地理科学进展  2017 , 36 (8): 913-923 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.001



王成12, 李颢颖12

1. 西南大学地理科学学院/乡村人居环境研究实验室,重庆 400715
2. 岩溶环境重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400715

Conceptual and research frameworks of rural production space system

WANG Cheng12, LI Haoying12

1. Laboratory of Rural Human Settlement Research, School of Geographical Sciences, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
2. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Karst Environment, Chongqing 400715, China

版权声明:  2017 地理科学进展 《地理科学进展》杂志 版权所有

基金资助:  教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(15YJAZH068)重庆市社会科学规划一般项目(2015YBGL115)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(XDJK2017B016)西南大学人文社会科学研究重大项目培育经费资助(14XDSK2004)


作者简介:王成(1975- ),男,重庆荣昌人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事土地利用与乡村发展研究,E-mail: wchorange@126.com




关键词: 人地关系 ; 乡村生产空间系统 ; 思想缘起 ; 研究框架 ; 乡村地理学


As China enters a new stage of rural transformation, rural production space is changing from household-based fragmented land management to moderate-scale land management of various forms. New conflicts due to the spatial competition of multiple stakeholders in the rural area and disordered spatial allocation of rural production resources have arisen. By introducing system theory thinking into the study of rural production space, this research puts forward the concept of rural production space system. Inspired by a series of theories and concepts, including the space concept in geography, behavior space and spatial behavior, the theory of "production of space," and the thoughts of regional system of human-land relation, this study traced the theoretical origin of rural production space system and proposed its core connotation. Following the logic of conceptual development to operation and regulation, this study proposed four basic problem domains of rural production space system, including its theoretical analysis, mechanism of change, mechanism of formation, and optimization and regulation. After briefly outlining a research framework of rural production space system, this article prospects three important objects of future research. We need to understand the essential factors that rural production space system consists of, as well as the definition of their relationships; focus on the mechanism of interactions between "human" and "land"; and pay close attention to the behavioral aspect of human-land relationship. Also, we should explore the use of new approaches that are multidisciplinary and integrate multiple methods. On these bases, this study aimed at providing a theoretical basis for the research of sustainable development of rural production space, expanding from basic research to practical applications.

Keywords: human-land relationship ; rural production space system ; ideologial origin ; research framework ; rural geography


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王成, 李颢颖. 乡村生产空间系统的概念性认知及其研究框架[J]. , 2017, 36(8): 913-923 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.001

WANG Cheng, LI Haoying. Conceptual and research frameworks of rural production space system[J]. 地理科学进展, 2017, 36(8): 913-923 https://doi.org/10.18306/dlkxjz.2017.08.001

1 引言


2 乡村生产空间系统的思想缘起

乡村地域是乡村人口及其各项社会经济活动组成的一个整体,它利用周围环境实现其获取产品与服务的目的,在此过程中,产生了乡村聚落,也形成了生产空间和生态空间。生产空间具有专门化特征,是人们从事生产活动在一定区域内形成特定的功能区,展现了“人”与“地”相互作用关系。人地关系并不是简单的人与地理环境的关系,而是具有区域性和系统性的。因此,要厘清乡村生产空间系统理论内涵,必须明确“人”和“地”这两方面要素按照一定的规律相互交织在一起及其相互作用的理论溯源。地理学将地球表层作为人类活动的空间来研究,是一门研究地球表层自然要素与人文要素相互作用与关系及其时空规律的科学(郑度等, 2001)。梳理地理学与空间、行为空间与空间行为、“空间的生产”理论和人地关系地域系统学术思想,有助于准确地诠释乡村生产空间系统的内涵和本质,即其思想缘起。

2.1 地理学与空间

空间是地理学的核心概念,地理空间本身是被各种各样的物质、能量或者实物所充盈;同时地理空间又是一个框架,各种事实和事件均处于这个框架之中。人们在讨论空间、描述空间以及分析空间时,意味着人们从概念上而不是事实上将空间从实体中分离出来,其理论与实践源于事实和事件的空间概念化,以及某种想象发生或预见的空间效应(大卫·哈维, 1996)。尽管地理学各分支学科对地理空间的理解各具特色(孙中伟等, 2014),但总体上经历了由单一走向多维、从客观实体到观念感知的过程。具体表现为:一是人文社会科学思想的渗透。自19世纪人文地理学开始从自然地理学中分离,地理学者就广泛引入社会学、经济学、政治学等人文社会科学观点,脱离传统区域描述来讨论人与区域环境的关系,使地理空间由实体领域发展到观念领域;20世纪90年代由于地理学的文化转向,哲学和心理学的理念深刻影响着地理学,地理空间的研究更倾向于对地理空间本质和空间感知等领域;二是经济地理空间模型的丰富和地理信息科学的发展。20世纪60年代的计量革命为地理学创造了工业、农业等大量区位模型,90年代的信息革命催生出的赛博空间(Cyberspace)又使地理学者对空间的认知从物质世界拓展到虚拟世界,孕育出信息空间和网络空间,空间哲学与空间思维得以发展(张晓祥, 2014)。因此,在论及乡村生产空间及其特征时,可把乡村生产空间概念的生成看作是一个连续统(continuum),以地理学对地理空间的独特视角和理论、方法,针对中国当前乡村生产空间可持续发展面临的关键问题,构建乡村生产空间系统研究框架,有助于探讨乡村生产空间要素流的转换机制。

2.2 行为空间与空间行为

人与环境互动关系的实质为影响空间形成的各种人类活动(柴彦威等, 2006)。行为空间作为行为地理学研究的核心问题,探讨人类区别于动物的有意识的行为选择过程,包括人类活动地理投影形成的“行为空间”,以及表明特定空间人类行为规律的“空间行为”(张文奎, 1990)。空间行为是与利用场所有关的人类知觉、选择、行为(沃姆斯利等, 1988),人们对地理环境发生感应后,要作出判断,也即作出选择,然后决定处事和行为(陈傳康, 1985)。空间行为是行为主体在城市空间制约下的选择结果,同时由于行为主体的主观能动性,人类行为对城市空间同样有着塑造与再塑造的作用(柴彦威, 2014)。简言之,行为空间表明人类活动地理投影形成的行为结果;空间行为表明特定空间人类行为规律。这些思想能诠释乡村生产空间系统中利益相关者的行为选择与行为实践,为总结乡村生产空间系统的多元行为主体的微观行为选择和空间行为规律提供思想源泉。

