地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (7): 954-962 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.009



童昕1, 王涛1, 陈彦光1, 宋鑫2, 罗朝璇1, 黄慧婷1

1. 北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
2. 环境保护部固体废物与化学品管理技术中心,北京 100029

Interregional flows of e-waste in China

TONG Xin1, WANG Tao1, CHEN Yanguang1, SONG Xin2, LUO Zhaoxuan1, HUANG Huiting1

1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
2. Center of Solid Waste and Chemical Management Technology, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Beijing 100029, China

收稿日期: 2017-09-27

修回日期:  2018-03-8

网络出版日期:  2018-07-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41731278)


作者简介:童昕(1975-),女,四川成都人,博士,副教授,研究方向为产业地理和产业生态学,E-mail: tongxin@urban.pku.edu.cn




关键词: 电子废物回收 ; 空间相互作用模型 ; 生产者责任延伸制度 ; 逆向物流 ; 非正式部门


Cross-boundary flows of e-waste have been addressed in economic geography literature, reflecting the deep conflicts of values between environmental protection and resources recovery at the global scale. Based on the principle of extended producer responsibility, a division of activity between the informal sector and formal recycling plants has formed in China with the state subsidy to the latter to buy waste products collected by the former. Using the Wilson spatial interaction model, this study depicted the interprovincial flows of e-waste in China in 2014, and compared the estimation with the results from a survey on formal recycling plants. Both results show that around 1/3 of the e-waste flowing to the formal recycling plants came from interprovincial transportation, despite the government intention to plan a regional self-sufficient system for e-waste recycling at the provincial level. We discussed the reasons for the mismatch between the planned and the real spatial patterns of e-waste flows. In conclusion, we identified several implications from the experience of China for the global e-waste management.

Keywords: e-waste recycling ; spatial interaction model ; extended producer responsibility ; reverse logistics ; informal sector


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童昕, 王涛, 陈彦光, 宋鑫, 罗朝璇, 黄慧婷. 中国电子废物的地区间流动[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(7): 954-962 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.009

TONG Xin, WANG Tao, CHEN Yanguang, SONG Xin, LUO Zhaoxuan, HUANG Huiting. Interregional flows of e-waste in China[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(7): 954-962 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.009

1 引言

废物跨境转移及循环利用近年来在经济地理学领域引起一些学者的关注(Herod et al, 2014)。废物问题作为全球生产网络的延伸反映出商品消费并非价值链的终结,消费后的废物处置和再生利用活动是整个价值链中不可或缺的环节。经济地理学者在考察全球废物贸易的过程中,将商品、劳动和价值流转中单向的物质流动扩展到从废物到资源的全生命周期物质循环与迁移(Gregson et al, 2015)。而这一过程深刻折射出当今消费主义导向的全球生产体系所带来的不断加剧的环境和健康风险,以及其地理分配上的高度不均衡(Crang et al, 2013)。相关研究包括船舶、汽车、纺织服装、塑料等不同产品,其中关于电子废物的流动尤为引人关注。一方面,电子产品更新换代频繁,是技术推动产品加速废弃的典型;另一方面,作为一种复杂产品,电子废物兼具环境污染问题和资源利用价值,在发达国家与发展中国家的管理实践中形成巨大的价值冲突,并深刻地影响到全球治理框架的演变(Lepawsky, 2015)。

