地理科学进展  2018 , 37 (1): 8-15 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.002




1. 南京大学地理与海洋科学学院,南京210023
2. 中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越创新中心,北京100101

Progress in geomorphology and future study:A brief review

LU Huayu12

1. School of Geography and Ocean Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2. CAS Center for Excellence in Tibetan Plateau Earth Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

收稿日期: 2018-01-11

修回日期:  2018-01-13

网络出版日期:  2018-01-28

版权声明:  2018 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  国家自然科学基金项目(L1624026,41690111)中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究项目(2016-DX-C-02)


作者简介:鹿化煜(1968-),男,陕西西安人,教授,主要从事地貌过程、古气候和全球变化研究,E-mail: huayulu@nju.edu.cn




关键词: 地貌学进展和趋势 ; 新技术 ; 地貌定量重建和模拟 ; 人类世 ; 地球表层系统科学


The formation and evolution of landform and landscape on Earth follow unique rules with specific forcing mechanisms. Earth surface processes have affected human environment, resource exploitation, and natural hazards and disasters. As an important branch of geography, geomorphology is an interdisciplinary field with important theoretical and practical values. With the application of remote sensing, geographical information system, digital elevation models, and sediment dating techniques, detection and tracing techniques of geophysics and geochemistry, and numerical simulation, the scope of geomorphology has been expanded and deepened over the past 10 years. Study on geomorphological process modulated by tectonic movement, climatic changes, gravity forcing, and human activities has greatly moved forward. New geomorphological processes and forcing mechanisms have been unraveled, and these recent achievements have significantly improved our understanding of Earth surface processes. In this new era of research, in addition to strengthening the study in traditional areas such as investigating different geomorphological processes at various temporal and spatial scales, bridging geomorphological research with global environment change and Future Earth programs is recommended. In particular, geomorphologists should pay much more attention to human activities, which is a vital agent that modulates Earth surface in the Anthropocene. Quantitatively reconstructing and modeling geomorphological processes are also an important area to explore. In China, to train geography students with more extensive and in-depth geological knowledge and practices, develop quantitative geomorphology and planetary geomorphology, and strengthen research on human impact on landform and topography will improve the quality of research, and promote geomorphology as a key discipline in Earth system science.

Keywords: progress in geomorphology ; new detection and tracing technologies ; quantitative reconstruction and numerical simulation ; Anthropocene ; earth surface system science


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鹿化煜. 试论地貌学的新进展和趋势[J]. 地理科学进展, 2018, 37(1): 8-15 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.002

LU Huayu. Progress in geomorphology and future study:A brief review[J]. Progress in Geography, 2018, 37(1): 8-15 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2018.01.002

1 引言




2 地貌学的新进展

2.1 地貌过程

不同类型地貌发育过程的规律和驱动机制,依然是最近10多年来地貌学研究的重要内容。从南半球新西兰火山海岸小冰期的冰碛物组成和分布、到北美洲大平原地区沙丘活化与植被的联系;从青藏高原—喜马拉雅山地地貌发育对大江大河水系结构的控制,到植物根系发育过程对土壤沉积物分层的控制和影响,以及海岸盐沼植物对潮滩沟脊发育的作用和围垦对淤泥质海岸发育的影响等,都是当今地貌学家关心的重要内容,也是当前的热点地貌学问题。全球和区域构造地貌演化、河流地貌过程、冰川和冰缘地貌变化、物质重力运移和坡地发育、地表物质风化和土壤形成与侵蚀、风成沉积过程和沙丘动力过程与干旱地貌、岩溶地貌发育与演化、海岸海洋地貌过程与河口沉积动力、火山地貌、灾害与应用地貌和行星地貌等,是最近10年地貌学发展最为迅速的领域(程维明等, 2017; 莫多闻等, 2017; 徐志伟等, 2018; 并请参阅Geomorphology杂志2017-2018的论文)(图1)。国内外地貌学家围绕不同地貌体的形成过程、影响机制和发展过程展开研究(请参阅Journal of Geographical Sciences 2017第11期;请浏览9th International Conference on Geomorphology 2017网站)。地貌学问题跨越不同的时空尺度。在宏观尺度,研究问题包括:新生代欧亚板块强烈挤压控制青藏高原—喜马拉雅生长过程(鹿化煜等, 2013),由于全球气候变暖导致的热带太平洋地区数百公里区域的珊瑚死亡和珊瑚礁白化,或者是海面上升导致的全球海岸区域淹没和海岸带自然灾害加剧、影响数万公里的海岸线(Hughes et al, 2017)等。在微观尺度,研究问题包括:风蚀地区沙砾物质启动的风速阈值(崔梦淳等, 2015)、海岸大米草盐沼植物对潮滩冲沟的影响(Wang et al, 2012)等等,甚至于研究动物活动对地表形貌的影响(李华等, 2007),正形成一门新的动物地貌学(Zoogeomorphology)(Butler et al, 2018; Leonardi et al, 2018)。

