地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (6): 844-852 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.06.011



潘少奇12, 李亚婷2, 苗长虹2, 李江苏2, 吕可文2

1. 河南大学环境与规划学院,河南 开封 475004
2. 黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心暨黄河文明传承与现代文明建设河南省协同创新中心,河南 开封 475001

Debates and research trends of local embeddedness of transferred enterprises

PAN Shaoqi12, LI Yating2, MIAO Changhong2, LI Jiangsu2, LV Kewen2

1. College of Environment and Planning, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, Henan, China
2. Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center on Yellow River Civilization of Henan Province, Henan University, Kaifeng 475001, Henan, China;

收稿日期: 2017-11-6

修回日期:  2018-02-13

网络出版日期:  2018-06-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41401133,41430637,41401129)教育部人文社科基金项目(14YJC790092)


作者简介:潘少奇(1980-),男,河南临颍人,博士,讲师,主要从事经济地理与区域发展研究,E-mail: psq@henu.edu.cn




关键词: 产业转移 ; 转移企业 ; 地方嵌入 ; 研究动向


:The concept of "embeddedness" is useful for understanding the process and mechanism of interactive coupling of transferred enterprises, the industrial clusters of receiving places, and the global or trans-regional production network. Since the introduction of the concept of "embeddedness" in economic geography, there exist a debate of "active" and "passive" local embedded intentions of transferred enterprises in the academic circles, as well as two different views of positive effect and negative effect of local embedding of transferred enterprises. By systematically examining studies on the main motivations, influencing factors, evolution processes, regional effects, and so on of the local embeddedness of transferred enterprises, this research finds that, regardless of the willingness of enterprises, the local embeddedness of transferred enterprises is a geographic sensitive strategy to protect and strengthen their competitiveness in the evolution of firm-territory nexus. The embedding process is affected by the condition of the undertaking places and the quality of the transferred enterprises. The embedding process follows the path of "foster relationship-value chain cohesion-build global-local production network ," and gradually achieves relational embedding and structural embedding. The local embeddedness of transferred enterprises provides a "window of locational opportunity" for the transformation and upgrading of the enterprises and industrial clusters of the undertaking places. Finally, this article puts forward four research directions that need to be deepened and strengthened: (1) building a comprehensive research framework that uses "relation-network-evolution" as the main line; (2) strengthening quantitative research of the network role and performance of transferred enterprises; (3) enhancing the research of the interaction of the economic, technological, and social embeddedness of the transferred enterprises; and (4) promoting the research of the "two-way embeddedness" of transferred enterprises and the industrial clusters of the undertaking places.

Keywords: industrial transfer ; transferred enterprises ; local embeddedness ; research trend


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潘少奇, 李亚婷, 苗长虹, 李江苏, 吕可文. 转移企业地方嵌入的论争与研究动向[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(6): 844-852 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.06.011

PAN Shaoqi, LI Yating, MIAO Changhong, LI Jiangsu, LV Kewen. Debates and research trends of local embeddedness of transferred enterprises[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(6): 844-852 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.06.011

1 引言

区域发展不平衡是中国全面建成小康社会所面临的突出问题,中国未来应继续坚持推进自东向西的区际产业转移,以消弭区域差异,实现区域协调发展(李国平等, 2016)。产业转移过程实际是“企业/产业—地域”相互作用的过程,是转移企业从转出地到承接地之间“脱嵌—再嵌入”的过程(杨玲丽, 2015; 杨伟聪, 2017)。转移企业地方嵌入的模式和深度,既决定着是否能够实现企业区位转移的战略目标,又对承接地集群转型升级具有重要影响。那么,转移企业是否具有嵌入承接地的主观愿望,其驱动因素是什么,过程和路径是什么,对承接地集群发展或产业升级又有什么影响? 围绕这些问题,本文试图在系统梳理已有成果的基础上,总结转移企业地方嵌入研究的演进脉络,分析转移企业地方嵌入的主要动因、影响因素、过程模式、区域效应,提出需要加强和深化的前沿研究方向。

2 转移企业地方嵌入研究演进脉络

20世纪60年代以后,经济地理学者开始关注以跨国投资为代表的国际产业转移现象。理论研究方面,形成了雁阵模式理论、产品生命周期理论、边际产业扩张理论、劳动密集型产业转移理论、国际生产折衷理论、梯度推移理论等基于不同实践经验的理论模式;实证研究则主要从宏观视角分析跨国投资的时空格局(Bagchi-Sen et al, 1989; 李小建, 1996)、区位选择(贺灿飞等, 1997; 贺灿飞等, 1999)、区域效应(Sun, 1996; 魏后凯, 2002)等。早期的产业转移研究中,较少专门开展转移企业地方嵌入研究,但已有学者注意到了跨国公司在承接地的空间行为和嵌入效应问题。比如,有研究发现从20世纪60年代开始,美国的电子消费品产业通过后向联系较好地嵌入了中国台湾地区的产业系统,并推动台湾经济实现迅速发展(Schive et al, 1990);但与此形成强烈反差的是,美国与墨西哥的“边境工业化项目”(border industrialization program),则弱化了转移企业与地方企业的联系,并最终导致墨西哥电子消费品产业的衰落(Lowe et al, 1999)。

20世纪90年代,经济地理学出现了制度、文化、关系转向的热潮。在此过程中,“嵌入”(embeddedness)作为一种重要概念被吸收到新经济地理学尤其是新区域主义的理论框架中(苗长虹, 2004; Yeung, 2005)。嵌入原本是经济社会学的核心概念,指经济行动原则上总是“嵌入”在某些社会结构形式中或者正在运行中的具体的社会关系系统中。对嵌入的理解一般包含关系性嵌入和结构性嵌入两个维度(Granovetter, 1985),前者指经济行动者嵌入其所在的关系网络中并受其影响,后者指在更宏观的层面上行为者们所构成的关系网络嵌入由其构成的社会结构中。基于上述转向背景和嵌入理论影响,经济地理学者开始更多关注转移企业地方嵌入过程中的关系构建、制度约束、文化影响等问题。有学者发现,中国香港企业在嵌入东南亚地方生产网络时,血缘、亲缘、乡缘等非经济关系发挥了非常重要的作用(Yeung, 1997);改革开放后中国政府设置的“产品本土生产率政策”门槛迫使汽车业外商直接投资(foreign direct investment,FDI)通过合资形式嵌入了中国的产业体系(Depner et al, 2005);同时在波兰,由于跨国公司想绕开地方网络和制度的障碍而产生了“沙漠中的教堂”(cathedrals in the desert)现象(Hardy, 1998)。鉴于制度、文化等非经济因素对转移企业地方嵌入的影响,有学者提出了“被动嵌入”(obligated embeddedness)的概念(刘卫东, 2003; Liu et al, 2006)。

进入21世纪后,曼彻斯特学派在全球商品链(global commodity chains,GCCs)、全球价值链(global value chains,GVCs)理论的基础上构建的全球生产网络(global production networks,GPNs)理论,更加强调跨国公司嵌入区域经济的地域基础和地理敏感性,并重视嵌入、权力、价值等维度间复杂而活跃的相互依赖关系(Henderson et al, 2002; Coe et al, 2004; Hess et al, 2006)。Hess(2004)在经济社会学、管理学对嵌入分类的基础上,进一步强调了转移企业地方嵌入过程中制度厚实、组织模式的影响,提出了社会嵌入、网络嵌入、地域嵌入等三种维度。由此,更多研究开始从GPN视角出发,分析转移企业地方嵌入过程中全球与地方的战略耦合问题。相关实证研究发现,IC产业跨国公司在上海浦东的地域嵌入正随着时间推移而不断加深(文嫮等, 2007),特斯科通过与韩国本土零售商建立战略伙伴关系从而实现了在韩国的深度嵌入(Coe et al, 2006),而沃尔玛在德国的投资失利则应归因于未能有效嵌入德国的制度环境和社会网络中(Coe et al, 2006; Christopherson, 2007)。同时,鉴于GPN理论对全球与地方生产网络战略耦合的重视,也有学者研究国际代工企业在跨国公司生产网络和地方组织网络中的“双重嵌入”问题,还有更多研究关注承接地集群在GVCs、GPNs中的嵌入和升级问题(景秀艳等, 2007; 梅丽霞等, 2009; 曾咏梅, 2011)。

目前,经济地理学一方面继续从宏观视角开展产业转移时空格局和区域效应研究,另一方面则不断加强从微观视角开展转移企业地方嵌入的相关研究(图1),具体包括转—承双方的企业网络构建(Hsu, 2006; 潘少奇, 2015; 陈肖飞等, 2018)、技术溢出与学习创新(Giroud et al, 2012; 张建伟等, 2016; 张占仁等, 2016)、社会资本作用(Buckley et al, 2006; 毛广雄, 2010; 谭文柱, 2012)等。而且,随着转移企业地方嵌入理论和实证研究不断深入,Granovetter(1985)提出的两种嵌入维度和Hess提出的三种嵌入维度已经被逐步分化拓展,并形成了经济嵌入、技术嵌入、社会嵌入、政治嵌入、文化嵌入、制度嵌入、认知嵌入等一些更为细致的分类概念(Zukin et al, 1990; 陈景辉等, 2008; 邱国栋等, 2010)。虽然学界对将嵌入概念进行过分地域化(overterritorialized)的现象还有争议(Hess, 2004),但在实证研究中,这些细分概念既能比较清晰地描述转移企业的地方嵌入行为,又便于开展嵌入机理尤其是几种嵌入行为的相互影响研究,因此应被视为是对嵌入理论的发展和增益。