在全球尺度,针对电子废物处理过程中的环境污染问题,形成2种不同的治理思路。首先是基于《控制危险废料越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》(Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal,简称《巴塞尔公约》)的属地化管理思路,主要针对电子废物中包含的重金属和持久有机污染物,以及处理过程的环境污染风险,将电子废物归入危险废物的范畴,主张限制电子废物从发达国家向发展中国家转移,要求在发达国家内部完成电子废物的安全处置。然而,这一思路忽视了发展中国家自身发展带来的电子废物增长也需要建立相应的管理能力(Widmer et al, 2005; Yu et al, 2010)。其次,电子废物再生利用有一定的经济价值——废旧产品修复后再利用兼具经济效益和环境效益;而不可修复的电子废物中提炼稀贵金属是末端处置阶段经济价值最高的环节,但也是环境风险最大的环节。电子废物的循环利用受市场利益的驱动,在发展中国家拥有自发的市场需求,而在发达国家则由于严格的环境管制导致再生利用成本高昂。因此,也有学者提出建立区域性的电子废物循环利用网络,利用市场机制寻求电子废物再生利用和环保处置的跨国协作机制,提高电子废物循环利用的经济效益,帮助发展中国家在资金不足的条件下逐步建立起有效的电子废物回收管理机制(Manhart, 2011; Wang et al, 2012)。然而从全球来看,《巴塞尔公约》的属地化管理机制并没能有效阻止电子废物从发达国家流向发展中国家(Breivik et al, 2014)。基于市场化的跨国贸易机制也面临操作中的重重困境(Kirby et al, 2015)。到底应该在全球尺度还是区域尺度建立电子废物管理体系成为电子废物跨国治理机制中的一个难题(Li et al, 2013)。

电子废物的再生利用与跨境流动体现了环境管制中政府干预与市场机制之间的深刻矛盾。中国是目前世界最大的电子产品生产国和消费国,根据联合国大学《全球电子废物报告2014》,2014年全球产生的电子废物为4180万t,其中亚洲1600万t。中国已经成为亚洲最大的电子废物产生国,达到600万t(Balde et al, 2015)。中国电子废物的再生利用自20世纪90年代初就在沿海一些相对偏远的地区开始形成集聚,规模较大的包括天津子牙、浙江台州、广东贵屿、南海和清远等地。处理的电子废物主要来自进口,处置方式以元器件和材料循环利用为主,沿海地区的工业发展对工业原料的需求增长成为进口电子废物活动最主要的集聚动因(Tong et al, 2004)。然而,非正式的回收业者在对电子废物进行初步的手工拆解以后,往往通过焚烧和简单的酸洗工艺提取线路板中的稀贵金属。由于缺少有效的污染控制,这类活动给电子废物处理集聚地区造成严重的环境污染和健康影响(Bridgen et al, 2005; Yu et al, 2006; Zhang et al, 2009)。按照《巴塞尔公约》亚太区域中心的估计,2004年有3300万t非法的电子废物流入亚洲国家,其中大部分都进入中国(BCRC, 2005)。2005年流入中国的电子废物占到OECD国家流入非OECD国家电子废物总量的10%左右(Breivik et al, 2014)。巴塞尔行动组织公布的中国贵屿进口电子废物处理的实地调查更是激起了公众的广泛关注(Puckett et al, 2002),并引发了中国政府对电子废物管理的高度重视和积极干预。

经过近10年的试点、立法和实施推进,中国于2011年开始实施《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》(以下简称“条例”),首批强制回收处理的产品包括电视机、冰箱、空调、洗衣机和个人电脑。财政部为此牵头成立“废弃电器电子产品处理基金”(以下简称“处理基金”),由生产者按实际产量缴纳电子废物处理费,用于补贴有资质的处理厂当年回收处理的废家电产品。环保部则牵头指导各省规划建设规范的电子废物处理工厂,并对其运营全过程开展严格的监督和审查(Tong et al, 2015)。到2015年,全国共计有109家处理厂获得处理资质,拆解处理能力超过1亿台/年。中国用了10年左右的时间,建立起全世界最大规模的电子废物规范化处理能力,并且覆盖大陆所有省区,体现了政府规划管控的有效性。但另一方面,在多年的示范摸索和正式运行中,有资质的正规处理厂普遍未能建立起直接从消费者手中回收废旧家电的渠道,而是依靠多层级的非正式回收渠道收购废家电产品(Chi et al, 2011)。