图1   地貌学的研究内容及其与相邻学科的联系和未来发展

Fig.1   Research of geomorphology in the past 10 years, its linkages with other disciplines, and the trend of development
The yellow area indicates the geomorphology, the blue area are other disciplines。


2.2 新技术和新方法应用

新技术和新方法的应用有力地推动了地貌学发展,深刻地揭示了地表物质运动规律和影响因素。主要体现在3个方面:①遥感技术(RS)、地理信息科学(包括地理信息系统(GIS)和数字高程模型(DEM)等);②年代学、地球化学与地球物理探测和示踪;③数值模型和计算技术。其中,遥感技术极大地扩大了地貌学家的视野范围,并能揭示地表物质运动的全过程。比如,通过遥感监测可以揭示强尘暴在中亚地区的起源、沿中高纬地区随着西风环流向东扩散、达到太平洋和北美洲甚至于格陵兰冰盖地区,为认识粉尘的长距离扩散和环境影响提供了直接证据(Uno et al, 2009; Lu W Y, 2017)。同样,长江、湄公河、尼罗河和密西西比河等大江大河携带的物质的搬运过程、在河口区的扩散和分布等,可从遥感影像直接观察到(Chen et al, 2007; Lee et al, 2018)。在侵蚀性淤泥质海岸潮汐叉道的形成和发育速度以及干旱沙漠中大型沙丘的移动速率(Xu et al, 2017; 黄骁力等, 2017)等方面,这些以前靠人工测量才能获得的数据,在高分辨率不同时序的遥感影像图上得到了很好的体现。可以说,遥感影像分析带来了地貌过程研究的一场革命,使我们以全新的视角和全域的空间尺度认识短时间尺度的地貌过程和地表物质迁移。同时,基于遥感技术和地理信息大数据分析,可揭示不同时间和空间尺度地貌单元间的相互作用和演化过程,成为现代地貌学分析的有力工具。另外,地貌过程的数值模拟和计算技术发展迅速,从黄土堆积侵蚀过程的数字高程模型预估到数值模拟(汤国安, 2014),以及河口三角洲增长过程极限模拟(Gao, 2007)等,从多个角度揭示地貌过程和趋向。应用上述技术,更加准确地揭示了地貌的发育过程,并为预测模拟服务。


2.3 地貌学研究领域扩展

在对地球表层不同地貌体和地貌过程认识的基础上,随着遥感和空间探测技术的发展,揭示行星地表地貌过程,是最近10年强劲发展的领域。西方国家对于月球地貌的探索可追溯到20世纪60-70年代,并发展到现代的火星地貌研究(Grotzinger et al, 2015; Black et al, 2017 )。中国行星地貌学研究起步较晚,但在最近10多年来发展迅速,在完成了绕月和登陆月球工程后,获得了全月地貌地形图,揭示了月球地貌特征(王娇等, 2015; 周成虎, 2015)。中国探月计划的首要科学问题就是获取月球表面三维立体影像,精细划分月球表面的基本构造和地貌单元,进行月球表面撞击坑形态、大小、分布、密度等的研究,为类地行星表面年龄划分和早期演化历史研究提供基本数据,并为月面软着陆区选址和月球基地位置优选提供基础资料(Zhang et al, 2016)。这些恰恰是地貌学研究最基本的内容。同时,中国行星探测计划正在积极推进之中,行星地貌过程必将是未来地貌学家研究的主要内容之一。尤其是在中国行星地貌学家人数相对不多的情况下,开展行星地貌学的研究,具有不可替代的重要意义。