图1   转移企业地方嵌入研究演进脉络

Fig.1   Change of the research on local embeddedness of transferred enterprises

3 转移企业地方嵌入意愿

关于转移企业是否有嵌入承接地的主观意愿,学界存在两种迥然不同的观点。地理学家一直强调“地方空间”(space of places)是全球化进程中不可或缺的角色,区域产业集聚、地方网络、制度厚实(institution thickness)在全球经济体系中仍具有重要的地位和作用。正如国际生产折衷理论对产业转移的阐释,不仅考虑企业本身的垄断优势和内部化优势,同时也强调了东道国的区位优势。转移企业地方嵌入有助于其实现市场接近、劳动力接近、资源接近的战略目标。例如,虽然20世纪90年代的中国还存在一些政策上的不确定性,但受中国移动市场巨额利润的诱惑,西门子公司还是主动地嵌入中国的移动标准创新网络中并取得了巨大成功(Yu et al, 2014);与此类似,中国台湾IT企业逐步将其研发活动拓展至大陆,除了缩短研发转产时间外,更多是基于大陆低成本的研发人才所产生的人力资本放大效应(Chen et al, 2004);而大量电子产业FDI向青岛的汇聚,则主要是因为青岛具有较高的产业集聚水平和良好的区域创新环境(Kim et al, 2008)。由此可见,转移企业地方嵌入不仅可以充分利用承接地的区位优势,而且能降低转移带来的信息不对称风险。这种为了强化自身竞争力而进行的地方嵌入,应被理解为一种“主动嵌入”过程。

与上述观点不同,全球化理论更加强调“流动空间”(space of flow)的意义,交易成本经济学和“内部化”理论也认为大公司采用垂直的、等级制的组织形式可绕过外部市场并降低交易成本,因此转移企业更希望建立自己的“个人俱乐部”,并弱化其在承接地产业网络中的嵌入程度。从世界范围看,东欧、北美、中国的确存在一些转移企业“嵌入不足”或“伪嵌入”现象(Uzzi, 1997; Hardy, 1998; Lowe et al, 1999; Wei et al, 2013)。但需要注意的是,正如经济社会学所强调的那样,一切经济活动都嵌入于特定的社会背景中,并被社会环境所定位,承接地的制度环境、文化传承对转移企业地方嵌入也产生着潜移默化的约束和影响。比如,中国政府提出的“产品本土生产率”要求客观上推动了汽车产业FDI在中国的深度嵌入,其经济嵌入行为受制度环境的约束尤为明显(刘作丽等, 2011)。为了更好解释转移企业在承接地消极而被动的嵌入行为,有学者提出了“被动嵌入”的概念,以此来区别转移企业为了市场、土地、劳力等因素而在承接地进行的“主动嵌入”(刘卫东, 2003; Liu et al, 2006)。

4 转移企业地方嵌入影响因素

转移企业地方嵌入是转—承双方关系发展、网络形成、嵌入深化的过程,具有高度的关系建构性、情景敏感性、路径依赖性、集聚经济性、尺度相关性(赵建吉, 2014),交易成本、社会资本、制度厚实、产业集聚、路径依赖都对转移企业地方嵌入有不同程度的影响。此外,如果转—承双方存在技术、制度、空间、结构等不匹配(mismatch)状况,则会制约转移企业的地方嵌入(Wei et al, 2011; Wei et al, 2012)。

经济地理学者认为承接地的劳动力价格、市场规模、供应网络、创新能力、空间组织等地方特质,对转移企业地方嵌入行为和效果的影响很大。①承接地的产业条件。降低成本和追求利润最大化是产业转移的主要动因,劳动力接近、市场接近是转移企业地方嵌入的重要因素,富士康落户郑州、成都就是劳动力接近的典型案例。另外,承接地的产业基础也会影响转移企业地方嵌入程度,地方配套能力不足则容易导致“伪嵌入”现象发生(Wei et al, 2013)。②承接地的学习创新能力。高科技的转移企业会更加重视承接地的技术水平和创新能力,更倾向于选择在一些“技术接近”的区域实施地方嵌入战略。③承接地区域文化和社会资本。一般而言,文化接近或身份认同会显著促进转移企业地方嵌入。比如,潘少奇(2015)分析了转移企业地方嵌入对民权制冷产业集群成长的影响,发现基于“老冰熊”身份认同所形成的隐性关系网络在一定程度上成为了区域企业网络构建的本底,并对转移企业地方嵌入产生了潜移默化的影响。④承接地的制度环境和议价能力。承接地政府的管理水平、政策导向和议价能力也会对转移企业地方嵌入产生显著影响。比如,苏州及苏南模式被认为具有更强的政策主动性,所以在20世纪末吸引了大批台资PC企业从珠三角迁往长三角(王缉慈等, 2003)。

转移企业作为地方嵌入的主体,本身也具有很强的内生异质性,企业来源类型、管理模式、文化特点、在全球价值链中的位置也是影响其地方嵌入的重要变量。①转移企业的母国来源。对于跨国投资而言,母国和东道国的关系会显著影响转移企业地方嵌入深度,比如日本企业在韩国、印度的嵌入水平要明显高于在中国和俄罗斯的嵌入水平,主要因为国家间的亲和力(country’s affinity)能提高东道国与投资方之间的互信,并且能在经济活动中降低交易成本(Chey, 2012)。②转移企业的管理模式。有实证研究发现,源自美国的企业具有相对松散的商业系统,更容易融入地方经济;而源自日本、韩国的企业在全球—地方网络中的垂直一体化程度更深,受总部的控制更强,所以地方嵌入程度相对较弱。如果将跨国公司子公司在母公司网络中的嵌入视为内部嵌入,将其在承接地的嵌入视为外部嵌入,则二者呈现负相关关系(Andersson et al, 1996)。③转移企业隶属价值链类型及所处位置。属于生产者驱动价值链中的转移企业比较注重在承接地的地域嵌入和网络嵌入;处于消费者驱动型价值链中的转移企业则会关注消费者的价值偏好,更重视对承接地的认知嵌入和文化嵌入。④转移企业的网络构建战略。旗舰型转移企业为避免在承接地的被动嵌入,通常会采取“供应链园区投资”模式,这种建设“个人俱乐部”的战略会明显降低转移企业的地方嵌入水平(潘峰华等, 2010)。

转移企业地方嵌入是转—承双方区位力量之间、全球价值链不同环节之间、子公司与母公司之间反复博弈的过程,参与主体和互动关系的多样性决定了转移企业地方嵌入演化过程十分复杂(叶庆祥, 2006)。一般而言,转移企业地方嵌入存在从经济嵌入逐渐向技术嵌入、社会嵌入、制度嵌入的发展深化,并呈现出“战略链接—战略嵌入—战略耦合”的演进规律(邱国栋等, 2010)。经济地理学对全球—地方耦合过程的一般认识是从“地理接近”到“关系接近”再到“制度接近”,转移企业地方嵌入的演进过程恰好契合了这一基本规律。然而,在具体经济实践中,转移企业地方嵌入也具有较强的“时空情境性”和“权变性”。有学者通过实证研究发现,在“异质性通道网络”作用下,跨国公司在苏州工业园的地方化结网进程表现出了与一般“接近”认识相悖的规律(艾少伟等, 2011)。中国目前仍是世界上最大的产业转移承接地,如果从更大的时间尺度看,以跨国公司为代表的国际转移企业在中国的地方嵌入还存在明显的阶段演进特点:20世纪90年代以前为试探性嵌入阶段,90年代为集聚性嵌入阶段,进入21世纪后为深度嵌入阶段(邱国栋等, 2010)。

