地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (3): 397-406 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.03.010



黄洁1, 王姣娥12, 靳海涛123, 金凤君12

1. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,北京 100101
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3. 北京市交通信息中心,北京 100161

Investigating spatiotemporal patterns of passenger flows in the Beijing metro system from smart card data

HUANG Jie1, WANG Jiaoe12, JIN Haitao123, JIN Fengjun12

1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
3. Beijing Transportation Information Center, Beijing 100161, China

收稿日期: 2017-07-5

修回日期:  2018-01-8

网络出版日期:  2018-03-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(41701132)中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)资助课题(XDA19040402)


作者简介:黄洁(1988-),女,广西桂林人,助理研究员,主要从事交通地理研究,E-mail: huangjie@igsnrr.ac.cn



城市轨道交通是居民绿色出行、缓解大城市交通拥堵的重要交通方式。研究大城市地铁客流时间和空间的分布特征,有利于深入了解大城市公共交通的需求,进而制定合理的交通需求管理政策。本文以北京市地铁为例,计算了431万条智能交通卡数据的出行时间和OD矩阵(Origin-Destination Matrix),研究其客流的时间和空间分布特征。研究发现:①全天、早高峰和晚高峰的出行时间分布符合Gamma分布,总体上离城市中心越远,平均出行时间越长;②从市辖区尺度和环路尺度分析,乘客流向和流量均呈现对称性;③从街道尺度来看,居民地铁出行强度的空间不均等性很强。

关键词: 城市轨道交通 ; 大数据 ; 客流分布 ; 时空格局 ; 北京市


Urban railway systems can reduce environmental footprints by residents' commuting and alleviate traffic congestion in mega-cities. Investigating the characteristics of the spatiotemporal distribution of passenger flows is significant in the examination of traffic demand in public transportation systems. Moreover, the study can help decision makers in traffic demand management. Taking the metro system of Beijing as an example, this study calculated the travel time of over 4 million trips and their origin-destination (OD) matrix. In the investigation of the spatiotemporal patterns, we found that: (1) travel time distribution of all trips and trips during the morning and afternoon peaks well fit with Gamma distribution; (2) patterns of passenger flows between districts or ring roads are symmetric; and (3) spatial inequity has been captured from the evaluation of average transit trips per person per day.

Keywords: urban railway system ; big data ; passenger flow distribution ; spatiotemporal pattern ; Beijing


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黄洁, 王姣娥, 靳海涛, 金凤君. 北京市地铁客流的时空分布格局及特征——基于智能交通卡数据[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(3): 397-406 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.03.010

HUANG Jie, WANG Jiaoe, JIN Haitao, JIN Fengjun. Investigating spatiotemporal patterns of passenger flows in the Beijing metro system from smart card data[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(3): 397-406 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.03.010

1 引言

大城市人口规模庞大、交通需求巨大,需要高效、便捷的公共交通系统。目前,中国一线城市居民对交通便捷性和通畅性的评价普遍较差,交通需求分布的不合理引发长距离绕行、客流拥堵等问题。因此,宜居城市的建设应包括完善城市公共交通体系的建设,倡导居民绿色出行(张文忠等, 2016)。城市轨道交通是合理利用有限的城市土地资源、解决大城市交通拥堵的重要措施之一。研究大城市地铁客流的时空分布特征,有利于甄别大城市公共交通需求,进而制定合理的交通需求管理政策,实现公交优先发展。

从小世界网络模型提出以来(Watts et al, 1998),轨道交通网络的复杂性成为国内外学者的研究热点。国外学者运用无标度和小世界网络模型分析了30个大城市轨道交通网络的鲁棒性;梳理了波士顿、首尔、北京、南京、上海等城市的网络结构特征参数(Barthélemy, 2010;Derrible et al, 2010)。借鉴国际大城市轨道交通发展的经验和教训,基于可持续发展的框架和公交导向模式,国内学者研究了轨道交通对人口的聚集效应和运输效率,并且初步肯定了轨道交通对城市空间布局的引导和支撑作用(陆化普, 2006; 曹小曙等, 2008; 赵鹏军等, 2016)。

大城市轨道交通普遍采用自动收费系统,智能交通卡已被广泛使用。智能卡数据(Smart Card Data)作为具有地理标识和时刻信息的大数据(龙瀛等, 2012),在数据量、种类和准确性3个方面具备以下特点(Laney, 2001):①通常由大量的便携移动信息感应装置收集(例如,手机、交通卡、出租车GPS装置、SCD数据),数据的收集速度十分迅速,因此其第一个重要特征是数据量大;②大数据的兼容性逐渐提高,多种数据运用在同一研究问题中的方法层出不穷;③由于数据量大和覆盖范围广的特性,大数据具备了准确度高的特征。大数据在地理学研究,尤其在城市交通研究中的应用范围越来越广。例如,利用手机基站数据,研究者对城市道路交通流的分布进行了估计并探究了交通网络结构特征(吴健生等, 2012);利用GPS数据,有学者分析了居民日常活动空间和通勤弹性特征(申悦等, 2013),探究了城市空间形态与居民出行行为的关系(Zheng et al, 2014)。但是,运用手机、出租车等GPS装置的大数据挖掘,很难精确到公共交通出行的模式。