2.4 地貌过程对社会的影响

地貌学与人类活动和行为具有不可分割的相关性(Lu H Y et al, 2017)。滑坡、泥石流和沙尘暴等地表过程灾害对社会的影响已是不言而喻,尤其是在山地和干旱地区,已受到国际社会多方面的重视(崔鹏, 2014)。虽然已经意识到人类活动对地貌过程的深刻影响,但是相关的研究成果还较少。比如,英国诸多城市及其邻区人类活动对地表物质迁移速率和数量的影响,已经超过自然过程的数倍甚至于数十倍,但是,这些物质输移对环境的影响极其效应还没有得到精确的评估。在中国,高速城市化进程正在全面改变着地貌形态,这些地表变化如何影响城市环境、地表物质迁移是否有序和可持续,也需要评价。特别是地铁、地下商城、地下排水设施的大量建设,如何像地面上的规划有序、布局合理,并且减少对区域环境的影响,需要全面研究。随着地下场所的全面建设,绘制地下地貌图和地图,可能是未来地貌学与地图学交叉研究的重要内容之一。随着人类上天、入地活动的深入发展,地貌学家把眼光投向外空和地下已势在必行。

此外,地貌格局可能影响到全球尺度的环境污染评价和管理。在全球海岸地区的污染物排放中,不同洋流背景下污染物的输移和保存有较大的区别(Tessler et al, 2015)。同样,随着沉积物的输移和沉积,污染物质(如微塑料)的分布和富集与地貌动力过程联系密切,成为揭示污染物迁移、埋藏和释放的新研究方向。

3 地貌学的发展趋势


3.1 地貌过程与全球环境

全球气候和环境变化是地球系统科学的前沿和重要科学问题之一。在未来地球(Future Earth)计划中,动态的星球(内容包括观测、解释和预测地球、环境和社会系统的变化趋势、驱动机制及相互作用)是3个重要议题之一。作为地球表层重要的要素,地貌过程在全球环境变化中起着重要的作用,有时甚至于是决定性作用。比如,我们正在承担的美国科学基金会项目(NSF-PIRE)和国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFE010950),探索的科学问题就是亚洲的地貌变化如何影响全球气候。亚洲地貌发育与全球变化联系的可能机制为:亚洲南部青藏高原—喜马拉雅地貌抬升—高原和山地周边大量的物质不断堆积、以及亚洲中部干旱加剧—粉尘释放增多—太平洋高纬中部“铁肥效应”增强—海洋生物(特别是浮游生物)繁盛—吸收和消耗更多的大气CO2 (draw down CO2)—全球气候变冷(图2)(Jickells et al, 2005; Garzione et al, 2015)。当然,这一假说是否成立,还需要更多的研究和事实检验。但可以确信,地貌过程在全球变化中发挥着重要作用,它可能是全球环境演化的“起搏器”;也可能是全球变化的响应者,并对全球环境变化有反馈作用。在未来地球和全球变化中,地貌学家肯定能够发挥重要作用。

图2   亚洲和全球的粉尘循环过程及其在地球环境变化中作用 (改自Jickells et al, 2005; Garzione et al, 2015)

Fig.2   Dust circulation process in the Earth system and its effect on global environmental change (Modified after Jickells et al, 2005; Garzione et al, 2015)

3.2 地貌过程与人类活动和人类世


图3   地貌过程在人类世中的作用:地貌过程受到自然环境变化和人类活动的综合影响 (改自Ellis, 2017)

Fig.3   Geomorphology and the Anthropocene: Linking the geomorphological processes, environmental change, and human activities (Modified after Ellis, 2017)

3.3 地貌过程的定量化与模拟


4 新时代中国地貌学的发展


4.1 强调地质基础的地貌学家培养


4.2 地貌过程的定量表达与模拟


4.3 密集人类活动影响下的地貌过程

随着人类世(Anthropocene)的到来,人类活动作为一种地貌应力,深刻地改变着地貌过程。在这种背景下,加强人类活动对地貌过程的影响研究,指导人类活动对地貌灾害的适应,是地貌学家义不容辞的责任(Lu H Y et al, 2017)。在中国相关人类世地貌过程的研究已经开展,比如三峡大坝建设对流域及河口、海岸地貌过程的影响(Chen et al, 2007),沿海围垦工程的资源和环境效应,城市化过程中的水文效应(Du et al, 2012)和地面沉降、地裂缝等问题,表明中国地貌学家在认识人类世及其影响方面的积极态度。中国是一个人口大国,尤其是东部和中部人口密度大、人类活动影响地貌过程的强度高、速率快、范围广,甚至可以说,人类活动已经影响到地貌过程的各个环节。这些地貌过程的改变会带来何种资源、环境和灾害问题,是地貌学家需要特别关注的内容。