5 转移企业地方嵌入效应

产业转移是资本流和技术流的重要载体,而转移企业地方嵌入可为承接地产业发展提供一扇“区位机会窗口”。国内学者对转移企业地方嵌入效应的积极评价多源于中国东南沿海地区在“第三次产业转移”浪潮中获得的跨越式发展。早期的实证结果显示,1985-1999年中国东部沿海发达地区与西部落后地区之间GDP增长率的差异,大约有90%是由外商直接投资引起的(魏后凯, 2002)。中国东部沿海地区的崛起无疑符合“凯恩斯主义”增加投资和“卡尔多学派”扩大出口的论点,然而从GPN视角看,更应该归因于地方生产网络与全球生产网络之间的战略耦合。跨国公司的地方嵌入可推动承接地集群在“全球—地方生产网络”中的结构性嵌入,并使集群实现从“低端发展道路”向“高端发展道路”的跨越(苗长虹, 2006)。在GPN视角之外,也有很多研究认为随着转移企业地方嵌入,承接地集群也可嵌入由跨国公司主导的全球价值链,并沿着价值链“微笑曲线”逐步实现产业升级和价值增值。学者们基于东莞PC 产业集群(童昕等, 2001)、上海IC 产业集群(文嫮等, 2005)、苏州工业园(Wei et al, 2013)的研究,都证实了转移企业地方嵌入对承接地产业集群发展的重要意义。另外,转移企业地方嵌入过程中所产生的技术扩散和技术溢出对承接地产业转型升级至关重要,是地方集群实现价值链“微笑曲线”攀升的重要驱动力,这种效应在中国中西部地区表现得尤为显著(罗芊等, 2016)。学界目前关于转移企业网络角色的研究还相对较少,但有研究认为,领袖型转移企业会成为全球—地方技术流动过程中的“技术守门人”,并通过“技术引进—吸收—扩散—再引进”的模式引领地方集群实现转型升级(Guo et al, 2011; 赵建吉等, 2013)。

与转移企业地方嵌入意愿的主动、被动论争相似,学界对转移企业地方嵌入的区域效应也存在不同认识。中国学者主要从产业承接的实践出发,认为居于价值链高端环节的跨国企业掌握着绝对的“技术权力”和“网络权力”,中国尤其是中西部地区产业集群在与跨国公司的博弈中往往居于弱势位置,如果地方集群不能顺利实现在价值链上的攀升和跃迁,会进一步加深对跨国公司“技术权力”和“网络权力”的依附性,使双方产业级差进一步拉大,使本地集群陷入“贫困竞争”和“比较优势陷阱”(闵成基等, 2010)。而且,虽然具有更高技术能力的转移企业可对承接地集群产生技术溢出效应,但如果地方集群的升级行为侵犯了转移企业的“技术权力”和核心利益,不管是产品升级、过程升级、功能升级都会受到转移企业的阻挡和压制(Humphrey et al, 2002; 文嫮等, 2005)。另外,还有部分学者关注转移企业嵌入带来的环境污染问题,认为中国的部分区域正成为国际污染密集型产业的“避难所”;在中国内部的产业转移进程中“污染避难所假说”也能得到实例验证(沈静等, 2012)。

6 结论与展望







二要加强转移企业网络角色和效应的定量研究。在不同的区域或行业,转—承双方互动耦合形成的关系网络会有独特的网络结构,占据不同网络位置的企业会拥有不同的角色和“权力”。由于缺乏转移企业地方嵌入的定量化网络分析,已有研究多设定领袖型转移企业具有更强的技术能力,因而将其视为区域企业网络的核心或“技术守门人”。然而,由于存在转移企业对承接地企业的技术压制现象,所以这种先验性的判断并不一定准确。此外,区域企业网络还可能存在“嵌入性悖论”问题,过度的“嵌入性依赖”会导致网络封闭和集群衰落(Uzzi, 1997; Nell, 2012)。在转移企业地方嵌入过程中是否存在“嵌入性悖论”现象,领袖型转移企业是否一定能成为区域企业网络中的“技术守门人”,这些问题还有待于通过深入的定量研究来解答。

三要加强转移企业经济嵌入、技术嵌入、社会嵌入等不同嵌入形式的相互影响研究。已有研究通常把“经济嵌入—技术嵌入—社会嵌入”视为转移企业地方嵌入的一般渐进过程,但“逆向”进程的存在说明几种嵌入形式间具有复杂的相互依存关系。从已有的经济实践和实证研究看,转移企业在承接地良好的社会嵌入会促进其经济嵌入,产业前后向联系又会强化知识流动并加深技术嵌入(Ahuja, 2000; 毛广雄, 2010; 谭文柱, 2012)。由此可见,转移企业在承接地的三种嵌入形式密切关联,但三种嵌入过程是否同步,三者有什么相互影响,转移企业在三种网络中的位置和角色是否一致,这些问题还需借助网络分析手段进行更加深入的探讨。

四要加强转移企业与承接地集群的“双向嵌入”研究。转移企业地方嵌入本质上是与承接地集群的互动耦合过程,随着转移企业地方嵌入程度不断加深,承接地集群也可以通过关系培育、价值链衔接、生产网络构建积极嵌入GVCs和GPNs中。因此,转移企业在承接地的嵌入更应该被视为转移企业地方嵌入、承接地集群全球生产网络嵌入的“双向嵌入”过程。目前,一方面中国的区际产业转移方兴未艾,另一方面中国对外直接投资(outward foreign direct investment,OFDI)规模迅速扩大。今后,学界要不断加强转移企业与承接地集群的“双向嵌入”研究,既为中西部地区承接产业转移提供决策参考,也为中国企业“走出去”进行理论探索。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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Research on the interaction between transferred enterprise and local enterprise: Take the refrigeration industrial cluster of Minquan County as an example

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[19] 邱国栋, 陈景辉. 2010.


[J]. 财经问题研究, (9): 88-95.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-176X.2010.09.015      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

本文针对国内外学者关于跨国公司在东道国的嵌入性不足或嵌入失效问题,提出了跨国公司在华具 有较强嵌入性的观点,并将视角聚焦于中国沿海开发区和其中的跨国公司,通过理论分析和案例分析相结合的方法,从四个维度揭示了跨国公司在中国的嵌入性及其 演化过程。并从战略管理视角探讨了跨国公司在华嵌入的演进规律,提出跨国公司在华战略三部曲,即从战略连接、战略嵌入到战略耦合,同时指出未来中国区域外 资政策取向应从单纯招商引资向本地嵌入转变。

[Qiu G D, Chen J H.2010.

The embeddedness of multinational enterprises in China's coastal development zones

[J]. Research on Financial and Economic Issues, (9): 88-95.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-176X.2010.09.015      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

本文针对国内外学者关于跨国公司在东道国的嵌入性不足或嵌入失效问题,提出了跨国公司在华具 有较强嵌入性的观点,并将视角聚焦于中国沿海开发区和其中的跨国公司,通过理论分析和案例分析相结合的方法,从四个维度揭示了跨国公司在中国的嵌入性及其 演化过程。并从战略管理视角探讨了跨国公司在华嵌入的演进规律,提出跨国公司在华战略三部曲,即从战略连接、战略嵌入到战略耦合,同时指出未来中国区域外 资政策取向应从单纯招商引资向本地嵌入转变。
[20] 沈静, 向澄, 柳意云. 2012.

广东省污染密集型产业转移机制: 基于2000-2009年面板数据模型的实证

[J]. 地理研究, 31(2): 357-368.

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[Shen J, Xiang C, Liu Y Y.2012.

The mechanism of pollution-intensive industry relocation in Guangdong Province, 2000-2009

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[21] 谭文柱. 2012.

社会关系嵌入与产业转移的区位选择: 宁波服装业案例研究

[J]. 地理科学, 32(7): 835-839.

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要


[Tan W Z.2012.

Social network embeddedness and firm relocation: A case study of the garment industry in Ningbo, China

[J]. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 32(7): 835-839.]

URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[22] 童昕, 王缉慈. 2001.


[J]. 地理学报, 56(6): 722-729.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb200106011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Through a case study on PC-related manufacturing in Dongguan, this paper examines the transformation of global-local ties in the development of local clusters in the context of Pearl River Delta, a foreign investment driven industrialized area in China. Following a brief theoretical review on the industrial cluster and the dynamics of global PC market environment, the changing structure of local PC production network is analyzed. The development of the local PC production network is divided into two stages: first, from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, export oriented manufacturing plants with strong global linkages but weak local linkages were established under the export processing regulations; second, from the middle 1990s till now, the local electronics intermediates production network kept growing with the Taiwan PC makers flood-in. The changing structure of local industrial linkages is intervened with the dynamics of social relations between different agents, which leads to the challenges of institutional innovation in the development of local clusters. Then, we analyze the congestion of custom, a prevalent problem faced by most local PC makers at present, and the ongoing bargain on regulations between overseas investors and local policy-makers. We argue that this institutional bottleneck of local production network is among the results of the structural changing, and cannot be solved only by readjustment at operational level. The forthcoming entrance WTO is a step towards improvement. However, the establishment of local common sense on new market rules among investors, local officials and labors is still a long way to go.

[Tong X, Wang J C.2001.

Local clustering: A case study on PC-related manufacturing in Dongguan

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 56(6): 722-729.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb200106011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Through a case study on PC-related manufacturing in Dongguan, this paper examines the transformation of global-local ties in the development of local clusters in the context of Pearl River Delta, a foreign investment driven industrialized area in China. Following a brief theoretical review on the industrial cluster and the dynamics of global PC market environment, the changing structure of local PC production network is analyzed. The development of the local PC production network is divided into two stages: first, from the late 1980s to the early 1990s, export oriented manufacturing plants with strong global linkages but weak local linkages were established under the export processing regulations; second, from the middle 1990s till now, the local electronics intermediates production network kept growing with the Taiwan PC makers flood-in. The changing structure of local industrial linkages is intervened with the dynamics of social relations between different agents, which leads to the challenges of institutional innovation in the development of local clusters. Then, we analyze the congestion of custom, a prevalent problem faced by most local PC makers at present, and the ongoing bargain on regulations between overseas investors and local policy-makers. We argue that this institutional bottleneck of local production network is among the results of the structural changing, and cannot be solved only by readjustment at operational level. The forthcoming entrance WTO is a step towards improvement. However, the establishment of local common sense on new market rules among investors, local officials and labors is still a long way to go.
[23] 王缉慈, 罗家德, 童昕. 2003.