针对城市公共交通系统,国内外学者运用智能交通卡数据(SCD)研究美国、英国、韩国和新加坡的多个城市轨道交通的热点问题,包括城市交通规划、城市空间结构、居民出行与轨道交通的相互作用关系。首先,Utsunomiya等(2006)归纳了SCD挖掘个体出行行为的基本步骤、研究难点及其在交通宏观规划的研究内涵。随后,个体出行行为特征和交通仿真模型的验证一直是SCD数据发掘的热点问题。研究者们通过交通仿真模型发现乘客访问频次最好的站点符合固定的统计分布概率,能够推导少量乘客的社会经济属性和不同群体的出行规律(Hasan et al, 2013; Lee et al, 2014; Manley et al, 2016)。其次,由于城市轨道交通规划与城市空间结构息息相关,因此学者们运用SCD分析客流分布的空间规律,揭示城市空间结构特征,进而解释地铁客流量分布规律与周边建成环境的相互关系(Jang, 2010; Roth et al, 2011; Zhong et al, 2014)。再次,站点尺度的客流量分布成为站点类型划分的重要依据,学者们基于此分析了地铁站的周边建成环境(Choi et al, 2012; Reades et al, 2016; 尹芹等, 2016)。另外,SCD数据也是学者们研究职住平衡的重要支撑,包括职住分布特征、通勤效率优化问题等 (龙瀛等, 2012; Zhou et al, 2014; Long et al, 2015; Ma et al, 2017)。


2 数据与方法

2.1 研究数据

传统的问卷调查能够挖掘OD对的详细信息,常用于城市居民的出行行为和通勤特征的研究,例如:分析个人出行的活动范围,探究出行者的社会经济属性和通勤时间的关系,居民出行行为选择的空间分布(周素红等, 2010; Zhao et al, 2011; Zhou et al, 2013)。赵晖等(2011)从租住房和自购房居民的角度分析了地铁沿线和非地铁沿线的通勤特征。将通勤行为调查和街区土地利用特征相结合,周素红等(2006)从微观视角对宏观的城市空间进行解读。同样基于问卷调查的数据,学者们研究了公共交通可达性与居民出行行为的关系以及“交通网络—出行行为—出行碳排量”的影响机制(曹小曙等, 2013; 罗依等, 2016)。综上所述,深入研究OD信息不仅可以研究城市居民的出行行为特征,还可以研究不同出行方式和城市空间、交通网络和城市发展之间的关系。但是,依赖于问卷调查的OD信息,包含严格的样本选取和具有先验性的发放过程,在时空流特征的研究中具有2个不足之处:第一,发放问卷的人力物力消耗较大,问卷调查的样本大小受到限制;第二,对于地铁客流时空分布,很难获取所有出发点(Origin)和目的地(Destination)的信息,无法了解完整的OD分布。


因此,本文整理了2014年4月14日北京市政智能交通卡(①数据来源:北京市交通信息中心),当年的轨道交通线路、站点分布和北京市第六次人口分街道普查数据(②数据来源:全国第六次人口普查)。地铁智能交通卡数据结构如表1所示,每条数据记录了智能交通卡卡号、检入线路、检入站点、刷卡时间、刷卡次序、检出线路、检出站点和检入时间,并且保存了是否包含终点信息的逻辑判断。值得说明的是,该检票系统以刷卡时间和次序为基准生成数据,即乘客每趟出行记录将生成2条数据记录。这2条数据记录具有相同的卡号、检入线路、检入站点、检入时间,如表1所示。考虑到少量无效数据,北京市地铁SCD包括的OD记录数量等于数据记录总量的40%~50%,与近期研究的数据规律一致(Ma et al, 2017)。以2014年4月14日为例,当天检票系统有超过900万人次,包括使用单次地铁卡的乘客;相当于400多万OD出行记录。该数据量远大于传统抽样调查的样本数量,可以充分反映客流的时空分布特征。因此,431万条OD出行记录将作为本文分析客流时间和空间分布特征的全样本。

表1   北京市智能交通卡刷卡数据示例

Tab. 1   Examples of data records of smart cards in Beijing metro system

0000000213332014/04/14 10:44:007387916344002014/04/14 10:44:000
0000000213332014/04/14 11:22:2773888581933312014/04/14 10:44:001



2.2 研究区域

2014年,北京市地铁东延6号线、7号线、14号线,西延15号线,空间范围和网络密度不断增加,总计17条线路,运营总里程达到527 km,包括256个站点,日均客运量达到900万人次。根据北京市统计局数据,北京市分为首都功能核心区、城市功能拓展区、城市发展新区和生态涵养发展区。本文的研究区域定为2014年北京市17条地铁线路和256个站点分布的首都功能核心区、城市功能拓展区和城市发展新区,包括西城、东城、朝阳、海淀、石景山、丰台、昌平、顺义、通州、大兴和房山共11个区(图1)。