5 小结



The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


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中国北方沙漠和沙地是亚洲粉尘释放的重要源区,定量估算这一地区的粉尘释放量有助于评估区域大气环境质量及其气候效应.目前,对中国北方粉尘释放量的估算主要是基于模拟结果,野外直接观测数据很少.利用一种新型的粉尘释放观测仪器——便携式粉尘观测仪(PI-SWERL),测量腾格里沙漠和毛乌素沙地若干典型地表(沙丘、干湖、灌丛沙丘、河流冲积物等)的粉尘释放通量,获得了不同地表潜在粉尘释放量的直接观测数据.结果表明,不同地表的PM10释放通量存在较大差异,但均随摩阻风速的增加而增加.在相同的摩阻风速U*=0.55 m/s条件下,灌丛沙丘的PM10通量最高(0.70~10.23 mg/(m2 s)),河流冲积物次之(0.12~4.97 mg/(m2 s)),干湖湖底、沙丘等地表的通量较小(0.5 mg/(m2 s)).对比试验表明,破碎结壳地表释放的PM10通量是未破碎结壳的几倍甚至几十倍;披覆松散沙粒结壳地面的PM10释放通量高出未披覆的1~2个数量级.对比前人研究结果,PI-SWERL可以较好地反映不同源区粉尘释放的差异,对定量评估区域乃至全球的粉尘释放量等具有重要意义.

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中国北方沙漠和沙地是亚洲粉尘释放的重要源区,定量估算这一地区的粉尘释放量有助于评估区域大气环境质量及其气候效应.目前,对中国北方粉尘释放量的估算主要是基于模拟结果,野外直接观测数据很少.利用一种新型的粉尘释放观测仪器——便携式粉尘观测仪(PI-SWERL),测量腾格里沙漠和毛乌素沙地若干典型地表(沙丘、干湖、灌丛沙丘、河流冲积物等)的粉尘释放通量,获得了不同地表潜在粉尘释放量的直接观测数据.结果表明,不同地表的PM10释放通量存在较大差异,但均随摩阻风速的增加而增加.在相同的摩阻风速U*=0.55 m/s条件下,灌丛沙丘的PM10通量最高(0.70~10.23 mg/(m2 s)),河流冲积物次之(0.12~4.97 mg/(m2 s)),干湖湖底、沙丘等地表的通量较小(0.5 mg/(m2 s)).对比试验表明,破碎结壳地表释放的PM10通量是未破碎结壳的几倍甚至几十倍;披覆松散沙粒结壳地面的PM10释放通量高出未披覆的1~2个数量级.对比前人研究结果,PI-SWERL可以较好地反映不同源区粉尘释放的差异,对定量评估区域乃至全球的粉尘释放量等具有重要意义.
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Evolution of the monsoon and dry climate in East Asia during late Cenozoic: A review

[J]. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57(1): 70-79.]

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[7] 莫多闻, 周力平, 刘耕年, . 2017.


[J]. 地理学报, 72(11): 1974-1996.

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[Mo D W, Zhou L P, Liu G N, et al.2017.

Establishment and development of geomorphology and Quaternary sciences at Peking University

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 72(11): 1974-1996.]

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[8] 汤国安. 2014.


[J]. 地理学报, 69(9): 1305-1325.

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[Tang G A.2014.

Progress of DEM and digital terrain analysis in China

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 69(9): 1305-1325.]

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[9] 王娇, 程维明, 周成虎. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(3): 330-339.

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[Wang J, Cheng W M, Zhou C H.2015.

A global inventory of lunar craters: Identification, classification, and distribution

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(3): 330-339.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[10] 徐志伟, 鹿化煜. 2018.

自然地理学发展迎来新时代: 从“2017年全国自然地理学大会”看自然地理学新发展与新挑战

[J]. 地理学报, 73(1): 192-196(待刊).

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[Xu Z W, Lu H Y.2018.

Ziran dilixue fazhan yinglai xin shidai: Cong "2017 nian quanguo ziran dilixue dahui" kan ziran dilixue xin fazhan yu xin tiaozhan

[J]. Acta Geographica Sinica, 73(1): 192-196 (in press).]

[本文引用: 1]     

[11] 周成虎. 2015.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 34(2): 129-131.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.02.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhou C H.2015.

Prospects on pan-spatial information system

[J]. Progress in Geography, 34(2): 129-131.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2015.02.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[12] Black B A, Perron J T, Hemingway D, et al.2017.