[J]. 中国地质大学学报: 社会科学版, 3(2): 6-10.

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[Wang J C, Luo J D, Tong X.2003.

A comparison between Taiwanese PC-related industrial clusters in Suzhou and Dongguan

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[24] 魏后凯. 2002.


[J]. 经济研究,(4): 19-26, 92-93.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Wei H K.2002.

Effects of foreign direct investment on regional economic growth in China

[J]. Economic Research Journal,(4): 19-26, 92-93.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[25] 文嫮, 杨友仁, 侯俊军. 2007.

嵌入性与FDI驱动型产业集群研究: 以上海浦东IC产业集群为例

[J]. 经济地理, 27(5): 741-746.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.05.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

产业集群的嵌入性问题一直以来倍受关注.文章首先从理论上回顾了 嵌入性的基本概念,引入了经济地理学家对嵌入性三种维度的分类:"文化嵌入性"、"网络嵌入性"、"地域嵌入性".在此基础上,介绍了学术界对FDI驱动 型产业集群嵌入性问题的相关讨论,并以FDI驱动型浦东IC产业集群为范例,分析了其三个维度的嵌入性问题,其中重点研究了浦东IC产业集群的"地域嵌入 性".并认为价值链的新环节衍生,扮演了"桥"的角色,改善了浦东IC产业集群的"地域嵌入性".最后进行了理论总结.

[Wen H, Yang Y R, Hou J J.2007.

Study of embeddedness and FDI-driven industrial cluster: Case of Pudong IC industrial cluster

[J]. Economic Geography, 27(5): 741-746.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2007.05.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

产业集群的嵌入性问题一直以来倍受关注.文章首先从理论上回顾了 嵌入性的基本概念,引入了经济地理学家对嵌入性三种维度的分类:"文化嵌入性"、"网络嵌入性"、"地域嵌入性".在此基础上,介绍了学术界对FDI驱动 型产业集群嵌入性问题的相关讨论,并以FDI驱动型浦东IC产业集群为范例,分析了其三个维度的嵌入性问题,其中重点研究了浦东IC产业集群的"地域嵌入 性".并认为价值链的新环节衍生,扮演了"桥"的角色,改善了浦东IC产业集群的"地域嵌入性".最后进行了理论总结.
[26] 文嫮, 曾刚. 2005.

全球价值链治理与地方产业网络升级研究: 以上海浦东集成电路产业网络为例

[J]. 中国工业经济, (7): 20-27.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-480X.2005.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[1] 艾少伟, 苗长虹. 2011.

异质性“通道”与跨国公司地方化结网: 以苏州工业园为例

[J]. 地理研究, 30(8): 1483-1498.

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[Ai S W, Miao C H.2011.

Heterogeneous "channels" and localized networking of transnational corporations: Case of Suzhou Industrial Park

[J]. Geographical Research, 30(8): 1483-1498.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[26] [Wen H, Zeng G.2005.

Study of global value chain governance and local industrial network upgrading: Case of Pudong integrated circuit industrial network

[J]. China Industrial Economy, (7): 20-27.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1006-480X.2005.07.003      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

[27] 杨玲丽. 2015.

"嵌入性"约束下的产业转移制度安排: 江苏省南北挂钩共建产业园区的经验借鉴

[J]. 科技进步与对策, 32(5): 48-53.

https://doi.org/10.6049/kjjbydc.2014031119      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[2] 陈景辉, 邱国栋. 2008.


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[Chen J H, Qiu G D.2008.

An analysis of the mechanism of the embeddedness in the two-way and interactive coupling between TNC global value chain and local industrial clusters

[J]. Economic Management, (11): 6-11.]

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[27] [Yang L L.2015.

Industrial transfer system arrangement of embeddedness under the constraint: Experience of establishing industrial park with south and north in Jiangsu

[J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 32(5): 48-53.]

https://doi.org/10.6049/kjjbydc.2014031119      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[28] 杨伟聪. 2017.


[J]. 热带地理, 37(5): 628.

https://doi.org/10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002992      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

一、全球生产网络的理论框架和发展历程 目前,全球生产网络(GPN)理论可分为2个发展阶段:2001―2011年的GPN1.0,强调跨国主义、团队协助、超越小范围地理空间的联系。这一时期,在全球生产网络背景下,理解区域发展的一些关键问题主要包括:1)区域升级(Regiona upgrading)——嵌入全球价值链是如何影响产业升级与区域发展?2)全球―地方互动(Global-loca interaction)——快速变化的全球经济背景下,
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轮轴式产业集群内企业网络特征及形成机理: 基于2014年奇瑞汽车集群实证分析

[J]. 地理研究, 37(2): 353-365.

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[Chen X F, Miao C H, Pan S Q, et al.2018.

Characteristics and construction mechanism of enterprise networks in "Hub-and-Spoke" cluster: Empirical evidence from Chery cluster in 2014, China

[J]. Geographical Research, 37(2): 353-365.]

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[28] [Yeung H W-C.2017.

Global production networks and regional development in east and southeast Asia

[J]. Tropical Geography, 37(5): 628.]

https://doi.org/10.13284/j.cnki.rddl.002992      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

一、全球生产网络的理论框架和发展历程 目前,全球生产网络(GPN)理论可分为2个发展阶段:2001―2011年的GPN1.0,强调跨国主义、团队协助、超越小范围地理空间的联系。这一时期,在全球生产网络背景下,理解区域发展的一些关键问题主要包括:1)区域升级(Regiona upgrading)——嵌入全球价值链是如何影响产业升级与区域发展?2)全球―地方互动(Global-loca interaction)——快速变化的全球经济背景下,
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[He C F, Chen Y.1997.

Locational distribution and spatial diffusion of Hong Kong-Macao's FDI in China

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[29] [Ye Q X.2006.

Mechanism of the local embeddedness of transnational corporations

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[30] 曾咏梅. 2011.


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Regional differences of foreign direct investment in China

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[30] [Zeng Y M.2011.

Study on the imbedding mode of industry clusters into global value chains

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[31] 张建伟, 王艳华, 赵建吉, . 2016.


[J]. 世界地理研究, 25(3): 133-141.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2016.03.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[6] 景秀艳, 曾刚. 2007.

全球与地方的契合: 权力与生产网络的二维治理

[J]. 人文地理, 22(3): 22-27.

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[Jing X Y, Zeng G.2007.

Consistency between globalization and localization: Power and two-dimensional governmenance of production network

[J]. Human Geography, 22(3): 22-27.]

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[31] [Zhang J W, Wang Y H, Zhao J J, et al.2016.

Research progress of the interactive mechanism between industrial transfer and innovation ability

[J]. World Regional Studies, 25(3): 133-141.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2016.03.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[32] 张占仁, 杜德斌. 2016.


[J]. 经济地理, 36(8):1-7.

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[7] 李国平, . 2016. 产业转移与中国区域空间结构优化[M]. 北京: 科学出版社.

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[Li G P, et al.2016. Industrial transfer and optimization of regional spatial structure in China[M]. Beijing, China: Science Press.]

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[32] [Zhang Z R, Du D B.2016.

A review on the study of the embed barriers and upgrade dilemma of the global R&D network

[J]. Economic Geography, 36(8):1-7.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[33] 赵建吉, 茹乐峰, 段小微, . 2014.

产业转移的经济地理学研究: 进展与展望

[J]. 经济地理, 34(1): 1-6.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2014.01.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] 李小建. 1996.


[J]. 地理学报, 51(3): 213-223.

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb199603003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Li X J.1996.

Locational behaviour of Hongkong business investment in mainland China

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 51(3): 213-223.]

https://doi.org/10.11821/xb199603003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[33] [Zhao J J, Ru L F, Duan X W, et al.2014.

Industrial transfer study in economic geography: Progress and prospect

[J]. Economic Geography, 34(1): 1-6.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1000-8462.2014.01.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[34] 赵建吉, 曾刚. 2013.

基于技术守门员的产业集群技术流动研究: 以张江集成电路产业为例

[J]. 经济地理, 33(2): 111-116.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以管制理论、全球生产网络理论、地方生产网络理论为基础,以技术 空间流动为核心,构建了技术守门员分析框架;运用该框架,以上海张江集成电路产业集群为案例,研究了技术守门员在全球生产网络技术获取、地方生产网络内技 术传播和扩散过程中的作用.研究发现:技术守门员是集群实现全球-地方联结的重要管道,这对于中小企业学习创新非常重要;技术守门员便于集群实现更为迅速 的技术流动;培育和扶持技术守门员对于我国产业集群转型和升级具有积极意义.
[9] 刘卫东. 2003.

