3个阶段:第一阶段以土地开发管治为基础,利用精明增长管理计划加强环境保护;在第二阶段,完善基础设施成为土地利用规划关注的一个重要方面,这也标志着从控制增长到为增长而规划的转变;第三阶段的精明增长行动呈现从反增长到顺应增长的转变(Grove et al, 1984)。此后,美国各州从土地利用管制、城市增长边界划定以及地方综合规划编制等方面,逐渐关注城市振兴政策和改善地区区划,进而从促进紧凑城市发展、统筹协调各部门及其增长政策、改善投资资本等方面推动城市的可持续发展,以实现城市的精明增长。1994年美国规划协会提出制定精明增长规划,这开启了新形势下土地规划改革工作;1997年,美国马里兰州长官Glendening提出建立与精明增长相适应的城市开发政策(ICMA et al, 2003);2000年,美国规划协会与60家组织机构组成了“美国精明增长联盟”,并制定了侧重于优先生态保护、提升空间利用效率、提供多样化的住房和交通选择以及强调决策的公平等精明增长基本原则,这些都为后来的城乡精明增长提供了重要的参考。欧盟在“欧洲2020战略”中采用“精明”发展理念,并提出欧洲应成为一个精明、可持续、包容性的经济体。在这一政策框架下,精明增长主要侧重于创新、教育和研究等政策在推动经济社会发展中的作用,更强调发挥创新作用构建新的经济发展模式。

作为一种在提高土地利用效率基础上控制城市扩张、保护生态环境、服务经济发展、促进城乡协调和提高人们生活质量的发展模式,精明增长已经在世界各地得到较好的应用(胡河平, 2015)。近年来,随着经济的迅速发展,乡村同样出现了与城市相同的无序扩张问题,造成了农用地的大量流失。为了抑制低密度开发、农地流失,保护传统乡村景观,各国开始将精明增长理念运用到乡村规划建设中(Mishkovsky et al, 2010)。但“精明增长”并不是一个放之四海而皆准的概念,与城市的精明增长有所不同,乡村精明增长是在创新、知识和学习等政策的支持下,通过广泛、多层次治理活动,实现乡村可持续发展的过程(Vanthillo et al, 2012; McCann et al, 2015)。作为从城市精明增长演变而来的一种发展理念,乡村精明增长同样需要一种更加精明的发展方式来保障乡村生态服务功能提升,提高土地资源的利用效率以及保障乡村经济的可持续发展(Christianson, 2014)。总体上,乡村精明增长理论主张生态优先,提倡乡村发展应当在保证生态均衡的前提下实现经济增长的最大化,并依据实际条件合理规划和调配经济发展的结构和规模,进而实现经济发展与生态保护的有机统一,因而需要研究如何在乡村应用精明增长策略(Arku, 2009; CTC et al, 2010)。

作为城市外的一个空间地域系统,乡村空间不仅包括地理特征、人口密度和物理空间等物质性,也包括文化价值、社会感知和道德等非物质性(Bell, 1992; Cloke et al, 1992; Halfacree et al, 2004)。从现有研究看,国内外学者将乡村精明增长内涵总结为生态宜居、空间优化、选择多元和居民参与4个方面:① 乡村精明增长建立在生态保护基础上、以更加智慧和巧妙的发展方式实现乡村发展水平的提升,保护开敞空间、农田、自然景区和环境敏感区,进而保障自然景观的生态系统服务价值(胡河平, 2015);② 鼓励在现有基础设施的基础上推进区域发展,确保一定的开敞空间,倡导社会平等(Wei et al, 2011);③ 通过混合式的土地利用结构和紧凑型的建筑设计提高土地利用效率,保护乡村传统风貌,通过提供多元化的交通选择和创建步行式的街区优化乡村的空间结构(汪瑞, 2011);④ 鼓励社区和利益相关者积极参与乡村发展决策,挖掘乡村发展潜力,解决乡村发展动力不足、人口流失、村庄空心化等乡村病问题。总的来说,乡村精明增长作为一项包含经济、环境和社会目标的综合发展战略,强调多部门、多层次、多主体的协同合作,并在保持乡村原有功能稳定的基础上,提高乡村的活力,进而形成乡村精明增长新模式(Kumar et al, 2017)。与强调产业发展集聚、农民居住集中和资源利用集约的乡村空间重构相比,乡村精明增长的内涵更加广泛,不仅仅强调在推动乡村发展过程中实现土地的集约化,也强调生态保护、文化多样化和利益相关者参与对这一目标的重要意义(龙花楼, 2013)。


表1   精明增长的城乡差异

Tab.1   Differences between urban and rural smart growth




2 乡村精明增长的研究与实践进展

2.1 乡村精明增长框架

乡村精明增长强调的是推动乡村以“精明”的方式实现“增长”(范琳芸, 2017)。随着相关研究的深入和对乡村重要性的发现,社会各界对乡村作用的认识不再局限于农业生产和提供食物,在乡村所特有的农业生态承载和社会文化调节价值日益显现的同时,乡村的经济、社会和生态等多功能性也逐渐成为学界关注的焦点,通过土地集约、空间紧凑、人居环境优良、公共设施便利和生活现代化等,实现“经济-社会-生态”的协调也成为乡村精明增长的目标(刘彦随等, 2011; 范琳芸, 2017;龙花楼等, 2018b)。

当前,国内外学者对乡村精明增长进行了诸多研究,但不同学者基于对乡村精明增长内涵的不同理解,对乡村精明增长研究需重点关注的要素各有侧重。美国精明增长在线(Smart Growth Online)在2010年的“Putting Smart Growth to Work in Rural Communities”报告,明确提出乡村精明增长的3个主要目标:支持乡村景观,保护农用地和自然用地;恢复已有场所的繁荣,对已有的基础设施改造再利用;创造美好的新场所和产业模式,形成乡村特有的文化景观以吸引游客和留住本地人才,即在有限的财政支持下有效地遏制低密度开发及农地流失,保留传统乡村景观,促进乡村社区的繁荣与再生。具体而言,乡村精明增长框架主要包含3方面内容(表2):

表2   乡村精明增长目标框架

Tab.2   Framework of rural smart growth targets



(1) 支持乡村景观。城乡之间的景观存在显著差异,二者最大的区别之一就是乡村具有丰富的自然景观和历史文化遗存。乡村以其广阔的林地、农田和水域湿地等,具有重要的生态系统服务功能,这种功能对于维持生态系统的平衡和稳定作用重大。同时,注重乡村文化传承与弘扬,保持乡村的原真性、生态性、特色性。国外学者更加重视乡村文化景观的本土化与多元化在推动乡村精明增长中的重要意义(Antrop, 2004; Sujarwo, 2016)。

(2) 恢复现有乡村地区的繁荣,提升乡村发展的活力。“精明增长”不是不发展,而是要求在保护乡村多元化景观的基础上,推动乡村发展的复兴与活力的提升。在具体措施上,主要表现为通过一二三产融合促进乡村产业振兴,使农民愿意留在农村,年轻人愿意回到农村,并吸引各种资本对乡村基础设施进行生态化改造,促进当地经济的发展和乡村发展活力的提升。

(3) 创造有魅力的社区。制定新的战略和措施,通过紧凑和连续的发展模式适应新的经济增长,奖励利用精明增长和绿色建筑方法建造美丽社区,鼓励全体居民参与社区管理和建设,提高乡村居住魅力和社区韧性。

2.2 乡村精明增长实施路径

长期以来,乡村便是中国经济社会发展的基础和重要支撑,但也是中国发展的薄弱区域。在不同的发展阶段、不同的地理环境下,乡村各类功能和价值在城乡地域系统中始终发挥着重要作用。改革开放以来,市场化、工业化和快速城镇化在促进区域经济增长的同时,深刻地改变了广大乡村地区,对乡村经济与社会结构造成了极大的冲击(刘彦随等, 2002)。因而,乡村精明增长发展策略的实施关键是保障乡村活力的提升和可持续发展。从现有研究和实践看,乡村精明增长的路径主要有以下几个方面(图1):