2.3 “空间的生产”理论

“空间的生产”(the production of space)理论于1974年由法国哲学家和社会学家Henri Lefebvre所撰写的《空间的生产》一书中首先提出,其核心为“任何空间都是社会的产物”。Lefebvre辩证地将空间划分为空间实践(spatial practice)、空间表征(representations of space)以及表征空间(spaces of representation)三个维度(路程, 2014),建构了以城市空间是(资本主义生产和消费活动的)产物和生产过程为核心观点的“空间的生产”理论(叶超等, 2011)。“空间的生产”理论打破了实证主义的区位理论无法解释应对的各种社会经济问题,而后期以David Harvey为代表的新马克思主义学派和以Edward Soja为代表的后现代主义学派等学者将Lefebvre的思想继承发展,使马克思主义哲学的空间思想逐渐在世界范围内得到传播。作为人类社会经济活动的主要空间,乡村生产空间发展与重构是社会经济发展和乡村生产功能更新的必然过程,也是乡村区域人地关系演化的重要表现形式。在当前乡村生产空间非自然性缩减、农村青壮劳动力流失、新型农业经营主体和服务主体等多元主体涌现的新形势下,乡村生产空间的演化发展愈加复杂,借鉴“空间的生产”理论对乡村空间进行解读,有助于全面系统地破解新形势下中国乡村生产空间可持续发展面临的难题。

2.4 人地关系地域系统学术思想

1979年,在广州召开的中国地理学会第四届代表大会,吴传钧院士提出地理学研究对象是“人地关系地域系统”,认为人地关系地域系统是以地球表层一定地域为基础的人地关系系统,即人与地在特定的地域相互联系、相互作用形成的一种动态结构,强调“对人地关系的认识,一直是地理学的研究核心”(吴传钧, 1991)。经30多年深入研究,人地关系地域系统学术思想经历了从系统架构形成阶段到系统研究完善阶段(陆大道, 2002),研究渗透到区域经济、社会、人口、资源、生态、环境、规划等各个领域,研究成果已被广泛应用于解决国家经济社会发展问题和优化调控区域人地关系。人地关系是一种动态过程,其作为一种理论思维必将随着时代而改变,但人地关系地域系统的思维主线始终是围绕人地和谐共生这一核心展开。而乡村地域是乡村人口及其经济活动组成的一个整体,它依托周围环境实现其经济和社会目的。伴随大力推进农业供给侧结构性改革,加快农业现代化建设,中国乡村的经济结构和社会结构正经历着由传统向现代的全面快速转型,乡村生产空间正经历以家庭为单元的土地细碎化经营向多种形式的适度规模化经营转变,乡村空间几十年乃至数百年所形成的生产经营行为受到挑战,要了解这一特殊人地关系中人与地之间的相互作用机理,必须加强人地关系行为机制的研究。人地关系地域系统学术思想为系统分析乡村生产空间结构优化与可持续发展实践提供了坚实的理论源。


3 乡村生产空间的研究进展


3.1 国外研究进展

国外乡村生产空间研究与国家或地区工业化、城市化进程息息相关。工业革命前,乡村地理学尚未从农业地理中分离,乡村生产空间的早期探索多集中在农业领域。早在19世纪,法国维达尔学派率先从人地关系视角探索农业生产和地理环境之间的关系,德国地理学家杜能提出的农业区位论成为指导农业生产空间布局的理论基础。但随着工业革命的推进,乡村生产空间研究进展缓慢。两次工业革命推动了生产力变革和西方各国的快速城市化与工业化进程,乡村经济结构也随之发生变化,地理学者逐步从农业地理学转向乡村地理学,在农业区划及农区分异规律、乡村商品农业、现代农业及工业等方面取得了丰硕成果并促进城乡协调与乡村经济发展(Elliott, 1936; Nerlove, 1956; 郭焕成, 1988, 1989)。

20世纪50年代,发达国家进入工业化中后期,郊区化和逆城市化引起人口、资源向乡村回流。同时,出于粮食安全考虑,国家或地区对乡村生产的政策支持力度加大(Holmes, 2006),在生产主义(productivism)理念的主导下,学者们对商业化和商品农业进行了大量研究,讨论技术变迁、全球化以及政府宏观调控共同作用下的农业生产(Ilberly, 1998; Wilson, 2001)。

到了20世纪80年代,对农业生产的过分强调引发了生产过剩、土地退化和生态退化等问题,可持续农业成为了世界农业发展的主题,基于后生产主义(post-productivism)和乡村多功能性(mutifunctionality)理念,乡村生产空间的研究转向农村经营多样化、乡村文化景观的保护和城郊通勤区域、乡村旅游、工业及边缘地区的开发等领域(Marsden, 2013)。同时,伴随20世纪90年代乡村空间社会、文化转向研究的深入,学者们引入社会学空间本体理论,探讨“乡村性(rurality)”的内涵和外延(Woods, 2010),以三层次建构(three-fold architecture)剖析乡村空间(Halfacree, 2007; Galani-Moutafi, 2013),对乡村空间进行本体性思辨,并辅以定量研究方法,进一步推动了乡村空间研究的发展(Karplus et al, 2013)。

21世纪以来,在经济全球化和区域经济一体化的推动下,乡村生产空间范围拓展、主体愈加多元化(Woods, 2005; Cloke, 2014)。部分学者就逆城市化(Halfacree, 2012)、乡村劳动力流动(Gupta, 2016; Rogaly, 2009)、乡村企业(Finke et al, 2016)和乡村休闲旅游消费(Halfacree, 2014)、农业观光旅游(Wright et al, 2014)等对乡村生产空间的影响开展研究;另有部分学者尝试探讨乡村生产空间与乡村景观、社会关系的相互作用(Daly, 2015; Marsden, 2016),研究乡村生产空间的转型与重组(Mitchell, 2013; Nakamura, 2016),丰富了乡村生产空间的研究内容。

3.2 国内研究进展

自20世纪30年代起,以李旭旦、吴传钧为代表的老一辈地理学家就从乡村聚落和土地利用角度对乡村生产空间进行了探索,但受制于中国2000多年来的小农经济物质基础,直到20世纪70年代,地理学者对乡村生产空间的研究还多集中在农业生产范畴,重点为农业生产发展和布局方面的研究(郭焕成等, 1993)。直至1978年,推行家庭联产承包责任制,揭开了农村改革开放的序幕,促进了农村生产力的长足发展,至今仍然在不断发展和完善,因此,中国乡村生产空间研究与改革开放的战略部署紧密相联。

改革开放初期,农村家庭联产承包责任制的推行解放了农村生产力,一部分农业地理工作者开始转向乡村地理研究(张小林, 1997),在产业结构调整(黄贤金等, 2002)、发展乡镇企业和生态农业(曾菊新, 1990)、劳动力转移(郭焕成等, 1990)等方面进行理论探讨与实证研究;另一部分学者从人地关系视角探讨乡村工业化发展战略(苗长虹等, 1994)、农业生产力(吴承明, 1989)和粮食问题(温铁军, 1995),为稳定推进农村改革、缓解乡村人多地少矛盾、促进社会稳定等提供了理论支持(李秀彬, 2009; 孔祥斌等, 2010)。