非正式回收部门的存在是发展中国家电子废物管理中的普遍现象。由于缺乏有效的环境污染控制,非正式回收部门存在较高的环境污染和劳动者健康风险(Bridgen et al, 2005)。但另一方面,非正式回收业者普遍规模小,对回收产品的处理机制比较灵活,会根据每一台产品的状态采取回收利益最大的处理方式,包括维修再利用,元器件再利用,材料循环等,客观上有助于提高废弃产品的再利用价值(Chi et al, 2011)。而发达国家正规化的电子废物管理往往走向一刀切的拆解粉碎和材料回收工艺。从产品全生命周期的角度来看,非正式回收部门的处理方式环境影响反而可能较低。此外,由于非正规回收部门在发展中国家和地区提供了大量底层劳动就业岗位,因此难以简单地以环保之名加以取缔。发达国家与发展中国家在电子废物管理制度中的差异,集中体现在正式部门与非正式部门的关系上(Kojima et al, 2009)。目前主流观点认可将非正式回收部门纳入正规化的处理体系,在提高环境保护标准的同时,维持较高的废物再生利用水平,并改善劳动者的工作条件(Widmer et al, 2005)。在非正式回收体系实际上主导电子废物流动的前提下,对其中电子废物的流动状态进行相对精确的估算,对于优化设施布局和改进逆向物流系统都有重要的意义。

2 研究方法


2.1 空间相互作用模型

空间相互作用模型是经济地理学用于对决策过程中的人、物或信息的空间流动开展定量描述的常用工具(Fotheringham, 2001)。该模型通过起点和终点的特性以及距离来预测一组区域单元之间的网络化流动状态。Bröcker(1989)证明采用了空间交互模型的区域间贸易流模型可有效地解释实际的流动,并与经典的空间均衡模型相一致,因而被广泛用于区域间商品流动的预测,主要包括建立在熵最大化概念上的概率模型(Wilson, 1970; Rietveld et al, 2003)、神经网络模型(Nijkamp et al, 2004)以及基于行为的模型(Cesario et al, 1975)。其中,基于熵最大化过程的空间相互模型可以表征空间流动的最大可能状态,其方法是在3个条件(观察到的起点的流出量之和,终点接收到的流入量之和,以及所有点流入和流出总量或总和之间的平衡)的约束下定义空间流的微观状态熵函数,进而利用Lagarange算子,借助条件极值法,求出状态熵最大化方程的泛函解(Wilson, 2010)。这个解可以给出空间流与距离或者运输成本之间的关系。可以证明,最大熵可导致一定条件下的优化分布,实现局部公平(如各个通路的有效使用)与整体效率(如区域运输成本最低)的合理关系(陈彦光,2009; Chen, 2012, 2015)。



式中:Tij代表是从起点省i流向终点省j的电子废物的量;Xi表示的是各省电子废物的产生量;Yj表示流入j省正式处理厂的电子废物量; β为距离摩擦系数;cij表示的是从ij的运输成本。两个系数AiBj叫做标度因子,其表达公式如下:














2.2 数据来源


2.3 结果验证


3 研究结果

3.1 电子废物产生量和正规化处理设施的空间格局


图1   2014年中国强制回收的五种废弃电器电子产品产生量的空间分布

Fig.1   Spatial pattern of e-waste generation in China, 2014



Fig.2   Spatial distribution of formal e-waste recycling capacity in China, 2014

3.2 电子废物省际流动空间格局

3.2.1 模型估算结果


图3   根据空间相互作用模型估算的中国2014年电子废物的省际流动状态

Fig. 3   Interprovincial flows of e-waste in China in 2014 estimated with the spatial interaction model