图1   乡村精明增长实施路径

Fig.1   Rural smart growth implementation

(1) 推动用地集约。乡村转型发展过程中的各种社会经济问题,均在土地上得到反映,而不同经济社会发展对应于不同的土地利用转型(龙花楼, 2012; 龙花楼等, 2018a)。乡村振兴离不开土地利用转型,乡村精明增长主张提高土地资源的利用效率,在整合利用现有建设用地和基础设施的基础上,向着土地利用集约化、协调化发展;防止建设用地无序扩张,整治零散废弃农用地,并将生产、生活和生态用地比例控制在合理的范围内(曹伟等, 2013; 曹彦鹏等, 2015)。如“精明增长”研究在2000年9月发起的一项全美民意调查表明,83%民众同意“在现有城市和郊区之外建立由绿地系统、农田、森林等构成的空间区域,为开发商设立控制开发的边界”(Benfield et al, 2001)。

(2) 推动空间紧凑。推动农业生产的规模化,促进机械化经营,减小农业成本;根据乡村内部和乡村之间的位置布局、规模和联系,优化聚落体系布局,科学配置基础设施,推动各种生产生活活动空间紧凑化,提升乡村空间的利用效率,强化乡村内部和乡村之间的联系(Zaluksne et al, 2016; 程哲等, 2016; 王艳飞等, 2016)。

(3) 推动生态宜居。严格保护乡村生态系统,加强村庄环境整治,提升乡村地域生态服务功能;维持乡村特色习俗、景观、建筑等风貌,保护传统乡村空间肌理,注重展现乡村历史和文化特色;加强基本公共服务功能建设,保障居民能够便捷获得教育、医疗卫生、文化体育等基本公共服务(Randolph, 2004; 黄巧云等, 2014)。

(4) 推动社区参与。随着互联网等技术发展和乡村经济新业态涌现等,农民和各类组织等利益相关者在乡村转型发展中的作用也越来越大,推动了“自下而上”与“自上而下”结合的乡村重构路径的形成(龙花楼等, 2018b)。对于乡村精明增长,更是要打破传统的以政府为中心的治理模式,探索“政府—社区—村民”多主体互动协调共建管治新模式(田刚等, 2013)。从发挥社区和村民管理乡村的智慧角度出发,探究社区参与的适应性乡村规划编制方法,让村民以主人翁的态度投入乡村的治理中,推进共同治理模式的乡村精明增长进程。

2.3 乡村精明增长国内外研究与实践

2.3.1 美国乡村精明增长

美国乡村精明增长的评价指标体系与城市精明增长有所不同,更注重生态保护和乡村多样性的保持,追求乡村发展和生态的协调,实现环境、经济和社会效益的有机统一。2004年美国公路合作研究组织(NCHRP)在“Transportation Impacts of Smart Growth and Comprehensive Planning Initiatives”研究报告中回顾了美国实施的乡村精明增长和其他综合规划措施,并为如何评估这些规划举措的效果提供了建议。该报告包括6个案例研究,记录了所采取的综合规划举措的类型和方法,评估了这些举措对交通运输和环境的影响以及实施的有效性(Deakin et al, 2004)。区域建模研究表明,土地利用策略对改善交通条件和节约基础设施成本都有好处。实施土地利用战略可以产生较好的运输效益,但是政府机构影响土地利用模式的能力是有限的,虽然各级政府正在计划帮助支持新兴的乡村精明增长运动,但从区域角度来看,在许多领域实施的运输并行性发展策略并不有效,综合规划政策的非运输收益可能比运输收益更重要(表3)。2007年NCHRP在“Best Practices to Enhance the Transportation-Land Use Connection in the Rural United States”报告中探索了如何在农村社区中更好地整合土地利用和交通规划,重点介绍了最大限度地提高运输能力和社区宜居性的社区发展和土地使用战略的成功实践(CTC et al, 2010),并且重点研究了3种乡村社区的核心类型:郊区型乡村社区,位于城市边缘的乡村社区;旅游型乡村社区,具有天然设施的地区,如吸引季节性居民、退休人员和游客的高山、湖泊或海滩;生产型乡村社区,通常在偏远地区,依赖单一行业,如农业、采矿业或制造业(Council, 2007)。更具体地说,针对不同的乡村社区类型,综合土地利用和交通规划使乡村社区实现了3个主要目标:为发展的地点和方式确定区域框架;改善当地交通的可达性;加强社区设计(Daniels et al, 2005)。这项研究从交通规划的角度出发,探讨了乡村交通的可达性和土地利用方式的优化以促进不同类型乡村的发展问题,为乡村地区交通规划和设计提供了很好的范本。

表3   美国精明增长的实践

Tab.3   Smart growth practices of the United States




总的来看,精明增长在美国的实践较为丰富,且形成了联邦政府—州政府—地方政府协同配合的体系,并通过设立各种法案保障了精明增长的有效推进。从具体实践效果看:土地利用方面,相比于没有实施精明增长计划的地区,精明增长乡村的规模平均来说都较小,并且发展更密集,公园用地占总土地面积的比重增长更多,农业用地面积损失更小,有更高比例的内填式开发,建设集中程度更高;交通方面,精明增长计划能够对交通产生积极影响,交通又能够改变土地利用方式和经济发展的水平及效率,因此地方政府需要进行细致的规划分析,考虑多样的交通选择(熊传麟, 2017)。

2.3.2 欧盟乡村精明增长

为有效扭转乡村的衰退趋势,实现乡村的可持续发展,欧盟各国进行了诸多尝试,如德国的“巴伐利亚试验”和瑞典制定的一系列综合政策与措施等,“欧盟2020战略”更明确提出,通过发展知识经济,培养知识农民来实现乡村精明增长(Naldi et al, 2015)。对于乡村精明增长,“欧洲2020战略”认为,这一理念中的“嵌入性、关联性、连通性”等十分适合欧洲乡村地区的发展:一个地区应该明确需要发展的部门、技术领域,以及他们主要的竞争优势,然后关注地方政策来促进这些领域的创新发展,这就是精明专业化,适合人口基数很大的城乡结合的中间区域(范琳芸, 2017)。特别是,随着城市空间扩张带来的城乡边界的模糊,城乡结合地带集聚了较多的人口和工业企业,不仅有培育技术专业化的可能,也十分有利于从邻近城市获取知识溢出且避免城市核心区的高成本消耗,成为实现乡村精明增长的核心区域(McCann et al, 2015; Zaluksne et al, 2016)。

由于城乡之间经济社会发展特征的差异,欧盟国家的精明增长政策主要集中在乡村,认为精明增长对知识、创新和教育政策的影响更大,与规划的关系较小;此外,精明增长也被视为制定区域增长战略的重要工具之一(Degorski, 2004)。因此,欧盟的精明增长大多落实到政策层面,自上而下地指导和影响乡村发展。

首先,欧盟将乡村精明增长的重点放在集聚经济(Zaluksne et al, 2016)。欧盟认为,集聚和城市化经济同样适用于乡村地区:一方面,乡村和城市地区之间存在依赖关系,集聚经济理论对城市有显著的推动作用;另一方面,乡村和乡村之间有依附关系,有些乡村比其他乡村的经济发展水平相对较高,因此,乡村地区之间具有较大的合作、分享和相互学习的潜力。此外,乡村地区的个体可能更多地从集聚经济中获益。也就是说,乡村地区的精明增长将更加类似于城市化地区,只是规模不同。但从小规模出发,乡村地区集聚增加的边际效应可能比已经城市化的地区要大。

其次,乡村精明增长集中在自然和娱乐等设施以及创意经济。与其他地区相比,拥有便利设施以及创造力和活力的乡村往往具有更好的增长潜力(Hua, 2017)。这与空间区位以及自然设施和生活质量的作用有关,也标志着宜居性在吸引居民方面发挥着重要作用。相关研究表明,便利的基础设施服务与增长优势存在较强联系,与城市相比,这些因素对乡村地区就业增长的影响更加明显(Furmankiewicz et al, 2015)。