随着农村改革的深入,在国际可持续农业发展战略的影响理论的推动下(刘彦随等, 2011),区域农业持续发展(黄贤金, 1992; 刘彦随等, 2001; 房艳刚, 刘继生, 程叶青, 2009)、农业产业化(蔡海龙, 2013)、耕地保护(李秀彬, 1999; 黄贤金等, 2001; 谈明洪等, 2004; 方斌等, 2011)和新农村建设(李伯华等, 2008; 房艳刚, 刘继生, 2009)等方面的理论和实证研究均取得新进展。如乔家君等在强调区域的人地相互作用理论指导下提出了农户自主发展能力、和农区自主发展能力等概念(乔家君, 2008);李小建等根据中国农业布局实践,修正了“杜能圈”理论,提出建设具有中国特色“农区地理学”的理论构想(李小建等, 2009);李伯华等则提出基于农户空间行为变迁的自组织演化路径(李伯华, 刘沛林等, 2014)。随着现代旅游业向传统农业的延伸,乡村旅游在国内兴起,学者们针对这一时期乡村旅游发展的新态势(郭焕成等, 2010),重点研究了乡村旅游发展的驱动机制、影响效应、利益相关者和地理空间结构(杨军, 2006; 李伯华, 骆丹云等, 2014)。

党的十八大以来,由于推进“四化”和新方法的引入,地理学者针对乡村生产空间呈现出的基础设施空废化、人口老弱化、土地粗放化和经营业态多元化等新形势、新特征(李裕瑞等, 2014),在新型农业经营体系构建(陈晓华, 2014)、农业经营方式(方斌等, 2012)、产业融合(孔祥智, 2016)、专业村发展(乔家君等, 2014)、“三生”空间优化(朱媛媛等, 2015)、空间转型重构(龙花楼, 2013; Long et al, 2016; Wang et al, 2016)等方面取得了显著成果,为乡村生产空间研究奠定了坚实的基础。

3.3 国内外研究比较与经验借鉴


4 乡村生产空间系统的研究框架


图1   乡村生产空间系统的研究框架

Fig.1   Research framework of rural production space system

4.1 乡村生产空间系统的学理辨析


4.2 乡村生产空间系统的演化机制


4.3 乡村生产空间系统的形成机理


4.4 乡村生产空间系统的优化调控


5 研究展望


(1) 乡村生产空间系统的要素构成及其关系界定。培育新型农业经营主体和服务主体,大力发展农业新型业态,推行“互联网+现代农业”行动,使得乡村生产空间系统的构成要素复杂多样且具动态性。各要素之间的相互作用,要素变化过程互为因果关系,不同要素构成边界模糊及重复,不同层次要素位置的可移动性导致的主导要素和要素层次的变化等,导致在探讨乡村生产空间系统各要素具体作用过程时,对要素难以进行结构化处理,对要素的主导或从属地位、间接或直接作用的界定亦相当困难,而乡村生产空间系统的要素构成是形成系统结构与功能的关键,因此,在新时代特征下,准确界定乡村生产空间要素构成及其关系是解构乡村生产空间系统的基础和关键。

(2) 乡村生产空间系统的“人”与“地”之间的相互作用机理及人地关系行为机制。人地关系并不是简单的人与地理环境的关系,而是一种动态关系,具区域性和系统性。乡村生产空间系统的人地关系的矛盾,实质上是多元主体价值和利益分配的矛盾,表现为环境的益损,根源为多元主体的利益得失。因此,选取典型区域,特别是社会经济欠发达、生态环境脆弱的区域,以地域界限完整的行政村为研究单元,通过微观尺度多样本比较,可清晰地解析人地关系的内部机理,揭示其内在规律性,有利于剖析乡村生产空间系统的动态演化与形成机制,既是乡村生产空间可持续发展的理论基础,又是乡村生产空间可持续发展从基础研究走向实践应用的客观需要。

(3) 乡村生产空间系统的多学科融合与多方法集成,辅以长时序数据支持的方法体系探讨。乡村生产空间系统是一个开放的巨系统,是远离平衡状态的耗散结构,受乡村自然、社会、经济等多方面重大改革的影响,在空间上存在着地域差异,在时间上不断发展演化,是多元发展主体与地理环境交互作用,按照一定规律相互交织而构成的整体。任何忽视空间尺度和区域特征,忽视发展阶段,简单地放大某种要素(要素群)的作用,片面强调某种方法的科学性,都不利于对乡村生产空间系统的认知。而地理学以不同尺度区域的人地关系为研究核心,以综合法和因素法为其主要研究方法,因此,以地理学独特的视角和理论、方法,辅以哲学对空间和人类行为的理念,生态学中的生态学理论、环境学中的环境承载力理论、经济学中增长极理论等,建立多学科集成的方法论体系,才能推进乡村地理学综合发展。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.


[63] Marsden T.2013.

From post-productionism to reflexive governance: Contested transitions in securing more sustainable food futures

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 29: 123-134.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2011.10.001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The paper critically assesses the more turbulent period in agri-food since 2007鈥8 by applying a transitions perspective to a range of empirical data collected from key private and public stakeholders in the UK during that period. It argues that increased volatility and a series of interdependent landscape pressures on the dominant agri-food regime are profoundly affecting the former more stable regulatory period of post-productionism and retailer-led, private-interest governance, which emerged from the 1980s. We now witness a more stark contestation between this dominant regime and a proliferation of socio-technical niches. To resolve these contestations, and to create a more sustainable platform for transitions to occur, it is argued that it will be necessary to create policy spaces for more place-based forms of reflexive governance. There is some evidence of this occurring amidst a less coherent and more contested set of multi-level regulatory conditions.
[64] Marsden T.2016.

Exploring the rural eco-economy: Beyond neoliberalism

[J]. Sociologia Ruralis, 56(4): 597-615.

https://doi.org/10.1111/soru.12139      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract Rural areas become central sites for the development of the post-carbon transition, yet this is a highly contested and contingent process whereby neo-liberal models of development and framings compete with the emergence of the alternative circular eco-economy. The article argues for a grounded conceptual and empirical approach in tracing this overall process of sustainable place-making. It explores three key highly contested dimensions: reflexive governance, distributed eco-economies, and re-financialisation, arguing that such explorations are critical in developing more sustainable rural-urban functionalities for the necessary post- carbon and post-neoliberal transition.
[65] Mitchell C J A.2013.

Creative destruction or creative enhancement? Understanding the transformation of rural spaces

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 375-387.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.09.005      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

For more than fifty years, rural scholars have demonstrated the increasing fluidity and dynamism of rural spaces. In select locales, quotidian activity has given way to hedonic ventures as stakeholders have introduced innovative functions to attract the pleasure-seeking consumer. I have described this scenario as a type of ‘creative destruction’. This process, however, does not apply to all rural communities undergoing functional change. To address this issue, I present an alternative neologism, ‘creative enhancement,’ to account for the varied evolutionary trajectories that non-metropolitan spaces are taking. I re-examine three Canadian villages (Elora, St. Jacobs and Ferryland) to illustrate how these twin processes unfold in amenity-rich locales. My findings enrich our understanding of how rural landscapes change as they transition from a productivist-based to potentially multi-functional state.
[66] Nakamura D.2016.