3.2.2 实际调查结果


图4   根据问卷调查结果推算的中国2014年电子废物的省际流动状态

Fig.4   Interprovincial flows of e-waste in China in 2014 estimated by survey

4 结果讨论

4.1 中国电子废物空间流动的特点

对比模型估算和问卷调查反映的实际状态,我们认为,中国电子废物地区间流动的基本格局符合负指数衰减的空间相互作用规律。这意味着,中国正规处理厂体系下的电子废物输送以就近处理的局域效应为主导,而不是以远距离输送的长程效应为基本特征。对比已有电子废物跨国流动的研究(Breivik et al, 2014),在缺少强有力的环境管制的情况下,跨洲际的长距离流动反而是发展中地区形成高度集聚的电子废物处理中心的重要地理特征,这其实反映了市场经济条件下,产业链中从废物到原料的内在联系机制对废物流动空间格局的关键性影响。这一现象体现了市场机制与规划干预的内在冲突。




4.2 模型结果的政策含义



5 结论





The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Abstract The transport of discarded electronic and electrical appliances (e-waste) to developing regions has received considerable attention, but it is difficult to assess the significance of this issue without a quantitative understanding of the amounts involved. The main objective of this study is to track the global transport of e-wastes by compiling and constraining existing estimates of the amount of e-waste generated domestically in each country MGEN, exported from countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) MEXP, and imported in countries outside of the OECD MIMP. Reference year is 2005 and all estimates are given with an uncertainty range. Estimates of MGEN obtained by apportioning a global total of 090804 35,000 kt (range 20,000-50,000 kt) based on a nation's gross domestic product agree well with independent estimates of MGEN for individual countries. Import estimates MIMP to the countries believed to be the major recipients of e-waste exports from the OECD globally (China, India, and five West African countries) suggests that 090804 5,000 kt (3,600 kt-7,300 kt) may have been imported annually to these non-OECD countries alone, which represents 090804 23% (17%-34%) of the amounts of e-waste generated domestically within the OECD. MEXP for each OECD country is then estimated by applying this fraction of 23% to its MGEN. By allocating each country's MGEN, MIMP, MEXP and MNET = MGEN + MIMP - MEXP, we can map the global generation and flows of e-waste from OECD to non-OECD countries. While significant uncertainties remain, we note that estimated import into seven non-OECD countries alone are often at the higher end of estimates of exports from OECD countries.
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ABSTRACT In this paper we point out what we consider to be some of the most potentially fruitful directions for further research on spatial interaction models. In particular, we see the need for development of (1) a broad range of behavioral hypotheses for modeling individual spatial interaction, (2) a closer connection between micro- and macrotheories of spatial interaction, and (3) more systematic methods of testing spatial interaction hypotheses. We consider each of these areas in turn.
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The rank-size regularity known as Zipf’s law is one of the scaling laws and is frequently observed in the natural living world and social institutions. Many scientists have tried to derive the rank-size scaling relation through entropy-maximizing methods, but they have not been entirely successful. By introducing a pivotal constraint condition, I present here a set of new derivations based on the self-similar hierarchy of cities. First, I derive a pair of exponent laws by postulating local entropy maximizing. From the two exponential laws follows a general hierarchical scaling law, which implies the general form of Zipf’s law. Second, I derive a special hierarchical scaling law with the exponent equal to 1 by postulating global entropy maximizing, and this implies the pure form of Zipf’s law. The rank-size scaling law has proven to be one of the special cases of the hierarchical scaling law, and the derivation suggests a certain scaling range with the first or the last data point as an outlier. The entropy maximization of social systems differs from the notion of entropy increase in thermodynamics. For urban systems, entropy maximizing suggests the greatest equilibrium between equity for parts/individuals and efficiency of the whole.
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Abstract: The distance-decay function of the geographical gravity model is originally an inverse power law, which suggests a scaling process in spatial interaction. However, the distance exponent of the model cannot be explained with the ideas from Euclidean geometry. This results in what is called dimension dilemma. In particular, the gravity model based on power law could not be derived from general principles by traditional ways. Consequently, a negative exponential function substituted for the inverse power function to serve for a distance-decay function for the gravity model. However, the exponential-based gravity model goes against the first law of geography. This paper is devoted to solve these kinds of problems by mathematical reasoning and empirical analysis. First, it can be proved that the distance exponent of the gravity model is essentially a fractal dimension. Thus the dimensional dilemma of the power-based gravity model can be resolved using the concepts from fractal geometry. Second, the exponential function indicates locality and localization, which violates the basic principle of spatial interaction. The power function implies action at a distance, which is the necessary condition of geographical gravitation. Third, the gravity model based on power law decay can be derived from the entropy- maximizing principle by introducing a proper postulate. The observational data of China's cities and regions are employed to verify the theoretical inferences, and the results support power-law distance decay. A conclusion can be reached that the preferred form of geographical gravity model is its original form, which is based on an inverse power law rather than a negative exponential law.
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Abstract Informal recycling is a new and expanding low cost recycling practice in managing Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE or e-waste). It occurs in many developing countries, including China, where current gaps in environmental management, high demand for second-hand electronic appliances and the norm of selling e-waste to individual collectors encourage the growth of a strong informal recycling sector. This paper gathers information on informal e-waste management, takes a look at its particular manifestations in China and identifies some of the main difficulties of the current Chinese approach. Informal e-waste recycling is not only associated with serious environmental and health impacts, but also the supply deficiency of formal recyclers and the safety problems of remanufactured electronic products. Experiences already show that simply prohibiting or competing with the informal collectors and informal recyclers is not an effective solution. New formal e-waste recycling systems should take existing informal sectors into account, and more policies need to be made to improve recycling rates, working conditions and the efficiency of involved informal players. A key issue for China's e-waste management is how to set up incentives for informal recyclers so as to reduce improper recycling activities and to divert more e-waste flow into the formal recycling sector. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Rethinking governance and value in commodity chains through global recycling networks