最后,乡村精明增长侧重于知识分享和交流。在乡村地区,由于地理位置和集聚程度,在获取外部信息的可能性比城市小,这意味着信息通讯技术是乡村获取外部知识的关键(Katara, 2016; Kumar et al, 2017)。

2.3.3 国内乡村精明增长

21世纪初期,伴随着中国城镇化和工业化进程快速推进,随之而来的乡村衰败也引起诸多学者的研究兴趣,如何推动乡村可持续发展和新型城乡关系的建设也成为相关研究的热点(刘彦随等, 2002; 龙花楼, 2012)。张雯(2001)较早地通过总结发达国家“精明增长”的内容和框架,将相关经验引入中国,并指出作为一种相对紧凑、集中和高效的发展模式,精明增长强调经济、社会和环境的可持续共同发展,强调对现有社区的改建和对现有设施的利用,强调生活品质与发展的联系。随着乡村发展受到国家重视以及乡村振兴战略的提出,开始有学者探讨乡村精明增长问题。目前,国内明确将精明增长理念应用于乡村发展的实践并不多见,主要侧重于将乡村精明增长与规划理论相结合,将相关理念运用到与农村土地整理、集镇社区规划设计和美丽乡村规划等相结合的研究,且理论层面的研究显著多于实践(杨红等, 2013)。

汪瑞(2011)以泉州市城乡结合部为例,从土地利用格局构建、优化公共交通用地、创新土地利用规划3个方面提出土地集约利用的思路,为乡村土地的精明利用提供了建议。曹伟等(2013)借鉴精明增长理念,提出通过调整优化“土地利用数量、结构、利用方式”来缩小城乡差距,实现城乡统筹发展的目标。王艺瑾等(2014)指出乡村精明增长的关键在于精准预估村庄人口,确定乡村发展规模,并根据科学理论和村民意愿合理规划出村庄的生产、生活、生态空间,进而保护和复兴传统村落。杨红等(2013)借鉴美国乡村精明增长理念的典型策略与经验,从提高整治综合性、重视乡村景观保护、培育农村经济、强化公众参与及发展“精明”整治等5个方面对中国农村土地整治工作的完善提出了建议,将乡村精明增长理念与农村土地整理很好地结合在一起。范琳芸(2017)以江苏金坛市为例,从建设用地集约度、空间布局紧凑度、生态功能指数、公共服务均等化指数和居民生活水平指数5个方面构建乡村精明增长的评价指标体系,为乡村精明增长水平的测度和评价构建提供了参考。乔杰等(2017)认为,乡村精明增长需要从村民的生计、村庄的生境和村社的发展等不同层次保障乡村的全面发展,从村民的视角解决微观的事情,从村庄的视角促进“三生”空间融合,从村社的视角提升乡村的社会资本。然而,对于乡村精明增长的中国化,部分学者也表达了不同的观点,并提出要充分识别中国城乡发展现状、演变动力等差异,相关理念的运用也要因地制宜(张京祥等, 2003; 刘克华, 2010)。

现阶段,精明增长在国内外都逐渐从理论走向实践,相关研究也呈现细化、多样化的趋势。但由于经济社会发展的差异,国内外精明增长研究也存在一定差异。从理论层面看,不同国家、不同地区乡村形态各异,中国的国情、社会经济背景和乡村实际情况等与国外乡村存在差异,而国内乡村精明增长理论的研究在结合乡村发展规划和传统村落、特色景观等方面存在不足,还需充分结合乡村传统聚落空间的演化和驱动机理进行研究;另外,解决乡村发展问题和创新发展思路方面的理论研究也存在不足,乡村的精明增长不仅要保证发展水平的提升,还要以更加“精明”的方式提高发展质量,需要结合绿色和创新发展等理念进行进一步研究。从实践层面看,目前国内关于精明增长的实践应用多集中于城市,关于乡村的应用较少,而中国自古就是一个农业大国,乡村数量众多且乡村实际情况存在很大差异,如何将乡村精明增长实践充分结合乡村实际,因地制宜地进行差异化的规划建设,将精明增长的实践更好地由城市过渡到乡村并用于指导乡村规划实践,还需要进一步进行理论研究和实践尝试。另外,在精明增长的理论框架中,社区参与是很重要的方面,而中国乡村规划多为自上向下,村民缺乏参与改变自身环境的主动性和意愿。乡村具有不同于城市的独特自然景观与人文资源,而目前的乡村规划缺乏对乡村地方特色自然、人文资源的挖掘(杨忍等, 2015)。总的来看,国内的乡村精明增长需要从理论与实践等多方面进行完善,如何在现有乡村实际和制度框架下充分利用精明增长来保障乡村高效集约和可持续发展,需要更深一步的研究。

3 研究展望


(1) 乡村聚落空间和产业演化过程及其健康状况诊断。不同国家、不同区域的乡村形态各异,发展现状及未来发展路径也不尽相同,精明增长策略也应针对不同地区的地理特征来进行差异化的规划和实施。因此,在制定精明增长策略之前,有必要对乡村的聚落空间和产业演化及其健康状况进行深入分析,这也是精明增长的现实基础。例如,多时相乡村聚落和产业类型演变数据序列构建及演化测度,以此探究乡村的演化历史并研判未来趋势;构建适宜性的乡村经济社会发展的可持续性评估框架、指标体系及模型,以此有效指导乡村的精明增长等。

(2) 乡村精明增长的驱动机理和多主体响应机制研究。乡村精明增长作为一种乡村地区的主导人文过程,必然是多种因素综合作用的结果,且不同地区也呈现差异化的规律。未来,乡村精明增长中的驱动机理和多主体响应机制也应是相关研究的核心内容。因此,需进一步以乡村地域系统的各种要素及其组成的结构为依托,综合分析和建构乡村转型发展的驱动机理和多主体响应机制研究框架。例如,通过构建乡村聚落和产业演化的多维动力关联模拟模型,理清乡村转型发展的驱动机理;进一步阐释利益相关者对乡村精明增长影响机制和作用方式,从乡村转型发展多主体响应机制出发,推动适宜的、以人为本的乡村精明增长实践进展。

(3) 乡村生态环境与经济社会耦合模拟及其互馈模式研究。精明增长的绿色发展是建立在生态环境容量和资源承载力的约束条件下,将环境保护作为实现可持续发展重要支柱的一种新型发展模式(龙花楼等, 2011)。培养并维系乡村经济活力是支持乡村精明增长的根本保证,坚持绿色发展、促进生态与经济和谐发展是乡村精明增长的重要内涵。未来,相关研究仍需要建立在乡村生态系统均衡和稳定的基础上,结合生态系统服务价值评估来更好地实施乡村规划,维持生态与经济的和谐及可持续发展,如在构建乡村经济社会转型下的水环境质量耦合模型和不同乡村转型情景模式下的环境效应模拟等方面继续深化,以推动乡村绿色化发展。

(4) 多主体共建管治模式与优化调控策略研究。近年来,在各地积极探索城乡统筹发展道路背景下,旨在复兴乡村发展活力并以社区营造为核心的新“乡建”试验也逐渐兴起,并成为推动乡村精明增长的重要方向之一,这种新型的乡村建设与复兴也更加注重村民的参与,并积极引入第三方来对政府与村民之间的利益博弈进行平衡(杨槿等, 2017)。未来,在乡村精明增长实践中,也应该进一步加强多主体共建管治模式与优化调控策略研究,如打破传统的以政府为中心的治理模式,探索“政府—社区—村民”多主体互动协调共建管治新模式;从发挥社区和村民管理乡村的智慧角度出发,探究社区参与的适应性乡村规划编制方法,让村民以主人翁的态度投入到乡村的治理中,推进共同治理模式的乡村精明增长进程。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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<p>精明土地利用是促进我国经济增长方式转变的有效途径之一。借鉴城市精明增长理论,将其拓展至城乡地域系统中,提出了城乡土地精明利用的核心思想,在此基础上,构建了包括土地数量控制、土地形态紧凑、土地利用效益3方面在内的城乡土地精明利用测度指标体系。以位于经济快速发展的长三角南京浦口区为例,从土地数量控制、土地形态紧凑、土地利用效益3方面,测度了浦口区土地精明利用水平,研究结果表明:1999、2002和2008年的土地利用精明度分别为38 04、49 48和62 48,浦口区土地精明程度呈逐年上升趋势,但仍有待进一步提高;城乡土地精明利用测度指标体系能够有效测度区域土地精明利用水平与状况</p>