Alternative spatial structure for sustainable rural economy: A note on socially optimal firm location

[J]. International Regional Science Review. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017616650001.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0160017616650001      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract In developed countries with declining population growth, sustainable rural economic growth is a problematic issue that is made more difficult by severe international cost-saving competition. Well-organized spatial and economic systems may play a key role in solving this specific problem. These systems can be achieved by spatial reorganization and agglomeration economies in less congested rural areas. However, rural areas typically have lower levels of social welfare partly as a result of the limited variety of goods and services, which further reduces centripetal forces on population and economic activity. Accordingly, in rural areas, it may be important to organize a spatial structure that sustains the distribution of a variety of goods and services in insufficient economies of scale and scope by coordinating a common local central place as an interregional spatial framework. This article examines a location model for forming an intermediate hierarchical center to maintain both efficiency and equity for economic agents in rural areas.
[67] Nerlove M.1956.

Estimates of the elasticities of supply of selected agricultural commodities

[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 38(2): 496-509.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[68] Rogaly B.2009.

Spaces of work and everyday life: Labour geographies and the agency of unorganised temporary migrant workers

[J]. Geography Compass, 3(6): 1975-1987.

https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00290.x      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

In this study, I focus on the agency of unorganised temporary migrant workers 鈥 people who travel away to work for just a few weeks or months. Such workers have been relatively neglected in labour geography. Perhaps surprisingly, given the focus on the agency of capital in much of his writing, I build on two arguments made by David Harvey. First, workers' spatial mobility is complex and may involve short as well as longer term migrations, and secondly that this can have significance both materially and in relation to the subjective experience of employment. The spatial embeddedness of temporary migrant workers' everyday lives can be a resource for shaping landscapes (and ordinary histories) of capitalism, even though any changes may be short-lived and take place at the micro-scale. The article is illustrated with case study material from research with workers in the agriculture sector in India and the UK, and concludes with more general implications for labour geographers engaged with other sectors and places.
[1] 蔡海龙. 2013.


[J]. 中国农村经济, (11): 4-11.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Cai H L.2013.

Nongye chanyehua jingying zuzhi xingshi jiqi chuangxin lujing

[J]. Chinese Rural Economy, (11): 4-11.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[69] Wang C, Huang B, Deng C, et al.2016.

Rural settlement restructuring based on analysis of the peasant household symbiotic system at village level: A case study of Fengsi Village in Chongqing, China

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 47: 485-495.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.07.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61Rapid rural transition has triggered rural settlement restructuring.61Analyzes rural settlements restructuring based on the symbiosis theory.61A mutualistic symbiotic relationship existed in rural.61Rural settlements should be restructured into two kinds of functional groups.61Promoting the rural development of “put people first”.
[70] Wilson G A.2001.

From productivism to post-productivism and back again? Exploring the (un)changed natural and mental landscapes of European agriculture

[J]. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26(1): 77-102.

https://doi.org/10.1111/1475-5661.00007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper has evolved out of a growing dissatisfaction with the relatively uncritical acceptance in contemporary debates that agriculture in advanced societies has moved from 'productivism' to 'post-productivism'. A brief review of current conceptualizations of productivist and post-productivist agricultural regimes reveals inconsistencies in current understandings these dualistic terms. The problem has partly been that the conceptual literature on post-productivism has largely failed to take into account the wealth of actor-oriented and behaviourally grounded research. Productivist and post-productivist agricultural regimes have also been conceptualized from a UK-centric perspective that has largely failed to discuss whether the concept has wider applicability within Europe and beyond. The paper discusses the time-lag and spatial inconsistencies in the adoption of post-productivist action and thought, and emphasizes that different localities are positioned at different points in a temporal, spatial and conceptual transition from 'pre-productivist' to 'post-productivist' agricultural regimes. The notion of the 'territorialization' of productivist and post-productivist actor spaces highlights the wide-ranging diversity that exists within the productivist/post-productivist spectrum, and that productivist and post-productivist action and thought occurs in multidimensional coexistence leads one to question the implied directionality of the traditional productivist/post-productivist debate. It is suggested that the notion of a 'multifunctional agricultural regime' better encapsulates the diversity, non-linearity and spatial heterogeneity that can currently be observed in modern agriculture and rural society.
[2] 柴彦威. 2014. 空间行为与行为空间[M]. 南京: 东南大学出版社. [Chai Y W. 2014. Spatial behavior and behavioral space[M]. Nanjing, China: Southeast University Press.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[3] 柴彦威, 沈洁. 2006.


[J]. 人文地理, 21(5): 108-112, 54.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2006.05.024      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[71] Woods M.2005.

Rural geography: Processes, responses and experiences in rural restructuring

[M]. London, UK: SAGE.

[本文引用: 1]     

[72] Woods M.2010.

Performing rurality and practising rural geography

[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 34(6): 835-846.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0309132509357356      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Recent research in rural geography has shown increasing interest in the ways in which rurality is performed and enacted by diverse actors. Rural geographers have also demonstrated increasing awareness of their own 'performances' as researchers, including their enactment of multiple roles in engaging with research subjects, funders and users. This progress report for rural geography discusses recent contributions on these two related themes, briefly summarizing research on the performance and enactment of rurality and rural identities before proceeding to review publications that have reflected on methodological developments, positionality in rural research and political and policy engagement in rural geography.
[3] [Chai Y W, Shen J.2006.

Travel-activity based on research frame of urban spatial structure

[J]. Human Geography, 21(5): 108-112, 54.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1003-2398.2006.05.024      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[4] 陈傳康. 1985.


[J]. 西南师范学院学报, (1): 15-25.

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[Chen C K.1985.

Subject, content and significance of behavioristic geography

[J]. Journal of the Southwest Teachers College, (1): 15-25.]

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[5] 陈晓华. 2014.

大力培育新型农业经营主体: 在中国农业经济学会年会上的致辞

[J]. 农业经济问题, 35(1): 4-7.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Chen X H.2014.

Dali peiyu xinxing nongye jingying zhuti: Zai Zhongguo nongye jingji xuehui nianhui shang de zhici

[J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 35(1): 4-7.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[6] 大卫·哈维. 1996. 地理学中的解释[M]. 高泳源, 刘立华, 蔡运龙, 译. 北京: 商务印书馆. [Harvey D. 1996. Explanation in geography[M]. Gao Y Y, Liu L H, Cai Y L. Trans.Beijing, China: The Commercial Press.]

