地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (7): 946-953 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.008



张芳芳1, 郑永宏1*, 潘国艳2, 袁帅1, 孔繁希1, 起永东1, 王丹1

1. 武汉大学资源与环境科学学院,武汉 430072
2. 武汉大学水利水电学院,武汉 430072

Climatic significance of tree-ring δ18O in Shennongjia Mountain

ZHANG Fangfang1, ZHENG Yonghong1*, PAN Guoyan2, YUAN Shuai1, KONG Fanxi1, QI Yongdong1, WANG Dan1

1. School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2. School of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China

通讯作者:  通讯作者:郑永宏(1978-),男,河北唐山人,副教授,主要从事树轮气候学以及全球变化研究,E-mail: zhengyh@whu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2017-11-12

修回日期:  2018-03-7

网络出版日期:  2018-07-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41771227)


作者简介:张芳芳(1991-),女,河南焦作人,硕士研究生,主要从事树轮气候学研究,E-mail: zffang0803@163.com



通过对湖北省神农架巴山冷杉(Abies forrestii)树轮纤维素氧同位素的分析,建立了1790-2011时段的年分辨率的δ18O年表。将树轮δ18O序列与邻近的巴东气象站记录的气候数据、大气环流数据以及南海海温进行对比分析,研究了树轮δ18O序列对气候要素的响应。结果表明,神农架地区树轮δ18O序列与该地区气候要素密切相关:与当年6-7月降水量呈负相关、与当年3-4月温度呈正相关,与当年6-7月相对湿度呈负相关。同时,树轮δ18O序列与当年2-3月北半球副高面积指数(5E-360)、9月南海副高面积指数(100E-120E)、1月太平洋极涡面积指数(Zone 2,150E-120W)及4-5月南海海温(SST)呈显著正相关;与当年1月南方涛动指数(SOI)呈负相关。表明树轮δ18O序列在一定程度上记录了大尺度的大气环流信息。该研究有助于进一步认知神农架地区树轮稳定氧同位素在过去气候变化研究中的潜在价值,为进一步气候重建研究提供科学依据。

关键词: 树轮 ; 稳定氧同位素 ; 降水 ; 南海海温 ; 环流指数


In this study, a stable oxygen isotope chronology from tree-ring cellulose (δ18O) in Bashan fir(Abies forrestii) from Mt. Shennongjia in Hubei Province was correlated with meteorology records of the Badong meteorological station, circulation index data, and sea surface temperature of the South China Sea (SST). The chronology spans the time period of 1790-2011. The results indicate that the tree-ring δ18O chronology is closely correlated with local climate factors. The tree-ring δ18O chronology has a significantly positive correlation with March to April monthly mean temperature, has a significantly negative correlation with June to July monthly mean precipitation and June to July monthly mean relative humidity. Meanwhile, the tree-ring δ18O chronology has a significantly positive correlation with February to March area index of the northern hemisphere subtropical high (5E-360), September area index of the South China Sea subtropical high (100E-120E), January polar vortex area index of the Pacific Ocean (Zone 2, 150E-120W), and April to May sea surface temperature of the South China Sea (SST). A significantly negative correlation was found between the tree-ring δ18O chronology and January southern oscillation index (SOI). These indicate that the tree-ring δ18O chronology records at a large scale of atmospheric circulation information.This study is helpful to further understand the potential value of tree ring stable oxygen isotopes in the past climate change studies in Mt.Shennongjia, and provide a scientific basis for further research on climate reconstruction.