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<p>精明土地利用是促进我国经济增长方式转变的有效途径之一。借鉴城市精明增长理论,将其拓展至城乡地域系统中,提出了城乡土地精明利用的核心思想,在此基础上,构建了包括土地数量控制、土地形态紧凑、土地利用效益3方面在内的城乡土地精明利用测度指标体系。以位于经济快速发展的长三角南京浦口区为例,从土地数量控制、土地形态紧凑、土地利用效益3方面,测度了浦口区土地精明利用水平,研究结果表明:1999、2002和2008年的土地利用精明度分别为38 04、49 48和62 48,浦口区土地精明程度呈逐年上升趋势,但仍有待进一步提高;城乡土地精明利用测度指标体系能够有效测度区域土地精明利用水平与状况</p>
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The control of rural environmental pollution is an important component of ecological civilization construction.However,due to the extensive mode of economic developmet,environmental pollution in rural areas is becoming more and more serious,which badly needs resolutions.This paper analyzes the current condition of rural environmental pollution and the situation of soil,water and air pollution based on literature research and points out that rural environmental pollution was assigned to agricultural nonpoint source pollution,solid waste pollution,township enterprises pollution and ecological destruction.Therefore,this paper proposes some possible strategies and approaches on how to control pollution and improve environmental conditions in rural areas:to establish and perfect the legal system of environmental protection,enhance farmers’ awareness for environmental protection,accelerate the construction of environmental infrastructures and strengthen the innovation and research on environmental protection technologies.1717

[Huang Q Y, Tian X.2014.

Rural environmental problems and countermeasures under background of ecological civilization construction

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The control of rural environmental pollution is an important component of ecological civilization construction.However,due to the extensive mode of economic developmet,environmental pollution in rural areas is becoming more and more serious,which badly needs resolutions.This paper analyzes the current condition of rural environmental pollution and the situation of soil,water and air pollution based on literature research and points out that rural environmental pollution was assigned to agricultural nonpoint source pollution,solid waste pollution,township enterprises pollution and ecological destruction.Therefore,this paper proposes some possible strategies and approaches on how to control pollution and improve environmental conditions in rural areas:to establish and perfect the legal system of environmental protection,enhance farmers’ awareness for environmental protection,accelerate the construction of environmental infrastructures and strengthen the innovation and research on environmental protection technologies.1717
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[J]. 地理学报, 66(10): 1379-1389.

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Territorial function in various regions has a significant spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization as well as enhancement of geographic differentiation and diversity of man-earth areal system, territorial functions and regional development orientations has shown an increasingly strong trend towards diversification. Based on the definition of territorial dominant functions at the county level and the building of multi-functionality evaluation index system and index analysis model, this paper evaluates and grades the functions of economic development, food security, social stability, environmental protection and comprehensive function. The results are obtained as follows economy-oriented functional areas are mainly distributed in eastern coastal developed areas and peripheral areas of the metropolitan regions, such as Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Ji region. Grain-oriented functional areas are mainly distributed in the Northeast China Plain, the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Sichuan Basin, central Hubei, eastern Hunan and other regions covered by a large area of plain. The social security function indexes are gradually weakened from coastal to inland areas and from north to south; Eco-conservation areas are concentrated in the Northeast China and southern Qinling Mountain-Huaihe River Line. Then based on the coupling of each dominant function and the evaluation of composite function at the county level, study areas are divided into two types: areas with strong function and areas with weak function. Finally, this paper explores the innovation mechanisms and favorable policies to enhance the dominant function of each county and optimize the allocation of production factors, including the financial transfer payment, ecological compensation, and government performance assessment, which provide a scientific guidance for regional harmony development and sustainable growth of county competitive power.

[Liu Y S, Liu Y, Chen Y F.2011.

Evaluation of China's regional multi-function and its decision-making mechanism

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 66(10): 1379-1389. ]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201110008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Territorial function in various regions has a significant spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability. With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization as well as enhancement of geographic differentiation and diversity of man-earth areal system, territorial functions and regional development orientations has shown an increasingly strong trend towards diversification. Based on the definition of territorial dominant functions at the county level and the building of multi-functionality evaluation index system and index analysis model, this paper evaluates and grades the functions of economic development, food security, social stability, environmental protection and comprehensive function. The results are obtained as follows economy-oriented functional areas are mainly distributed in eastern coastal developed areas and peripheral areas of the metropolitan regions, such as Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Ji region. Grain-oriented functional areas are mainly distributed in the Northeast China Plain, the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Sichuan Basin, central Hubei, eastern Hunan and other regions covered by a large area of plain. The social security function indexes are gradually weakened from coastal to inland areas and from north to south; Eco-conservation areas are concentrated in the Northeast China and southern Qinling Mountain-Huaihe River Line. Then based on the coupling of each dominant function and the evaluation of composite function at the county level, study areas are divided into two types: areas with strong function and areas with weak function. Finally, this paper explores the innovation mechanisms and favorable policies to enhance the dominant function of each county and optimize the allocation of production factors, including the financial transfer payment, ecological compensation, and government performance assessment, which provide a scientific guidance for regional harmony development and sustainable growth of county competitive power.
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China is an agricultural country with a long history, its peasants making up more than 70 percent of its total population, its rural areas taking up more than 86.1 percent of its whole resident areas and its agricultural output value nearly contributing 17.2 percent to its GNP. The basic conditions of China determine the pivotal roles of agriculture, rural area and peasants in national economy and the construction of modernization. After entering WTO, Chinese agriculture and the development of rural economy will not only face new opportunities but also are confronted with greater challenges. Based on the preliminary analysis of the traits and problems in Chinese agriculture and rural economic development, this article put forward that Chinese sustainable agriculture and rural economic development should select the developing direction and model of industrialization, ecologicalization, internationalization and localization in the 21st Century, and lay stress on optimizing the institutional environment, consummating the guaranteeing system and breaking through the structural limitation to further reform and innovation.

[Liu Y S, Wu C J, Lu Q.2002.

China's agriculture and rural sustainable development in the 21st century

. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 22(4): 385-389. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-0690.2002.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

China is an agricultural country with a long history, its peasants making up more than 70 percent of its total population, its rural areas taking up more than 86.1 percent of its whole resident areas and its agricultural output value nearly contributing 17.2 percent to its GNP. The basic conditions of China determine the pivotal roles of agriculture, rural area and peasants in national economy and the construction of modernization. After entering WTO, Chinese agriculture and the development of rural economy will not only face new opportunities but also are confronted with greater challenges. Based on the preliminary analysis of the traits and problems in Chinese agriculture and rural economic development, this article put forward that Chinese sustainable agriculture and rural economic development should select the developing direction and model of industrialization, ecologicalization, internationalization and localization in the 21st Century, and lay stress on optimizing the institutional environment, consummating the guaranteeing system and breaking through the structural limitation to further reform and innovation.
[13] 龙花楼. 2012.


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Land use transition and rural transformation development

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Land consolidation and rural spatial restructuring

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[Long H L, Li T T, Zou J.2011.

Analysis of dynamic mechanism of rural transformation development in typical regions of China

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[Long H L, Tu S S.2017.

Rural restructuring: Theory, approach and research prospect

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Land use transition and rural vitalization

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Theoretical thinking of rural restructuring

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我国乡村社区营造的规划师等第三方主体的行为策略: 以江苏省句容市茅山陈庄为例

[J]. 现代城市研究, (1): 18-22.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yang J, Chen W.2017.