[本文引用: 1]     

[7] 方斌, 陈健, 蒋伯良. 2012.


[J]. 上海国土资源, 33(4): 7-11.

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2012.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Fang B, Chen J, Jiang B L.2012.

Analysis of development patterns and implement routes for rural land joint-stock cooperative system in China

[J]. Shanghai Land & Resources, 33(4): 7-11.]

https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.2095-1329.2012.04.003      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[8] 方斌, 王波. 2011.


[J]. 地理研究, 30(12): 2247-2258.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Fang B, Wang B.2011.

Study on value compensation for social responsibility of cultivated land based on the level of regional economic development

[J]. Geographical Research, 30(12): 2247-2258.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[9] 房艳刚, 刘继生. 2009.

集聚型农业村落文化景观的演化过程与机理: 以山东曲阜峪口村为例

[J]. 地理研究, 28(4): 968-978.

https://doi.org/10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2009.5194697      URL      摘要


[Fang Y G, Liu J S.2009.

Cultural landscape evolution of cluster agricultural village: The case of Yukou Village in Shandong Province

[J]. Geographical Research, 28(4): 968-978.]

https://doi.org/10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2009.5194697      URL      摘要

[10] 房艳刚, 刘继生, 程叶青. 2009.


[J]. 经济地理, 29(9): 1530-1534.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Fang Y G, Liu J S, Cheng Y Q.2009.

Theories versus practices of economic development in Chinese rural regions

[J]. Economic Geography, 29(9): 1530-1534.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[11] 郭焕成. 1988.


[J]. 经济地理, 8(2): 125-129.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<正> 一、乡村与乡村地理学乡村也称农村。由于我国农村产业结构和人口就业结构发生变化,农村不仅从事农业,而且还从事非农业,因此称乡村更合适。乡村是指城市以外的广大地区,也称非城市化地区。乡村是介于城市之间、构成独立行政单元的地区。从这个概念出发,乡村应是一个特定的空间地域单元。它既包括乡村居民点、又包括居民点所管辖的周围地区。所以,乡村的完整概念,应是以居民点为中心、与周围地区相联系的区域综合体,也称乡村地域系统。在我国,乡村的范围一般是指县城以下的广大地区,包括乡镇、村庄及其所

[Guo H C.1988.

Xiangcun dilixue de xingzhi yu renwu

[J]. Economic Geography, 8(2): 125-129.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

<正> 一、乡村与乡村地理学乡村也称农村。由于我国农村产业结构和人口就业结构发生变化,农村不仅从事农业,而且还从事非农业,因此称乡村更合适。乡村是指城市以外的广大地区,也称非城市化地区。乡村是介于城市之间、构成独立行政单元的地区。从这个概念出发,乡村应是一个特定的空间地域单元。它既包括乡村居民点、又包括居民点所管辖的周围地区。所以,乡村的完整概念,应是以居民点为中心、与周围地区相联系的区域综合体,也称乡村地域系统。在我国,乡村的范围一般是指县城以下的广大地区,包括乡镇、村庄及其所
[12] 郭焕成. 1989.


[J]. 农业区划, (2): 53-57.

https://doi.org/10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.19890216      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Guo H C.1989.

Guowai nongye quhua yanjiu xianzhuang, tedian ji fazhan qushi (lianzai)

[J]. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, (2): 53-57.]

https://doi.org/10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.19890216      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[13] 郭焕成, 冯万德. 1993.


[J]. 人文地理, 6(1): 44-50.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Guo H C, Feng W D.1993.

On the study of rural geography in china: A review and prospect

[J]. Human Geography, 6(1): 44-50.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[14] 郭焕成, 韩非. 2010.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(12): 1597-1605.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rural tourism is such a new industry which combines primary industry with tertiary industry. Rural tourism is based on agriculture, aiming at developing tourism in rural area and serving the urban residents by providing various services. Rural tourism can develop landscape resources in rurban fringe to promote eco-tourism and to realize the coordinated development of the cities and countryside. In China, rural tourism successively experiences three stages, eg. early rising stage, initial development stage and later normative operating stage. This paper, based on the background and the concept of rural tourism, comprehensively discusses the development of rural tourism in China, analyzes the current situations and the main patterns of rural tourism, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures for the current problems. Finally, the paper discusses the prospect of the future sustainable development of rural tourism in China.

[Guo H C, Han F.2010.

Review on the development of rural tourism in China

[J]. Progress in Geography, 29(12): 1597-1605.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.12.018      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rural tourism is such a new industry which combines primary industry with tertiary industry. Rural tourism is based on agriculture, aiming at developing tourism in rural area and serving the urban residents by providing various services. Rural tourism can develop landscape resources in rurban fringe to promote eco-tourism and to realize the coordinated development of the cities and countryside. In China, rural tourism successively experiences three stages, eg. early rising stage, initial development stage and later normative operating stage. This paper, based on the background and the concept of rural tourism, comprehensively discusses the development of rural tourism in China, analyzes the current situations and the main patterns of rural tourism, and puts forward some relevant countermeasures for the current problems. Finally, the paper discusses the prospect of the future sustainable development of rural tourism in China.
[15] 郭焕成, 徐勇. 1990.


[J]. 经济地理, 10(2): 15-19.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Guo H C, Xu Y.1990.

Guanyu woguo nongcun laodongli shengyu yu zhuanyi wenti

[J]. Economic Geography, 10(3): 15-19.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[16] 黄贤金. 1992.


[J]. 经济问题, (9): 32-34.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

正 一、农业发展的否定之否定与持续农业 由于社会、经济、生态环境条件的变化,致使由这些因素所决定的农业发展也存在着相应的阶段性和模式,随着事异时迁,农业发展模式亦将推陈出新,这便是农业发展的否定之否定。人们所探索的农业发展模式很多,但归结起来主要有传统农业、现代农业、互生农业和持续农业四种。

[Huang X J.1992.

Chixu nongye yu woguo nongye chixu fazhan

[J]. Economic Problems, (9): 32-34.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

正 一、农业发展的否定之否定与持续农业 由于社会、经济、生态环境条件的变化,致使由这些因素所决定的农业发展也存在着相应的阶段性和模式,随着事异时迁,农业发展模式亦将推陈出新,这便是农业发展的否定之否定。人们所探索的农业发展模式很多,但归结起来主要有传统农业、现代农业、互生农业和持续农业四种。
[17] 黄贤金, 彭补拙, 张建新, . 2002.


[J]. 经济地理, 22(4): 425-429.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Huang X J, Peng B Z, Zhang J X, et al.2002.

Relationship between regional economic sector development and sustainable land use

[J]. Economic Geography, 22(4): 425-429.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[18] 黄贤金, 濮励杰, 尚贵华. 2001.


[J]. 中国土地科学, 15(4): 2-6.