Keywords: tree-ring ; stable oxygen isotope ; precipitation ; sea surface temperature of the South China Sea (SST) ; circulation index


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张芳芳, 郑永宏, 潘国艳, 袁帅, 孔繁希, 起永东, 王丹. 神农架地区树轮δ18O序列的气候指示意义[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(7): 946-953 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.008

ZHANG Fangfang, ZHENG Yonghong, PAN Guoyan, YUAN Shuai, KONG Fanxi, QI Yongdong, WANG Dan. Climatic significance of tree-ring δ18O in Shennongjia Mountain[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(7): 946-953 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.07.008

1 引言

树轮同位素具有生理解释性强、反映环境参数多、精确度高等优点(Loader et al, 2003; Helle et al, 2004; 吴绍洪等, 2006; Liu et al, 2007) ,越来越多地应用于气候变化研究,且取得了较多研究成果(Liu et al, 2003; Liu et al, 2009; 王建等, 2016)。相关研究表明,树轮纤维素中氧同位素组成来源于植物利用的环境水,响应于温度、湿度以及降水的变化(Burk et al, 1981; Liu Y et al, 2008; 陈瑶等, 2017)。因此,树轮 δ18O值可反映环境气候信息,在古气候重建方面(Wynn et al, 2014; Lavergne et al, 2017; Loader et al, 2017)具有很大潜力,在其他方面的应用(Bose et al, 2016; Duffy et al, 2017)也越来越多。

神农架为南水北调中线工程重要水源涵养地以及三峡库区天然绿色屏障,对该地区树轮-气候之间关系的充分认知具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。基于神农架地区树轮宽度的研究表明,巴山冷杉树轮宽度主要响应温度变化(Dang et al, 2013; Dang et al, 2014; Hou et al, 2015; 陈秋艳等, 2015),并据此进行了2-5月温度重建(Zheng et al, 2016)。但同时也发现,树轮宽度与气候要素虽然在低频上一致性较高,但在高频上的一致性较差,限制了对该地区过去气候变化的理解,亟待进一步挖掘新的树轮指标弥补当前研究的短板。本文拟基于神农架地区巴山冷杉样本进行树轮氧同位素分析,探讨树轮δ18O序列对气候要素、大气环流指数以及南海海温的响应,挖掘该地区树轮氧同位素在气候变化研究中的潜力。

2 研究区域和研究方法

2.1 采样点概况

神农架林区(31°15′~31°57′N,109°56′~110°58′E)总面积3253 km2,位于中国湖北省西部。据中国地貌单元的划分,该区属于中国大陆第二台阶,系大巴山山脉东部延伸部分,为湖北境内汉水和长江的分水岭。神农架地区多数山峰海拔高度在1500 m以上,最高峰达3105 m,植被具有明显的垂直地带性,随海拔由低到高,从常绿阔叶林、落叶阔叶林、针叶和落叶阔叶林逐渐过渡到亚高山针叶林(包括亚高山灌木和草甸)。神农架地区有非常丰富的植物资源,有高等植物3479种(除苔藓植物除外),包括1010个属和20个科。林区年均温度11.0~12.2℃,年均降水量1170.2 mm,9月-翌年4月是霜冻期,降雪主要集中在9月-翌年3月(Hou et al, 2015)。在海拔2300~3100 m的山地上,森林群落主要是由巴山冷杉(Abies forrestii)组成的单优暗针叶林,植被覆盖率高达68%,坡度大约30°左右,下垫面主要是山地棕壤夹杂砾石。

2.2 样芯采集和纤维素提取

树轮样品采集于神农谷(31°26′N,110°16′E,2772 m)(图1),用生长锥在树干的胸高处取样,一颗树采集2根样芯,共采集巴山冷杉活树55棵树(110根样芯)。样芯风干后进行交叉定年并建立宽度年表(表1),用COFECHA程序检验定年质量。在准确定年的基础上,选择树龄较长、无缺年、边界清楚、生长无异样的样芯逐年剥离,考虑到可能存在幼龄化效应的影响,舍去靠近树心10年左右树轮。诸如1970、1971等年轮宽极窄,为保证实验需求,持续增加样本数量,直至剥离23个样芯(18棵树)才达到实验需求。将不同样芯的同一年样品混合并低温烘干,用球磨仪将样品磨至100目左右,再将样品包裹在滤布中,进行有机溶剂萃取;随后漂白,清洗后碱化,再用盐酸中和,最后利用超声波细胞破碎仪使样品进一步均一化,真空冻干后干燥保存即得α-纤维素。用5 mm的银杯逐年将α-纤维素包样,送入高温裂解元素分析仪连接气体稳定同位素质谱仪MAT-253(系统误差<0.2‰)测定树轮稳定氧同位素比率变化,建立稳定氧同位素年表。α-纤维素提取过程在中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院进行,同位素的测定工作在武汉大学完成。树轮氧同位素分析结果以δ18O‰表示,其标准物质为SMOW(标准平均海洋水)。其计算公式表示为:


图1   神农架树轮采样点以及气象站分布图

Fig.1   Location of the tree-ring sampling sites in Mt. Shennongjia and meteorological stations

表1   树轮标准宽度年表参数

Tab. 1   Statistics of tree-ring width standard chronology




2.3 资料与方法

本文利用邻近的巴东气象站(图1,31°01′N,110°13′E,334 m)1953-2011年月平均温度、月平均降水量、月平均相对湿度数据来源于中国气象数据网(http://data.cma.cn/)。巴东气象站年平均温度是17.4℃,年降水量1090 mm,4-9月降水量占全年降水量的89%左右,年均相对湿度为70.3%(图2)。4月中下旬温度进入快速回升阶段,巴东气象站4月下旬平均温度可达21℃左右。

图2   巴东气象站各月温度、降水、相对湿度分布图

Fig.2   Monthly temperature, precipitation and relative humidity at the meteorological station in Badong



3 结果与分析

3.1 树轮稳定同位素序列及特征

图3为巴山冷杉树轮δ18O序列,序列长度为222年(1790-2011年)。树轮δ18O序列变化范围为20.89‰~26.09‰。表2为神农架地区树轮δ18O序列的统计特征值,树轮δ18O序列的标准差和变异系数均较小,一阶自相关系数为0.326,说明树轮δ18O序列在一定程度上受到上年气候要素的影响。从树轮δ18O序列及其11年滑动平均曲线可以看出,树轮δ18O相对富集的时段为:1790-1797年、1854-1863年、1899-1911年、1923-1941年、1960-2011年;树轮δ18O相对亏损的时段为:1798-1853年、1864-1898年、1912-1922年、1942-1959年。功率谱分析结果(图4)发现树轮δ18O序列存在2个显著周期,分别为7.8 a和23.3 a。

图3   神农架地区巴山冷杉树轮δ18O序列(1790-2011年)

Fig.3   δ18O value in tree rings of Abies forrestii, 1790-2011

表2   神农架地区树轮δ18O序列统计特征值

Tab.2   Main characteristic values of tree-ring δ18O in Mt. Shennongjia



图4   树轮δ18O序列的功率谱分析

Fig.4   Spectral analysis for tree-ring δ18O chronology

3.2 树轮δ18O序列对气候要素的响应

3.2.1 对降水量的响应


图5   树轮δ18O序列与降水量、平均温度和相对湿度的相关分析结果(“P”表示上年,“C”表示当年)

Fig.5   Correlation analysis between tree-ring δ18O chronology and monthly mean precipitation, monthly mean temperature, and monthly mean relative humidity (“P” represents the last year and “C” represents the current year)

图6   树轮δ18O序列与降水量、平均温度和相对湿度一阶差分序列的相关分析结果(“P”表示上年,“C”表示当年)

Fig.6   Correlation analysis between tree-ring δ18O chronology and monthly mean precipitation, monthly mean temperature, and monthly mean relative humidity after the first order differential treatment (“P” represents the last year and “C” represents the current year)

3.2.2 对温度的响应


3.2.3 对相对湿度的响应


3.3 树轮δ18O序列与大气环流指数的关系


图7   树轮δ18O序列与大气环流指数及南海海温的相关分析结果

Fig.7   Correlation between the tree-ring δ18O chronology and the atmospheric circulation index and surface temperature of the South China Sea

图8   大气环流指数及南海海温与树轮δ18O一阶差序列的相关结果

Fig.8   Correlation between the tree-ring δ18O chronology and the atmospheric circulation index and surface temperature of the South China Sea after the first order differential treatment