Behavioral strategies of the third-party in rural community building: A case study of Chenzhuang in Maoshan Mountain scenic area

. Modern Urban Research, (1): 18-22. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2017.01.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] 杨忍, 刘彦随, 龙花楼, . 2015.

中国乡村转型重构研究进展与展望: 逻辑主线与内容框架

[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(8): 1019-1030.

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.08.009      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

伴随快速城镇化,乡村地域正经历着经济社会发展方式转变为主导的 人文过程,前瞻性地研究乡村转型发展过程格局、演进机理及空间优化重组研究意义重大.本文系统梳理乡村发展转型内涵、过程格局、驱动机制、类型模式、乡村 空间重构、农村发展理论及农村空心化等系列成果研究进展,并进行简要研究评述.在此基础上,对中国乡村发展转型与重构的研究核心内容和逻辑主线加以凝练总 结.未来乡村发展转型与重构研究应以人地关系地域系统理论为指导,以揭示不同地域类型区的乡村转型发展过程及演进机制为核心,以建构乡村空间优化重组理论 和探究模式途径为目标,综合集成遥感与GIS、抽样调查和模型方法,重点研究不同典型地域的乡村转型发展的多尺度过程规律、地域类型、动力机制,深化乡村 空间体系演化规律和优化重组的内外机制,及乡村社会文化网络、技术制度转型重组等方面的研究,进行乡村多维空间重组的情景模拟.结合典型案例实证研究,解 构乡村多维空间重构理论与模式的成长机制与区域主导地理要素;比较分析典型模式的演化过程和要素互馈作用机制;探寻推进乡村良性转型发展及空间优化重组的 地域模式和科学途径.

[Yang R, Liu Y S, Long H L, et al.2015.

Research progress and prospect of rural transformation and reconstruction in China: Paradigms and main content

. Progress in Geography, 34(8): 1019-1030. ]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2015.08.009      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

伴随快速城镇化,乡村地域正经历着经济社会发展方式转变为主导的 人文过程,前瞻性地研究乡村转型发展过程格局、演进机理及空间优化重组研究意义重大.本文系统梳理乡村发展转型内涵、过程格局、驱动机制、类型模式、乡村 空间重构、农村发展理论及农村空心化等系列成果研究进展,并进行简要研究评述.在此基础上,对中国乡村发展转型与重构的研究核心内容和逻辑主线加以凝练总 结.未来乡村发展转型与重构研究应以人地关系地域系统理论为指导,以揭示不同地域类型区的乡村转型发展过程及演进机制为核心,以建构乡村空间优化重组理论 和探究模式途径为目标,综合集成遥感与GIS、抽样调查和模型方法,重点研究不同典型地域的乡村转型发展的多尺度过程规律、地域类型、动力机制,深化乡村 空间体系演化规律和优化重组的内外机制,及乡村社会文化网络、技术制度转型重组等方面的研究,进行乡村多维空间重组的情景模拟.结合典型案例实证研究,解 构乡村多维空间重构理论与模式的成长机制与区域主导地理要素;比较分析典型模式的演化过程和要素互馈作用机制;探寻推进乡村良性转型发展及空间优化重组的 地域模式和科学途径.
[29] 张京祥, 程大林. 2003.


[J]. 国际城市规划, 18(2): 1-4.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2003.02.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhang J X, Cheng D L.2003.

Main problems of urban development and planning in developing countries

. Urban Planning International, 18(2): 1-4. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1673-9493.2003.02.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[30] 张小林. 1998.


[J]. 地理学报, 53(4): 365-371.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Zhang X L.1998.

On discrimination of rural definitions

. Acta Geographica Sinica, 53(4): 365-371. ]

[本文引用: 1]     

[31] 张雯. 2001.


[J]. 现代城市研究, (5): 19-22.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2001.05.006      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Zhang W.2001.

Smart growth in the United States of America

. Modern Urban Research, (5): 19-22. ]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1009-6000.2001.05.006      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[32] Andrew B.2014.

Leadership and the governance of rural communities

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 34(2): 254-262.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2014.01.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Globally researchers are paying increasing attention to questions of local leadership and the governance of rural communities. However, the two bodies of scholarship have largely developed in isolation from each other and there has been a subsequent dearth of research into the relationship between leadership and governance in rural communities. Drawing upon the local leadership and governmentality literatures, this paper seeks to shed light on the leadership of places through an examination of the experience of a small town in South Australia. The paper argues there is a strong interaction between governance and leadership, with leaders sometimes taking an oppositional role to government and in other instances serving to mediate relations across spatial scales. The paper brings into question the nature of leadership in rural communities in advanced economies, the ways in which leaders interpret their roles and their relationship with the processes of governmentality.
[33] Antrop M.2004.

Landscape change and the urbanization process in Europe

[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 67(1-4): 9-26.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-2046(03)00026-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urbanization is one of the fundamental characteristics of the European civilization. It gradually spread from Southeast Europe around 700 b. c., across the whole continent. Cities and the urban networks they formed were always an important factor in the development and shaping of their surrounding regions. Polarization of territory between urban and rural and accessibility are still important aspects in landscape dynamics. Urbanization and its associated transportation infrastructure define the relationship between city and countryside. Urbanization, expressed as the proportion of people living in urban places shows a recent but explosive growth reaching values around 80% in most European countries. Simultaneously the countryside becomes abandoned. Thinking, valuing and planning the countryside is done mainly by urbanites and future rural development is mainly focused upon the urban needs. Thinking of urban places with their associated rural hinterland and spheres of influence has become complex. Clusters of urban places, their situation in a globalizing world and changing accessibility for fast transportation modes are some new factors that affect the change of traditional European cultural landscapes. Urbanization processes show cycles of evolution that spread in different ways through space. Urbanization phases developed at different speeds and time between Northern and Southern Europe. Main cities are affected first, but gradually urbanization processes affect smaller settlements and even remote rural villages. Functional urban regions (FURs) are a new concept, which is also significant for landscape ecologists. Local landscape change can only be comprehended when situated in its general geographical context and with all its related dynamics. Patterns of change are different for the countryside near major cities, for metropolitan villages and for remote rural villages. Planning and designing landscapes for the future requires that this is understood. Urbanized landscapes are highly dynamic, complex and multifunctional. Therefore, detailed inventories of landscape conditions and monitoring of change are urgently needed in order to obtain reliable data for good decision-making.
[34] Arku G.2009.

Rapidly growing African cities need to adopt smart growth policies to solve urban development concerns

[J]. Urban Forum, 20(3): 253-270.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12132-009-9047-z      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

This study reviews the smart growth concept- and identity-specific principles that could be adopted by rapidly growing African cities. Given the macroeconomic reform changes over the last two decades and given the persistently high natural population growth and continuous influx of rural residents to urban areas, the application of these principles may ensure sustainable urban development. The main assertion of this paper is that due to the rapid spatial expansion of major African cities in recent years, a more informed and thoughtful approach to urban development is needed to achieve efficiency and long-term sustainability. The current urban development pattern, which is dominated by unlimited outward extension, low-density residential developments, and haphazard patterns, is unacceptable. This pattern is destroying prime agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands, while increasing air pollution and traffic congestion. This paper suggests that these problems can be addressed by the adoption of smart growth principles. Smart growth principles promote compact urban development by concentrating growth in existing urban areas. The principles also encourage creating a strong municipal government with the authority to implement land-use legislation and regulations, developing a comprehensive physical plan to guide the location and timing of development, committing strongly to manage urban areas, and providing a wide range of housing choices that are affordable to residents of various incomes, ages, and lifestyles. The central idea of smart growth is that structured and strategic planning supports economic growth, addresses community needs, and protects the environment.
[35] Benfield F K, Terris J, Vorsanger N.2001. Solving sprawl: Models of smart growth in communities across America [M]. St. Louis, MS: Island Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Bell M M.1992.