Global drainage patterns and the origins of topographic relief on Earth, Mars, and Titan

[J]. Science, 356(6339): 727-731.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aag0171      URL      PMID: 28522528      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rivers have eroded the topography of Mars, Titan, and Earth, creating diverse landscapes. However, the dominant processes that generated topography on Titan (and to some extent on early Mars) are not well known. We analyzed drainage patterns on all three bodies and found that large drainages, which record interactions between deformation and erosional modification, conform much better to long-wavelength topography on Titan and Mars than on Earth. We use a numerical landscape evolution model to demonstrate that short-wavelength deformation causes drainage directions to diverge from long-wavelength topography, as observed on Earth. We attribute the observed differences to ancient long-wavelength topography on Mars, recent or ongoing generation of long-wavelength relief on Titan, and the creation of short-wavelength relief by plate tectonics on Earth.
[13] Butler D R.2018.

Zoogeomorphology in the Anthropocene

[J]. Geomorphology, 303: 146-154.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.12.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This project will employ a variety of field methods (transect sampling, quadrat sampling, water quality analyses) to explore variables that will feed into a habitat model for the North American bea…" [more]
[14] Chen Z Y, Gupta A, Yin H F.2007.

Monsoon rivers of Asia

[J]. Geomorphology, 85(3-4): 129-130.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.08.001      URL      [本文引用: 2]     

[15] Du J K, Qian L, Rui H Y, et al.2012.

Assessing the effects of urbanization on annual runoff and flood events using an integrated hydrological modeling system for Qinhuai River basin, China

[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 464-465: 127-139.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.06.057      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This study developed and used an integrated modeling system, coupling a distributed hydrologic and a dynamic land-use change model, to examine effects of urbanization on annual runoff and flood events of the Qinhuai River watershed in Jiangsu Province, China. The Hydrologic Engineering Center Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) was used to calculate runoff generation and the integrated Markov Chain and Cellular Automata model (CA-Markov model) was used to develop future land use maps. The model was calibrated and validated using observed daily streamflow data collected at the two outlets of watershed. Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images from 1988, 1994, 2006, Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images from 2001, 2003 and a China razil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS) image from 2009 were used to obtain historical land use maps. These imageries revealed that the watershed experienced conversion of approximately 17% non-urban area to urban area between 1988 and 2009. The urbanization scenarios for various years were developed by overlaying impervious surfaces of different land use maps to 1988 (as a reference year) map sequentially. The simulation results of HEC-HMS model for the various urbanization scenarios indicate that annual runoff, daily peak flow, and flood volume have increased to different degrees due to urban expansion during the study period (1988 2009), and will continue to increase as urban areas increase in the future. When impervious ratios change from 3% (1988) to 31% (2018), the mean annual runoff would increase slightly and the annual runoff in the dry year would increase more than that in the wet year. The daily peak discharge of eight selected floods would increase from 2.3% to 13.9%. The change trend of flood volumes is similar with that of peak discharge, but with larger percentage changes than that of daily peak flows in all scenarios. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the potential changes in peak discharge and flood volume with increasing impervious surface showed a linear relationship, and the changes of small floods were larger than those of large floods with the same impervious increase, indicating that the small floods were more sensitive than large floods to urbanization. These results suggest that integrating distributed land use change model and distributed hydrological model can be a good approach to evaluate the hydrologic impacts of urbanization, which are essential for watershed management, water resources planning, and flood management for sustainable development.
[16] Ellis E C.2017.

Physical geography in the Anthropocene

[J]. Progress in Physical Geography, 41(5): 525-532.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0309133317736424      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

react-text: 387 Exploring the global ecological patterns created by sustained direct human interactions with ecosystems. /react-text react-text: 388 /react-text
[17] Gao S.2007.

Modeling the growth limit of the Changjiang Delta

[J]. Geomorphology, 85(3-4): 225-236.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.03.021      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

River deltas grow in response to sediment discharge from the land. It is not clear, however, whether or not there is a limit for such growth. Conceptual geometric models are used in this paper, in association with the principle of mass conservation, in an attempt to answer this question. Preliminary analyses of the Changjiang Delta indicate that delta growth is constrained by a number of factors: the original topography/bathymetry, sediment supply, sediment retention in the estuary, sea-level rise, ground subsidence. The quantity of sediment supply per unit area and the Sediment Retention Index for the subaqueous delta decrease as the delta progrades towards deeper water, resulting in a decreasing rate of growth. The limit of growth is reached when the index approaches zero, i.e. the shoreline reaches the shelf edge. If the combined effect of sea-level rise and ground subsidence is considered together with decrease in the sediment discharge from land, the limit is reached at an earlier stage. For the Changjiang Delta, the model output (using hypothesized Sediment Retention Index estimates) implies that the delta growth will reach its limit in the near future. This will occur sooner if the sediment output of the river is reduced to 60% of its original level, in response to the upstream basin changes. Further knowledge, however, is required of the Retention Index, together with the information on future changes in river input and the character of the sediments in order to improve the accuracy of the simulations.
[18] Garzione C, Tarduno J.2015.