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(1): 12-24.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-5661.2012.00515.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract The dominant political-economic approaches to global trade flows known as global value chains and global production networks offer powerful insights into the coordination and location of globally stretched supply chains, in particular from global South to North. By way of both conceptual and empirical challenge, this paper highlights flows of end-of-life goods from the global North towards the global South. This involves the disassembly and destruction of goods to recover secondary resources for further rounds of commodity production. Global recycling networks take things of rubbish value (often spent or end-of-life goods) and turn them back into resources in other places and production networks. They operate not through adding value, but by connecting different regimes of value. The paper does not set out a new conceptual framework, but asks what challenges the rekindling of value in used goods creates for global commodity chain analysis and what insights those approaches bring to looking at waste flows. The examples of used clothing and end-of-life merchant ships are mobilised to illustrate the dynamics of global recycling networks and to challenge prevailing commodity chain approaches in three key areas supply logics and crosscutting networks, value and materiality, and inter-firm governance. We argue that resource recovery engenders highly complex and brokered forms of governance that relate to practices of valuing heterogeneous materials and that contrast markedly with the modes of coordination dominated by big capital typical of global production networks for consumer goods.
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[14] Gregson N, Crang M.2015.

From waste to resource: the trade in wastes and global recycling economies

[J]. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 40(1): 151-176.

https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-102014-021105      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We outline the frameworks that shape and hold apart waste debates in and about the Global North and Global South and that hinder analysis of flows between them.
[15] Herod A, Pickren G, Rainnie A, et al.2014.

Global destruction networks, labour and waste

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2): 421-441.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbt015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Analysis of waste has largely focused on the physical transformation of commodities at the ends of their lives. This has led to a discourse of ongoingness in which the re-use of commodities’ parts is often seen to be almost endless. Such a focus on form, though, fails to adequately account for the movement of value—used here in the Marxist sense of ‘congealed labour’—or to recognize the centrality of the labour process in shaping how previously used parts are prepared for inclusion in new commodities. As a way to correct such failings, here we present the concept of Global Destruction Networks (GDNs). In so doing we make two key arguments: (i) there are indeed limits to commodities’ ongoingness when viewed from the perspective of the production, transfer and realization of value and (ii) workers play key roles in shaping how GDNs are structured.
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Exporting harm, scavenging value: Transnational circuits of e-waste between Japan, China and beyond

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Difficulties in applying extended producer responsibility policies in developing countries: Case studies in e-waste recycling in China and Thailand

[J]. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 11(3): 263-269.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-009-0240-x      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

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The changing geography of global trade in electronic discards: Time to rethink the e-waste problem

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[19] Li J, Lopez N B N, Liu L, et al.2013.