树轮δ18O值与当年1月(r=-0.312,P<0.05,N=59)、6月(r=-0.345,P<0.01,N=59)南方涛动指数(SOI)呈显著的负相关。二者分别一阶差分后,树 轮δ18O序列和1月南方涛动序列的相关性仍达到0.05的显著性水平,6月相关性未达到0.05的显著性水平。说明树轮δ18O序列蕴含了当年1月南方涛动指数变化信号。

3.4 树轮δ18O序列与南海海温的关系


4 讨论

由于巴山冷杉是浅根系植物,主要吸收利用土壤水形成纤维素,在此过程中经历一系列的分馏过程(安文玲等, 2009)。一般认为,植物根系吸收水分的过程不存在分馏,氧同位素的分馏主要发生在叶片的蒸腾作用及有机物形成纤维素的过程中,而植物纤维素的形成过程中发生的分馏是由植物本身的特性决定。因此,树轮δ18O值主要受到2个因素的控制:一是源水的氧同位素组成,温度、降水是影响源水氧同位素的主要因子;二是蒸腾作用过程叶片水的氧同位素富集,此过程中相对湿度是最重要的影响因子。

根据Liu Z F等(2008)提出的中国地区降水δ18O计算式(式(2))来计算神农架地区降水中的δ18Os值:





式中:f0是与木质部水交换的氧原子分馏系数;δ18Os为源水的同位素比值;εe是平衡分馏系数,εk是动力分馏系数;h为相对湿度;ε0是氧的生物分馏系数。方程各参数取经验值(Epstein et al, 1977; Roden et al, 2000)为:f0=0.42,εe=9.5‰,εk=28.5‰,ε0=27‰。



将研究区的年均相对湿度h(约为70%)代入式(4),可得研究区的树轮δ18O序列在22.70‰左右,这与本文的树轮δ18O序列均值(22.99‰)十分接近,表明本文树轮氧同位素的实验结果较为可靠。发现的神农架树轮δ18O序列蕴含降水和海温信号,与福建长汀地区树轮氧同位素研究结果(Xu et al, 2016)比较一致。


温度、降水量等气候要素通过影响当地源水中的δ18O的含量以及相对湿度影响树轮δ18O值。福建地区的研究(Xu et al, 2013)表明,冬季降水的δ18O值高于夏季,本文发现神农架地区树轮δ18O序列与当年3-4月的温度呈显著正相关,这是由于春季提早升温致使树木生长期提前,树木更多地利用了冬雪融水(巴东气象站4月下旬平均温度可达21℃左右,按照0.6℃/100 m递减率来计算,采样点的温度可达到5℃以上),从而使得树轮δ18O值也随之偏正。神农架地区树轮δ18O序列与降水量的关系表明,树轮δ18O序列的变化主要响应于当年6-7月的降水,此时正处于夏季风期间,海洋的暖湿气流带来大量降水,树轮δ18O值就偏低,体现了树轮同位素研究中的“降水量效应”。神农架树轮δ18O序列与气候要素的关系表明,在温暖湿润的气候条件下,树轮δ18O序列的变化受到多种气候要素的共同影响,树轮δ18O序列主要响应于当年6-7月的降水量、当年3-4月的温度和当年6-7月的相对湿度。