PIRE: Dust stimulated draw-down of atmospheric CO2 as a trigger for Northern Hemisphere Glaciation[R]. Alexandria, Virginia:

National Science Foundation.

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[19] Grotzinger J P, Gupta S, Malin M C, et al.2015.

Deposition, exhumation, and paleoclimate of an ancient lake deposit, Gale crater, Mars

[J]. Science, 350(6257): aac7575.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aac7575      URL      PMID: 26450214      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The landforms of northern Gale crater on Mars expose thick sequences of sedimentary rocks. Based on images obtained by the Curiosity rover, we interpret these outcrops as evidence for past fluvial, deltaic, and lacustrine environments. Degradation of the crater wall and rim probably supplied these sediments, which advanced inward from the wall, infilling both the crater and an internal lake basin to a thickness of at least 75 meters. This intracrater lake system probably existed intermittently for thousands to millions of years, implying a relatively wet climate that supplied moisture to the crater rim and transported sediment via streams into the lake basin. The deposits in Gale crater were then exhumed, probably by wind-driven erosion, creating Aeolis Mons (Mount Sharp).
[20] Hughes T P, Barnes M L, Bellwood D R, et al.2017.

Coral reefs in the Anthropocene

[J]. Nature, 546(7656): 82-90.

https://doi.org/10.1038/nature22901      URL      PMID: 28569801      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Coral reefs support immense biodiversity and provide important ecosystem services to many millions of people. Yet reefs are degrading rapidly in response to numerous anthropogenic drivers. In the coming centuries, reefs will run the gauntlet of climate change, and rising temperatures will transform them into new configurations, unlike anything observed previously by humans. Returning reefs to past configurations is no longer an option. Instead, the global challenge is to steer reefs through the Anthropocene era in a way that maintains their biological functions. Successful navigation of this transition will require radical changes in the science, management and governance of coral reefs.
[21] Jickells T D, An Z S, Andersen K K, et al.2005.

Global iron connections between desert dust, ocean biogeochemistry, and climate

[J]. Science, 308(5718): 67-71, doi: 10.1126/science.1105959.

URL      PMID: 15802595      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Abstract The environmental conditions of Earth, including the climate, are determined by physical, chemical, biological, and human interactions that transform and transport materials and energy. This is the "Earth system": a highly complex entity characterized by multiple nonlinear responses and thresholds, with linkages between disparate components. One important part of this system is the iron cycle, in which iron-containing soil dust is transported from land through the atmosphere to the oceans, affecting ocean biogeochemistry and hence having feedback effects on climate and dust production. Here we review the key components of this cycle, identifying critical uncertainties and priorities for future research.
[22] Lee C F, Huang W K, Chang Y L, et al.2018.

Regional landslide susceptibility assessment using multi-stage remote sensing data along the coastal range highway in northeastern Taiwan

[J]. Geomorphology, 300: 113-127.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.10.019      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Typhoons Megi (2010) and Saola (2012) brought torrential rainfall which triggered regional landslides and flooding hazards along Provincial Highway No. 9 in northeastern Taiwan. To reduce property loss and saving lives, this study combines multi-hazard susceptibility assessment with environmental geology map a rock mass rating system (RMR), remote sensing analysis, and micro-topography interpretation to develop an integrated landslide hazard assessment approach and reflect the intrinsic state of slopeland from the past toward the future. First, the degree of hazard as indicated by historical landslides was used to determine many landslide regions in the past. Secondly, geo-mechanical classification of rock outcroppings was performed by in-situ investigation along the vulnerable road sections. Finally, a high-resolution digital elevation model was extracted from airborne LiDAR and multi-temporal remote sensing images which was analyzed to discover possible catastrophic landslide hotspot shortly. The results of the analysis showed that 37% of the road sections in the study area were highly susceptible to landslide hazards. The spatial distribution of the road sections revealed that those characterized by high susceptibility were located near the boundaries of fault zones and in areas of lithologic dissimilarity. Headward erosion of gullies and concave-shaped topographic features had an adverse effect and was the dominant factor triggering landslides. Regional landslide reactivation on this coastal highway are almost related to the past landslide region based on hazard statistics. The final results of field validation demonstrated that an accuracy of 91% could be achieved for forecasting geohazard followed by intense rainfall events and typhoons
[23] Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Donatelli C, et al.2018.