论全球化与地区发展之间的辩证关系: 被动嵌入

[J]. 世界地理研究, 12(1): 1-9.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2003.01.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

全球化是当今世界发展的重要趋势之一。地理学家基本上都承认这种趋势正在对地区发展产生深刻的影响 ,但对具体影响还缺少比较一致的看法。在过去的 10多年中 ,国外经济地理学者主要借用社会经济学的思想和概念来为全球化下地区的作用来辩护。本文继承了这种学术思路 ,利用“嵌入”的思想建立了“被动嵌入”模型 ,来反映外资与地方制度环境之间的相互作用关系。“被动嵌入”模型表明 ,全球化是依赖于地方制度环境的一个过程 ,离开地区谈全球化是一种“理想主义”。另一方面 ,地区如何在全球化浪潮中获得益处取决于自身的知识创新与制度创新。

[Liu W D.2003.

Interdependent relationship between economic Globalization and local development: Obligated embeddedness

[J]. World Regional Studies, 12(1): 1-9.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-9479.2003.01.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

全球化是当今世界发展的重要趋势之一。地理学家基本上都承认这种趋势正在对地区发展产生深刻的影响 ,但对具体影响还缺少比较一致的看法。在过去的 10多年中 ,国外经济地理学者主要借用社会经济学的思想和概念来为全球化下地区的作用来辩护。本文继承了这种学术思路 ,利用“嵌入”的思想建立了“被动嵌入”模型 ,来反映外资与地方制度环境之间的相互作用关系。“被动嵌入”模型表明 ,全球化是依赖于地方制度环境的一个过程 ,离开地区谈全球化是一种“理想主义”。另一方面 ,地区如何在全球化浪潮中获得益处取决于自身的知识创新与制度创新。
[34] [Zhao J J, Zeng G.2013.

The study on technological gatekeepers in technological flow of the industrial clusters: A case study of IC industrial cluster in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park

[J]. Economic Geography, 33(2): 111-116.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

以管制理论、全球生产网络理论、地方生产网络理论为基础,以技术 空间流动为核心,构建了技术守门员分析框架;运用该框架,以上海张江集成电路产业集群为案例,研究了技术守门员在全球生产网络技术获取、地方生产网络内技 术传播和扩散过程中的作用.研究发现:技术守门员是集群实现全球-地方联结的重要管道,这对于中小企业学习创新非常重要;技术守门员便于集群实现更为迅速 的技术流动;培育和扶持技术守门员对于我国产业集群转型和升级具有积极意义.
[35] Ahuja G.2000.

Collaboration networks, structural holes, and innovation: A longitudinal study

[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 45(3): 425-455.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2667105      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

To assess the effects of a firm's network of relations on innovation, this paper elaborates a theoretical framework that relates three aspects of a firm's ego network-direct ties, indirect ties, and structural holes (disconnections between a firm's partners)-to the firm's subsequent innovation output. It posits that direct and indirect ties both have a positive impact on innovation but that the impact of indirect ties is moderated by the number of a firm's direct ties. Structural holes are proposed to have both positive and negative influences on subsequent innovation. Results from a longitudinal study of firms in the international chemicals industry indicate support for the predictions on direct and indirect ties, but in the interfirm collaboration network, increasing structural holes has a negative effect on innovation. Among the implications for interorganizational network theory is that the optimal structure of interfirm networks depends on the objectives of the network members.
[10] 刘作丽, 贺灿飞. 2011.


[J]. 地理研究, 30(9): 1606-1620.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Liu Z L, He C F.2011.

Agglomeration, institutions and the functional location of auto TNCs in China

[J]. Geographical Research, 30(9): 1606-1620.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[36] Andersson U, Forsgren M.1996.

Subsidiary embeddedness and control in the multinational corporation

[J]. International Business Review, 5(5): 487-508.

https://doi.org/10.1016/0969-5931(96)00023-6      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The empirical data presented, collected from 78 subsidiaries of major Swedish MNCs, indicate that embeddedness has an impact on how headquarter's control is perceived by the subsidiary, if embeddedness is separated into external and corporate embeddedness. The test provides support for the opinion that the higher the degree of embeddedness vis- -vis external customers, suppliers and other counterparts, the lower the degree of headquarters' control, as perceived by the subsidiary. But it also lends support for the view that embeddedness vis- -vis corporate counterparts works in the opposite direction; it rather tends to increase the control perceived at the subsidiary level. These results indicate that competition for influence over the subsidiaries' behaviour, as seen from the headquarter's point of view, arises primarily from external actors who have business specific relationships with the subsidiary.
[37] Bagchi-Sen S, Wheeler J O.1989.

A spatial and temporal model of foreign direct investment in the United States

[J]. Economic Geography, 65(2): 113-129.

https://doi.org/10.2307/143776      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study analyzes the spatial distribution of foreign direct investment among metropolitan areas in the United States for the periods 19740900091978 and 19790900091983. A model is developed to test the importance of population size, population growth rate, and per capita retail sales in determining levels of foreign investment. Casetti''s expansion method is used to test whether or not the regression parameters of the explanatory variables are spatially and temporally unstable. The results indicate that the model varies both spatially and over time. Heavily concentrated in northeastern metropolitan areas in 19740900091978, especially New York, foreign direct investment dispersed widely to the south and west in 19790900091983. In keeping with the general transformation of the U.S. metropolitan economy, foreign direct investment shifted noticeably from the manufacturing sector to the service sector during the study period.
[11] 罗芊, 贺灿飞, 郭琪. 2016.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 35(11): 1369-1380.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Luo Q, He C F, Guo Q.2016.

Interaction between the spatial dynamics of foreign direct investment and domestic industrial change in Chinese prefecture-level cities

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(11): 1369-1380.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[38] Buckley P J, Clegg J, Tan H.2006.

Cultural awareness in knowledge transfer to China: The role of Guanxi and Mianzi

[J]. Journal of World Business, 41(3): 275-288.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwb.2006.01.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper examines cultural awareness in knowledge transfer to China. The concepts of guanxi and mianzi are fundamentally important in understanding cultural interactions in China. These concepts, generally analyzed at the personal level, are extended here to relationships between firms and with governmental bodies. Our findings suggest that foreign investors in China must be aware of these key concepts and must use their knowledge to establish better institutional connections with locally owned partners and government. Using these concepts to build trust lies at the heart of interactions with local stakeholders including employees, local partners and government officials. Government support and a shared mindset can only be secured when mutual trust is established. This has to be achieved by long-term engagement with the key actors.
[39] Chen S H.2004.

Taiwanese IT firms' offshore R&D in China and the connection with the global innovation network

[J]. Research Policy, 33(2): 337-349.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2003.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[12] 毛广雄. 2010.

基于社会资本理论的产业转移研究: 江苏南北共建开发区模式解析

[J]. 人文地理, 25(4): 91-96.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Mao G X.2010.

A research on industrial transfer based on the theory of social capital: An analysis on model of development zones co-constructed by southern Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu

[J]. Human Geography, 25(4): 91-96.]

[本文引用: 2]     

[40] Chey H K.2012.

The impact of affinity on world economic integration: The case of Japanese foreign direct investment

[J]. Japan and the World Economy, 24(1): 57-63.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japwor.2012.01.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper finds that a country's affinity with a foreign country has a positive effect on foreign direct investment flows from it to that country, by analyzing Japanese foreign direct investment outflows during the period of 1995 2009. A rise in a country's affinity with a foreign country is thought to enhance its trust in that country and as a result lower the transaction costs of its economic activities with it, thereby helping to promote its foreign direct investment flows to the country. These findings imply that a rise in affinity among countries is likely to facilitate international economic integration.
[41] Christopherson S.2007.

Barriers to 'US style' lean retailing: The case of Wal-Mart's failure in Germany

[J]. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(4): 451-469.

https://doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbm010      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[13] 梅丽霞, 王缉慈. 2009.


[J]. 人文地理, 24(4): 32-37.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Mei L X, Wang J C.2009.

Power concentration, production fragmentation, and local upgrading in the global value chains

[J]. Human Geography, 24(4): 32-37.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[42] Coe N M, Hess M, Yeung H W-C, et al.2004.

'Globalizing' regional development: A global production networks perspective

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(4): 468-484.

https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.2004.29.issue-4      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[43] Coe N M, Lee Y S.2006.