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[Huang X J, Pu L J, Shang G H.2001.

Operational analysis and reform to policy of dynamic overall cultivated land balance in China

[J]. China Land Science, 15(4): 2-6.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[19] 孔祥斌, 李翠珍, 梁颖, . 2010.


[J]. 地理科学进展, 29(7): 869-877.

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Research on grain production capacity in China mostly put emphasis on rigid loss, and neglects elastic loss of grain productivity, especially that from the perspective of farm household land use behavior. At first, the paper elaborates, at different regional scales and temporal levels, the hierarchy of farm household land use and grain production capacity, and the impacts of farm household land use on the elastic loss of grain production capacity. Then, the research progresses in farm household land use, cultivated land intensive use and farmland productivity. We put forward a research framework of grain productivity on the basis of farm household land use and discuss the related study contents and methods. The study on the process, state, and mechanism of farm household land use behavior is the important basis for grain production capacity elastic loss evaluation. We need to explore the spatial and temporal changes of cultivated land intensive use of farm households and the impacts of the difference in intensity on farmland productivity, to analyze the intensity and the difference of elastic loss of grain production capacity at different spatial and temporal scales, and to set up the model of farm household land use-crop growth-the effects on grain production capacity. The researches include the following five aspects: (1) to analyze the mechanism of household land use, (2) to establish a farm household land use decision-making model, (3) to discuss the difference in household land use, (4) to probe into the impacts of farm household land use on grain productivity, (5) to study the change of arable land intensive use and its effects on grain production capacity. Moreover, we need to apply multidisciplinary methods to study on the elastic loss of grain production capacity, such as traditional study method in combination with remote sense information identification, GIS and spatial orientation, and we also need to make some advances in data collection.

[Kong X B, Li C Z, Liang Y, et al.2010.

Arable land productivity and its elastic loss on the basis of farm household land use behavior

[J]. Progress in Geography, 29(7): 869-877.]

https://doi.org/10.11820/dlkxjz.2010.07.014      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Research on grain production capacity in China mostly put emphasis on rigid loss, and neglects elastic loss of grain productivity, especially that from the perspective of farm household land use behavior. At first, the paper elaborates, at different regional scales and temporal levels, the hierarchy of farm household land use and grain production capacity, and the impacts of farm household land use on the elastic loss of grain production capacity. Then, the research progresses in farm household land use, cultivated land intensive use and farmland productivity. We put forward a research framework of grain productivity on the basis of farm household land use and discuss the related study contents and methods. The study on the process, state, and mechanism of farm household land use behavior is the important basis for grain production capacity elastic loss evaluation. We need to explore the spatial and temporal changes of cultivated land intensive use of farm households and the impacts of the difference in intensity on farmland productivity, to analyze the intensity and the difference of elastic loss of grain production capacity at different spatial and temporal scales, and to set up the model of farm household land use-crop growth-the effects on grain production capacity. The researches include the following five aspects: (1) to analyze the mechanism of household land use, (2) to establish a farm household land use decision-making model, (3) to discuss the difference in household land use, (4) to probe into the impacts of farm household land use on grain productivity, (5) to study the change of arable land intensive use and its effects on grain production capacity. Moreover, we need to apply multidisciplinary methods to study on the elastic loss of grain production capacity, such as traditional study method in combination with remote sense information identification, GIS and spatial orientation, and we also need to make some advances in data collection.
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可持续农业作为未来农业发展的一种新趋势和新模式 ,已受到世界各国的普遍关注 .但因历史背景与国情的不同 ,以及对可持续农业发展认识上的差异 ,不同国家和地区在实施可持续农业战略过程中必然存在着不同的模式与途径 .中国的可持续农业总体上适宜确立发展高效生态农业的道路 .具体模式与途径的选择可以是多元的 ,但应强调因地制宜和突出区域特色的原则 .

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农业占我国国民收入70%左右,农民占全国人口80%左右,农业状况对我国近代国民经济有决定性作用。50年代的经验,一年农业丰收,次年工业即有较大发 展;歉收,即会招致工业困难。我国近代(1840—1949年)农业生产如何,还是个谜,言者各异。我们不能重作调查,只有利用前人研究,作综合考察。

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农业占我国国民收入70%左右,农民占全国人口80%左右,农业状况对我国近代国民经济有决定性作用。50年代的经验,一年农业丰收,次年工业即有较大发 展;歉收,即会招致工业困难。我国近代(1840—1949年)农业生产如何,还是个谜,言者各异。我们不能重作调查,只有利用前人研究,作综合考察。
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https://doi.org/10.13203/j.whugis20140143      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

近年来,大数据越来越多地被用来描述正在到来的信息爆炸的时代,也引起了产学研政府部门的高 度重视。首先综述了大数据和空间大数据的特点和最新发展。其次,从GIS基础理论方法的角度回顾和评述了空间分析、空间建模和空间优化等三个地理信息科学 的核心议题。在此基础上,引申出空间理论方法背后隐含的空间哲学和空间思维。最后指出了大数据时代地理信息科学发展的机遇与挑战。

[Zhang X X.2014.

Spatial analysis in the era of big data

[J]. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 39(6): 655-659.]

https://doi.org/10.13203/j.whugis20140143      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

近年来,大数据越来越多地被用来描述正在到来的信息爆炸的时代,也引起了产学研政府部门的高 度重视。首先综述了大数据和空间大数据的特点和最新发展。其次,从GIS基础理论方法的角度回顾和评述了空间分析、空间建模和空间优化等三个地理信息科学 的核心议题。在此基础上,引申出空间理论方法背后隐含的空间哲学和空间思维。最后指出了大数据时代地理信息科学发展的机遇与挑战。
[48] 郑度, 陈述彭. 2001.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 16(5): 599-606.

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-8166.2001.05.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Geography is a science specializing in the study of the interaction between natural and human elements on the Earth surface and their space-and-time regular patterns. In nature, it is an inter-discipline possessed of the characters innate to natural sciences and social sciences alike and features both integration and regionality. Contemporary geography includes physical geography, human geography and geo-informatics. The achievements attained in the 20th century are listed as following:laws on regional differentiation revealed and exploration of regional systems, a comprehensive study of natural processes taking place on the Earth鈥檚 surface, the man-nature system and regional development research, compilation of various cartographic works in series such as national albums of maps and atlases, development and application of the geographic information system (GIS). Development trends in geographical research features the following aspects: transdisciplinary intersection, infiltration and interdisciplinary fusion with various adjacent disciplines, enhancement of integrated studies within geography itself, further deepening of microscopic studies on geographical processes, the expansion of applied research fields, the modernization of experimental geography and related technical means, change in theoretical thinking models etc. In order to promote development of the Earth system science and to coordinate man-nature relationship, geographers may make contributions to the following research frontiers: a comprehensive study on the processes and spatial patterns of the terrestrial surface, global change and regional responses to it, guarantees of natural resources and ecosystem reconstruction, sustainable regional development, mechanism of man-nature relationship and regulations, geo-informatics and strategies of digital Earth research, etc.