图1   研究区域与北京市地铁线路和站点分布图

Fig.1   Map of municipal districts studied and the metro system in Beijing

2.3 研究方法

本文针对431万条记录完整的数据,对北京市地铁客流的时空格局进行系统性分析。从智能交通卡数据中,运用SQL Server逐个统计客流,得到256维双向客流的OD矩阵。时空特征分析的具体方法如下:①时间维度,从全天、早高峰、晚高峰3个时段研究乘客出行时间的分布,并且从站点尺度分析时间分布的空间规律;②空间上,从市辖区尺度、环路尺度、街道尺度和站点尺度,层层深入地分析了其空间特征。

地铁出行作为绿色出行和城市通勤的主要方式之一,探究不同区域居民乘坐地铁的可达性具有重要意义。研究地铁网络可达性是从供给的角度研究城市公共交通出行的空间分布特征(黄晓燕等, 2104)。同时,研究地铁出行的便捷性和可达性也要从需求的角度出发(Huang et al, 2015),了解不同区域居民乘坐地铁出行的频率。对于街道 i,人均每天乘坐地铁出行次数为 Si的计算方式为:


式中:属于街道 i的地铁站点数量总计为 k; dk表示从站点 k出发的乘客数量; ak表示到达站点 k的乘客数量; pi表示街道 i的总人口数。公式(1)设计的指标可以反映以街道为单元的居民对于地铁出行的依赖程度。在计算中,运用ArcGIS合并分布在同一街道的所有地铁站,将属于该街道的地铁站客流信息总计为该街道的客流信息,即 dk+ak

3 研究结果

3.1 客流的时间分布规律

3.1.1 全样本统计规律


图2   北京市地铁分时段进出乘客数量

Fig.2   Total passengers in every 30 minutes in the Beijing metro system

3.1.2 分时段出行时间分布特征


表2   乘客出行时间的基本属性

Tab.2   Statistic attributes of travel time



出行时间的统计分布特征具有很高研究价值,能够显示出不同出行时间的具体数量。全天、早高峰和晚高峰乘客出行时间分布均符合Gamma分布(图3),概率密度分布函数( PDF)如下:


式中, k表示分布的形状参数; θ表示分布的比例参数; x表示自变量乘客出行时间。运用Matlab中gamfit工具,Gamma分布的形状参数、比例参数和95%置信区间如表3所示。

图3   乘客出行时间分布及Gamma分布拟合结果

Fig.3   Distribution of travel time and fitting results from Gamma distribution

表3   Gamma分布拟合系数和置信区间

Tab.3   Fitting parameters of Gamma distribution and 95% confidence interval



根据乘客的出行时间分布,可以发现北京市地铁内部乘客出行时间主要分布在20~40 min之内,占样本总数的40.81%;只有少部分乘客的出行超过1 h,占14.31%;很少有乘客的出行超过2 h。早高峰乘客出行集中在20~40 min的比例比全样本高,占44.26%;晚高峰时段的这一比例是43.09%。短时间出行的乘客(行程时间小于20 min)主要在早晚高峰时段出行,占短时间出行乘客数量的61.23%。这也进一步论证了早晚高峰时段的平均出行时间略低于全样本,主要原因为:第一,早晚高峰的发车频率远高于其余时段,乘客的站台等待时间相应缩短;第二,通勤乘客的出行步伐一般快于休闲出行的乘客(如购物、娱乐)。另外,长时间出行的乘客趋向于避开早晚高峰,行程时间大于40 min的乘客59.71%都不在早晚高峰出行。

3.1.3 进站点客流的平均出行时间分布特征

基于地铁站点尺度统计每个站点出发乘客的平均出行时间,可以反映乘客的出行空间范围。本文将全样本按照进站点分类,乘客在各站点的平均出行时间如图4所示。总体来说,呈现离市中心越远,出行时间越长的趋势。二环以内,93.55%地铁站点的乘客平均出行时间低于35 min以内。以地铁出行平均3 min一站路计算,二环以内的乘客平均出行范围在12个地铁站点以内,按北京市地铁平均站间距1.5 km(③ 数据来源:www.bjsubway.com),空间范围在18 km以内。二环到三环之间,虽然乘客平均出行范围也是12个地铁站以内,但是其中42.86%地铁站点的乘客平均出行时间在35~40 min以内。三环到四环之间,乘客平均出行时间是35.9 min,49.18%地铁站点的乘客平均出行范围超过12个站点,最大范围达到15个站点。四环到五环之间乘客平均出行时间为42 min,约为14个站点,最大出行时间达到52 min。五环到六环之间乘客平均出行时间达到51 min,约为17个站点,245 km。总的来说,四环以内的平均出行时间增长较慢;五环和六环的出行时间增加明显,增幅分别为5.8 min和9.5 min。

图4   基于进站点的平均出行时间分布

Fig.4   Distribution of average travel time at each metro station

3.2 客流出行的时空分布规律

3.2.1 市辖区尺度


图5   北京市辖区人口与地铁客流相关性

Fig.5   The correlation between population size and the number of passengers in municipal districts in Beijing