Regional or global WEEE recycling. Where to go

[J]. Waste Management, 33(4): 923-934.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2012.11.011      URL      PMID: 23337392      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

If we consider Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) management, we can see the development of different positions in developed and developing countries. This development started with the movement of WEEE from developed countries to the developing countries. However, when the consequences for health and the environment were observed, some developing countries introduced a ban on the import of this kind of waste under the umbrella of the Basel Convention, while some developed countries have been considering a regional or global WEEE recycling approach. This paper explores the current movements between Source and Destination countries, or the importers and exporters, and examines whether it is legal and why illegal traffic is still rife; how global initiatives could support a global WEEE management scheme; the recycling characteristics of the source an destination countries and also to ascertain whether the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) has been established between the different stakeholders involved in WEEE management. Ultimately, the Full Extended Producer Responsibility is presented as a possible solution because the compensation of the environmental capacity for WEEE recycling or treatment could be made by the contribution of extra responsibility; and also generating an uniform standard for processing WEEE in an environmentally sound manner could support the regional or international solution of WEEE and also improve the performance of the informal sector.
[20] Manhart A.2011.

International cooperation for metal recycling from waste electrical and electronic equipment

[J]. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 15(1): 13-30.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1530-9290.2010.00307.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Summary This article addresses a market-based management concept for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) known as the est-of-two-worlds approach. The concept is based on the idea that recyclers in developing countries and emerging economies can cooperate with technologically advanced refineries in industrialized countries to facilitate efficient recovery of valuable metals, such as gold and palladium, from e-waste. The article provides an overview of technical and environmental concerns underlying the concept and sheds light on the political framework, the waste-related trade issues, and the resource economics that need to be considered for further decision making. Building on this synthesis, I conduct a qualitative assessment of sustainability impacts of the proposed concept by analyzing two scenarios and their associated risks. The analysis suggests that, under certain preconditions, the best-of-two-worlds concept could yield significant improvements in terms of management of hazardous substances, resource efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, income generation, and investments into social and environmental standards. Generally, two potential implementation scenarios were identified: Whereas under Scenario 1 only WEEE generated within developing countries and emerging economies is managed through the best-of-two-worlds approach, Scenario 2 additionally incorporates WEEE imported from industrialized countries. Although both scenarios can yield a variety of benefits, Scenario 2 might cause a net flow of hazardous substances from industrialized countries into developing countries and emerging economies, thus leading to less beneficial sustainability impacts.
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Comparative modelling of interregional transport flows: Applications to multimodal European freight transport

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Exporting harm: The high-tech trashing of Asia

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Spatial interaction modeling

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[24] Song Q, Wang Z, Li J, et al.2013.

The life cycle assessment of an e-waste treatment enterprise in China

[J]. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 15(4): 469-475.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10163-013-0152-7      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Electrical and electronic waste (e-waste) has become one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world, and many countries have established e-waste treatment enterprises to solve their e-waste problems. In this study, a life cycle assessment (LCA) was undertaken to quantitatively investigate the environmental impacts of an e-waste treatment enterprise in China. The LCA is constructed by SimaPro software version 7.2 and expressed with the Eco-indicator 99 life cycle impact assessment method. For a sensitivity analysis of the overall LCA results, the so-called CML method is used in order to estimate the influence of the choice of the assessment method on the result. According to the survey data, discarded TV sets accounted for the highest proportion of e-waste treated in the enterprise in 2010. The e-waste treatment had little environmental impact, and at the same time large environmental benefits can be achieved mainly due to the recycled resources and reuse of some components. Based on the research results, it can be seen that recycled metal, especially copper, would be of more importance for environmental benefits. Relevant results and data from this study could provide decision support to enterprise managers and government sectors.
[25] Tong X, Li J, Tao D, Cai Y.2015.