The strategic localization of transnational retailers: The case of Samsung-Tesco in South Korea

[J]. Economic Geography, 82(1): 61-88.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2006.tb00288.x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Abstract: This article contributes to the small but growing geographic literature on the internationalization of retailing by exploring the strategic localization of transnational retailers. While it has long been recognized that firms in many different sectors localize their activities to meet the requirements of different national and local markets, the imperative is particularly strong for retail transnational corporations (TNCs) because of the extremely high territorial embeddedness of their activities. This embeddedness can be seen through the ways in which retailers seek to establish and maintain extensive store networks, adapt their offerings to various cultures of consumption, and manage the proliferation of connections to the local supply base. We illustrate these conceptual arguments through a case study of the Samsung-Tesco joint venture in South Korea, profiling three particular aspects of Samsung-Tesco's strategic localization: the localization of products, the localization of sourcing, and the localization of staffing and strategic decision making. In conclusion, we argue that the strategic localization of transnational retailers needs to be conceptualized as a dynamic that evolves over time after initial inward investment and that localization should be seen as a two-way dynamic that has the potential to have a wider impact on the parent corporation.
[14] 苗长虹. 2004.

变革中的西方经济地理学: 制度、文化、关系与尺度转向

[J]. 人文地理, 19(4): 68-76.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.04.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Miao C H.2004.

Western economic geography in transformation: Insititutional, cultural, relational and scalar turns

[J]. Human Geography, 19(4): 68-76.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.04.015      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[44] Depner H, Bathelt H.2005.

Exporting the German model: The establishment of a new automobile industry cluster in Shanghai

[J]. Economic Geography, 81(1): 53-81.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1944-8287.2005.tb00255.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent work has provided evidence that the establishment of new industry clusters cannot be jump-started through policy initiatives alone. This evidence does not imply, however, that the genesis of a new cluster cannot be planned at all. Especially in the context of a developing economy, it seems useful to reinvestigate the relation among economic development, the strategies of multinational firms, and state intervention in this respect. Drawing from the case of the automobile industry and its supplier system in Shanghai in which German firms play an important role, we provide empirical evidence of the evolution of a new cluster that is supported by the state in various forms and characterized by a focal, hierarchically structured production system. We use a multidimensional approach to clusters, which leads to a more nuanced understanding of the evolution and growth of a cluster than that provided by earlier accounts. This approach allows us to distinguish the development of the Shanghai automobile industry cluster along its vertical, horizontal, external, institutional, and power dimensions. We provide evidence that another dimension090000090008culture090009090000plays an important role, especially in its relation to issues of power and institutions. The role of this dimension is demonstrated in the case of German firms, which tap into the Chinese innovation system. This system is characterized by particular business relations, institutions, norms, and various social practices that are new to German firms. We demonstrate how this difference creates problems in establishing local production and supplier relations and how these problems can be overcome.
[45] Giroud A, Jindra B, Marek P.2012.

Heterogeneous FDI in transition economies: A novel approach to assess the developmental impact of backward linkages

[J]. World Development, 40(11): 2206-2220.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2012.03.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Traditional models of technology transfer via FDI rely upon technology gap and absorptive capacity arguments to explain host economies’ potential to benefit from technological spillovers. This paper emphasizes foreign affiliates’ technological heterogeneity. We apply a novel approach differentiating extent and intensity of backward linkages between foreign affiliates and local suppliers. We use survey data on 809 foreign affiliates in five transition economies. Our evidence shows that foreign affiliates’ technological capability, embeddedness and autonomy are positively related to knowledge transfer via backward linkages. In contrast to what is widely assumed, we find a non-linear relationship between extent of local sourcing and knowledge transfer to domestic suppliers.
[15] 苗长虹. 2006.

全球—地方联结与产业集群的技术学习: 以河南许昌发制品产业为例

[J]. 地理学报, 61(4): 425-434.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Miao C H.2006.

Global-local nexus and technological learning in industrial cluster: A case study of hair-goods industry in Xuchang, Henan Province

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 61(4): 425-434.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.04.009      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[46] Granovetter M.1985.

Economic action and social structure: The problem of embeddedness

[J]. American Journal of Sociology, 91(3): 481-510.

https://doi.org/10.1086/228311      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[47] Guo B, Guo J J.2011.

Patterns of technological learning within the knowledge systems of industrial clusters in emerging economies: Evidence from China

[J]. Technovation, 31(2-3): 87-104.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2010.10.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Through an interview-based exploratory study and a follow-up survey-based quantitative analysis, this paper investigates the technological learning pattern in terms of structure and mechanisms of interaction within the knowledge system of two industrial clusters in China. Unlike the recent studies that suggest that industrial cluster comprises disconnected leader-centered communities, we argue that the different leader-centered communities within the knowledge systems of industrial clusters are not disconnected from each other. Instead, those communities are inter-connected through the so-called ‘knowledge spanning mechanisms’. Regarding the interaction dimension of technological learning pattern, this paper argues that in analyzing learning behavior in the knowledge networks of industrial clusters, it is necessary to synthesize the learning opportunity perspective and the absorptive capacity perspective to better understand and explain the similarities and dissimilarities in technological learning behavior among different cluster types, across cognitive subgroups, and between product innovation and process innovation. Our study reveals that in the context of emerging countries, the following four factors are decisive for technological learning opportunities inside the knowledge networks of industrial clusters: the underlying complexity of technology in clusters, the inter-connectedness between product and process, path dependency in knowledge searching, and the incremental nature of a cluster’s technological development.
[16] 闵成基, 杨震宁, 王以华. 2010.

权力依附关系和关系嵌入对知识流入的影响: 以跨国公司在华子公司为例

[J]. 科学学研究, 28(3): 412-419, 435.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用关系嵌入和权力依附关系与 吸收能力相一致的相关理论,试图解释跨国公司在华子公司通过外部的商业关系获得商业知识(显性/隐性)的内涵、动机和能力的机理。通过对80个在华跨国公 司子公司的调查发现,在营销知识自外部的商业伙伴向跨国公司在华子公司传递中,权力依附关系和吸收能力是具有显著影响力的主要因素,关系嵌入仅仅具有有限 的影响。

[Min C J, Yang Z N, Wang Y H.2010.

Power and relational embeddedness's impact on knowledge inflow: Taking MNC's subsidiary in China for example

[J]. Studies in Science of Science, 28(3): 412-419, 435.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

运用关系嵌入和权力依附关系与 吸收能力相一致的相关理论,试图解释跨国公司在华子公司通过外部的商业关系获得商业知识(显性/隐性)的内涵、动机和能力的机理。通过对80个在华跨国公 司子公司的调查发现,在营销知识自外部的商业伙伴向跨国公司在华子公司传递中,权力依附关系和吸收能力是具有显著影响力的主要因素,关系嵌入仅仅具有有限 的影响。
[48] Hardy J.1998.

Cathedrals in the desert? Transnationals, corporate strategy and locality in Wrocław

[J]. Regional Studies, 32(7): 639-652.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409850119526      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

HARDY J. (1998) Cathedrals in the desert? Transnationals, corporate strategy and locality in Wroc00aw, 32, 639-652. This paper examines the relationship between the strategy and restructuring of transnational corporations, patterns of foreign direct investment and the transformation of the regions of East and Central Europe. Different views of the impact of foreign direct investment are interrogated by taking a case study approach which focuses on 12 significant brownfield and greenfield investments in the Wroc00aw region of Poland. The paper examines the relationship between their mode of entry and institutional engagement. Economic impacts are explored through looking at both the internal restructuring of firms and the wider linkages created in the local region. The paper concludes that, whilst the internal impact on individual firms has been marked, local linkages are not significant. Questions are raised about the effects of competition on indigenous firms. It is suggested that FDI has created 'cathedrals in the desert'. The paper argues that, rather than creating core or dynamic regions, FDI simply produces regions that contain a larger than average number of firms which have been made competitive. HARDY J. (1998) Des oasis dans le désert? Les sociétés transnationales, la stratégie des sociétés et la localisation dans la région de Wroc00aw, 32, 639-652. Cet article examine le rapport entre la stratégie et la restructuration des sociétés transnationales, la distribution de l'investissement direct étranger et la transformation des régions de l'Europe centrale. A partir d'une étude de cas qui porte sur dix projets établis dans les zones friches et sur les terrains vierges dans la région de Wroc00aw en Pologne, on étudie divers points de vue quant àl'impact de l'investissement direct étranger. Cet article examine le rapport entre leur stratégie d'implantation et le partenariat institutionnel. On examine les retombées économiques en considérant à la fois la restructuration interne des entreprises et les liens externes créés au sein de la région. Pour conclure l'article affirme que malgré l'importance de l'impact interne sur des entreprises individuelles, les liens locaux s'avèrent moins marqués. On pose des questions concernant l'impact de la concurrence sur les entreprises autochtones. On laisse supposer que l'investissement direct étranger a créédes "oasis dans le désert". L'article soutient que, plut00t que de créer des régions centrales ou dynamiques, l'investissement direct étranger n'étabit que des régions qui comprennent un parc d'entreprises compétitives qui dépasse la moyenne. HARDY J. (1998) Kathedralen in der Wüste? 05bernationale Organisationen, Korporative Taktik und Ortsgegend in Wroc00aw, 32, 639-652. Dieser Aufsatz untersucht die Beziehung zwischen der Taktik und Umstrukturierung übernationaler K02rperschaften, Muster ausl01ndischer Direktinvestitionen und der Transformation der Regionen Mitteleuropas. Es wird verschiedenen Ansichten über die Auswirkung ausl01ndischer Direktinvestitionen das Wort erteilt, indem ein Fallstudienansatz benutzt wird, der sich auf zehn bedeutende Investierungen in Altbaugebieten und im Grünen in der Wroc00awer Gegend Polens konzentriert. Der Aufsatz untersucht das Verh01ltnis zwischen der Modalit01t ihres Beitritts und institutioneller Verpflichtung. Wirtschaftliche Auswirkungen werden sowohl mittels Betrachtung der internen Unstrukturierung von Firmen als auch der weitreichenderen Verknüpfungen in der Ortsgegend untersucht. Der Aufsatz kommt zu dem Schlu08, da08 zwar eine ausgepr01gte interne Auswirkung auf individuelle Firmen feststellbar ist, 02rtliche Verknüpfungen jedoch unbedeutend blieben. Fragen über die Wirkung der Konkurrenz auf einheimische Firmen werden besprochen. Es dr01ngt sich der Gedanke auf, da08 ausl01ndische Direktinvestierungen (Foreign Direct Investment - FDI) "Kathedralen in der Wüste" geschaffen habe. Der Aufsatz tritt dafür ein, da08 FDI statt dynamischer oder Kernregionen einfach solche schaffe, die eine überdurchschnittliche Anzahl von Firmen enthalten, die wettbewerbsf01hig geworden sind.
[49] Henderson J, Dicken P, Hess M, et al.2002.