图6   北京地铁客流的时空分布

Fig.6   Origin-destination (OD) flows of the metro system in Beijing




3.2.2 环路尺度



3.2.3 街道尺度


图7   基于街道人口的平均乘坐地铁出行强度分析

Fig.7   Analysis of commuting frequencies by transit in street-based communities



4 结论与讨论






The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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[J]. 地理学报, 63(12): 1257-1267.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.12.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于地铁系统数据统计分析,对地铁建设的空间时序以及网络发育差异进行归纳,结合相关数据推导出地铁规模的匡算模型,并依据地铁系统的属性指标组和网络指标组对世界121个城市地铁系统样本进行聚类分析,将其划分为3个类别,并讨论城市人口规模和城市用地规模对地铁规模的影响,最后对中国53个城市进行地铁规模匡算和等级划分.结果显示,世界城市地铁建设在时空上存在波动性,地区间地铁系统的网络发育不均衡,欧洲和北美洲的地铁网络发育较为成熟,而亚洲和南美洲的地铁网络则有较大的扩展潜力.第一类别地铁系统规模大,网络发育成熟,但仍有较大的扩展潜力,地铁规模与城市用地规模的相关性更强;第二类别地铁系统网络的发育程度较好,但是扩展潜力一般,地铁规模与城市人口规模和城市用地规模的相关性较弱;第三类别地铁系统的规模普遍较小,地铁网络发育处于较低等级水平,地铁网络仍然有很大的成环潜力和结合潜力,地铁规模与城市人口规模的相关性更强.中国城市地铁的匡算规模介于37.6~129.9 km,根据模型的匡算结果中国地铁系统可以划分为4个等级,未来中国的地铁建设仍然有很大潜力.

[Cao X S, Lin Q.2008.

The evolution of worldwide metro systems: A study on their scales and network indexes

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 63(12): 1257-1267.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2008.12.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

基于地铁系统数据统计分析,对地铁建设的空间时序以及网络发育差异进行归纳,结合相关数据推导出地铁规模的匡算模型,并依据地铁系统的属性指标组和网络指标组对世界121个城市地铁系统样本进行聚类分析,将其划分为3个类别,并讨论城市人口规模和城市用地规模对地铁规模的影响,最后对中国53个城市进行地铁规模匡算和等级划分.结果显示,世界城市地铁建设在时空上存在波动性,地区间地铁系统的网络发育不均衡,欧洲和北美洲的地铁网络发育较为成熟,而亚洲和南美洲的地铁网络则有较大的扩展潜力.第一类别地铁系统规模大,网络发育成熟,但仍有较大的扩展潜力,地铁规模与城市用地规模的相关性更强;第二类别地铁系统网络的发育程度较好,但是扩展潜力一般,地铁规模与城市人口规模和城市用地规模的相关性较弱;第三类别地铁系统的规模普遍较小,地铁网络发育处于较低等级水平,地铁网络仍然有很大的成环潜力和结合潜力,地铁规模与城市人口规模的相关性更强.中国城市地铁的匡算规模介于37.6~129.9 km,根据模型的匡算结果中国地铁系统可以划分为4个等级,未来中国的地铁建设仍然有很大潜力.
[3] 黄晓燕, 张爽, 曹小曙. 2014.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 33(8): 1078-1089.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.08.008      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

应用GIS 方法,选取2000、2003、2009 和2012 年4 个时间节点,运用复杂网络理论构建了广州市公共交通网络模型,通过对比分析地铁站点与线路加入到公共交通网络中所产生的变化,定量分析地铁网络建设对公共交通可达性的影响,分析地铁发展不同时期内,城市公共交通可达性空间格局的演化,全面探讨地铁建设对城市公共交通可达性的影响,以期为一体化的多模式城市公共交通体系发展决策提供理论支持。结果显示:①广州市地铁网络顺利完成由树状向回路网络的转变,地铁可达性重心与广州市空间扩展方向呼应,呈现出向南、向东迁移特征;②地铁在很大程度上提高了广州城市公交网络可达性,且其改善作用随地铁线路网的增加和回路网络的发育而日益显著;③地铁网络对城市公交可达性格局的影响,打破了常规公交网络圈层式公交可达性格局,逐渐呈现出圈层式加沿地铁线路分布的廊道式格局;④地铁对公交各站点网络可达时间的影响,常规公交站点可达时间变化程度呈现出由地铁线路向外递减的空间分布趋势,当地铁网络发育形成回路网络时,大大地提升公交网络的运营效率,缩短各个站点之间的出行时间。

[Huang X Y, Zhang S, Cao X S.2014.

Spatial-temporal evolution of Guangzhou subway accessibility and its effects on the accessibility of public transportation services

[J]. Progress in Geography, 33(8): 1078-1089.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2014.08.008      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

应用GIS 方法,选取2000、2003、2009 和2012 年4 个时间节点,运用复杂网络理论构建了广州市公共交通网络模型,通过对比分析地铁站点与线路加入到公共交通网络中所产生的变化,定量分析地铁网络建设对公共交通可达性的影响,分析地铁发展不同时期内,城市公共交通可达性空间格局的演化,全面探讨地铁建设对城市公共交通可达性的影响,以期为一体化的多模式城市公共交通体系发展决策提供理论支持。结果显示:①广州市地铁网络顺利完成由树状向回路网络的转变,地铁可达性重心与广州市空间扩展方向呼应,呈现出向南、向东迁移特征;②地铁在很大程度上提高了广州城市公交网络可达性,且其改善作用随地铁线路网的增加和回路网络的发育而日益显著;③地铁网络对城市公交可达性格局的影响,打破了常规公交网络圈层式公交可达性格局,逐渐呈现出圈层式加沿地铁线路分布的廊道式格局;④地铁对公交各站点网络可达时间的影响,常规公交站点可达时间变化程度呈现出由地铁线路向外递减的空间分布趋势,当地铁网络发育形成回路网络时,大大地提升公交网络的运营效率,缩短各个站点之间的出行时间。
[4] 龙瀛, 张宇, 崔承印. 2012.