Dynamic interactions between coastal storms and salt marshes: A review

[J]. Geomorphology, 301: 92-107.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.11.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This manuscript reviews the progresses made in the understanding of the dynamic interactions between coastal storms and salt marshes, including the dissipation of extreme water levels and wind waves across marsh surfaces, the geomorphic impact of storms on salt marshes, the preservation of hurricanes signals and deposits into the sedimentary records, and the importance of storms for the long term survival of salt marshes to sea level rise. A review of weaknesses, and strengths of coastal defences incorporating the use of salt marshes including natural, and hybrid infrastructures in comparison to standard built solutions is then presented. Salt marshes are effective in dissipating wave energy, and storm surges, especially when the marsh is highly elevated, and continuous. This buffering action reduces for storms lasting more than one day. Storm surge attenuation rates range from 1.7 to 25 cm/km depending on marsh and storms characteristics. In terms of vegetation properties, the more flexible stems tend to flatten during powerful storms, and to dissipate less energy but they are also more resilient to structural damage, and their flattening helps to protect the marsh surface from erosion, while stiff plants tend to break, and could increase the turbulence level and the scour. From a morphological point of view, salt marshes are generally able to withstand violent storms without collapsing, and violent storms are responsible for only a small portion of the long term marsh erosion. Our considerations highlight the necessity to focus on the indirect long term impact that large storms exerts on the whole marsh complex rather than on sole after-storm periods. The morphological consequences of storms, even if not dramatic, might in fact influence the response of the system to normal weather conditions during following inter-storm periods. For instance, storms can cause tidal flats deepening which in turn promotes wave energy propagation, and exerts a long term detrimental effect for marsh boundaries even during calm weather. On the other hand, when a violent storm causes substantial erosion but sediments are redistributed across nearby areas, the long term impact might not be as severe as if sediments were permanently lost from the system, and the salt marsh could easily recover to the initial state.
[24] Lu H Y, Zhuo H X, Zhang W C, et al.2017.

Earth surface processes and their effects on human behavior in monsoonal China during the Pleistocene-Holocene epochs

[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(11): 1311-1324.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-017-1437-x      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

There is a wide diversity of landforms in China.The topography of three major terraces,decreasing in height stepwise from west to east,was formed by the early Miocene.With the commencement of the Great Northern Hemisphere Glaciations (GHGs) and the glacial-interglacial cycles in the Pleistocene,thick loess deposits accumulated in north China,and fluvial terraces were formed and lakes expanded and contracted in eastern and central China.The earliest evidence of hominins in China is dated to 1.7 Ma;they occupied the monsoon-dominated region for a long interval,until the late Pleistocene, 50 ka.In this study,we investigated a large area rich in the relics and artifacts of early man.The results indicate that the early humans occupied riverine areas,especially medium-sized fluvial basins,and lake shores.Even in the relatively recent geological past,the occupation and abandonment of settlements were directly forced by the shifting of sand dune fields in the desert-loess transitional zone,which in turn was closely associated with variations in the monsoon climate and vegetation patterns.Our observations indicate that landforms were one of the main determinants of early human behavior,in that loess tableland,large alluvial plains,desert-Gobi areas,and the Tibetan Plateau,were not suitable environments for early human settlement.We infer that the early humans in China adapted their behavior to specific landforms and landform processes.The monsoon climate,which shapes the large-scale step-like pattern of fluvial landforms,promotes vegetation coverage and dominates soil formation,provides a crucial context for early human adaptation.The adaptation of early humans to earth surface processes in East Asia is investigated for the first time in this study.Future investigations will provide further information that will increase our understanding of the linkage between early human behavior and landform processes in East Asia.
[25] Lu W Y, Zhao W C, Balsam W, et al.2017.