Global production networks and the analysis of economic development

[J]. Review of International Political Economy, 9(3): 436-464.

https://doi.org/10.1080/09692290210150842      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article outlines a framework for the analysis of economic integration and its relation to the asymmetries of economic and social development. Consciously breaking with state-centric forms of social science, it argues for a research agenda that is more adequate to the exigencies and consequences of globalization than has traditionally been the case in 'development studies'. Drawing on earlier attempts to analyse the cross-border activities of firms, their spatial configurations and developmental consequences, the article moves beyond these by proposing the framework of the 'global production network' (GPN). It explores the conceptual elements involved in this framework in some detail and then turns to sketch a stylized example of a GPN. The article concludes with a brief indication of the benefits that could be delivered by research informed by GPN analysis.
[17] 潘峰华, 王缉慈. 2010.

从“被动嵌入”到供应链园区投资: 外商直接投资的新模式

[J]. 中国软科学,(3): 95-102, 110.

[本文引用: 1]     

[Pan F H, Wang J C.2010.

From obligated embeddedness to supplier chain park investment: A new mode of FDI

[J]. China Soft Science,(3): 95-102, 110.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[50] Hess M.2004.

'Spatial' relationships? Towards a reconceptualization of embeddedness

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 28(2): 165-186.

https://doi.org/10.1191/0309132504ph479oa      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The concept of embeddedness has gained much prominence in economic geography over the last decade, as much work has been done on the social and organizational foundations of economic activities and regional development. Unlike the original conceptualizations, however, embeddedness is mostly conceived of as a 'spatial' concept related to the local and regional levels of analysis. By revisiting the early literature on embeddedness - in particular the seminal work of Karl Polanyi and Mark Granovetter - and critically engaging with what I will call an 'overterritorialized' concept, a different view on the fundamental categories of embeddedness is proposed. This reconceptualization then is illustrated using the poststructuralist metaphor of a rhizome to interpret the notion of embeddedness and its applicability to different geographical scales.
[51] Hess M, Yeung H W-C.2006.

Whither global production networks in economic geography? Past, present, and future

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 38(7): 1193-1204.

https://doi.org/10.1068/a38463      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[52] Hsu J-Y.2006.

The dynamic firm-territory nexus of Taiwanese informatics industry investments in China

[J]. Growth and Change, 37(2): 230-254.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2257.2006.00316.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract ABSTRACT This article explores the transformation of industrial systems in transborder investments made by Taiwanese information technology investors in China. It asks how cross-border firms would operate in these new territories. The study found that, by and large, Taiwanese investors chose to respond strategically to the tensions in different ways at different stages. At first, regarding China as a land of cheap labor and land, they relocated the Taiwanese industrial system in such a way as to avoid disturbing the hosting regions. The situation changed as China market emerged confidently and opened gradually to foreign investors after the mid-1990s. Exploring this huge new market in China provided a mandate for Taiwanese investors to prosper. They opened up their firm boundaries and added new departments of research, development, and marketing. They developed from being merely export subcontractors to producing their own brand-name goods. In the most recent stage, Taiwanese investors have created networks to tap into local resources to support new activities. Echoing Yeung (2005) in a recent issue of this journal, this article argues that new investments change the developmental trajectories of the host regions and, at the same time, the regions imbued the incoming firms with their own regional stamp. From this perspective, location and localization decisions by cross-strait firms may be regarded as geographically sensitive strategies whereby firms, as reflexive agents, protect and reinforce their competence through the evolution of a firm erritory nexus.
[53] Humphrey J, Schmitz H.2002.

How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading in industrial clusters

[J]. Regional Studies, 36(9): 1017-1027.

https://doi.org/10.1080/0034340022000022198      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[54] Kim J Y, Zhang L-Y.2008.

Formation of FDI clustering - A new path to local economic development? The case of electronics cluster in Qingdao City

[J]. Regional Studies, 42(2): 265-280.

https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601145186      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Jun Yeup Kim and Le-Yin Zhang Formation of foreign direct investment clustering – a new path to local economic development? The case of Qingdao, Regional Studies. This paper investigates the clustering of Chinese electronics manufacturers, large and small, alongside established foreign producers in Qingdao, North China. It examines how the supplier–buyer linkages between foreign invested enterprises (FIEs) and local firms have driven the development of a successful electronic industry cluster around development zones established by the local authority, underpinning the success of the large domestic firms both at home and abroad. It also analyses how FIEs' collaboration with local firms fosters local economic development in Qingdao. By integrating the theoretical perspectives of the hub-and-spoke model from economic geography and flagship-and-five partner's model in the science of strategic management, it develops its own theoretical lens to investigate the inter-firm network between the FIEs and local firms. The secret of the success of the Chinese electronic producers lies in their ability to drive, rather than being subordinate to, this network. Jun Yeup Kim et Le-YIN Zhang L'agglomération de l'IDE – un nouveau sentier à suivre vers le développement économique local? Etude de cas de Qingdao, Regional Studies. Cet article cherche à examiner l'agglomération des entreprises industrielles électroniques en Chine, à la fois grandes et petites, à c00té des constructeurs étrangers établis à Qingdao, en Chine du Nord. On examine comment le rapport fournisseur-acheteur entre les entreprises à capital étranger et les entreprises locales a conduit l'agglomération réussie d'entreprises industrielles électroniques autour des zones de développement délimitées par l'administration locale, étayant le succès des grandes entreprises nationales, à la fois dans le pays et à l'étranger. On analyse aussi comment la collaboration des entreprises à capital étranger avec les entreprises locales encourage le développement économique local à Qingdao. En intégrant les perspectives théoriques du modèle ‘moyeu-rayon’ de la géographie économique et celles du modèle ‘vedette-cinq partenaires’ de la science de la gestion stratégique, on développe un objectif théorique par lequel on peut examiner le réseau interentreprise d'entreprises à capital étranger et locales. La réussite de l'industrie électronique chinoise réside dans sa capacité à conduire le réseau plut00t que d'en être la subalterne. Investissement direct étranger69Agglomération industrielle69Rapport acheteur-fournisseur69Chine69Industrie électronique Jun Yeup Kim und Le-Yin Zhang Clusterbildung bei ausl01ndischen Direktinvestitionen – ein neuer Pfad zur lokalen Wirtschaftsentwicklung? Der Fall Qingdao, Regional Studies. In diesem Beitrag wird die Clusterbildung unter den gro08en und kleinen Elektronikherstellern Chinas sowie den etablierten ausl01ndischen Produzenten im nordchinesischen Qingdao untersucht. Wir analysieren, wie die Lieferanten-K01ufer-Verknüpfungen zwischen Unternehmen mit Auslandsinvestitionen und einheimischen Firmen in der Umgebung der von den 02rtlichen Beh02rden eingerichteten Entwicklungszonen zur Entwicklung eines erfolgreichen Elektronikindustrie-Clusters geführt haben, was den Erfolg der gro08en einheimischen Firmen sowohl zu Hause als auch im Ausland gest01rkt hat. Ebenso untersuchen wir, wie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Unternehmen mit Auslandsinvestitionen und den einheimischen Firmen die lokale Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Qingdao gef02rdert hat. Durch eine Integration der theoretischen Perspektiven eines Naben- und Speichenmodells aus der Wirtschaftsgeografie und eines ‘Flagship-and-Five-Partner’-Modells in der Wissenschaft des strategischen Managements entwickeln wir unser eigenes theoretisches Objektiv zur Untersuchung des Netzwerks zwischen Unternehmen mit Auslandsinvestitionen und einheimischen Firmen. Das Erfolgsgeheimnis der chinesischen Elektronikproduzenzten liegt in ihrer F01higkeit, dieses Netzwerk anzutreiben statt sich ihm unterzuordnen. Ausl01ndische Direktinvestitionen69Industrie-Cluster69K01ufer-Lieferanten-Verknüpfungen69China69Elektronikindustrie Jun Yeup Kim y Le-Yin Zhang Formación de aglomeraciones de las EIE. Una nueva ruta hacia el desarrollo económico local? El caso de Qingdao, Regional Studies. En este ensayo investigamos las aglomeraciones de empresas electrónicas chinas, peque09as y grandes, y de los productores extranjeros establecidos en Qingdao, al norte de China. Examinamos cómo los vínculos de suministradores-compradores entre empresas de inversión extranjera (EIE) y las sociedades locales han impulsado el desarrollo de una aglomeración de prósperas industrias electrónicas en zonas de desarrollo establecidas por la autoridad local, respaldando el éxito de grandes empresas nacionales tanto en el país como en el extranjero. También analizamos en qué medida la colaboración de las EIE con empresas locales fomenta el desarrollo económico local en Qingdao. Al integrar las perspectivas teóricas del modelo hub-and-spoke (nodo y derivación) de la geografía económica y el modelo de insignia y cinco socios en la ciencia de la gestión estratégica, desarrollamos nuestro propio objetivo teórico para investigar la red empresarial entre las EIE y las empresas locales. El secreto del éxito en los productores electrónicos en China radica en su capacidad para dirigir esta red más que ser subordinados por ella. Inversión directa extranjera69Aglomeración industrial69Vínculos de suministradores-compradores69China69Industria electrónica
[55] Liu W D, Dicken P.2006.