Re-making spaces of conversion: Deconstructing discourses of e-waste recycling in China

[J]. Area, 47(1): 31-39.

https://doi.org/10.1111/area.12140      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

China implemented its e‐waste policy in 2012, declaring adherence to the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility. Public planning, policies and demonstration projects for recycling facilities have been promoted widely at city and provincial levels to rebuild the image of e‐waste management in China. This article traces the evolution of e‐waste recycling practices in China, from imported e‐waste recycling clusters in coastal rural areas and e‐waste disassembly and trading bazaars in suburban areas of big cities to certified e‐waste recyclers subsidised by the government, as well as the waste reduction and recycling efforts of electronics producers. We draw out the logic underpinning the planning of large‐scale collection and sorting centres – armed with automated equipment – to replace the labour‐intensive sorting activities prevalent in the waste villages. By deconstructing and analysing the discourses of e‐waste recycling, which discriminate recycling practices into formal and informal categories, we point out the limits of formalisation, which favours short and standard shredding for material recovery instead of reuse.
[26] Tong X, Wang J C.2004.

Transnational flows of e-waste and spatial patterns of recycling in China

[J]. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 45(8): 608-621.

https://doi.org/10.2747/1538-7216.45.8.608      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Two geographers residing in Beijing discuss the inflows, processing, and consumption of electronic waste topic largely neglected in the current literature on globalization. Based on extensive interviews with electronics producers and recyclers in China, the paper explores the global flows of e-waste and concentration of related recycling in coastal China. The authors suggest that recycling activities (authorized as well as illegal) grew in tandem with the dramatic increase in electronics production during the last decade. They note that the country's recycling sector has played a significant role in rural industrialization and local economic development, albeit in conflict with the objectives of environmental protection. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F20, L63, O17, O19. 6 figures, 23 references.
[27] Wang F, Huisman J, Meskers C E M, et al.2012.

The Best-of-2-Worlds philosophy: Developing local dismantling and global infrastructure network for sustainable e-waste treatment in emerging economies

[J]. Waste Management, 32(11): 2134-2146.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2012.03.029      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[28] Widmer R, Oswald-Krapf H, Sinha-Khetriwal Det al.2005.

Global perspectives on e-waste

[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 25(5): 436-458.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2005.04.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is an emerging problem as well as a business opportunity of increasing significance, given the volumes of e-waste being generated and the content of both toxic and valuable materials in them. The fraction including iron, copper, aluminium, gold and other metals in e-waste is over 60%, while pollutants comprise 2.70%. Given the high toxicity of these pollutants especially when burned or recycled in uncontrolled environments, the Basel Convention has identified e-waste as hazardous, and developed a framework for controls on transboundary movement of such waste. The Basel Ban, an amendment to the Basel Convention that has not yet come into force, would go one step further by prohibiting the export of e-waste from developed to industrializing countries. Section 1 of this paper gives readers an overview on the e-waste topic ow e-waste is defined, what it is composed of and which methods can be applied to estimate the quantity of e-waste generated. Considering only PCs in use, by one estimate, at least 100 million PCs became obsolete in 2004. Not surprisingly, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) today already constitutes 8% of municipal waste and is one of the fastest growing waste fractions. Section 2 provides insight into the legislation and initiatives intended to help manage these growing quantities of e-waste. Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is being propagated as a new paradigm in waste management. The European Union's WEEE Directive, which came into force in August of 2004, makes it incumbent on manufacturers and importers in EU states to take back their products from consumers and ensure environmentally sound disposal. WEEE management in industrializing countries has its own characteristics and problems, and therefore this paper identifies some problems specific to such countries. The risky process of extracting copper from printed wiring boards is discussed as an example to illustrate the hazards of the e-waste recycling industry in India. The WEEE Knowledge Partnership programme funded by seco (Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs) and implemented by Empa has developed a methodology to assess the prevailing situation, in order to better understand the opportunities and risks in pilot urban areas of three countries eijing-China, Delhi-India and Johannesburg-South Africa. The three countries are compared using an assessment indicator system which takes into account the structural framework, the recycling system and its various impacts. Three key points have emerged from the assessments so far: a) e-waste recycling has developed in all countries as a market based activity, b) in China and India it is based on small to medium-sized enterprises (SME) in the informal sector, whereas in South Africa it is in the formal sector, and c) each country is trying to overcome shortcomings in the current system by developing strategies for improvement.
[29] Wilson A G.1970.