The fruit of difference: The rural-urban continuum as a system of identity

[J]. Rural Sociology, 57(1): 65-82.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1549-0831.1992.tb00457.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The article argues that the rural-urban continuum, the idea that community is more characteristic of country places than cities, remains an important source of identity for country residents, one from which they derive social-psychological and material benefits. The study is based on an ethnographic field research in Childerley, an exurban village in London, England. Childerleyans use four general rules to determine acceptance into the group of real country people. The first is localism. This refers to long-term residence in the village. Ruralism is a second rule. It refers to the length of time living in country areas, including those other than Childerley, or holding a country job like farmer, farm worker, farm management consultant, or estate worker. Participation in and knowledge of country ways and activities, such as farming, gardening, pet raising and pet care, botany, riding, hunting, walking, local history, and authentic remodeling, constitute countryism, the third rule. Finally, there is communalism, which includes participation in informal inter-household exchanges and in community activities like church committees, the darts and cricket teams and tending the village green. Childerleyans seek a feeling of personal empowerment and distinction as well as actual material benefits through their country identity, which often results in considerable local conflict and struggle for political control, particularly over housing and development issues.
[37] Christianson E J.2014.

"Keep it rural" The politics of planning for smart growth in South Fulton County, Georgia

[R]. Ames, IA: Iowa State University.

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Cloke P, Milbourne P.1992.

Deprivation and lifestyles in rural wales: Rurality and the cultural dimension

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 8(4): 359-371.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0743-0167(92)90050-G      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[39] Cloke P, Goodwin M, Milbourne P.1997. Rural wales: Community and marginalization [M]. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[40] Council N.2007.

Best practices to enhance the transportation-land use connection in the rural United States

[R]. NCHRP Report. Washington, DC,United States.

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Costa F.2005.

Comment: An ambitious movement and its prospects for success

[J]. Journal of the American Planning Association, 71(4): 378-380.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944360508976708      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The Smart Growth vision has a strong intellectual and emotional appeal, compared to more sprawl. However, though some places follow Smart Growth policies, they are outnumbered by those where such policies are commonly discussed but rarely practiced effectively. Why is this the case? Successful implementation requires adopting policies that give up long-established traditions, including local home rule and low-density living patterns. These intermediate steps are unappealing to most Americans. This article analyzes where Smart Growth advocates among urban planners, government officials, environmentalists, and real estate developers should focus their attention if they hope to move from vision to reality.
[42] CTC, Associates LLC.2010.

Best practices for rural smart growth

[R]. Caltrans Division of Research and Innovation, State of California, United States.

[本文引用: 2]     

[43] Daniels T.2001.

Smart growth: A new American approach to regional planning

[J]. Planning Practice and Research, 16: 271-279.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02697450120107880      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Durham, North Carolina, Virginia Beach, Virginia, Sonoma County, California, and Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, among others.There are two potential drawbacks to the urban growth boundary approach: affordable housing and constrained sprawl. By limiting the supply of buildable land, an urban growth boundary could drive up the price of land and housing. Also, good urban design within the boundaries which emphasises human-scale development, green spaces, mass transit and a pedestrian orientation is important to make living inside a growth boundary attractive. Otherwise, without design guidelines, growth within the boundary could be a constrained version of the usual uninspirin g residential and commercial sprawl.Both Oregon and New Jersey have responded to the affordable housing problem through `fair-share' housing legislation that requires cities and suburbs to provide affordable housing to accommodate a variety of income groups (Porter, 1997). Suburbs, for example, must zone land for multifamily housing, not just large single-family house lots.Greater Portland, Oregon is working to minimise sprawl by developing reliable mass transit that is tied to compact, mixed-use settlements. The Portland metro region is served by a light rail system and is pioneering the creation of `transit-oriente d developments' that combine a mix of residential and commer- cial developments with mass transit. In the Orenco Station project, west of Portland, 1800 units of housing are being built on 200 acres, together with traditiona l three-storey commercial buildings . There is a range of housing types, from condominium s to single-family homes, and one-third of the housing units are designated for rental housing. Orenco Station is within walking distance of a light rail station, connecting to downtown Portland (Livable Oregon, 1999).A key ingredient in attracting new residents and private investment to downtowns is the remediation and re-development of brown eld sites, properties that have been contaminated with hazardous waste. The US Conference of Mayors has cited brown eld clean up and liability protection for developers as their leading issue (Daniels, 1999b). Zoning ordinances that do not rigidly separate uses but allow a mix of residential and commercial development will also be essential to improve livability and a pedestrian orientation. Historic preservation and the re-use of older buildings can be very helpful in bringing in new businesse s and residents and creating tourist attractions.A further contributing factor to sprawl in America is the many small units of local government that are often reluctant to cooperate with each other. One reason is that local governments rely heavily upon local property taxes (known as rates in the UK), and hence compete for development that will expand the tax base. The outcome is often uncoordinated land-use planning and regional sprawl. But many land-use and infrastructure issues transcend individual city, suburban and county boundaries. Transportation, solid waste, public sewer and water, and future growth are all issues that point to the need for regional responses.Metro of Greater Portland, Oregon is America's only elected regional govern- ment, encompassing three counties and 24 municipalities. Metro has control of regional land-use planning, transportation, and utility development (Daniels, 1999b). In the spring of 1999, the State of Georgia created a regional transporta- tion authority with control over transportatio n and land use in Greater Atlanta,
[44] Daniels T, Lapping M.2005.

Land preservation: An essential ingredient in smart growth

[J]. Journal of Planning Literature, 19(3): 316-329.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0885412204271379      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[45] Deakin E, Porter C.2004.

Transportation impacts of smart growth and comprehensive planning initiatives

[R]. National Cooperative Highway Research Program, United States.

[本文引用: 1]     

[46] Degorski M.2004.

Spatial variability of multifunctional landscape as the basis for potential differences of regional "smart growth" of rural areas: The examples from Poland

[R]. Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland: 133-143.

[本文引用: 1]     

[47] Elmenofi G A G, Bilali H E, Berjan S.2014.

Governance of rural development in Egypt

[J]. Annals of Agricultural Sciences, 59(2): 285-296.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aoas.2014.11.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Egypt is facing great challenges regarding its economy in general, and rural development (RD) – including agriculture – in particular, such as: the extreme poverty among small-scale farmers; lack of coordination and integration between various stakeholders; complicated local administration system and centralization; and reduced governmental investments. Therefore the current study aimed at identifying rural development policies in Egypt, recognizing the stakeholders both in public and civil society involved in designing, implementing and evaluating RD, and analyzing the relationships and linkages between these actors. Various analytical tools were used to provide a comprehensive overview of RD in Egypt, including quantitative and qualitative methods. A questionnaire survey dealing with coordination of RD policy in Egypt was performed in May–September 2013 with 50 representatives of key public, civil and international organizations. SWOT analysis was used to verify the gaps in the current RD strategy approach. The review of literature and survey revealed no explicit RD strategy, only agricultural and socio-economic strategies. Additionally, a significant gap was found between plans and their implementation, besides problems in planning, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and implementation in “what is considered RD”. Most of the studied organizations lack coordination, financial resources, and community participation. Moreover there is a big confusion when defining RD. About 48% of stakeholder organizations mentioned that most of the RD programs and projects only partially reflect people’s needs indicating that these programs are centrally planned and implemented without any participation. In light of these results, the study recommends that RD strategy in Egypt needs to be structured and based upon coordination and integration between various sectors and stakeholders either national or international to avoid duplication and to better fulfill RD goals and objectives that will eventually lead to “true” socio-economic development, food security and poverty alleviation.
[48] Furmankiewicz M, Wojciech K, Atterton J.2015.

Rural governance in the New EU Member States: The experience of the Polish LEADER+ Pilot Programme (2004-2008)

[M]//Buček J, Ryder A. Governance in Transition. Springer Geography: 133-153.

[本文引用: 1]     

[49] Grove D E, John M.1984. Land growth and politics [M]. Washington, DC: APA Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[50] Haeuber R.1999.