[J]. 地理学报, 67(10): 1339-1352.

[本文引用: 2]     

[Long Y, Zhang Y, Cui C Y.2012.

Identifying commuting pattern of Beijing using bus smart card data

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 67(10): 1339-1352.]

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[5] 陆化普. 2006.


[J]. 清华大学学报: 自然科学版, 46(9): 1499-1504.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0054.2006.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市土地利用与交通系统的一体化规划是建立城市可持续交通、综合解决城市交通问题的关键。该 文首先对城市土地利用、交通基础设施与交通需求特性的关系及其动态演化机理进行了深入分析。在此基础上,提出了城市形态与交通系统的理想模式,指出实现合 理的城市结构、高密度的土地利用和就业岗位与居住布局协调一致的用地形态,以及保留适当的绿地、公共空间至关重要。最后,提出了实现城市土地利用与交通系 统一体化规划的核心内容、规划的层次划分、规划工作流程和互动反馈的规划方法。

[Lu H P.2006.

Integrated planning of land-use and transportation systems

[J]. Journal of Tsinghua University: Science & Technology, 46(9): 1499-1504.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1000-0054.2006.09.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

城市土地利用与交通系统的一体化规划是建立城市可持续交通、综合解决城市交通问题的关键。该 文首先对城市土地利用、交通基础设施与交通需求特性的关系及其动态演化机理进行了深入分析。在此基础上,提出了城市形态与交通系统的理想模式,指出实现合 理的城市结构、高密度的土地利用和就业岗位与居住布局协调一致的用地形态,以及保留适当的绿地、公共空间至关重要。最后,提出了实现城市土地利用与交通系 统一体化规划的核心内容、规划的层次划分、规划工作流程和互动反馈的规划方法。
[6] 罗依, 曹小曙. 2016.

广州市交通网络对居民出行碳排量的影响: 以聚德、社学、祈福与晓西社区为例

[J]. 城市观察, (5): 110-121.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7178.2016.05.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Luo Y, Cao X S.2016.

Impact of road networks on household travel carbon emissions in Guangzhou: A case study of Jude, Shexue, Qifu and Xiaoxi Communities

[J]. Urban Insight, (5): 110-121.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1674-7178.2016.05.012      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[J]. 地理学报, 68(4): 506-516.

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Daily activity space of suburban mega-community residents in Beijing based on GPS data

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https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201212007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Wu J S, Huang L, Liu Y, et al.2012.

Traffic flow simulation based on call detail records

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https://doi.org/10.11821/xb201212007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.01.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Yin Q, Meng B, Zhang L Y.2016.

Classification of subway stations in Beijing based on passenger flow characteristics

[J]. Progress in Geography, 35(1): 126-134.]

https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2016.01.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[11] 赵晖, 杨军, 刘常平, . 2011.

职住分离的度量方法与空间组织特征: 以北京市轨道交通对职住分离的影响为例

[J]. 地理科学进展, 30(2): 198-204.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.02.009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


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Measurement method and characteristics of spatial organization for jobs-housing misbalance: A case study of the effects of metro systems on jobs-housing misbalance in Beijing

[J]. Progress in Geography, 30(2): 198-204.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2011.02.009      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

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[Zhao P J, Wan H R.2016.

Big city traffic characteristics and international management experience and enlightenment

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[13] 周素红, 邓丽芳. 2010.


[J]. 地理学报, 65(12): 1454-1463.

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[Zhou S H, Deng L F.2010.

Spatio-temporal pattern of residents' daily activities based on T-GIS: A case study in Guangzhou, China

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 65(12): 1454-1463.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[14] 周素红, 闫小培. 2006.

基于居民通勤行为分析的城市空间解读: 以广州市典型街区为案例

[J]. 地理学报, 61(2): 179-189.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.02.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhou S H, Yan X P.2006.

The impact of commuters' travel pattern on urban structure: A case study in some typical communities in Guangzhou

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 61(2): 179-189.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:0375-5444.2006.02.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[15] Barthélemy M.2010.

Spatial networks

[J]. Physics Reports, 499(1-3): 1-101.

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] Choi J, Yong Y J, Kim T, et al.2012.