[Zheng D, Chen S P.2001.

Progress and disciplinary frontiers of geographical research

[J]. Advance in Earth Sciences, 16(5): 599-606.]

https://doi.org/10.3321/j.issn:1001-8166.2001.05.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Geography is a science specializing in the study of the interaction between natural and human elements on the Earth surface and their space-and-time regular patterns. In nature, it is an inter-discipline possessed of the characters innate to natural sciences and social sciences alike and features both integration and regionality. Contemporary geography includes physical geography, human geography and geo-informatics. The achievements attained in the 20th century are listed as following:laws on regional differentiation revealed and exploration of regional systems, a comprehensive study of natural processes taking place on the Earth鈥檚 surface, the man-nature system and regional development research, compilation of various cartographic works in series such as national albums of maps and atlases, development and application of the geographic information system (GIS). Development trends in geographical research features the following aspects: transdisciplinary intersection, infiltration and interdisciplinary fusion with various adjacent disciplines, enhancement of integrated studies within geography itself, further deepening of microscopic studies on geographical processes, the expansion of applied research fields, the modernization of experimental geography and related technical means, change in theoretical thinking models etc. In order to promote development of the Earth system science and to coordinate man-nature relationship, geographers may make contributions to the following research frontiers: a comprehensive study on the processes and spatial patterns of the terrestrial surface, global change and regional responses to it, guarantees of natural resources and ecosystem reconstruction, sustainable regional development, mechanism of man-nature relationship and regulations, geo-informatics and strategies of digital Earth research, etc.
[49] 朱媛媛, 余斌, 曾菊新, . 2015.

国家限制开发区"生产—生活—生态"空间的优化: 以湖北省五峰县为例

[J]. 经济地理, 35(4): 26-32.

https://doi.org/10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2015.04.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要


[Zhu Y Y, Yu B, Zeng J X, et al.2015.

Spatial optimization from three spaces of production, living and ecology in national restricted zones: A case study of Wufeng County in Hubei Province

[J]. Economic Geography, 35(4): 26-32.]

https://doi.org/10.15957/j.cnki.jjdl.2015.04.004      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

[50] Cloke P.2014.


[M]//Cloke P, Crang P, Goodwin M. Introducing Human Geographies: A guide. 3rd ed. London, UK, New York: Routledge.

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[51] Daly S.2015.

Producing healthy outcomes in a rural productive space

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 40: 21-29.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2015.05.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Restructuring within European agriculture is an ever-emerging phenomenon shaped by a reforming Common Agricultural Policy agenda, and increased concentration within the food industry. As an element of reorganisation within Irish agriculture, a new phase of expansion into horticulture emerged in the late 1990s. This happened in correspondence with the introduction of a more concentrated retail market and within the context of specific labour market policies developed to facilitate a flexible workforce. Thus, producers were encouraged to expand production and divert from constraints associated within mainstream farming, as part of a wider entrepreneurial drive within agriculture. Regime change such as has taken place within horticulture corresponds with Guthman's valorisation thesis i.e. moving from so-called commodity crops to speciality crops in an attempt at overcoming a crisis in overproduction (2004). Within this context, 鈥榟ealth鈥 emerges as an iteration of a localisation strategy and an attempt to counter the negative effects of globalisation. As the sector has undergone significant contraction, an unintended legacy of this valorisation project has been innovation in migrant workers' (the labour force) reproduction strategies and a dynamic engagement with the rural space. Taken together, these changes foreground the role of intergovernmental policy in shaping rural productive spaces in unintended ways. Furthermore, it suggests that more research needs to focus on health as a production system and the multi-dimensional factors that position it within a food chain context.
[52] Elliott F.1936.

Progress and Problems in Regional Agricultural Planning from the National Point of View

[J]. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 18(1): 95-106.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

No abstract is available for this item.
[53] Finke H B, Bosworth G.2016.

Exploring the character of rural businesses: Performing change and continuity

[J]. Local Economy, 31(5): 619-636.

https://doi.org/10.1177/0269094216655407      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The purpose of this paper is to use a series of business interviews in the UK and Denmark as a means of interrogating the categorisation of rural businesses presented in an earlier publication which sought to understand the rural character of different businesses. Rather than defining a rural business purely on its geographical location, the engagement of a business within a rural economy and its relations with both rural and urban environments are more complex issues. A wider conceptualisation how rural social relations, cultural influences and landscape values forms the basis for analysing how these assets can create value for rural businesses. Understanding these issues can better inform organisations that are seeking to support the rural economy and rural communities. It can also guide business owners themselves as to how they might benefit from being a part of, or associated with, the rural economy in capturing the possibilities linked to a growing urban population. The findings reveal how landscape assets are intertwined in the business concepts as positive drivers despite many voices within rural and economic research pointing at disadvantages relating to distance, sparseness of infrastructure or service provision. The research analysis draws on actor-network theory and this tool reveals promising prospects for future place-based studies in how landscape assets can be enacted in the development of the rural economy.
[54] Galani-Moutafi V.2013.

Rural space (re)produced-practices, performances and visions: A case study from an Aegean island

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 32: 103-113.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2013.04.007      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This article explores the critical role of agents – their practices, interests, rationalities and identities – in order to re(focus) the materiality, representations and the imagination of rural space. Based on fieldwork carried out in Mesta, a village of the eastern Aegean island of Chios, it documents different versions of rurality, which emerge in association with actors' spatial practices linked to production or consumption activities. Qualitative data analysis unravels an intensely ‘political series of subversions, conflicts and contradictions. The latter emerge in the context of practices centering on tourism and the construction of the agricultural landscape as an ‘aestheticized’ space through the performance of the rural. I argue that underlying the violation of dominant interpretations of space and normative patterns, often expressed as commodification of ‘tradition’, are diverse worldviews and concerns about the ways self- and community interests are expressed and realized.
[55] Gupta N.2016.

Decline of cultivators and growth of agricultural labourers in India from 2001 to 2011

[J]. International Journal of Rural Management, 12(2): 179-198.

[本文引用: 1]     

[56] Halfacree K.2007.

Trial by space for a 'radical rural': Introducing alternative localities, representations and lives

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 23(2): 125-141.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2006.10.002      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper is concerned with bringing together and drawing out some diverse strands of thought and action that are striving—from within a broadly green anti-capitalist agenda—to produce a rural space that is different from and a challenge to the mainstream trajectories that the production of the rural is taking in the global North. First, I outline the main elements of a new model for thinking about rural space in general that tries to incorporate three different facets of ‘space’ that have been teased out through geographical scholarship. This draws inspiration from work by Henri Lefebvre. After demonstrating this model in respect of the post-1945 productivist rural, I introduce it to debates about the emerging contours of the post-productivist countryside. Drawing predominantly on British examples, the second half of the paper develops one element within the heterogeneous potentiality of this post-productivism to consider some key aspects of what I term an example of ‘radical’ rural spatiality. This examines its perceived localities, conceived formal representations and partially lived everyday lives. The final main section gives brief consideration to opportunities now being presented to this radical rurality but also notes the considerable challenges that lie ahead.
[57] Halfacree K.2012.