Inter-regional commodity flows: Entropy maximizing approaches

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 2(3): 255-282.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.1970.tb00859.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

First page of article
[30] Wilson A G.2010.

Entropy in urban and regional modelling: Retrospect and prospect

[J]. Geographical Analysis, 42: 364-394.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1538-4632.2010.00799.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[31] Yu J, Williams E, Ju M, Yang Y.2010.

Forecasting global generation of obsolete personal computers

[J]. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(9): 3232-3237.

https://doi.org/10.1021/es903350q      URL      PMID: 20302363      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Electronic waste (e-waste) has emerged as a new policy priority around the world. Motivations to address e-waste include rapidly growing waste streams, concern over the environmental fate of heavy metals and other substances in e-waste, and impacts of informal recycling in developing countries. Policy responses to global e-waste focus on banning international trade in end-of-life electronics, the premise being that e-waste is mainly generated in the developed world and then exported to the developing world. Sales of electronics have, however, been growing rapidly in developing nations, raising the question of whether informal recycling in developing countries driven by international trade or domestic generation. This paper addresses this question by forecasting the global generation of obsolete personal computers (PCs) using the logistic model and material flow analysis. Results show that the volume of obsolete PCs generated in developing regions will exceed that of developed regions by 2016-2018. By 2030, the obsolete PCs from developing regions will reach 400-700 million units, far more than from developed regions at 200-300 million units. Future policies to mitigate the impacts of informal recycling should address the domestic situation in developing countries.
[32] Yu X Z, Gao Y, Zhang H B.2006.

Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils at Guiyu area of China, affected by recycling of electronic waste using primitive technologies

[J]. Chemosphere, 65(9): 1500-1509.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2006.04.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[33] Zhang J H, Min H.2009.

Eco-toxicity and metal contamination of paddy soil in an e-waste recycling area

[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, (165): 744-750.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.10.056      URL      PMID: 19042085      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Paddy soil samples taken from different sites in an old primitive electronic-waste (e-waste) processing region were examined for eco-toxicity and metal contamination. Using the environmental quality standard for soils (China, Grade II) as reference, soil samples of two sites were weakly contaminated with trace metal, but site G was heavily contaminated with Cd (6.3702mg02kg 611 ), and weakly contaminated with Cu (256.3602mg02kg 611 ) and Zn (209.8502mg02kg 611 ). Zn appeared to be strongly bound in the residual fraction (72.24–77.86%), no matter the soil was metal contaminated or not. However, more than 9% Cd and 16% Cu was present in the non-residual fraction in the metal contaminated soils than in the uncontaminated soil, especially for site G and site F. Compared with that of the control soil, the micronucleus rates of site G and site F soil treatments increased by 2.7-fold and 1.7-fold, respectively. Low germination rates were observed in site C (50%) and site G (50%) soil extraction treated rice seeds. The shortest root length (0.237702cm) was observed in site G soil treated groups, which is only 37.57% of that of the control soil treated groups. All of the micronucleus ratio of Vicia faba root cells, rice germination rate and root length after treatment of soil extraction indicate the eco-toxicity in site F and G soils although the three indexes are different in sensitivity to soil metal contamination.
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