长江流域汛期的水汽来源有2支,分别为来自孟加拉湾的西南气流和南海季风,这两支气流在长江流域上空交汇(平凡等, 2014)。树轮δ18O序列与大气环流指数及南海海温数据的相关关系,说明神农架树轮δ18O序列在一定程度上记录了大气环流信息。副高对中国季风区的温度、降水有重要影响,当副高势力偏强且位置偏北,长江中下游地区降水相对减少,导致神农架树轮中δ18O重同位素相对富集(Xu et al, 2016)。研究发现,与极涡强度指数相比,树轮δ18O序列与1月极涡面积指数的相关系数更大,这是由于极涡面积指数对降水的影响更大(黄嘉佑等,2004);而冬季极涡指数与中国长江流域以南地区的降水呈负相关,导致神农架树轮中重同位素相对富集(Liu et al, 2009)。树轮δ18O序列与1月南方涛动(SOI)指数呈负相关,南方涛动减弱,夏季风偏弱,季风雨带偏南,长江中下游地区降水偏多,树轮中重同位素相对亏损,树轮δ18O值偏低(Liu Y et al, 2008; Liu et al, 2014)。研究发现,神农架树轮δ18O序列与4-5月南海大部分地区的海温呈显著正相关(图9),表明南海海温可能对神农架地区树轮δ18O序列有重要影响。

图9   树轮δ18O年表与4-5月海温空间相关图(1982-2011)

Fig.9   Spatial correlation pattern of tree-ring δ18O chronology with the gridded NECP OI v2 database for April-May sea surface temperature (SST), 1982-2011

研究发现,神农架树轮δ18O序列存在7.8 a和23.3 a周期。23.3 a周期对应太阳黑子活动准22年周期,表明太阳黑子活动对神农架地区树轮δ18O序列有一定影响。由于树轮δ18O序列与南海海温呈显著正相关,本文推测南海海温变化可能存在7.8 a周期。

5 结论


(1) 树轮δ18O序列能在一定程度上记录气候要素的变化,较好响应了6-7月降水、3-4月温度和6-7月相对湿度的变化。

(2) 树轮δ18O序列能在一定程度上记录大尺度环流信号,对2-3月北半球副高面积指数、9月南海副高面积指数、1月太平洋极涡面积指数,以及1月南方涛动指数的变化具有较好响应。

(3) 树轮δ18O序列能够较好记录海温变化信号,对4-5月南海海温的变化具有很好响应。



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Values of the oxygen isotope ratios (delta(18)O) in tree-ring cellulose closely reflect the delta(18)O values in atmospheric precipitation and hence mean annual temperature. The change in delta(18)O in cellulose is 0.41 per mil per degree Celsius for selected near-coastal stations. The values of delta(18)O in precipitation and cellulose also change with altitude, as demonstrated for Mount Rainier, Washington. A temperature lapse rate of 5.2 degrees +/- 0.5 degrees C per 1000 meters calculated from cellulose delta(18)O values agrees with the accepted mean annual lapse rate of 5 degrees C per 1000 meters for this region. Cellulose delta(18)O values and delta(18)O values of carbon dioxide equilibrated with leaf water differ by a fixed 16 per mil.
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Abstract The variations of the D/H and (18)O/(16)O ratios of nonexchangeable hydrogen and oxygen in plant cellulose reveal systematic differences between terrestrial plant groups. The slope of deltaD versus delta(18)O of cellulose from a variety of aquatic plants is close to 8 (the meteoric water value), while the slope for a number of terrestrial species is greater than or equal to about 24. Two models involving incorporation of CO(2) and H(2)O into cellulose precursors are proposed to account for these differences. Effects of evaporative transpiration on the isotopic composition of water in leaves are measured and discussed in the context of these models.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2007.12.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many works show the dependence of precipitation δ 18O on altitude and latitude as a result of air temperature change. The assumption that these quantitative relations can hold across a large geographical region can be used to give a rough estimation of local precipitation δ 18O where there is on direct observation of precipitation δ 18O. Although there truly exists uncertainty in the estimation, an effect was made in this paper to establish the precipitation δ 18O pattern over the whole China. Based on regional topography and the δ 18O of meteoric precipitation, this paper established a quantitative relationship between δ 18O in precipitation and latitude and altitude using the existing δ 18O data from 55 sites over China. The model describes as δ 18O ppt = 61 0.0073LAT2 +0.3261LAT 61 0.0015ALT 61 9.7776, and was used to generate a higher-resolution map of mean annual δ 18O for precipitation over China using geographic information system software, integrating with latitude, altitude and the moisture cycle. This determination of the spatial distribution of δ 18O in modern precipitation of China provides important information for ancient climate and stable isotope hydrology studies.
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Inter-annual carbon isotope analysis of tree-rings by laser ablation