Sprawl tales: Maryland's smart growth initiative and the evolution of growth management

[J]. Urban Ecosystems, 3(2): 131-147.

https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1009527930434      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Over the last 25 years, momentum has grown for a policy response to issues raised by development and land use patterns at the urban-suburban-rural interface. Various states and municipalities throughout the country have experimented with legislative and planning approaches, often referred to as rowth management, to address these land use issues. This paper examines one of the most recent steps in the evolution of growth management, the Smart Growth Initiative enacted by Maryland in April 1997. The paper addresses several questions: What is the Smart Growth Initiative and where does it fit in the evolution of growth management? What processes were used to incorporate diverse values and perspectives in developing the initiative? What are the prospects for its implementation? The paper briefly reviews growth management, its evolution over the last quarter century, and the use of stakeholder involvement and consensus-building processes for policy development. With this background, the Smart Growth Initiative is examined in detail, including the group processes employed to incorporate diverse values in both developing and implementing the initiative. Finally, the paper closes by placing the Smart Growth Initiative in the context of evolving growth management approaches.
[51] Halfacree K, Champion T, Hugo G.2004.

New forms of urbanization: Beyond the urban-rural dichotomy

[M]. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.

[本文引用: 3]     

[52] Handy S.2005.

Smart growth and the transportation- land use connection: What does the research tell us?

[J]. International Regional Science Review, 28: 146-167.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017604273626      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[53] Hua Z.2017.

Smart growth policies: An evaluation of programs and outcomes

[J]. China International Business, (5): 219-220.

https://doi.org/10.1080/01944360903409584      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The principles of smart growth is transferred into seven quantified indicators,which reflact traffic,economy and housing.AHP method is used to determine the weight of seven indicators in urban development. Establish membership functions according to the ideal state of the ten principles and Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation on the quality of smart growth.We quantitatively analyze Frederick's and Newcastle's current situation,the indicators figured out that the smart growth success rates for the two cities were 73% and 71%.
[54] ICMA.2003.

Getting to smart growth II: 100 more policies for implementation

[R/OL]. Smart Growth Online. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[55] Kasim R S R, Awang A, Hashim Z.2013.

Innovative and sustainable governance model of rural transformation center in Agribusiness projects: A conceptual paper

[J]. Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences, 107: 67-71.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.400      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Realising that the National Vision and National Agricultural Policy to make Malaysia a major world producer of food and agricultural products; agricultural institutions in Malaysia have been given the task to help to improve the income of target groups that covers the rural areas farmer, and the poor income group nationwide. This is line with the National Key Result Area (NKRA), which may require all departments and agencies under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry to improve the income levels, and hence the quality of life of these rural areas farmers. In order to enhance the level of income, and create wealth in economy among these target groups, it is critical to build innovative governance model for the rural transformation center so as to improve sales of agro-based industry products. Hence, the objective of this paper is to focus on reviewing successful governance related to managing the agribusiness products from rural farmers, planters, and low income groups of producers. The expected outcomes highlight to formulate new policy, practice and reliable ways of assessing the innovative and sustainable governance model for global agribusiness Institutions.
[56] Katara S K.2016.

Envisioning smart villages through information and communication technologies: A framework for implementation in India

[C]// The 1st international conference on digital transformation and global society (DTGS). Saint Petersburg, Russia: ITMO University: 463-468.

[本文引用: 1]     

[57] Krueger R, Gibbs D.2008.

"Third Wave" sustainability? Smart growth and regional development in the USA

[J]. Regional Studies, 42(9): 1263-1274.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400801968403      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Krueger R. and Gibbs D. ‘Third wave’ sustainability? Smart growth and regional development in the USA, Regional Studies. Increasingly concepts of sustainable development are finding their way into local and regional development strategies. This is also true in the USA, though not through the Local Agenda 21 process, as is the case in much of the rest of the world. The approach to ‘sustainable development’ in the USA is a set of policy approaches collectively referred to as ‘smart growth’. Smart growth is sometimes referred to as a uniquely ‘American’ variant of sustainable development. In contrast to Local Agenda 21, smart growth has captured the imagination of American policy-makers, at all spatial scales. Many have lauded smart growth as a market-based approach that promotes the tripartite concerns of sustainability. This paper positions smart growth in the context of broader political economic change and scrutinizes its incentive-based approach through a case study from the Boston, Massachusetts, region. Krueger R. et Gibbs D. Une ‘troisième vague’ de développement durable?: la croissance intelligente et l'aménagement du territoire aux E-U, Regional Studies. De plus en plus, la notion de développement durable fait figure dans les politiques d'aménagement du territoire. Il en va de même pour les E-U, bien que cela ne se passe pas par le canal de l'Agenda 21 local, comme c'est le cas dans la plupart des pays. Aux E-U, l'approche en faveur du ‘développement durable’ se traduit en un ensemble d'approches connues sous le nom de ‘croissance intelligente’. Parfois on considère la croissance intelligente comme une variante du développement durable exclusivement ‘américaine’. Par rapport à l'Agenda 21 local, la croissance intelligente a saisi l'imagination des décideurs américains à tous les niveaux géographiques. Nombreux sont ceux qui ont pr00né la croissance intelligente comme une approche de marché qui avance les inquiétudes tripartites du développement durable. Cet article cherche à positionner la croissance intelligente dans le cadre du changement politico-économique plus large et, à partir d'une étude de cas provenant de Boston, dans le Massachusetts, examine minutieusement son approche fondée sur les incitations. Croissance intelligente69Développement durable69Aménagement du territoire69Régions compétitives Krueger R. und Gibbs D. Nachhaltigkeit der ‘dritten Welle’? Smart Growth und Regionalentwicklung in den USA, Regional Studies. In lokalen und regionalen Entwicklungsstrategien spielen Konzepte der nachhaltigen Entwicklung eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Dies ist auch in den USA der Fall, allerdings nicht wie in weiten Teilen der übrigen Welt im Rahmen des Prozesses der lokalen Agenda 21. Der Ansatz für ‘nachhaltige Entwicklung’ besteht in den USA aus verschiedenen politischen Ans01tzen mit der gemeinsamen Bezeichnung ‘Smart Growth’. ‘Smart Growth’ wird manchmal auch als rein ‘amerikanische’ Variante der nachhaltigen Entwicklung bezeichnet. Im Gegensatz zur lokalen Agenda 21 st0208t ‘Smart Growth’ unter amerikanischen Politikern s01mtlicher r01umlicher Ebenen auf Anklang. Viele haben dieses Konzept als marktorientierten Ansatz gelobt, der die dreiteiligen Belange der Nachhaltigkeit f02rdert. In diesem Beitrag wird ‘Smart Growth’ in den Kontext der breiteren wirtschaftspolitischen Ver01nderungen gestellt und sein f02rderungsbasierter Ansatz anhand einer Fallstudie aus der Region Boston (Massachusetts) untersucht. Smart growth69Nachhaltigkeit69Regionalentwicklung69Wettbewerbsf01hige Regionen Krueger R. y Gibbs D. 07Sostenibilidad de ‘tercera vía’? Crecimiento inteligente y el desarrollo regional en los EE.UU, Regional Studies. Los conceptos de desarrollo sostenible se orientan cada vez más hacia estrategias de desarrollo locales y regionales. Así ocurre también en los Estados Unidos aunque no a través del proceso de Agenda 21 Local como es el caso en gran parte del resto del mundo. El enfoque de ‘desarrollo sostenible’ en los Estados Unidos es una serie de planteamientos políticos denominados colectivamente ‘crecimiento inteligente’. El crecimiento inteligente a veces también se refiere a una variante exclusivamente ‘americana’ de desarrollo sostenible. En comparación con la Agenda 21 Local, el crecimiento inteligente ha captado la imaginación de los responsables políticos estadounidenses en todas las escalas espaciales. Muchos han alabado el crecimiento inteligente como un enfoque basado en el mercado que fomenta las preocupaciones tripartitas de sostenibilidad. En este ensayo situamos el crecimiento inteligente en el contexto de un cambio económico y político más amplio y efectuamos un escrutinio de su enfoque basado en incentivos mediante un caso práctico de la región de Boston, Massachusetts. Crecimiento inteligente69Sostenibilidad69Desarrollo regional69Regiones competitivas
[58] Kumar V, Sikarwar S.2017.