Heterolocal identities? Counter-urbanisation, second homes, and rural consumption in the era of mobilities

[J]. Population, Space and Place, 18(2): 209-224.

https://doi.org/10.1002/psp.665      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper forms part of a critical engagement with the aspects of the core population geography concept of ‘counterurbanisation’. It argues that contextualising counterurbanisation within the ‘era of mobilities’ has profound consequences for the concept. After introducing the era of mobilities and its implications for social science, migration's central and multiple places within this discourse are outlined. The paper then examines one set of ideas, ‘dynamic heterolocalism’, that facilitates the understanding of the existential significance today of the circulatory expressions of migration. Returning to counterurbanisation, the paper draws into its orbit the consumers of rural second homes, understanding of which has also increasingly adopted a quasi-heterolocal tone. An inclusive model of what is then recast terminologically as ‘counter-urbanisation’ posits it as an extremely heterodox concept, potentially embracing not only second-home owners but also diverse other consumers of rural space or rural sojourners. The paper concludes by reiterating the sustained centrality of ‘rurality’ to counterurbanisation, second-home consumption, and other expressions of identity within the era of mobilities. Copyright 08 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
[58] Halfacree K.2014.

A critical response to the (non-)place of rural leisure users within the counterurban imagination

[J]. PASOS Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, 12(3): 515-523.

URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The concept of 'counterurbanisation' is now widely recognised within several branches of academia. Over the last four decades it has come to represent the net migration of people to more rural areas, notably although not exclusively across many countries within the Global North. It focuses on 'permanent' relocation, having separated itself within scholarship from more 'temporary' movements to r...
[59] Holmes J.2006.

Impulses towards a multifunctional transition in rural Australia: Gaps in the research agenda

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 22(2): 142-160.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2005.08.006      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The direction, complexity and pace of rural change in affluent, western societies can be conceptualized as a multifunctional transition, in which a variable mix of consumption and protection values has emerged, contesting the former dominance of production values, and leading to greater complexity and heterogeneity in rural occupance at all scales. This transition is propelled by three dominant driving forces, namely: agricultural overcapacity; the emergence of market-driven amenity values; and growing societal awareness of sustainability and preservation issues. Australia's generous supply of land and sparse investment in agriculture has facilitated local transitions towards enhanced consumption and protection values, enabling a clearer delineation of emerging differentiated modes of rural occupance than in more contested locales. In Australia seven distinctive modes of occupance can be identified, according to the relative precedence given to production, consumption or protection values. These modes are described as: productivist agricultural; rural amenity; small farm (or pluriactive); peri-metropolitan; marginalized agricultural; conservation; and indigenous. Within these seven modes, alternative trajectories are identified, indicating variability in the intensity and type of resource use. Articulation of the transition concept may provide synergy between discrete discourses in rural research.
[60] Ilberly B W.1998.

The geography of rural change

[M]. London, UK: Longman.

[本文引用: 1]     

[61] Karplus Y, Meir A.2013.

The production of space: A neglected perspective in pastoral research

[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 31(1): 23-42.

https://doi.org/10.1068/d13111      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

This paper offers an overview of the dispersed elements of social spatiality present in the rich work about pastoralists and their space, and brings them together under the conceptual framework of Lefebvre's production of space. The three facets of pastorally produced space are outlined: 'perceived space', low-intensity spatial footprints linked by seasonal migratory trails; 'conceived space', social territoriality and agrarian socialism; and 'lived space', ideologies of spatial attachment that transcend a particular place. Based on this framework, we discuss and illustrate with case studies the relational aspects between pastoral economic, cultural, and political structures and their spatiality. We suggest that such an engagement highlights the reciprocal constitutive interaction between space and society and the coherent nature of the production of pastoral space. We argue that the extent to which pastoral spatial coherence can be maintained in the face of pressures from other, rival, and often more powerful spatialities is paramount to the sustainability of pastoralist existence.
[73] Wright W, Annes A.2014.

Farm women and agritourism: Representing a new rurality

[J]. Sociologia Ruralis, 54(4): 477-499.

https://doi.org/10.1111/soru.12051      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Abstract This article examines how farm women represent rurality and agriculture within the context of farm tourism. We draw upon qualitative data analysis of a farm women's agritourism network in southern France centred on sheep milk production for Roquefort cheese. Through the use of choreography, staging, performances, and their bodies, we found that women represent rurality and agriculture in multiple and seemingly contradictory ways. At times they paint portraits of rural life that reproduce human-nature and masculine-feminine binaries affiliated with tradition and cultural heritage. At other times, they choreograph, stage, and perform modernity by accentuating materials, ideals, and roles more accurately articulated as a product of contemporary society. The result is a complex amalgam of agriculture and rural life representations constructed for tourist consumption. We conclude by discussing the opportunities such representations hold for enabling farm women to access cultural influence in agriculture.
[62] Long H L, Tu S S, Ge D Z, et al.2016.

The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects

[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 47: 392-412.

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2016.03.011      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rapid and far-reaching development transition has triggered corresponding restructuring in rural China especially since the turn of the new millennium. Recently, there has been an increasing trend emphasizing regional resources in formulating rural development policy and restructuring rural areas. This paper analyzes the rural restructuring in China affected by the allocation and management of critical resources including human resource, land resource and capital, by establishing a theoretical framework of “elements-structure-function” of rural territorial system. It is argued that rural restructuring is a process of optimizing the allocation and management of the material and non-material elements affecting the development of rural areas and accomplishing the structure optimization and the function maximum of rural development system. Due to the constraints from the maintained urban–rural dualism of land ownership and household registration, the rapid rural restructuring under both globalization and the implementation of the national strategies on industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization, the changes of the allocation of critical resources have brought about many problems and challenges for the future development of rural China, such as the nonagriculturalization, non-grain preference and abandonment of farmland use together with the derelict and idle rural housing land, the weakening mainbody of rural development, the unfair urban–rural allocation of capital and its structural imbalance, and so on. Aiming at how to resolve the problems and adapt to the challenges, it is pivotal to restructure the rural development space, rural industry, and rural social organization and management mainbody. Furthermore, it is necessary to restructure the contours of state intervention in rural societies and economies and allocate and manage the critical resources affecting rural development, from the perspectives of integrating urban and rural resources, improving the efficiency of resources utilization, and fully understanding the influences of globalization on rural restructuring in China.