Transnational corporations and ‘obligated embeddedness’: Foreign direct investment in China's automobile industry

[J]. Environment and Planning A, 38(7): 1229-1247

https://doi.org/10.1068/a37206      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[56] Lowe N, Kenney M.1999.

Foreign investment and the global geography of production: Why the Mexican consumer electronics industry failed

[J]. World Development, 27(8): 1427-1443.

https://doi.org/10.1016/S0305-750X(99)00064-9      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

In contrast to the traditional market- or state-based theories, we argue that the decline of Mexico's consumer electronics industry largely resulted from its foreign investment regime, particularly the timing of investment and the geographical locations of local and foreign manufacturers, and the subsequent depth and quality of the relationships between these firms. The differences between Mexico's regime and that of Taiwan during the same period provide further evidence of the important role that foreign firms play in inserting local suppliers into the global production chain. We argue that Mexico's foreign investment regime and the resulting weak local-foreign ties, rather than inadequate state policy, sealed the fate of Mexico's once thriving domestic electronics industry.
[57] Nell P C, Andersson U.2012.

The complexity of the business network context and its effect on subsidiary relational (over-) embeddedness

[J]. International Business Review, 21(6): 1087-1098.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.12.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Many studies have focused on the effects of MNC subsidiaries’ external relational embeddedness. Little attention has been given to its antecedents and especially to the potential effect that the business network context might have. We try to fill this gap and attempt to explain variation among subsidiaries’ degree of relational embeddedness. Our results show a strong and robust effect of the business network context – i.e. the network context in which the direct business relationships between the subsidiary and its partners are embedded – on the degree of relational embeddedness. However, contrary to previous literature, we find an inverted u-shaped relationship. We discuss our findings with regard to the issue of over-embeddedness and the literature on the strength of weak vs. strong ties.
[58] Schive C, Majumdar B A.1990.

Direct foreign investment and linkage effects: The experience of Taiwan

[J]. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 11(2): 325-342.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.1990.9669404      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT The benefits of direct foreign investments are best realized if they flow into industries with high potential linkages and thus do not form foreign enclaves. This paper investigates the linkage effects of foreign investments in Taiwan to determine whether they have become integrated into the local economy. It concludes that such investments have indeed been directed to industries with the highest potential backward linkages, thus contributing to Taiwan's rapid rate of economic growth.
[59] Sun H.1996.

Direct foreign investment and linkage effects: The experience of China

[J]. Asian Economics, 25(1): 5-28.

https://doi.org/10.1080/02255189.1990.9669404      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT The benefits of direct foreign investments are best realized if they flow into industries with high potential linkages and thus do not form foreign enclaves. This paper investigates the linkage effects of foreign investments in Taiwan to determine whether they have become integrated into the local economy. It concludes that such investments have indeed been directed to industries with the highest potential backward linkages, thus contributing to Taiwan's rapid rate of economic growth.
[60] Uzzi B.1997.

Social structure and competition in interfirm networks: The paradox of embeddedness

[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42(1): 35-67.

https://doi.org/10.2307/2393808      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The purpose of this work is to develop a systematic understanding of embeddedness and organization networks. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork conducted at 23 entrepreneurial firms, I identify the components of embedded relationships and explicate the devices by which embeddedness shapes organizational and economic outcomes. The findings suggest that embeddedness is a logic of exchange that promotes economies of time, integrative agreements, Pareto improvements in allocative efficiency, and complex adaptation. These positive effects rise up to a threshold, however, after which embeddedhess can derail economic performance by making firms vulnerable to exogenous shocks or insulating them from information that exists beyond their network. A framework is proposed that explains how these properties vary with the quality of social ties, the structure of the organization network, and an organization's structural position in the network."
[61] Wei Y H D, Liao F H F.2013.

The embeddedness of transnational corporations in Chinese cities: Strategic coupling in global production networks

[J]. Habitat International, 40: 82-90.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.habitatint.2013.01.005      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The embeddedness of transnational corporations (TNCs) in metropolitan economies has become a central issue in the research on globalization and local development. This paper attempts to enhance understanding of FDI embeddedness by assessing TNCs' backward and technological linkages with domestic firms. Through a case study of the information and communication technology (ICT) industry in Suzhou, a frontier globalizing city in the Yangtze River Delta in China, it was found that strategic coupling between TNCs and domestic Chinese firms rarely exists and global production networks (GPN) have not brought substantial benefits to the development of domestic firms in the region. Regression analysis further reveals that TNCs' backward and technological linkages with domestic firms are highly selective and contingent upon market potential in the host region, TNCs' research and development (R&D) orientation and to a lesser extent subsidiary autonomy. It is also found that the booming and sizable domestic market and the development of domestic firms have potential to pave the way for upgrading. These findings suggest that there is a need to develop a broader conceptualization of the upgrading pathways of local firms beyond the notion of strategic coupling in the GPN perspective. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
[62] Wei Y H D, Liefner I, Miao C-H.2011.

Network configurations and R&D activities of the ICT industry in Suzhou Municipality, China

[J]. Geoforum, 42(4): 484-495.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2011.03.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[63] Wei Y H D, Zhou Y, Sun Y F, et al.2012.

Production and R&D networks of foreign ventures in China: Implications for technological dynamism and regional development

[J]. Applied Geography, 32(1): 106-118.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2010.06.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[64] Yeung, H W-C.1997.

Business networks and transnational corporations: A study of Hong Kong firms in the ASEAN region

[J]. Economic Geography, 73(1): 1-25.

https://doi.org/10.2307/144408      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[65] Yeung H W-C.2005.

The firm as social networks: An organisational perspective

[J]. Growth and Change, 36(3): 307-328.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2257.2005.00279.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

ABSTRACT This paper offers an organizational perspective on the firm in new economic geographies. It starts with the premise of the firm as a production function in neoclassical economics and a cost minimisation device in transaction cost economics. By pointing out the inadequacy in these mainstream economic perspectives on the firm, I draw upon recent behavioral and managerial theories to develop a relational conception of the firm as social networks in which actors are embedded in ongoing power relations and discursive processes. In further elaborating this relational perspective on the firm as an organisational device, I show how the firm is governed through social relations among different actors, how it is a site of contested ideologies and political representations among these actors, and how space and geographical scales matter in shaping its social construction. Taken together, this organisational perspective aims to shift our research agenda in urban and regional development from promoting the growth of the firm per se to understanding how the firm serves as a relational institution that connects spatially differentiated actors in different places and regions.
[66] Yu J, Zhang Y, Gao P.2014.

Motivation and strategy: MNCs׳ embeddedness in China׳s standardization based innovation

[J]. Telecommunications Policy, 38(10): 890-901.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.telpol.2014.09.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61We develop a conceptual framework of MNC07s motivation and strategy in China07s standardization.61We find that MNCs choose proactive or reactive embedding strategies in China07s home-grown standard. The different strategies are influenced by the benefits and risks around the standards.61The increasingly internationalized adoption of China07s standard mitigates MNCs07 risks by enlarging domestic 4G standard07s adoption to more countries.61China need to adopt more open strategies towards MNCs07 embeddedness to internationalize China07s standard.
[67] Zukin S, DiMaggio P. 1990. Structures of capital: The social organization of the economy[M]. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

[本文引用: 1]     

[18] 潘少奇. 2015.

转移企业与承接地企业互动发展研究: 以民权制冷产业集群为例

[D]. 开封: 河南大学.

[本文引用: 2]     