An analysis of metro ridership at the station-to-station level in Seoul

[J]. Transportation, 39(3): 705-722.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-011-9368-3      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

While most aggregate studies of transit ridership are conducted at either the stop or the route level, the present study focused on factors affecting Metro ridership in the Seoul metropolitan area at the station-to-station level. The station-to-station analysis made it possible to distinguish the effect of origin factors on Metro ridership from that of destination factors and to cut down the errors caused by the aggregation of travel impedance-related variables. After adopting two types of direct-demand patronage forecasting models, the multiplicative model and the Poisson regression model, the former was found to be superior to the latter because it clearly identified the negative influences of competing modes on Metro ridership. Such results are rarely found with aggregate level analyses. Moreover, the importance of built environment in explaining Metro demand was confirmed by separating built environment variables for origin and destination stations and by differentiating ridership by the time of day. For morning peak hours, the population-related variables of the origin stations played a key role in accounting for Metro ridership, while employment-related variables prevailed in destination stations. In evening peak hours, both employment- and population-related variables were significant in accounting for the Metro ridership at the destination station. This showed that a significant number of people in the Seoul metropolitan area appear to take various non-home-based trips after work, which is consistent with the results from direct household travel surveys.
[17] Derrible S, Kennedy C.2010.

The complexity and robustness of metro networks

[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389(17): 3678-3691.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2010.04.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Transportation systems, being real-life examples of networks, are particularly interesting to analyze from the viewpoint of the new and rapidly emerging field of network science. Two particular concepts seem to be particularly relevant: scale-free patterns and small-worlds. By looking at 33 metro systems in the world, this paper adapts network science methodologies to the transportation literature, and offers one application to the robustness of metros; here, metro refers to urban rail transit with exclusive right-of-way, whether it is underground, at grade or elevated. We find that most metros are indeed scale-free (with scaling factors ranging from 2.10 to 5.52) and small-worlds; they show atypical behaviors, however, with increasing size. In particular, the presence of transfer-hubs (stations hosting more than three lines) results in relatively large scaling factors. The analysis provides insights/recommendations for increasing the robustness of metro networks. Smaller networks should focus on creating transfer stations, thus generating cycles to offer alternative routes. For larger networks, few stations seem to detain a certain monopole on transferring, it is therefore important to create additional transfers, possibly at the periphery of city centers; the Tokyo system seems to remarkably incorporate these properties.
[18] Hasan S, Schneider C M, Ukkusuri S V, et al.2013.

Spatiotemporal patterns of urban human mobility

[J]. Journal of Statistical Physics, 151(1-2): 304-318.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10955-012-0645-0      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The modeling of human mobility is adopting new directions due to the increasing availability of big data sources from human activity. These sources enclose digital information about daily visited...
[19] Huang J, Levinson D M.2015.

Circuity in urban transit networks

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 48: 145-153.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.09.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper investigates the circuity of transit networks and examines auto mode share as a function of circuity and accessibility to better understand the performance of urban transit systems. We first survey transit circuity in the Minneapolis t. Paul, Minnesota, region in detail, comparing auto and transit trips. This paper finds that circuity can help to explain mode choices of commuters. We then investigate thirty-five additional metropolitan areas in the United States. The results from these areas show that transit circuity exponentially declines as travel time increases. Moreover, we find that the circuity of transit networks is higher than that of road networks, illustrating how transit systems choose to expand their spatial coverage at the expense of directness and efficiency in public transportation networks. This paper performs a regression analysis that suggests the circuity of transportation networks can estimate transit accessibility, which helps to explain mode share.
[20] Jang W.

2010. Travel time and transfer analysis using transit smart card data

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2144: 142-149.

https://doi.org/10.3141/2144-16      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Automatic fare collection systems using smart card technology have become popular because they provide an efficient and cost-saving alternative to the manual fare collection method. In 2004, the City of Seoul, South Korea, introduced a smart card-based transit fare scheme, which was a distance-based, integrated fare collection and calculation system. Over the years, the system was extended twice and now can provide detailed information about public transit use in the region. This information includes each trip's boarding and alighting times and locations, as well as the connected trip chains with transfers. This paper examines possibilities for using such data for transportation planning application. First, a process to generate a travel time map is presented. For this, more than 100 million trip data are used to estimate travel times among stops. It is also demonstrated that transfer data can be readily obtainable because the on- and off-boarding information reside in the data set. Although transfers are considered to be important information for public transit planning, it has not been easy to collect such information. This study illustrates that transfer data can be used to locate the critical transfer points that need improvement. It is also demonstrated that a simple data query can quickly identify these locations. In addition, transfer trip patterns between two zones are analyzed, which provides meaningful information about passengers' transfer location choice.
[21] Laney D.2010.

3D data management: Controlling data volume, velocity, and variety

[R]. META Group Research Note, 6: 70.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] Lee S G, Hickman M.2014.

Trip purpose inference using automated fare collection data

[J]. Public Transport, 6(1-2): 1-20.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s12469-013-0077-5      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this paper, we exploit the extensive smart card transaction data for deriving useful information about transit passenger behavior, namely trip purpose or activity. We show how the automated fare collection data (e.g., smart card) can be used to infer trip purpose and to reveal travel patterns in an urban area. A case study demonstrates the process of trip purpose inference based on smart card data from Metro Transit in the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area.
[23] Long Y, Shen Z.2016.

Discovering functional zones using bus Smart Card Data and Points of Interest in Beijing

[M]. Geospatial analysis to support urban planning in Beijing. Cham, Germany: Springer: 193-217.

[本文引用: 1]     

[24] Ma X L, Liu C C, Wen H M, et al.2017.