Iron mineralogy and speciation in clay-sized fractions of Chinese desert sediments

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 122(24): 13458-13471, doi: 10.1002/2017JD027733.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Iron released from Asian desert dust may be an important source of bioavailable iron for the North Pacific Ocean and thereby may stimulate primary productivity. However, the Fe species of the fine dusts from this source region are poorly characterized. Here we investigate iron species and mineralogy in the clay-sized fractions (< 2 m, CSFS), the size fraction most prone to long-distance transport as dust. Samples were analyzed by sequential chemical extraction, X-ray diffraction and diffuse reflectance spectrometry. Our results show that Fe dissolved from easily reducible iron phases (ferrihydrite and lepidocrocite) and reducible iron oxides (dominated by goethite) are 0.81 wt.% and 2.39 wt.% respectively, and Fe dissolved from phyllosilicates extracted by boiling HCl (dominated by chlorite) is 3.15 wt.%. Dusts originating from deserts in north-western China, particularly the Taklimakan desert, are relatively enriched in easily reducible Fe phases, probably due to abundant Fe contained in fresh weathering products resulting from the rapid erosion associated with active uplift of mountains to the west. Data about Fe speciation and mineralogy in Asian dust sources will be useful for improving the quantification of soluble Fe supplied to the oceans, especially in dust models.
[26] Tessler Z D, Vörösmarty C J, Grossberg M, et al.2015.

Profiling risk and sustainability in coastal deltas of the world

[J]. Science, 349(6248): 638-643.

https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aab3574      URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[27] Uno I, Eguchi K, Yumimoto K, et al.2009.

Asian dust transported one full circuit around the globe

[J]. Nature Geoscience, 2(8): 557-560.

https://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo583      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Each month, Nature Geoscience will bring you top-quality research papers, reviews and opinion pieces - in print and online.
[28] Wang Y P, Gao S, Jia J J, et al.2012.

Sediment transport over an accretional intertidal flat with influences of reclamation, Jiangsu coast, China

[J]. Marine Geology, 291-294: 147-161.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2011.01.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

78 Hydrodynamic and sediment transport have responses to reclamations on tidal flat. 78 Suspended sediment fluxes are dominated by the longshore component. 78 Onshore–offshore fluxes provide sufficient sediment supply for tidal flat accretion. 78 Fine-grained sediment transport onshore, together with coarse sediment offshore. 78 Tidal flat equilibrium shape of cross-section cannot maintain under reclamations.
[29] Xu Z W, Mason J A, Lu H Y, et al.2017.

Crescentic dune migration and stabilization: Implications for interpreting paleo-dune deposits as paleoenvironmental records

[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(11): 1341-1358.

https://doi.org/10.1007/s11442-017-1439-8      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Paleo-dune deposits have been widely used as a proxy indicator of past dune activity, which is further used to reconstruct paleoclimates. However, recent studies have critically examined the reproducibility of dune chronologies and the complexity of paleo-dune deposits as paleoenvironmental records. This paper addresses questions on the paleoenvironmental implications of dune chronostratigraphies that have been raised by those reviews, in the specific case of crescentic dunes, using a case study from the Mu Us dune field, north-central China. The processes of turn-over and stabilization of relatively small crescentic dunes are first investigated by observational evidence. In combination with the analysis of a simplified sand preservation model and stratigraphic records, the effect of dune morphodynamics on sand preservation is demonstrated. It is especially evident that thick, nearly instantaneously deposited sand units record dune stabilization near the very end of a dune activity episode, while thin sand units may signal the preservation of sand deposited earlier in episodes of activity. Interpreting the distribution of luminescence ages that indicate sand deposition over time is not as simple as assumed in some previous work. Low frequency of sand ages could indicate an interval of either dune field stabilization or extensive dune activity but poor sand preservation. A peak of sand age frequency likely represents a shift in dune field activity towards stabilization, not a peak of active dune extent, especially if it partially overlaps with an independently identified interval of stabilization(e.g. one recorded by paleosols). The nature and magnitude of these biases in the distribution of sand ages over time are strongly affected by the magnitude of net sand accumulation, which is in turn related to sand supply, transport capacity and sand availability, and ultimately climate change. Relatively short dune stabilization and turn-over time(10~1 to 10~2 yrs) indicate that dune geomorphic processes can quickly respond to short-term disturbance, but the chronology of that response must be interpreted in light of how those processes influence age distributions.
[30] Zhang X Y, Ouyang Z Y, Zhang X M, et al.2016.

Study of the continuum removal method for the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M-3) and its application to Mare Humorum and Mare Nubium

[J]. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 16(7): 133-142.

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