Smart concepts for integrated rurban development of historical towns in India: Case of Panipat, Haryana

[C]// National Conference on Sustainable Built Environment. Roorkee, India: 57-81.

[本文引用: 2]     

[59] Liu Y S, Long H L, Chen Y F, et al.2016.

Progress of research on urban-rural transformation and rural development in China in the past decade and future prospects

[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(8): 1117-1132.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-016-1318-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban-rural transformation and rural development are issues at the forefront of research on the topic of the urban-rural relationship in the field of geography, as well as important practical problems facing China new urbanization and overall planning of urban and rural development. The Center for Regional Agricultural and Rural Development, part of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was established in 2005. The Center has laid solid foundations for integrating research in the areas of agricultural geography and rural development in China over the past decade. The paper aims to review the major achievements in rural geographical research in China during the past decade, analyze innovative developments in relevant theories and methods, and suggest prospects and countermeasures for promoting comprehensive studies of urban-rural transformation and rural geography. The research shows that innovative achievements have been made in rural geography studies of China in the past decade as major national policy development, outputs of result and decision making support; new breakthroughs have been achieved in such major research projects as geographical integrated theory, land remediation projects and technology demonstration projects, new urbanization and urban-rural integration; significant progress has been made in actively expanding the frontiers of rural geography and pushing forward theoretical innovations in land and resource projects; and, with China development goals of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving modernization in mind, future innovative developments in agricultural and rural geography should aim to make research more strategic, systematic, scientific and security-oriented, with attention given to promoting systematic scientific research on international cooperation and global rural geography.
[60] McCann P, Ortega-Argilés R.2015.

Smart specialization, regional growth and applications to European Union cohesion policy

[J]. Regional Studies, 49(8): 1291-1302.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2013.799769      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

McCann P. and Ortega-Argil s R. Smart specialization, regional growth and applications to European Union Cohesion policy, Regional Studies. The aim of this paper is to achieve two objectives. Firstly, it examines the smart specialization concept and explains the challenges involved in applying this originally sectoral concept to an explicitly spatial and regional setting. Secondly, it explains the ways in which this might be achieved so as to make the concept suitable as a building block of a reformed European Union cohesion policy.
[61] Mcmanus P, Walmsley J, Argent N, et al.2012.

Rural community and rural resilience: What is important to farmers in keeping their country towns alive?

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 28(1): 20-29.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many studies have highlighted the phenomenon of rural decline in parts of the developed world, summarised as a loss in agricultural employment leading to a decline in the number and size of rural settlements. This study of small towns in part of Australia’s inland rural “heartland” employs the concepts of interactional rural community of place and rural resilience to identify how farmers perceive their interactions with their local town. This study suggests that robust levels of ongoing engagement between farmers and town communities are important in maintaining rural populations and services along with both a strong local economy and environment. Face-to-face interviews with 115 farmers in two rural regions of New South Wales, Australia, highlight the importance of the local economy and jobs, the quality of the local environment and a strong sense of belonging, in contributing to a strong sense of local community and potential for resilience.
[62] Miller J S, Hoel L A.2002.

The "smart growth" debate: Best practices for urban transportation planning

[J]. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 36(1): 1-24.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0038-0121(01)00017-9      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

A fundamental public policy decision implicitly addressed by agencies responsible for urban transportation planning is the right of the individual versus the goal of the community. This question arises in considering the role that state and local officials should play within the context of transportation and land development, specifically the “smart growth” movement. Although there is no universally accepted definition of “smart growth”, discrete actions being implemented or advocated under that rubric reveal that smart growth is viewed as a range of regulatory, financial, and educational practices that may help to coordinate transportation and land use through integrated planning. Practices helpful in this coordination include communications, consensus-building, and legislative efforts that improve dialog, reduce polarization, and enable coordination of transportation and land use decisions. None of these practices require use of the “smart growth” label: instead, they expose tangible initiatives that can be publicly debated. Only when referring to specific initiatives (rather than the general slogan “smart growth”) is it fair to ask a community or an organization to take a position on the issue of individual autonomy versus communal desires. This paper discusses critical policy issues facing agencies responsible for land use planning, reviews organizational approaches to resolving smart growth issues, and suggests practices to enhance community participation by delineating tangible components of “smart growth”.
[63] Mishkovsky N, Dalbey M, Bertaina S, et al.2010.

Putting smart growth to work in rural communities

[R/OL]. Smart Growth Online. .

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[64] Naldi L, Nilsson P, Westlund H, et al.2015.

What is smart rural development?

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 40: 90-101.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.06.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Discusses smart growth and smart specialization from the perspective of rural regions.61Presents indicators of smart rural development.61Discusses potential determinants of smart rural development.61Highlights the role of connectivity and local amenities for the growth of rural regions.
[65] Nelson P B.1990.

Rural restructuring: Global processes and their responses

[J]. Growth and Change, 29: 236-241.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Under prevailing conditions, rural-based research and theory have pursued two distinct paths: one oriented to agrarian political economy, and the other to rural restructuring. The contributions to the volume trace the recent and divergent development of these two separate strands and point to the need for a new synthesis to address contemporary rural questions. They explore the new rural agenda...
[66] Platt R H.2014.

Zoning, regionalism, and smart growth

[M]// Platt R H. Land use and society: Geography, law, and public policy. Washington, DC: Island Press: 191-212. doi: 10.5822/978-1-61091-455-0_9.

[本文引用: 1]     

[67] Randolph J.2004.

Environmental land use planning and management

[J]. Environmental Land Use Planning & Management, 24(4): 172-185.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X04272763      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Randolph (environmental planning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.) offers an undergraduate-level introduction to environmental land use planning and management, basing his material on current practice in the United States. He first introduces broad management approaches and concepts, including collaborative environmental management, land conservation, environmental design, government land use management, natural hazard mitigation, and ecosystem and watershed management. The second half of the text addresses land analysis methods such as geospatial data and geographic information systems, soils and slope analysis, stormwater assessment, land use and groundwater protection, ecological assessment for wetlands and habitats, and a variety of integrated analytical techniques. Annotation 2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
[68] Romeo G, Claudio M.2014.

Performance evaluation of rural governance using an integrated AHP-VIKOR methodology

[M]. Springer International Publishing, The Federal Republic of Germany.

[本文引用: 1]     

[69] Sujarwo W.2016.

Stand biomass and carbon storage of bamboo forest in Penglipuran traditional village, Bali (Indonesia)

[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 27(4): 913-917.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-016-0227-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[70] Vanthillo T, Verhetsel A.2012.

Paradigm change in regional policy: Towards smart specialisation? Lessons from Flanders (Belgium)

[J]. Belgeo, 1-2. doi: 10.4000/belgeo.7083.

[本文引用: 1]     

[71] Wei N, Tang Q.2011.

Enlightenment of smart growth theories on the development of Nanjing City

[J]. China Journal of Landscape Research, 3(3): 19-21.

[本文引用: 1]     

[72] Wey W M, Hsu J.2014.

New urbanism and smart growth: Toward achieving a smart National Taipei University District

[J]. Habitat International, 42(2): 164-174.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2013.12.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61An university district is designed with the planning principles of New Urbanism and Smart Growth movements.61A set of possible design principles are identified based on the planning of Irvine.61Smart growth concentrates growth in compact walkable urban centers to avoid sprawl.61Integrating fuzzy Delphi with Analytic Hierarchy Process for selection of key principles.61Several key design principles are identified and considered as a development index.
[73] Woods M.2011.


[M]. London, UK: Routledge.

[本文引用: 2]     

[74] Younus G, Rehman S.2001.

Impact of rural industrialization on rural communities: A case study of district Faisalabad

[J]. Journal of Applied Sciences, 1(1): 39-41.

https://doi.org/10.3923/jas.2001.39.41      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[75] Zaluksne V, Kruzmetra M, Rivza B.2016.

Smart growth as performance trends in the rural economy of Latvia

[C]//2016 international conference "economic science for rural development". Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia: 186-192.

[本文引用: 3]     