Understanding commuting patterns using transit smart card data

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 58: 135-145.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.12.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Commuting reflects the long-term travel behavior of people and significantly impacts urban traffic congestion and emission. Recent advances in data availability provide new opportunities to understand commuting patterns efficiently and effectively. This study develops a series of data mining methods to identify the spatiotemporal commuting patterns of Beijing public transit riders. Using one-month transit smart card data, we measure spatiotemporal regularity of individual commuters, including residence, workplace, and departure time. This data could be used to identify transit commuters by leveraging spatial clustering and multi-criteria decision analysis approaches. A disaggregated-level survey is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods with a commuter identification accuracy that reaches as high as 94.1%. By visualizing the spatial distribution of the homes and workplaces of transit commuters, we determine a clear disparity between commuters and noncommuters and confirm the existence of job ouse imbalance in Beijing. The findings provide useful insights for policymakers to shape a more balanced job ousing relationship by adjusting the monocentric urban structure of Beijing. In addition, the extracted individual-level commuting patterns can be used as valuable information for public transit network design and optimization. These strategies are expected to reduce car dependency, shorten excess commute, and alleviate traffic congestion.
[25] Manley E, Chen Z, Batty M.2016.

Spatiotemporal variation in travel regularity through transit user profiling

[J]. Transportation, doi: 10.1007/s11116-016-9747-x.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

New smart card datasets are providing new opportunities to explore travel behaviour in much greater depth than anything accomplished hitherto. Part of this quest involves measuring the great array of regular patterns within such data and explaining these relative to less regular patterns which have often been treated in the past as noise. Here we use a simple method called DBSCAN to identify clusters of travel events associated with particular individuals whose behaviour over space and time is captured by smart card data. Our dataset is a sequence of three months of data recording when and where individual travellers start and end rail and bus travel in Greater London. This dataset contains some 640 million transactions during the period of analysis we have chosen and it enables us to begin a search for regularities at the most basic level. We first define measures of regularity in terms of the proportions of events associated with temporal, modal (rail and bus), and service regularity clusters, revealing that the frequency distributions of these clusters follow skewed distributions with different means and variances. The analysis then continues to examine how regularity relative to irregular travel across space, demonstrating high regularities in the origins of trips in the suburbs contrasted with high regularities in the destinations in central London. This analysis sets the agenda for future research into how we capture and measure the differences between regular and irregular travel which we discuss by way of conclusion.
[26] Reades J, Zhong C, Manley E D, et al.2016.

Finding pearls in London's Oysters

[J]. Built Environment, 42(3): 365-381.

https://doi.org/10.2148/benv.42.3.365      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Public transport is perhaps the most significant component of the contemporary smart city currently being automated using sensor technologies that generate data about human behaviour. This is largely due to the fact that the travel associated with such transport is highly ordered. Travellers move collectively in closed vehicles between fixed stops and their entry into and from the system is unambiguous and easy to automate using smart cards. Flows can thus be easily calculated at specific station locations and bus stops and within fine temporal intervals. Here we outline work we have been doing using a remarkable big data set for public transport in Greater London generated from the Oyster Card, the smart card which has been in use for over 13 years. We explore the generic properties of the Tube and Overground rail system focusing first on the scale and distribution of the flow volumes at stations, then engaging in an analysis of temporal flows that can be decomposed into various patterns using principal components analysis (PCA) which smoothes out normal fluctuations and leaves a residual in which significant deviations can be tracked and explained. We then explore the heterogeneity in the data set with respect to how travel behaviour varies over diff erent time intervals and suggest how we can use these ideas to detect and manage disruptions in the system.
[27] Roth C, Kang S M, Batty M, et al.2011.

Structure of urban movements: Polycentric activity and entangled hierarchical flows

[J]. PLoS One, 6(1): e15923.

https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0015923      URL      PMID: 3017563      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The spatial arrangement of urban hubs and centers and how individuals interact with these centers is a crucial problem with many applications ranging from urban planning to epidemiology. We utilize here in an unprecedented manner the large scale, real-time 'Oyster' card database of individual person movements in the London subway to reveal the structure and organization of the city. We show that patterns of intraurban movement are strongly heterogeneous in terms of volume, but not in terms of distance travelled, and that there is a polycentric structure composed of large flows organized around a limited number of activity centers. For smaller flows, the pattern of connections becomes richer and more complex and is not strictly hierarchical since it mixes different levels consisting of different orders of magnitude. This new understanding can shed light on the impact of new urban projects on the evolution of the polycentric configuration of a city and the dense structure of its centers and it provides an initial approach to modeling flows in an urban system.
[28] Utsunomiya M, Attanucci J, Wilson N H.2006.

Potential uses of transit smart card registration and transaction data to improve transit planning

[J]. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1971: 119-126.

https://doi.org/10.3141/1971-16      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

New automated fare collection systems being implemented on urban rail and bus transit systems offer the potential of tapping a rich source of customer usage data to improve transit planning. This is especially true of transit systems that offer smart cards as a payment option allowing long-term individual travel behaviors to be tracked and analyzed. This paper presents an initial analysis of the access and usage patterns of Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, smart card holders during September 2004. The types of analyses that can be conducted with smart card registration and transaction data are discussed, the potential difficulties encountered in conducting such analyses are described, and recommendations are offered for improvement and expansion of the use of smart card data sets. The findings reported focus on walking access distances, frequency and consistency of daily travel patterns, and variability of smart card customer behaviors by residential area.
[29] Watts D J, Strogatz S H.1998.

Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks

[J]. Nature, 393: 440-442.

https://doi.org/10.1038/30918      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[30] Zhao P J, B, de Roo G.2011.

Impact of the jobs-housing balance on urban commuting in Beijing in the transformation era

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 19(1): 59-69.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2009.09.008      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This empirical study examines the impact of the jobs-housing balance on individual commuting time in Beijing in the period of transformation of the Chinese economy and society. The results of the analysis show that the jobs-housing balance has a statistically significant association with a worker’s commuting time when the factors of transport accessibility, population density and worker’s socioeconomic characteristics are controlled. The higher the jobs-housing balance, the shorter the worker’s commuting time. The finding suggests that the jobs-housing balance still has significant implications for commuting time, although the recent market-oriented reforms in housing are changing the jobs-housing balance in the danwei system that prevailed in the socialist era. As the housing markets are imperfect, with strong government intervention in Beijing, the finding implies that the co-location hypothesis – which believes development management would create ‘barriers’ to a jobs-housing balance and increase commuting time – needs to be rethought before it can be generalized and applied to China’s cities. The results of the analysis also show that the workers living in danwei housing still have shorter commuting time. The finding indicates that the housing marketization is likely to induce a local jobs-housing imbalance and thereby increase commuting time. In this sense, a deterioration in the jobs-housing imbalance and increased commuting time in Beijing may owe much to the adoption of market-based housing supply.
[31] Zheng Z, Zhou S H.2014.

Characterizing urban structure using taxi GPS data

[M]//Rasouli S, Timmermans H J P. Mobile technologies for activity-travel data collection and analysis. New York, IGI: 341-350.

[本文引用: 1]     

[32] Zhong C, Arisona S M, Huang X F, et al.2014.

Detecting the dynamics of urban structure through spatial network analysis

[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 28(11): 2178-2199.

https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2014.914521      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Urban spatial structure in large cities is becoming ever more complex as populations grow in size, engage in more travel, and have increasing amounts of disposable income that enable them to live more diverse lifestyles. These trends have prominent and visible effects on urban activity, and cities are becoming more polycentric in their structure as new clusters and hotspots emerge and coalesce in a wider sea of urban development. Here, we apply recent methods in network science and their generalization to spatial analysis to identify the spatial structure of city hubs, centers, and borders, which are essential elements in understanding urban interactions. We use a ‘big’ data set for Singapore from the automatic smart card fare collection system, which is available for sample periods in 2010, 2011, and 2012 to show how the changing roles and influences of local areas in the overall spatial structure of urban movement can be efficiently monitored from daily transportation. In essence, we first construct a weighted directed graph from these travel records. Each node in the graph denotes an urban area, edges denote the possibility of travel between any two areas, and the weight of edges denotes the volume of travel, which is the number of trips made. We then make use of (a) the graph properties to obtain an overall view of travel demand, (b) graph centralities for detecting urban centers and hubs, and (c) graph community structures for uncovering socioeconomic clusters defined as neighborhoods and their borders. Finally, results of this network analysis are projected back onto geographical space to reveal the spatial structure of urban movements. The revealed community structure shows a clear subdivision into different areas that separate the population’s activity space into smaller neighborhoods. The generated borders are different from existing administrative ones. By comparing the results from 302years of data, we find that Singapore, even from such a short time series, is developing rapidly towards a polycentric urban form, where new subcenters and communities are emerging largely in line with the city’s master plan. To summarize, our approach yields important insights into urban phenomena generated by human movements. It represents a quantitative approach to urban analysis, which explicitly identifies ongoing urban transformations.
[33] Zhou J P, Murphy E, Long Y.2014.

Commuting efficiency in the Beijing metropolitan area: An exploration combining smartcard and travel survey data

[J]. Journal of Transport Geography, 41: 175-183.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2014.09.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Using Beijing as an example, this research demonstrates that smartcard data can be used to (a) assemble the required data for excess commuting studies, and (b) visualise related results. Based on both smartcard and household travel survey data, we find that the theoretical minimum commute is considerably lower for bus users than for car users in Beijing. This suggests that there is a greater inter-mixing of jobs–housing functions (i.e., a better jobs–housing balance) associated with users of that mode compared to the corresponding land-use arrangement for car users, who locate further from the central area (Tian’anmen) than bus users. The commuting range for car users is 9.4km greater than for bus users. Excess commuting is slightly higher for bus users (69.5%) than for car users (68.8%). Commuting capacity values are slightly lower for car users than for bus users, implying that car users consume less of their available commuting resources overall than bus users, albeit only marginally.
[34] Zhou S H, Deng L F, Huang M Y.2013.

Spatial analysis of commuting mode choice in Guangzhou, China

[J]. Chinese Geographical Science, 23(3): 353-364.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11769-012-0569-2      URL      [本文引用: 1]     