[J]. Chemical Geology, 466: 323-326.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.06.021      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The stable carbon isotopic analysis of tree-rings for environmental, plant physiological and archaeological applications using conventional methods is occasionally limited by physical constraints (narrow rings) or administrative concerns (requirement for non-destructive sampling) that prevent researcher access to scientifically valuable wood samples. Analysis of such archives by laser-ablation can potentially address these issues and facilitate access to restricted archives. Smaller quantities of wood are required for analysis by laser ablation, hence the approach may be considered less-invasive and is virtually non-destructive compared to standard preparation methods. High levels of intra-annual isotopic variability reported elsewhere mean that a single measurement may not faithfully represent the inter-annual isotopic signal, so before such an approach can be used with confidence it is necessary to compare the stable carbon isotopic data produced using these two methods. This paper presents stable carbon isotope (δ 13 C) data from the resin-extracted wood of dated Scots Pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) tree-rings analysed using a modified Schulze-type laser-ablation system with results obtained using conventional manual sampling and analysis of α-cellulose prepared from the same tree-ring groups. The laser sampling system is found to perform very well against established more invasive methods. High correlations are observed between the methods for both raw and Suess corrected data ( r 02>020.90 n 02=0250). These results highlight the potential for using laser-sampling to support the development of long isotope chronologies, for sampling narrow rings or for pre-screening cores prior to analysis using more detailed or labour intensive methods.
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Comparison of stable carbon isotope ratios in the whole wood, cellulose and lignin of oak tree-rings

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[26] Roden J S, Lin G H, Ehleringer J R.2000.

A mechanistic model for interpretation of hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios in tree-ring cellulose

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[27] Waterhouse J S, Switsur V R, Barker A C, et al.2002.

Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in tree rings: How well do models predict observed values

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https://doi.org/10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00724-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We have measured annual oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in the α-cellulose of the latewood of oak ( Quercus robur L.) growing on well-drained ground in Norfolk, UK. We compare the observed values of isotope ratios with those calculated using equations that allow for isotopic fractionation during the transfer of oxygen and hydrogen from source water taken by the tree to cellulose laid down in the cambium. The equations constitute a model in which isotopic fractionation occurs during evaporative enrichment within the leaf and during isotopic change between carbohydrates and water in the trunk during cellulose synthesis. From the relationship between isotope ratios in precipitation and α-cellulose, we deduce that the source water used by the tree comprises a constant mixture of groundwater and precipitation, chiefly from the months of May, June and July of the growth year. By selection of isotopic fractionation factors and the degree of isotope exchange within the trunk, we are able to model the observed annual values of oxygen isotope ratios of α-cellulose to a significant level ( r=0.77, P<0.01). When we apply the same model to hydrogen isotope ratios, however, we find that, although we can predict the average value over the time series, we can no longer predict the year-to-year variation. We suggest that this loss of environmental signal in the hydrogen isotopes is caused by differences in the kinetic isotope effects of the biochemical reactions involved in the fixation of hydrogen in different positions of the glucose molecule. Owing to these effects, the hydrogen isotope ratios of cellulose can vary in a way not anticipated in current models and hence may induce non-climatic ‘noise’ in the hydrogen isotope time series.
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Interrogating trees for isotopic archives of atmospheric sulphur deposition and comparison to speleothem records

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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2013.12.017      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[29] Xu C X, Zheng H Z, Nakatsuka T, et al.2013.

Oxygen isotope signatures preserved in tree ring cellulose as a proxy for April-September precipitation in Fujian, the subtropical region of southeast China

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Inter- and intra-annual tree-ring cellulose oxygen isotope variability in response to precipitation in Southeast China

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[31] Zheng Y H, Shao X M, Lu F, et al.2016.

February-May temperature reconstruction based on tree-ring widths of Abies fargesii from the Shennongjia area in central China

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